Multi Tech Systems Fax Machine MT5634ZBA User Manual

Model MT5634ZBA  
Model MT5634ZBAV  
Data/Fax Modem  
Data/Fax/Voice Modem  
User Guide  
Model MT5634ZBA  
Model MT5634ZBAV  
Data/Fax Modem  
Data/Fax/Voice Modem  
User Guide  
Owner’s Manual  
Models MT5634ZBA and MT5634ZBAV  
P/N 88301900 Revision A (3/2/98)  
Copyright ©1998, by Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.  
All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without  
prior expressed written permission from Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the  
contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or  
fitness for any particular purpose. Furthermore, Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. reserves the  
right to revise this publication and to make changes in the content hereof without obli-  
gation of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. to notify any person or organization of such revi-  
sions or changes.  
Record of Revisions  
Revision Date  
Manual released.  
MultiModemZBA, MultiModemZBAV, Multi-Tech, and the Multi-Tech logo are  
trademarks of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.  
IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. MNP and  
Microcom Network Protocol are trademarks of Microcom, Inc. K56flex is a  
registered trademark of Rockwell International Corporation and Lucent Technolo-  
gies Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, Windows 95, and Windows NT are either  
registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States  
and/or other countries.  
Though these modems are capable of 56K bps download performance, line  
impairments, public telephone infrastructure and other external technological  
factors currently prevent maximum 56K bps connections.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.  
2205 Woodale Drive  
Mounds View, MN 55112 U.S.A  
Fax (612) 785-9874  
Fax-Back Service (612) 717-5888  
Technical Support (800) 972-2439  
BBS (612) 785-3702 or (800) 392-2432  
(612) 785-3500 or (800) 328-9717  
Chapter 1: Introduction  
Chapter 2: Quick Start  
User Guide  
Chapter 3: Features  
Chapter 4: AT Commands, S-Registers & Result Codes  
Chapter 5: Remote Configuration  
Chapter 6: Callback Security  
Chapter 7: Solving Problems  
Appendix A: Regulatory Compliance  
User Guide  
Appendix C: Loopback Tests  
Appendix D: Warranty, Service, and Technical Support  
Appendix E: Upgrade Procedures  
User Guide  
1 Introduction  
Welcome to the world of data communications. You have acquired one  
of the finest intelligent data and fax modems available today from one  
of America’s oldest and most respected modem manufacturers: Multi-  
Tech Systems, Inc. This owner’s manual will help you install, configure,  
test and use your modem.  
Product Description  
The MT5634ZBA and MT5634ZBAV modems incorporate K56flex™  
technology, which enables Internet connections at data rates up to 53K  
bps* over standard telephone lines. K56flex technology is able to send  
data downstream from the Internet to your computer at these speeds  
because data on the telephone network typically is converted from digital  
to analog only once before it reaches your modem. Upstream transmis-  
sions, and transmissions between client modems, are limited to data  
rates of 33.6K bps, as are downstream transmissions that are convert-  
ed more than once on the telephone network.  
K56flex is an interim standard. However, because Multi-Tech’s K56flex  
modems are flash-upgradeable, they can easily be upgraded to the new  
ITU-T V.90 56K bps standard when it becomes available.  
Both modems are Plug and Play-capable, with interactive automatic  
dialing and command mode configuration. In standard mode, you can  
store up to four command lines or telephone numbers of up to 40 char-  
acters each in the modems’ nonvolatile memory. In callback security  
mode, you can store up to 30 passwords and dialing strings. The mo-  
dems pulse- or tone-dial, and recognize dial tones and busy signals for  
reliable call-progress detection. The modems can detect AT&T calling  
*Though these modems are capable of 56K bps download performance, line im-  
pairments, public telephone infrastructure, and other external technological fac-  
tors currently prevent maximum 56K bps connections.  
User Guide  
card tones. They also have DTR dialing, Caller ID, remote configura-  
tion, callback security, two-wire leased-line, and 11-bit capabilities, and  
incorporate self-resetting lightning protection. Serial port speeds can be  
set to 230,400 bps. They are both FCC-registered for connection with-  
out notification to the telephone company.  
Both are full-duplex intelligent modems with V.42 error correction,  
V.42bis data compression, and V.17 (14,400 bps), Class 1 and 2,  
Group 3 fax capabilities.  
In addition to the preceding features, the MT5634ZBAV modem pro-  
vides support for answering machine and voice mail applications.  
What Is in Your Modem Package?  
Your modem package has several components. Make sure you have  
them all before trying to operate your modem. Your package should  
One MT5634ZBA or MT5634ZBAV modem  
One DC power supply  
One set of four plastic feet  
Two sets of Velcro fasteners  
One modular telephone cable  
This Owner’s Manual  
Trio data, fax, and voice software  
If any of these items are missing, please contact Multi-Tech Systems or  
your dealer/distributor (see Appendix D for information on contacting Multi-  
Tech via telephone, fax, bulletin board service, CompuServe, and the Internet).  
1 Introduction  
Related Manuals  
The following manuals are available on request.  
82039200 Voice +V Commands Developer's Kit  
82076200 MT56XX Fax Class 1 Developer’s Guide  
82006501 TR29.2 (Proposed) Class 2 Fax Command Reference Manual  
User Guide  
Quick Start  
2 Quick Start  
We know you are eager to get your Multi-Tech fax modem up and run-  
ning, so we’ll skip the features for now, and show you step-by-step how  
to set it up, check it out, and make your first calls.  
What You Will Need  
Before starting, please make sure you have everything you need:  
We supply  
An MT5634ZBA or MT5634ZBAV data/fax modem  
A DC power supply module  
One set of four plastic feet  
Two sets of hook-and-loop fasteners  
One modular telephone cable  
Trio communications software  
A Quick Start Guide  
This User Guide on disk  
An installation disk  
You supply  
A computer with an unused serial port  
A shielded RS-232 serial cable with a male DB-25 connector on  
one end and a connector to match your computer’s serial port on  
the other end  
A nearby AC power outlet  
A nearby telephone line jack  
An optional PC stereo microphone (MT5634ZBAV only)  
An optional headset, amplified speaker, or sound card with  
speakers (MT5634ZBAV only)  
User Guide  
For connecting to the sound card, an optional male-to-male ste-  
reo patch cord with 1/8-inch mini plugs (MT5634ZBAV only)  
If you are new to computers, see Chapter 3, “Features,” for more infor-  
mation about the required equipment.  
Safety Warnings  
Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.  
Never install a telephone jack in a wet location unless the jack is  
specifically designed for wet locations.  
Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the  
telephone line has been disconnected at the network interface.  
Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.  
Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an elec-  
trical storm; there may be a remote risk of electrical shock from  
Do not use a telephone in the vicinity of a gas leak.  
2 Quick Start  
Step 1: Assemble the Modem  
The only assembly required is to mount the feet on the bottom of the  
modem. Simply peel the four self-adhesive plastic feet off the backing  
strip and press them into the recesses on the bottom of the modem.  
Alternately, or additionally, you can use the included self-adhesive  
hook-and-loop patches to mount the modem to a vertical surface or to  
keep it from being dislodged on a horizontal surface. If you use the  
hook-and-loop patches, we recommend that you mount them where  
they will not obscure the labels or screws on the bottom of the modem.  
Figure 2-1. Mounting the feet.  
User Guide  
Step 2: Change the Internal Jumpers  
Skip this step unless  
you have an MT5634ZBAV and intend to add a monophonic exter-  
nal speaker. (This step is not required for stereo speakers.)  
you intend to use your modem on a leased line.  
If either case applies, you must open the modem and move one or  
more jumpers on the modem’s printed circuit board.  
Caution: The circuit board can be harmed by static electricity. Before  
you open the case, touch a grounded object such as a water faucet to  
discharge any static electricity in your body, then touch the metal shell  
of the modem’s RS232 connector to ensure that there is no voltage  
difference between you and the modem.  
Warning: The following procedure must be performed by authorized  
service personnel.  
Opening the Modem  
1. If the modem is connected, turn it off and remove all connecting  
cables, including power and line cables.  
2. Turn the modem over.  
3. On the bottom of the modem are two screws that hold the case to-  
gether. Remove both screws and set them aside.  
4. Turn the modem over again.  
5. Remove the top part of the modem case.  
6. To close the modem, reverse steps 1–5.  
2 Quick Start  
J10 Dial-Up/Leased Line  
J11 Originate/Answer  
Leased line  
Answer (default)  
Dial-up (default)  
J8 Speaker Mode  
Closed: stereo (default)  
Open: mono  
Figure 2-2. Internal jumpers (MT5634ZBAV).  
User Guide  
Changing the Speaker Jumper  
The speaker jumper (J8) is next to the external speaker jack (see  
Figure 2-2).  
To use the MT5634ZBAV modem with a monophonic external  
speaker, remove the jumper plug from the J8 jumper pins. You can  
store it by placing it on one jumper pin.  
To use the MT5634ZBAV modem with a stereo speaker or sound  
card, place the jumper plug on both pins of the J8 jumper. This is  
the factory default position.  
Changing the Dial-Up/Leased-Line Jumpers  
As shipped from the factory, your modem is configured for normal dial-  
up operation. That is, the modem must dial a phone number to connect  
to another modem. To use the modem on a leased line, you must  
change jumper J10 to select leased line operation, and J11 to select  
whether it will be the originating or the answering modem. (If dial-up  
operation is selected, J11 has no effect.) See Figure 2-2 for jumper  
locations and positions.  
To use the modem on a leased line, move the J10 jumper plug from  
the default dial-up position to the leased line position.  
To make the modem the originating modem on the leased line,  
move the J11 jumper plug to the originate position.  
To make the modem the answering modem on the leased line, leave  
the J11 jumper plug in the factory default answer position.  
2 Quick Start  
Step 3: Connect the Modem to Your System  
Placing the modem in a convenient location, connect it to your com-  
puter’s serial port, to the telephone line, to AC power, and, optionally,  
to your telephone (UK and international models do not have a tele-  
phone jack). If yours is an MT5634ZBAV model, you can also optionally  
connect it to a microphone and a speaker or sound card.  
Figure 2-3. Modem connections.  
User Guide  
RS232 Connection  
Plug one end of the serial cable into the RS232 connector on the mo-  
dem, and the other end into a serial port connector on your computer,  
such as COM1 or COM2.  
Line Connection  
Plug one end of the phone cable into the modem’s LINE jack, and the  
other end into a phone line wall jack.  
Note: The LINE jack is not interchangeable with the PHONE jack. Do not  
plug the phone into the LINE jack or the line cable into the PHONE jack.  
Note: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Industry  
Canada, and the British Approvals Board for Telecommunications  
(BABT) impose certain restrictions on equipment connected to public  
telephone systems. See Appendix A for more information.  
Phone Connection  
For voice-only calls, you can optionally plug a telephone into the mo-  
dem’s PHONE jack. The UK and international models do not have a  
PHONE jack.  
Microphone Connection (MT5634ZBAV only)  
For voice mail or speakerphone applications, plug an unamplified mi-  
crophone into the MIC jack on the side of the modem. The microphone  
should have a stereo 1/8-inch mini plug. Do not use a monophonic mi-  
2 Quick Start  
Speaker Connection (MT5634ZBAV only)  
For speakerphone or voicemail applications, use a 1/8-inch-plug male-  
to-male stereo patch cord to connect the SPKR jack on the side of the  
modem to the LINE IN jack on your sound card.  
If you do not have a sound card, you can plug an amplified speaker  
directly into the SPKR jack.  
Power Connection  
Plug the power supply module into an AC power outlet or power strip.  
Plug the power supply’s cable into the PWR jack on the modem.  
Note: Use only the power supply supplied with the modem. Use of any  
other power supply will void the warranty and could damage the modem.  
Power-On Test  
Test the modem by turning it on (a power on/off switch is located on the  
right side). When you apply power, the modem performs a diagnostic  
self-test, indicated by several indicators flashing for a second or two,  
after which the 56 indicator should light. If this does not happen, check  
that the power switch is on, the power supply is solidly connected, and  
the AC outlet is live. If these measures do not work, see Chapter 7,  
“Solving Problems.”  
User Guide  
Step 4: Install the Modem in Windows  
If you are using Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, you must install the  
modem in the operating system. (If you are using another operating  
system, you can skip this step.)  
Adding the Modem to Windows 95 or NT  
1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.  
2. Double-click the Modems icon. If no modem is currently installed,  
the Install New Modem wizard appears. If a modem is already in-  
stalled, the Modems Properties sheet appears; click Add to go to  
the Install New Modem wizard.  
3. Click Next in the Install New Modem wizard. Windows searches for  
your new modem and asks you to verify its selection.  
Note: If Windows cannot find a modem, your modem may be  
turned off, it may be plugged into the wrong connector on your com-  
puter, or the serial cable may be faulty. See “None of the LEDs  
Light When the Modem Is Turned On” and “The Modem Does Not  
Respond to Commands” in Chapter 7, “Solving Problems.”  
4. If Windows identifies your modem correctly as a MultiModem  
MT5634ZBA, click Next to install the modem. After the modem is  
installed, click Finish to exit.  
5. If Windows cannot identify your modem (for instance, if it identifies  
your modem as a “Standard Modem”), click Change. A dialog box  
with a list of manufacturers and a list of modems appears.  
6. Insert your modem’s setup disk into your floppy drive and click  
Have Disk.  
2 Quick Start  
7. Windows 95 only: In the Install from Disk dialog box, select the  
drive the installation disk is in and click OK.  
8. A list of modems appears. Select your modem from the list and click  
9. Windows NT 4.0 only: Click Next again.  
10. Windows installs and configures the modem.  
11. Click Finish to exit.  
Removing Your Old Modem from Windows 95 or NT  
When your new modem replaces another modem, the old modem in-  
stallation remains in Windows after you install the new modem, and the  
old modem is still selected in HyperTerminal and other Windows 95 or  
NT applications. Although you can change the application connection  
descriptions one at a time, it is easier to force Windows applications to  
use the new modem by removing the old modem from Windows.  
1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.  
2. Double-click the Modems icon to open the Modems Properties  
3. In the list box, select the old modem.  
4. Click Remove, then click Close.  
5. The next time you dial a HyperTerminal connection, it will select  
your new modem and ask you to confirm the selection.  
User Guide  
Step 5: Install and Configure Your Software  
You must have communications software installed in your computer to  
use your Multi-Tech modem. If you wish to use communications soft-  
ware that is already installed, you should reconfigure it for your new  
modem; otherwise, install the data and fax communications software  
provided with the modem.  
1. Turn on your computer and run your communications software.  
2. Find the dialog box or menu that lets you specify your modem. (In  
Windows Terminal select Settings | Modem Commands; in Hy-  
perTerminal select File | Properties | Phone Number; in ProComm  
Plus for Windows select Window | Setup | Advanced; and in Trio  
select View | Datacomm | Communications | Setup | Modem |  
Select from List.  
3. Choose your modem from the software’s modem list. If it isn’t list-  
ed, choose a generic modem and modify the settings as necessary.  
4. Change the modem initialization string, if necessary. The factory  
default configuration works well for most purposes. To load the  
factory default configuration, use AT&F. To load a custom config-  
uration that was saved using the &W command, use ATZ. Note  
that the Z command must be in a command string by itself. For a  
Macintosh, the initialization string should include the &D0 com-  
mand. If you do not want the modem to always answer the phone,  
add S0=0 to the string. To use Caller ID with the modem, add S0=2  
to the string (Caller ID information is sent between the first and sec-  
ond rings, so the phone must ring at least twice befor the modem  
picks up the line). Depending on the software, you might have to  
end the string with a carriage return character (^M).  
2 Quick Start  
Note: To change the modem’s default configuration, type new com-  
mands in the software’s terminal window, adding the &W command  
to store them in the modem’s nonvolatile memory. For instance, to  
create a default configuration for a Macintosh computer that turns  
off autoanswer, type AT&F&D0S0=0&W. The new configuration  
loads automatically whenever the modem is turned on or receives  
the ATZ command.  
5. Select the port the modem is connected to (normally COM1 or  
6. Select your serial port speed. This can be labeled “maximum  
speed,” “DTE bps,” or “baud rate.” Ideally, if you use data compres-  
sion, you should set your serial port baud rate to four times the mo-  
dem’s maximum transmission speed or faster; however, few files  
can be compressed enough to require speeds that high, and not all  
serial ports can handle speeds that high. Set the serial port baud  
rate to 115,200 bps if your computer has a high speed serial port  
with a 16550AFN UART or equivalent and Windows 95 or NT 4.0,  
or set it to 57,600 bps if it has Windows 3.1x. If you have an older  
computer with a 14550 UART, set it to 19,200 bps. Older Macintosh  
computers can use a serial port baud rate of 57,600 bps; newer  
ones can use a serial port baud rate of 115,200 bps or 230,400 bps.  
To see what UART your serial port uses if you have Windows 3.1x,  
in Program Manager select File | Run, type MSD, and press EN-  
TER. Select COM Ports to see the UART type. If you have Win-  
dows 95, select Start | Settings | Control Panel, and double-click  
on the Modems icon. In the Modems Properties dialog box, click  
the Diagnostics tab, click the port the modem is connected to, and  
click More Info to see the UART type. Note that both programs will  
identify a 14550 UART as an 8250A UART. If you have an 80386 or  
later computer, your UART is most likely a 14550 or 16550AFN.  
User Guide  
7. If the software has an autobaud selection, make sure it is disabled.  
Autobaud applies only to older modems, and can cause problems if  
8. If the software allows you to edit the no-connect messages (NO  
is no space between DIAL and TONE in NO DIALTONE.  
9. Refer to the software manual or online Help for other configuration  
choices; in most cases you can accept the default values.  
2 Quick Start  
Step 6: Call the Multi-Tech BBS  
Test the modem’s data functions by calling the Multi-Tech bulletin board  
system (BBS) and downloading REGISTER.DOC, if you have Microsoft  
Word 6.0 or 7.0, or REGISTER.TXT if you do not.  
Windows 95 HyperTerminal  
1. Click Start; then choose Programs, Accessories, and HyperTermi-  
2. Start HyperTerminal by double-clicking on the Hypertrm icon. Hy-  
perTerminal asks for the name of the connection.  
3. Type Multi-Tech BBS in the Name box and click OK.  
4. In North America, type 800 in the Area code box and 392-2432 in  
the Phone number box. Local and international users, type 612 in  
the Area code box and 785-3702 in the Phone number box.  
5. Verify that your modem is selected in the Connect using box, then  
click OK.  
6. In the Connect dialog box, click Dialing Properties.  
7. Make any necessary changes in the Where I am and the How I dial  
from this location boxes. If you must dial 9 to access an outside  
line, you should type 9 in both the local and the long distance boxes  
unless your phone system has a special requirement.  
8. Click OK, then click Dial. You will know you have reached a modem  
by the harsh sounds of the modem handshake.  
9. When the BBS welcome screen appears in the HyperTerminal win-  
dow, type your first name, last name, and password following the  
prompts. If you are a first-time caller, the BBS asks if your name is  
spelled correctly. If you answer Y, a questionnaire appears. You  
must complete the questionnaire to use the BBS on your first call.  
User Guide  
10. Press ENTER until the main menu appears. From the main menu  
you have access to two areas: the Files Menu and News. For help  
with menu commands, type ?.  
11. In the Main Menu, type F and press ENTER to access the Files  
Menu, then type D and press ENTER to download.  
12. At the prompt, if you have Microsoft Word 6.0 or later, type  
register.doc and press ENTER twice. If you do not have Microsoft  
Word, type register.txt and press ENTER twice.  
13. Answer Y or N to the automatic logoff question.  
14. Type Z and press ENTER to select the Zmodem transfer protocol.  
15. The download begins automatically. As the file is copied to the  
HyperTerminal folder, a dialog box reports on the progress of the  
download. If the download fails, your baud rate may be set too high.  
Log off, set the COM port baud rate lower, and call again.  
16. To log off the BBS if you answered N in step 13, press ENTER, type  
G for “good-bye,” and press ENTER twice more.  
17. In the HyperTerminal window, click File, then click Save to save the  
HyperTerminal connection description.  
Windows Terminal  
1. Open the Accessories program group and double-click on the  
Terminal icon.  
2. Select the Settings menu and make the following changes:  
Phone Number: Type 1-800-392-2432 if you are in North America,  
or type an overseas access code and 612-785-3702 if you are out-  
side North America.  
Communications: Select the COM port the modem is connected to  
and change the following: Baud rate to 19200; Flow control to  
Hardware; and Carrier Detect to checked.  
2 Quick Start  
Modem Commands: Select MultiTech. If you must dial 9 to get an  
outside line, type ATDT9, in the Dial prefix box (include the comma).  
3. Click File, then click Save, and save as multibbs.trm.  
4. Click Phone, then click Dial to dial the BBS. You will know you  
have reached a modem by the harsh sounds of the modem hand-  
5. When the BBS welcome screen appears in the HyperTerminal win-  
dow, type your first name, last name, and password following the  
prompts. If you are a first-time caller, the BBS asks if your name is  
spelled correctly. If you answer Y, a questionnaire appears. You  
must complete the questionnaire to use the BBS on your first call.  
6. Press ENTER until the main menu appears. From the main menu  
you have access to two areas: the Files Menu and News. For help  
with menu commands, type ?.  
7. In the Main Menu, type F and press ENTER to access the Files  
Menu, then type D and press ENTER to download.  
8. At the prompt, if you have Microsoft Word 6.0 or later, type  
register.doc and press ENTER twice. If you do not have Microsoft  
Word, type register.txt and press ENTER twice.  
9. Answer Y or N to the automatic logoff question.  
10. Type X and press ENTER to select the Xmodem transfer protocol.  
11. To begin the download in Terminal, click Transfers, then click Re-  
ceive binary file. Next, select the destination directory, type the file  
name (register.doc or register.txt), and click OK. If the download  
fails, your baud rate may be set too high. Log off, set the COM port  
baud rate lower, and call again.  
12. To log off the BBS if you answered N in step 9, press ENTER, type  
G for “good-bye,” then press ENTER twice again.  
User Guide  
Step 7: Send a Fax  
To test your modem’s fax capabilities, send the completed registration  
file that you downloaded in “Step 5: Call the Multi-Tech BBS” to Multi-  
Tech or to a fax machine in your office. The following procedure uses the  
Microsoft Fax application that is included with Windows 95 or later. If  
you do not have Microsoft Fax, you can send the file using the fax soft-  
ware included with the modem.  
Microsoft Fax is installed in Windows 95 as part of the Microsoft Ex-  
change option. You can use Microsoft Fax either as a stand-alone fax  
program or to fax from within another application. In the following pro-  
cedure you will test your fax modem by running Microsoft Fax as a stand-  
alone fax program.  
1. Depending on which version of the registration file you downloaded,  
use either Microsoft Word or NotePad to open the registration file.  
2. Fill out the registration form.  
3. Save the file and exit Word or NotePad.  
4. Select Start | Programs | Accessories | Fax | Compose new fax.  
5. The Compose New Fax wizard appears. Click Next.  
6. If you are sending the registration form to your own fax machine or  
to another fax modem in your office, type the destination name and  
phone number in the To and Fax # boxes.  
If you are sending the registration form to our offices, type Multi-  
Tech Systems in the To box, and 612 785-9874 in the Fax # box-  
7. Click Add to list, then click Next.  
8. Pick a cover page, then click Next.  
9. Type a subject line (e.g., MT5634ZBAV registration) and a note to  
go on the cover page, then click Next.  
2 Quick Start  
10. Click Add file. In the Open a file to attach dialog box, select the  
registration file and click Open. The registration file is added to the  
Files to send list box.  
11. Click Next, then click Finish.  
12. Microsoft Fax opens the registration file in Word or NotePad, prints  
it to the Rendering System, then dials the recipient and sends the  
13. Exit Microsoft Fax when the Status dialog box says the fax has  
been successfully sent.  
Other Ways to Access Microsoft Fax  
In a Windows 3.1x or Windows 95 application, select select Print  
from the File menu, then select Microsoft Fax as the default print-  
In a Windows 95 application, select Send from the File menu.  
In Microsoft Exchange, select Compose, then select New fax.  
User Guide  
Step 8: Test the MT5634ZBAV Voice Circuits  
There are several tests that you can perform to verify the voice circuits  
of the MT5634ZBAV. Try the answering machine test first; if that doesn’t  
work, and if you have a microphone and speaker connected to the  
MT5634ZBAV, try the loopback and speakerphone tests, which do not  
require special software.  
Voice Mail Test  
Test the MT5634ZBAV’s voice function by using the included software  
to set up the MT5634ZBAV for voice mail. Have an acquaintance call  
and leave a message, then play it back.  
If your modem does not play sound files in voice mode, go to Windows  
Control Panel and double-click on the Multimedia icon. Under the Au-  
dio tab, select Modem Wave Driver as your preferred device for both  
playback and recording, then try again.  
Loopback Test  
1. Connect a microphone and speaker to the MT5634ZBAV. To avoid  
feedback, make sure the microphone and speaker are well separat-  
ed; better yet, use a headphone instead of a speaker.  
2. Select Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and click  
3. Double-click on the Multi-Tech BBS icon you created in “Step 5:  
Call the Multi-Tech BBS.” HyperTerminal starts with the Connect  
dialog box open.  
4. Click Cancel in the Connect dialog box.  
2 Quick Start  
5. In the HyperTerminal terminal window, type AT&&S and press EN-  
TER. This command causes input from the microphone to be  
looped back to the speaker.  
6. Speak into the microphone; you should hear your voice on the  
speaker or headphone.  
7. Type ATZ and press ENTER to reset the modem.  
Speakerphone Test  
1. Connect a microphone and speaker to the MT5634ZBAV.  
2. Select Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and click  
3. Double-click on the Multi-Tech BBS icon you created in “Step 5:  
Call the Multi-Tech BBS.” HyperTerminal starts with the Connect  
dialog box open.  
4. Click Cancel in the Connect dialog box.  
5. In the HyperTerminal terminal window, type  
ATDTxxxxxxx (for xxxxxxx substitute a telephone number)  
6. Speak into the microphone to talk to the person on the other end of  
the line, and listen over the speaker.  
7. Type +++ATH and press ENTER to hang up.  
8. Type ATZ and press ENTER to reset the modem.  
User Guide  
The World Wide Web is an excellent source of information about mo-  
dems in general and modem installation, configuration, and trouble-  
shooting in particular. The following Web sites are good places to start:  
Costmo’s Other Resources Page:  
Curt’s High Speed Modem Page:  
Data Communications FAQ:  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.:  
3 Features  
What Can You Do with Your Modem?  
Your Multi-Tech MultiModem is the gateway to the exciting world of  
You can use it to access commercial online information services such  
as CompuServe, America Online, Genie, and Prodigy. These services  
provide access to databases, encyclopedias, stock reports, news,  
weather, and shopping. They provide electronic mail (e-mail) links to  
subscribers of the same and other services. Public message areas  
called forums allow subscribers to trade information and opinions on a  
vast array of topics from A to Z, while vendor forums provide hardware  
and software support from Multi-Tech and other manufacturers. Online  
services also allow you to upload and download computer programs,  
data files, and updated software such as video and printer drivers.  
Your modem can also connect you to the Internet, an international com-  
puter network of universities, libraries, businesses, and government  
agencies. Like the commercial online services, the Internet provides e-  
mail services, public message areas, and access to information and  
software, much of it easily accessed through the World Wide Web.  
Other uses include direct links to colleagues with modems, to banks, and  
to service bureaus. You can also telecommute with your fax modem—  
work at home while communicating with the office by modem or fax.  
And of course, you can use your modem to exchange faxes with any  
fax machine in the world, enabling you to communicate quickly with  
businesses and organizations that do not have direct modem communi-  
If you have the MT5634ZBAV model, you can also use your modem  
with voice mail and speakerphone applications.  
User Guide  
Compliance with major ITU-T, TIA, and EIA international standards  
to ensure compatibility with other modems.  
DTMF tone detection Distinguishes data, fax, or voice calls  
(MT5634ZBAV only) with software packages supporting these features.  
Caller ID capability can identify a caller’s phone number (available  
only on U.S. products).  
Serial port speeds to 230,400 bps.  
Limited warranty: Ten years (USA, UK, Canada, and Mexico)  
Five years (all other countries)  
Supports the K56flexstandard for data transmission speeds up to  
56K bps while maintaining compatibility with lower-speed modems.  
Can be flash-upgraded to the ITU-T V.90 56K bps standard (when  
Supports the enhanced ITU-T V.34 standard, with data transmission  
speeds to 33.6K bps.  
Supports asynchronous data rates at 56K, 33.6K, 31.2K, 28.8K,  
26.4K, 24K, 21.6K, 19.2K, 16.8K, 14.4K, 12K, 9600, 4800, 2400,  
1200, and 300 bps.  
Supports automatic fallback to slower speeds in noisy line condi-  
tions, and fall-forward to faster speeds as conditions improve.  
ITU-T V.42 LAP-M and MNP Class 3 and 4 error correction.  
ITU-T V.42bis (4-to-1) and MNP 5 (2-to-1) data compression.  
Automatically disables data compression when transferring already-  
compressed files.  
Autodial, redial, pulse (rotary) and touch-tone dial.  
Dial tone and busy signal detection for reliable call-progress reporting.  
3 Features  
Compatible with the standard AT command set used by most com-  
munication programs.  
Supports the ITU-T V.80 standard for H.324 video conferencing.  
Supports V.17, Group 3 fax communication standards, allowing it to  
communicate with other fax modems as well as with fax machines.  
Responds to EIA/TIA Class 1 and 2 fax commands, enabling it to  
exchange editable and encrypted faxes with Windows 95 computers.  
Sends and receives faxes from your computer at 14,400 bps, 9600  
bps, 7200 bps, 4800 bps, 2400 bps, or 300 bps.  
Voice (MT5634ZBAV only)  
Full-duplex speakerphone support with adjustable speaker volume  
control. Can record and play back answering machine messages  
using optional microphone and speaker.  
Remote/local telephone answering machine (TAM) capabilities in-  
clude voice mail control, record/playback, and call screening.  
Supports the TIA/EIA IS-101 AT+V voice command set.  
User Guide  
Required Equipment  
In addition to the contents of your modem package, you need the fol-  
lowing equipment.  
Your modem can be connected to any computer with an RS-232/V.24  
serial port, such as most PCs. It can also be connected to the RS-422  
serial ports on Apple Macintosh computers.  
To use the modem at its highest speeds, a PC must have either of the  
A serial port with a 16550AFN UART  
A Multi-Tech ISI (Intelligent Serial Interface) card, such as the  
ISI551 (single port), ISI552 (dual port), or ISI608 (8 ports)  
These devices can handle serial port rates up to 115,200 bps, which is  
sufficient for all uploads and most 56K downloads. For downloading  
highly compressible files at 56K speeds, however, your serial port  
should be capable of speeds to 230,400 bps.  
Serial Cable  
To connect the modem to your computer, you must provide a shielded  
serial cable, obtainable at computer stores and many office supply  
stores. The cable should have a male DB-25 connector at the modem  
end. For PCs, the other end may have a male DB-25 connector or a  
female DB-9 connector, depending on your particular computer and  
whether you are using the COM1 or the COM2 serial port.  
Most Macintosh computers require a round, 8-pin, mini-DIN connector.  
The Macintosh serial cable should be wired for hardware flow control.  
3 Features  
Telephone Line  
You must have a telephone line with jack (connector) that accepts the  
cable that comes with the modem. If you do not have a telephone jack  
near your computer, you should install one before proceeding.  
In North America, do-it-yourself telephone extension kits and accesso-  
ries are available wherever telephones are sold. You may also hire an  
independent contractor or your local telephone company to install an  
extension. If you want a separate line for your fax modem, you must  
contact your telephone company.  
Communications Software  
To operate your modem, you must have data communications (data-  
comm) and fax communications software (included with the modem).  
Data communications software simplifies control of the modem by guid-  
ing you through the process of selecting your serial port, your port  
speed, and other variables, and then storing your settings, including  
frequently called phone numbers, so they can be recalled with the  
stroke of a key or the click of a mouse. Data communications software  
must be set up, or configured, before you can use it.  
User Guide  
To use your modem, you must connect it to your computer (“RS232”), to a  
telephone line (“LINE”), and to a power source (“PWR”). The North Ameri-  
can model can also be connected directly to a telephone set (“PHONE”).  
Figure 3-1. Power and communications connectors.  
For voice mail or speakerphone use, the MT5634ZBAV model can op-  
tionally be connected to a microphone and an external speaker.  
Figure 3-2. MT5634ZBAV speaker and microphone connectors.  
Connecting to the Computer (“RS232”)  
Using a matching serial cable, connect the RS232 connector on the  
modem to one of the serial port connectors on the back of your comput-  
er. On a PC, there are usually two serial ports named “COM1” and  
“COM2.” COM1 typically uses a DB-9 connector, whereas COM2 may  
use a DB-25 connector. Most Apple Macintosh computers use round  
mini-DIN-8 connectors for the serial ports. Choose the one marked with  
the icon of a telephone; the Macintosh gives priority to that port and will  
not interrupt your communications link. Be sure to tighten the mounting  
screws on the DB connectors.  
3 Features  
Connecting to the Telephone Line (“LINE”)  
Plug one end of the cable provided with the modem into the telephone  
jack in your home or office. Plug the other end into the LINE jack on the  
Note: The LINE jack is not interchangeable with the PHONE jack. Do  
not plug the telephone into the LINE jack or the line cable into the  
PHONE jack.  
Note: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Industry Can-  
ada, the British Approvals Board for Telecommunications (BABT), and  
other regulatory agencies impose certain restrictions on equipment con-  
nected to public telephone systems. See Appendix A for more information.  
Connecting to a Telephone Set (“PHONE”)  
If you wish to connect a telephone to the same line as the modem, you  
can plug it into the modem’s PHONE jack. This connector is provided  
as a convenience; you can also connect your telephone to a duplex  
jack inserted into your wall jack. U.K. and international models do not  
have a PHONE jack.  
Note: The PHONE jack is not interchangeable with the LINE jack; do  
not plug the telephone into the LINE jack or the line cable into the  
PHONE jack.  
Connecting to a Microphone (“MIC”)  
To use the MT5634ZBAV modem for speakerphone or voice mail appli-  
cations, plug a microphone into the MIC jack of the modem. The micro-  
User Guide  
phone should have a 1/8-inch stereo plug and should not be amplified.  
Do not use a microphone with a mono jack  
Note: To avoid feedback, place the microphone away from your speakers.  
Connecting to a Speaker (“SPKR”)  
To use the MT5634ZBAV modem for speakerphone or voice mail appli-  
cations, plug an amplified speaker with a 1/8-inch stereo plug into the  
SPKR jack of the modem. If you use a mono speaker, you must change  
the speaker mode jumper as described in Chapter 2.  
Connecting to a Sound Card (“SPKR”)  
If a sound card and speakers are installed in your system, you can con-  
nect the SPKR jack of the modem to the LINE IN jack of the sound  
card. Use a male-to-male stereo patch cord with 1/8-inch plugs.  
Connecting to Power (“PWR”)  
Low voltage DC power is supplied to the modem through a modular  
power supply included with the modem. Plug the power supply module  
into a convenient AC power outlet or surge protector. Plug the connector  
on the other end of the power cord into the PWR jack on the modem. A  
power ON/OFF switch is located on the right side of the modem.  
Note: Use only the power supply supplied with the modem. Use of any  
other power supply will void the warranty and could damage the modem.  
As soon as you apply power to the modem, it will perform a diagnostic  
self-test, indicated by the speed LEDs flashing in sequence for approxi-  
mately two seconds, after which the 56 indicator should light. If this  
3 Features  
does not happen, check that the power switch is on, the power supply  
is solidly connected, and the AC outlet is live.  
Surge Protectors and Lightning  
Your modem has self-resetting lightning protection to protect it from  
electrical spikes on the telephone line. Nonetheless, power surges and  
other transient voltages on power lines, such as those caused by light-  
ning strikes, can damage or destroy your modem. Therefore, we recom-  
mend that you plug the modem into a surge protector rather than  
directly into a wall outlet, preferably a surge protector that provides pro-  
tection against electrical spikes on the telephone line as well as on the  
power line. Note that not even a surge protector can guard against  
damage from a nearby lightning strike. During an electrical storm, your  
safest course is to unplug your computer equipment from both the pow-  
er outlet and the telephone line.  
User Guide  
Front Panel  
Figure 3-3. Front panel  
The MT5634ZBA has ten LED indicators on the front panel that indicate  
status, configuration, and activity:  
TD Transmit Data. The TD LED flashes when the modem is transmit-  
ting data to another modem. The state of the LED matches the TD  
circuit on pin 2 of the RS-232C/V.24 interface.  
RD Receive Data. The RD LED flashes when the modem is receiving  
data from another modem. The state of the LED matches that of  
the RD circuit on pin 3 of the RS-232C/V.24 interface.  
CD Carrier Detect. The CD LED lights when the modem detects a  
valid carrier signal from another modem. It is on when the modem  
is communicating with the other modem and off when the link is  
56K Mode (56,000–32,000 bps). The 56 LED lights whenever the  
modem connects to an ISP server in K56flex or V.PCM mode. The  
actual connection speed depends on server capabilities and line  
33 V.34 Mode (33,600–16,800 bps). The 33 LED lights whenever the  
modem connects in V.34 mode.  
V.32bis Mode (14,400 bps–). The 14 LED lights whenever the  
modem connects in V.32bis mode.  
3 Features  
Note: Although the modem can connect at lower than V.32bis  
speeds, no speed indicator lights during the connection.  
OH Off-Hook. The OH LED lights when the modem is off-hook, which  
occurs when the modem is dialing, online, or answering a call. The  
LED flashes when the modem pulse-dials.  
TR Terminal Ready. The TR LED lights when a datacomm program  
initializes the modem. It means the modem is ready for an outgo-  
ing or incoming call. It goes off when the datacomm program  
disconnects the COM port. When it goes off, a connected modem  
will disconnect. The state of the TR LED matches that of the DTR  
circuit on pin 20 of the RS-232C/V.24 interface.  
EC Error Correction (V.42). The EC LED lights continuously when  
the modem is in V.42 error correction mode, and blinks when com-  
pression is activated.  
FX Fax. The FX LED lights when the modem is in fax mode.  
Note: When you turn on the modem, the speed lights flash briefly as  
the modem does a self-test, then the LED for the default modem baud  
rate lights. The default rate for the modem is 56K bps unless you select  
and store another baud rate. After a call, the LEDs for the connection’s  
baud rate remain lit until another call is made or the modem is reset. If  
you connect at a rate under 14,400 bps, all speed LEDs remain off after  
the connection is broken, even though the modem is still turned on.  
User Guide  
AT Commands,  
S-Registers &  
Result Codes  
4 AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes  
AT Commands  
AT commands are used to control the operation of your modem. They  
are so called because each command must be preceded by the charac-  
ters AT to get the ATtention of the modem.  
AT commands can be issued only when the modem is in command  
mode or online command mode. The modem is in command mode  
whenever it is not connected to another modem. The modem is in data  
mode whenever it is connected to another modem and ready to ex-  
change data. Online command mode is a temporary state in which you  
can issue commands to the modem while connected to another mo-  
dem. To put the modem into online command mode from data mode,  
you must issue an escape sequence (+++) followed immediately by the  
AT characters and the command, e.g., +++ATH to hang up the modem.  
To return to data mode from online command mode, you must issue the  
command ATO.  
To send AT commands to the modem you must use a communications  
program, such as the HyperTerminal applet in Windows 95 and NT 4.0,  
or the communications program included with your modem. You can  
issue commands to the modem either directly, by typing them in the  
terminal window of the communications program, or indirectly, by con-  
figuring the operating system or communications program to send the  
commands automatically. Fortunately, communications programs make  
daily operation of modems effortless by hiding the commands from the  
user. Most users, therefore, need to use AT commands only when re-  
configuring the modem, e.g., to turn autoanswer on or off.  
The format for entering an AT command is ATXn, where X is the com-  
mand and n is the specific value for the command, sometimes called  
the command parameter. The value is always a number. If the value is  
zero, you can omit it from the command; thus, AT&W is equivalent to  
AT&W0. Most commands have a default value, which is the value that  
is set at the factory. The default values are shown in the “AT Command  
Summary,” which begins on the next page.  
User Guide  
You must press ENTER to send the command to the modem. Any time  
the modem receives a command, it sends a response known as a result  
code. The most common result codes are OK, ERROR, and the CON-  
NECT messages that the modem sends to the computer when it is con-  
necting to another modem. For a table of valid result codes, see “Result  
Codes” at the end of this chapter.  
You can issue several commands in one line, in what is called a com-  
mand string. The command string begins with AT and ends when you  
press ENTER. Spaces to separate the commands are optional; they are  
ignored by the command interpreter. The most familiar command string  
is the initialization string, which is used to configure the modem when it  
is turned on or reset, or when your communications software calls an-  
other modem.  
AT Command Summary  
Attention Code  
The attention code precedes all command lines  
except A/, A:, and escape sequences.  
Press the ENTER (RETURN) key to execute most  
Answer call before final ring.  
4 AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes  
Repeat Last Command  
Repeat the last command string. Do not precede  
this command with AT. Do not press ENTER to  
Communication Standard Setting  
n = 0–3, 15, 16  
1 and 16  
Description: B0  
Select ITU-T V.22 mode when modem is at 1200  
Select Bell 212A when modem is at 1200 bps.  
Deselect V.23 reverse channel (same as B3).  
Deselect V.23 reverse channel (same as B2).  
Select V.21 when the modem is at 300 bps.  
Select Bell 103J when the modem is at 300 bps.  
Carrier Control  
n = 1  
Description: C0  
Transmit carrier always off. (Not supported.)  
Normal transmit carrier switching (included for  
backward compatibility with some software).  
s = dial string (phone number and dial modifiers)  
Dial telephone number s, where s may up to 40  
characters long and include the 0–9, *, #, A, B,  
C, and D characters, and the L, P, T, V, W, S,  
comma (,), semicolon (;), !, @, ^ and $ dial string  
User Guide  
Dial string modifiers:  
Redial last number. (Must be placed immedi-  
ately after ATD.)  
Pulse-dial following numbers in command.  
Tone-dial following numbers in command (de-  
Switch to speakerphone mode and dial the  
following number. Use ATH command to hang  
W Wait for a new dial tone before continuing to  
dial. (X2, X4, X5, X6, or X7 must be selected.)  
Pause during dialing for time set in register S8.  
Return to command mode after dialing. (Place  
at end of dial string.)  
Hook flash. Causes the modem to go on-hook  
for one-half second, then off-hook again.  
@ Wait for quiet answer. Causes modem to wait  
for a ringback, then 5 seconds of silence,  
before processing next part of command. If  
silence is not detected, the modem returns a  
NO ANSWER code.  
Disable data calling tone transmission.  
Detect AT&T call card “bong” tone. The char-  
acter should follow the phone number and  
precede the user’s call card number:  
DS=y Dial Stored Telephone Number  
n = 0–3  
Dial a number previously stored in directory num-  
ber y by the &Zy=x command.  
Example: ATDS=3  
4 AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes  
Echo Command Mode Characters  
n = 0 or 1  
Description: E0  
Do not echo keyboard input to the terminal.  
Do echo keyboard input to the terminal.  
Echo Online Data Characters  
n = 1  
Description: F0  
Enable online data character echo. (Not sup-  
Disable online data character echo (included for  
backward compatibility with some software).  
Hook Control  
n = 0 or 1  
Description: H0  
Go on-hook (hang up).  
Go off-hook (make the phone line busy).  
Information Request  
n = 0–5, 9, 11  
Description: I0  
Display default speed and controller firmware  
Calculate and display ROM checksum (e.g.,  
Check ROM and verify the checksum, displaying  
OK or ERROR.  
Display default speed and controller firmware  
Display firmware version for data pump (e.g., 94).  
Display the board ID: software version, hardware  
version, and country ID  
User Guide  
Display the country code (e.g., NA Ver. 1).  
Display diagnostic information for the last modem  
connection, such as DSP and firmware version,  
link type, line speed, serial speed, type of error  
correction/data compression, number of past  
retrains, etc.  
Monitor Speaker Volume  
n = 0, 1, 2, or 3  
Description: L0  
Select low volume.  
Select low volume.  
Select medium volume.  
Select high volume.  
Monitor Speaker Mode  
n = 0, 1, 2, or 3  
Description: M0  
Speaker always off.  
Speaker on until carrier signal detected.  
Speaker always on when modem is off-hook.  
Speaker on until carrier is detected, except while  
Modulation Handshake  
n = 0 or 1  
Description: N0  
Modem performs handshake only at communica-  
tion standard specified by S37 and the B com-  
Modem begins handshake at communication  
standard specified by S37 and the B command.  
During handshake, fallback to a lower speed can  
4 AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes  
Return Online to Data Mode  
0, 1, 3  
Description: O0  
Exit online command mode and return to data  
mode (see +++AT<CR> escape sequence ).  
Issue a retrain and return to online data mode.  
Issue a rate renegotiation and return to data  
Pulse Dialing  
P, T  
Configures the modem for pulse (non-touch-tone)  
dialing. Dialed digits are pulsed until a T com-  
mand or dial modifier is received.  
Result Codes Enable/Disable  
n = 0 or 1  
Description: Q0  
Enable result codes.  
Disable result codes.  
Returns an OK for backward compatibility with  
some software.  
Sr=n Set Register Value  
r = S-register number; n varies  
Set value of register Sr to value of n, where n is  
entered in decimal format. E.g., S0=1.  
User Guide  
Read Register Value  
r = S-register number  
Read value of register Sr and display it in 3-digit  
decimal form. E.g., S2? gives the response 043.  
Tone Dialing  
P, T  
Configures the modem for DTMF (touch-tone)  
dialing. Dialed digits are tone dialed until a P  
command or dial modifier is received.  
Result Code Format  
n = 0 or 1  
Description: V0  
Displays result codes as digits (terse response).  
Displays result codes as words (verbose response).  
Result Code Options  
n = 0, 1, or 2  
Description: W0  
CONNECT result code reports serial port speed,  
disables protocol result codes.  
CONNECT result code reports serial port speed,  
enables protocol result codes.  
CONNECT result code reports line speed, en-  
ables protocol result codes.  
Result Code Selection  
n = 0–7  
Description: X0  
Basic result codes (e.g., CONNECT); does not  
look for dial tone or busy signal.  
4 AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes  
Extended result codes (e.g., CONNECT 46000  
V42bis); does not look for dial tone or busy sig-  
Extended result codes with NO DIALTONE; does  
not look for busy signal.  
Extended result codes with BUSY; does not look  
for dial tone.  
Extended result codes with NO DIALTONE and  
Extended result codes with NO DIALTONE and  
Extended result codes with NO DIALTONE and  
Basic result codes with NO DIALTONE and  
Long Space Disconnect  
n = 0  
Description: Y0  
Disable sending or responding to long space  
break signal on disconnect.  
Enable sending or responding to long space  
break signal on disconnect. (Not supported.)  
Modem Reset  
n = 0 or 1  
Description: Z0  
Reset modem to profile saved by the last &W  
Same as Z0.  
User Guide  
&Bn V.32 Auto Retrain  
n = 1  
Description: &B0 Disable V.32 auto retrain. (Not supported.)  
&B1 Enable V.32 auto retrain.  
&Cn Data Carrier Detect (DCD) Control  
n = 0 or 1  
Description: &C0 Forces the DCD circuit to be always high.  
&C1 DCD goes high when the remote modem’s carrier  
signal is detected, and goes low when the carrier  
signal is not detected.  
&Dn Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Control  
n = 0, 1, 2, or 3  
Description: &D0 Modem ignores the true status of the DTR signal  
and responds as if it is always on.  
&D1 If DTR drops while in online data mode, the mo-  
dem enters command mode, issues an OK, and  
remains connected.  
&D2 If DTR drops while in online data mode, the mo-  
dem hangs up. If the signal is not present, the  
modem will not answer or dial.  
&D3 If DTR drops, the modem hangs up and resets as  
if an ATZ command were issued.  
4 AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes  
&Fn Load Factory Settings  
n = 0  
Description: &F0  
Load factory settings as active configuration.  
Note: See also the Z command.  
&Gn V.22bis Guard Tone Control  
n = 0, 1, or 2  
Description: &G0 Disable guard tone.  
&G1 Set guard tone to 550 Hz.  
&G2 Set guard tone to 1800 Hz.  
Note: The &G command is not used in North America.  
&Jn Auxiliary Relay Control  
n = 0  
Description: &J0  
The auxiliary relay is never closed.  
Not supported—responds ERROR.  
&Kn Flow Control Selection  
n = 0, 3, or 4  
Description: &K0 Disable flow control.  
&K3 Enable CTS/RTS hardware flow control.  
&K4 Enable XON/XOFF software flow control.  
&Mn Communications Mode  
n = 0  
Description: &M0 Asynchronous mode.  
&M1 Not supported—responds ERROR.  
User Guide  
&Qn Asynchronous Communications Mode  
n = 0, 5, 6, 8, or 9  
Description: &Q0 Asynchronous with data buffering. Same as \N0.  
&Q5 Error control with data buffering. Same as \N3.  
&Q6 Asynchronous with data buffering. Same as \N0.  
&Q8 MNP error control mode. If MNP error control is  
not established, the modem falls back according  
to the setting in S36.  
&Q9 V.42 or MNP error control mode. If neither error  
control is established, the modem falls back ac-  
cording to the setting in S36.  
&Sn Data Set Ready (DSR) Control  
n = 0 or 1  
Description: &S0 Force DSR always high (on).  
&S1 Let DSR go high only during a connection.  
Description: &T0  
&Tn V.54 Test Commands  
n = 0, 1, 3 or 6  
Abort. Stop any test in progress.  
Local analog loopback test.  
Local digital loopback test.  
Remote digital loopback test.  
Note: To stop a test, you must use the escape sequence (+++AT)  
before typing AT&T0.  
4 AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes  
Display Current Settings  
Displays the active modem settings, including the  
callback security settings if callback security is  
enabled. If the setup password has been entered, it  
also displays the callback security passwords.  
&Wn Store Current Configuration  
n = 0  
Description: &W0 Stores current modem settings in nonvolatile  
memory and causes them to be loaded at power-  
on or following the ATZ command instead of the  
factory defaults. See also the &F command.  
&W1 Clears user default settings from nonvolatile  
memory and causes the factory defaults to be  
loaded at power-on or following the ATZ com-  
&Yn Select Stored Configuration for Hard Reset  
n = 0  
Description: &Y0 Select stored configuration 0 on power-up. (For  
backward compatibility with some software.)  
&Y1 Not supported—responds ERROR.  
User Guide  
Command: &Zy=x Store Dialing Command  
y = 0–3 (callback security disabled) or 0–29  
(callback security enabled)  
x = Dialing command  
Stores dialing command x in memory location y.  
Dial the stored number using the command  
ATDS=y. See also the #CBSn command. For  
callback security options, see Chapter 6.  
&&S Speaker Codec Loopback  
Provides a loopback from the microphone to the  
speaker. For testing and debugging only.  
Select Maximum MNP Block Size  
n = 0, 1, 2, or 3  
Description: \A0  
64-character maximum.  
128-character maximum.  
192-character maximum.  
256-character maximum.  
Transmit Break  
n = 0–9 in 100 ms units  
In non-error-correction mode only, sends a break  
signal of the specified length to a remote modem.  
Works in conjunction with the \K command.  
4 AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes  
Modem Port Flow Control  
n = 0  
Description: \G0  
Returns an OK for backward compatibility with  
some software.  
Not supported—responds ERROR.  
Data Buffer Control  
n = 0  
Description: \J0  
Enable data buffer—serial port speed is indepen-  
dent of connect speed.  
Disable data buffer—serial port speed is forced  
to the line speed.  
Break Control  
n = 0–5  
Controls the response of the modem to a break  
received from the computer, the remote modem,  
or the \B commnd. The response is different for  
each of three different states.  
Data mode. The modem receives the break from  
the computer:  
Enter online command mode, no break sent to  
the remote modem.  
Clear data buffers and send break to the remote  
Same as \K0.  
Send break immediately to the remote modem .  
Same as \K0.  
Send break to the remote modem in sequence  
with the transmitted data.  
User Guide  
Data mode. The modem receives the break from  
the remote modem:  
Clear data buffers and send break to the com-  
Same as \K0.  
Send break immediately to the computer.  
Same as \K2.  
Send break to the computer in sequence with the  
received data.  
Same as \K4.  
Online command mode. The modem receives a  
\Bn command from the computer:  
Clear data buffers and send break to the remote  
Same as \K0.  
Send break immediately to the remote modem.  
Same as \K2.  
Send break to the remote modem in sequence  
with the transmitted data.  
Same as \K4.  
Error Correction Mode Selection  
n = 0–5, or 7  
Description: \N0  
Non-error correction mode with data buffering  
(buffer mode; same as &Q6).  
Direct mode.  
MNP reliable mode. If the modem cannot make  
an MNP connection, it disconnects.  
V.42/MNP auto-reliable mode. The modem at-  
tempts first to connect in V.42 error correction  
mode, then in MNP mode, and finally in non-error-  
correction (buffer) mode with continued operation.  
4 AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes  
V.42 reliable mode.If the modem cannot make a  
V.42 connection, it disconnects.  
V.42, MNP, or non-error correction (same as \N3).  
V.42, MNP, or non-error correction (same as \N3).  
Flow Control Selection  
n = 0, 1, or 3  
Description: \Q0  
Disable flow control (same as &K0).  
XON/XOFF software flow control (same as &K4).  
CTS-only flow control. Not supported.  
RTS/CTS hardware flow control (same as &K3).  
Inactivity Timer  
n = 0, 1–255  
Description: \Tn  
Sets the time (in minutes) after the last character  
is sent or received that the modem waits before  
disconnecting. A value of zero disables the timer.  
Applies only in buffer mode.  
Note: You can also set the inactivity timer by changing the value of S30.  
Protocol Result Code  
n = 0, 1, or 2  
Description: \V0  
Disable the appending of the protocol result code  
to the DCE speed.  
Enable the appending of the protocol result code  
to the DCE speed.  
Same as \V1.  
User Guide  
XON/XOFF Pass-Through  
n = 0 or 1  
Description: \X0  
Modem responds to and discards XON/XOFF  
Modem responds to and passes XON/XOFF  
Data Calling Tone  
n = 0 or 1  
Description: -C0  
Disable V.25 data calling tone to deny remote  
data/fax/voice discrimination.  
Enable V.25 data calling tone to allow remote  
data/fax/voice discrimination.  
View Numbers in Blacklist  
If blacklisting is in effect, AT%B displays the  
numbers for which the last call attempted in the  
previous two hours failed. In countries that do not  
require blacklisting, the ERROR result code ap-  
%Cn Data Compression Control  
n = 0 or 1  
Description: %C0 Disable V.42bis/MNP 5 data compression.  
%C1 Enable V.42bis/MNP 5 data compression.  
4 AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes  
Command: %DCn AT Command Control  
n = 0 or 1  
Description: %DC0 The modem responds to AT commands.  
%DC1 The modem ignores AT commands.  
Note: The modem will respond to AT%DC for 10 seconds after power-up.  
%En Fallback and Fall Forward Control  
n = 0, 1, or 2  
Description: %E0 Disable fallback and fall forward.  
%E1 Enable fallback, disable fall forward.  
%E2 Enable fallback and fall forward.  
$Dn DTR Dialing  
n = 0 or 1  
Description: $D0  
Disables DTR dialing.  
Dials the number in memory location 0 when  
DTR goes high.  
$EBn Asynchronous Word Length  
n = 0 or 1  
Description: $EB0 Enables 10-bit mode.  
$EB1 Enables 11-bit mode.  
User Guide  
Command: +ES=n Enable Synchronous Buffered Mode  
n = 6  
Allows an H.324 video application direct access  
to the synchronous data channel. On underflow,  
the modem sends HDLC flag idle (0x7E) to the  
remote modem.·This special error control mode  
is overridden by any of the following commands:  
&F, &M, &Q, or \N.  
AT+ES=? shows the only allowed value.  
AT+ES? shows the current value.  
Command: #CBAn Callback Attempts  
n = 1–255  
Sets the number of callback attempts that are  
allowed after passwords have been exchanged  
between modems.·  
Command: #CBDn Callback Delay  
n = 0–255  
Sets the length of time (in seconds) that the mo-  
dem waits before calling back the remote modem.  
Command: #CBF? Callback Failed Attempts Display  
Requests the number of failed callback pass-  
words since reset or power-up. This number can  
be stored to nonvolatile memory using the &W  
4 AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes  
Command: #CBFR Callback Failed Attempts Reset  
Resets the number of failed callback passwords  
to 0. This does not reset the number stored in  
nonvolatile memory.  
Command: #CBIn Local Callback Inactivity Timer  
n = 1–255  
Sets the time (in minutes) that the modem waits  
for a command before forcing the user to enter  
the setup password again.  
Command: #CBNy=x Store Callback Password  
y = 0–29  
x = password  
Sets the callback security password for the y  
memory location. The password must have 6 to  
10 characters, and cannot include the + or -  
Command: #CBPn Callback Parity  
n = 0, 1, or 2  
Sets parity for the callback security messages.  
#CBP0 No parity.  
#CBP1 Odd parity.  
#CBP2 Even parity.  
User Guide  
Command: #CBRy Callback Security Reset  
y = 0–29  
Clears the password and phone number in the y  
memory location.  
Command: #CBSn Callback Enable/Disable  
n = 0, 1, 2, or 3  
Description: #CBS0 Disable callback security.  
#CBS1 Enable local and remote callback security.  
#CBS2 Enable remote callback security only.  
#CBS3 Disable callback security until local hangup or  
Command: #Pn  
Set 11-bit Parity  
n = 0 or 1  
No parity.  
Odd parity.  
Even parity.  
Description: #P0  
Command: #Sx  
Enter Setup Password  
x= password (1–8 characters, case sensitive)  
Enters the remote configuration setup password.  
Command: #S=x Store Setup Password  
x= password (1–8 characters, case sensitive)  
Stores a new remote configuration setup password.  
4 AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes  
Command: +++AT<CR> Escape Sequence  
Puts the modem in command mode (and option-  
ally issues a command) while remaining online.  
Type +++AT and up to ten command characters,  
then press ENTER. Used mostly to issue the  
hang-up command: +++ATH<CR>.  
Command: %%%AT<CR> Remote Configuration Escape Sequence  
Initiates remote configuration mode while online  
with remote modem. The remote configuration  
escape character (%) is defined in register S13.  
User Guide  
Certain modem values, or parameters, are stored in memory locations  
called S-registers. Use the S command to read or to alter the contents of  
S-registers (see previous section).  
Range Default Description  
0, 1–255 1 Sets the number of rings until  
1 ring  
the modem answers.  
ATS0=0 disables autoanswer  
1 ring  
Counts the rings that have  
decimal 0–127  
43 (+)  
Sets ASCII code for the  
escape sequence character.  
Values greater than 127  
disable escape.  
decimal 0–127  
decimal 0–127  
13 (^M) Sets the ASCII code for the  
carriage return character.  
10 (^J) Sets the ASCII code for the  
line feed character.  
decimal 0–32  
8 (^H)  
Sets the ASCII code for the  
backspace character. Values  
greater than 32 disable  
seconds 2–65*  
Sets the time the modem  
waits after it goes off-hook  
before it begins to dial the  
telephone number.  
* These values may be different outside North America.  
4 AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes  
Range Default Description  
seconds 1–255* 50*  
Sets the time the modem  
waits for a carrier signal  
before aborting a call. Also  
sets the wait for silence time  
for the @ dial modifier.  
seconds 0–65  
Sets the length of a pause  
caused by a comma  
character in a dialing  
decimal 0, 1–127 37 (%) Sets ASCII code for remote  
configuration escape  
character. S9=0 disables  
remote configuration.  
100 ms 1–254  
Sets how long a carrier signal  
must be lost before the  
modem disconnects.  
1 ms  
50–150* 95*  
Sets spacing and duration of  
dialing tones.  
decimal 0, 1–255 1  
1 minute 0, 1–255 0  
0 disables, 1–255 enables  
V.34 modulation.  
Sets the length of time that  
the modem waits before  
disconnecting when no data  
is sent or received. A value of  
zero disables the timer. See  
also the \T command  
decimal 0–1  
0 disables, 1 enables the V.25  
data calling tone, which  
allows remote data/fax/voice  
* These values may be different outside North America.  
User Guide  
Range Default Description  
decimal 0–7  
Specifies the action to take in  
the event of a negotiation  
failure when error control is  
selected. (See S48.)  
decimal 0–19  
Sets the maximum V.34  
“upstream” speed at which  
the modem attempts to  
0 = maximum modem speed  
1 = reserved  
2 = 1200/75 bps  
3 = 300 bps  
4 = reserved  
5 = 1200 bps  
6 = 2400 bps  
7 = 4800 bps  
8 = 7200 bps  
9 = 9600 bps  
10 = 12000 bps  
11 = 14400 bps  
12 = 16800 bps  
13 = 19200 bps  
14 = 21600 bps  
15 = 24000 bps  
16 = 26400 bps  
17 = 28800 bps  
18 = 31200 bps  
19 = 33600 bps  
4 AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes  
Range Default Description  
decimal 0–14  
Sets the maximum 56K  
“downstream” speed at which  
the modem attempts to  
connect. The default  
maximum speed is 56K bps.  
0 = 56K disabled  
1 = 56K enabled with auto-  
matic speed selection at  
maximum modem speed  
2 = 32000 bps  
3 = 34000 bps  
4 = 36000 bps  
5 = 38000 bps  
6 = 40000 bps  
7 = 42000 bps  
8 = 44000 bps  
9 = 46000 bps  
10 = 48000 bps  
11 = 50000 bps  
12 = 52000 bps  
13 = 54000 bps  
14 = 56000 bps  
decimal 0–1  
decimal 0–1  
Enables/disables the 56K  
auto rate. When 56K auto is  
disabled, fallback to V.34 is  
also disabled. 0 = disable;  
1 = enable.  
For For testing and  
debugging only. Enables/  
disables V.32bis start-up  
auto mode operation. 0 =  
disable; 1 = enable.  
User Guide  
Range Default Description  
Enables (7) or disables (128)  
decimal 7 or 128 7  
LAPM negotiation. The fol-  
lowing table lists the S36 and  
S48 configuration settings for  
certain types of connections.  
LAPM or hangup  
LAPM or async  
LAPM, MNP, or hangup MNP or hangup  
Do not use  
S36=0, 2  
S36=1, 3  
S36=4, 6  
S36=5, 7  
LAPM, MNP, or aysnc  
MNP or async  
seconds 0, 5–255 10  
Sets the length of time in the  
off-line command mode be-  
fore the modem goes into  
standby mode. A value of  
zero prevents standby mode;  
a value of 1–4 sets the value  
to 5.  
decimal 0–3, 6, 7  
Selects the 56K digital loss if  
using the modem thru a PBX  
line. The default value is -6  
dB loss, the value used when  
calling from a typical POTS  
line long distance.  
0 = -0 dB digital loss, no  
robbed-bit signaling  
1 = -3 dB PBX digital loss  
2 = -2 dB digital loss  
3 = -3 dB digital loss  
6 = -6 dB digital loss  
7 = -0 dB digital loss with  
robbed-bit signaling  
4 AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes  
Result Codes  
In command mode your modem can send responses called result codes  
to your computer. Result codes are used by communications programs  
and can also appear on your monitor.  
Command executed  
Modem connected to line  
Ring signal detected  
Carrier signal lost or not detected  
Invalid command  
CONNECT 1200  
Connected at 1200 bps  
No dial tone detected  
Busy signal detected  
CONNECT 2400  
CONNECT 4800  
CONNECT 9600  
CONNECT 14400  
CONNECT 19200  
CONNECT 7200  
CONNECT 12000  
CONNECT 16800  
CONNECT 21600  
CONNECT 24000  
CONNECT 26400  
CONNECT 28800  
CONNECT 31200  
CONNECT 33600  
CONNECT 32000  
CONNECT 34000  
CONNECT 36000  
No answer at remote end  
Connected at 2400 bps  
Connected at 4800 bps  
Connected at 9600 bps  
Connected at 14400 bps  
Connected at 19200 bps  
Connected at 7200 bps  
Connected at 12000 bps  
Connected at 16800 bps  
Connected at 300 bps  
Connected at 21600 bps  
Connected at 24000 bps  
Connected at 26400 bps  
Connected at 28800 bps  
Connected at 31200 bps  
Connected at 33600 bps  
Connected at 32000 bps, 56K rate  
Connected at 34000 bps, 56K rate  
Connected at 36000 bps, 56K rate  
User Guide  
CONNECT 38000  
CONNECT 40000  
CONNECT 42000  
CONNECT 44000  
CONNECT 46000  
CONNECT 48000  
CONNECT 50000  
CONNECT 52000  
CONNECT 54000  
CONNECT 56000  
Connected at 38000 bps, 56K rate  
Connected at 40000 bps, 56K rate  
Connected at 42000 bps, 56K rate  
Connected at 44000 bps, 56K rate  
Connected at 46000 bps, 56K rate  
Connected at 48000 bps, 56K rate  
Connected at 50000 bps, 56K rate  
Connected at 52000 bps, 56K rate  
Connected at 54000 bps, 56K rate  
Connected at 56000 bps, 56K rate  
Delay is in effect for the dialed  
Dialed number is blacklisted  
Blacklist is full  
* EC is added to these result codes when the extended result codes configu-  
ration option is enabled. EC is replaced by one of the following codes, de-  
pending on the type of error control connection:  
V42bis —V.42 error control (LAP-M) and V.42bis data compression  
V42 —V.42 error control (LAP-M) only  
MNP5 —MNP 4 error control and MNP 5 data compression  
MNP4 —MNP 4 error control only  
NoEC —No error control protocol).  
5 Remote Configuration  
Remote configuration is a network management tool that allows you to  
configure modems anywhere in your network from one location. With  
password-protected remote configuration, you can issue AT commands  
to a remote MT5634ZBA or MT5634ZBAV modem for maintenance or  
troubleshooting as if you were on-site.  
Basic Procedure  
The following steps are valid regardless of whether the connection is  
established by the local or the remote Multi-Tech modem.  
1. Establish a data connection with a remote MT5634ZBA or  
MT5634ZBAV modem.  
2. Send three remote configuration escape characters followed by AT  
and the setup password, and press ENTER. Example:  
%%%ATMTSMODEM<CR>. You have four tries to enter the correct  
password before being disconnected. If the password is correct, the  
remote modem responds with  
3. You can now send AT commands to configure the remote modem.  
4. When you have finished configuring the remote modem, save the  
new configuration by typing AT&W0<CR>, then type ATO<CR> to  
exit remote configuration. You can then break the connection in the  
normal way.  
CAUTION: If you hang up while you are in remote configuration  
mode, it may lock up the remote modem.  
User Guide  
Multi-Tech modems are shipped with a default setup password  
(MTSMODEM). Because anyone who has an owner’s manual knows the  
default setup password, for security you should change the password  
and possibly also the remote configuration escape character.  
Changing the Setup Password  
1. Open a data communications program such as HyperTerminal.  
2. In the terminal window, type AT#SMTSMODEM (or AT#Syyyyyy if  
you have replaced the MTSMODEM password with yyyyyy) and  
press ENTER. The modem responds with OKif the setup password  
is correct, and ERROR if it is wrong.  
3. To change the password, type AT#S=yyyyyy, where yyyyyy stands  
for the password, and press ENTER. The password can include any  
keyboard character, and must be one to eight characters long. The  
modem responds with OK.  
4. The new password is saved automatically. You can now either enter  
more AT commands or exit the data communications program. The  
next time you remotely configure the modem you must use the new  
setup password.  
Note: You can only change the setup password locally; you cannot do it  
remotely. Also, passwords are case sensitive. The next time you enter  
the password, it must be in the same case as you set it up.  
5 Remote Configuration  
Changing the Remote Escape Character  
To increase security, you can change a remote modem’s remote config-  
uration escape character. The remote configuration escape character is  
stored in register S9. The factory default is 37, which is the ASCII code  
for the percent character (%). Setting S9 to 0 (zero) disables remote  
configuration entirely—but if you do this remotely, you won’t be able to  
change it back remotely!  
1. Establish a remote configuration link with the remote modem as  
described in “Basic Procedure.”  
2. Type ATS9=n, where n is the ASCII code for the new remote con-  
figuration escape character, then press ENTER.  
3. Save the new value by typing AT&W and pressing ENTER.  
4. Type ATO<CR> to exit remote configuration.  
User Guide  
6 Callback Security  
This chapter describes how to use callback security with your modem.  
Callback security protects your network from unauthorized access and  
helps control long distance costs. When callback security is enabled, all  
callers are requested to enter a password. If a valid password is re-  
ceived, the modem hangs up and returns the call by dialing a phone  
number that is stored with the password. The person being called back  
must then enter the password a second time to establish a connection.  
Up to 30 callback passwords and dialing strings can be stored in the  
modem. Each dialing string can be up to 34 or 35 characters long and  
can contain commands as well as phone numbers. For mobile callers,  
the dialing string can be programmed to allow the caller to bypass the  
stored callback number by entering a temporary callback number, to  
enter an extension at the callback number, or to make a direct connec-  
tion without callback.  
For local security, the passwords and dialing strings that are stored in  
the modem are protected from tampering by a setup password, which  
you should change when you set up the modem. You can further pro-  
tect the modem against tampering by disabling its ability to respond to  
most AT commands. To check for attempted breakins, you can request  
the modem to display the number of failed password attempts.  
Setup Procedures  
Your modem was shipped with a default setup password (MTSMO-  
DEM). The same password is used for both callback security and re-  
mote configuration (Chapter 5). Because anyone who has access to  
this manual has access to the default password, you should change the  
password during your initial setup.  
User Guide  
To Change the Setup Password  
1. Open a data communications program such as HyperTerminal.  
2. In the terminal window, type AT#SMTSMODEM (or AT#Sxxxxxxxx  
if you have replaced the MTSMODEM password with xxxxxxxx) and  
press ENTER. The modem responds with OKif the setup password  
is correct, and ERROR if it is wrong.  
3. To change the password, type AT#S=xxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx  
stands for the password, and press ENTER. The password can in-  
clude any keyboard character, and can be up to eight characters  
long. The modem responds with OK.  
4. The new password is saved automatically. You can now either enter  
more AT commands or exit the data communications program. The  
next time you wish to set up the modem you must use the new  
Note: Passwords are case sensitive. The next time you enter the  
password, it must be in the same case as you set it up.  
To Turn Callback Security On and Off  
Callback security must be turned on to enter many callback security  
1. Open a data communications program such as HyperTerminal.  
2. In the terminal window, type AT#Sxxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx is  
your password, and press ENTER. The modem responds with OKif  
the setup password is correct, and ERROR if it is wrong.  
3. Type one of the following commands:  
6 Callback Security  
• To turn off callback security, type AT#CBS0 and press ENTER.  
Callers no longer need a password to connect to the modem, the  
modem is unable to call them back, and the stored dialing com-  
mand locations 0–3 become available.  
• To turn on both local and remote callback security, type  
AT#CBS1 and press ENTER. With local security turned on, you  
must enter the setup password before you can enter any AT  
command except the AT, ATIn, and AT#Sxxxxxxxx commands.  
For a description of remote callback security, see the following  
• To turn on remote callback security only, type AT#CBS2 and  
press ENTER. With remote callback security turned on, each  
caller is asked to enter a password, is called back, and then is  
asked to enter the password again before a connection can be  
made. Also, dialing command locations 0–3, for use with the  
DS=y dialing command, are replaced by callback dialing com-  
mand locations 0–29.  
• To temporarily disable callback security if the modem is set to  
#CBS1 or #CBS2 (for instance, to call another modem), type  
AT#CBS3 and press ENTER. The modem returns to its original  
setting when you issue the hangup command (+++ATH) or the  
modem is reset. Note that if a remote modem breaks the connec-  
tion, callback security remains disabled.  
To Set the Parity of the Callback Security Messages  
The parity of the modem’s password prompt and messages must match  
the parity of the computer the modem is connected to.  
1. Open a data communications program such as HyperTerminal.  
User Guide  
2. In the terminal window, type AT#Sxxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx is  
your password, and press ENTER. The modem responds with OKif  
the setup password is correct, and ERROR if it is wrong.  
3. The default parity value for your modem is no parity (AT#CBP0). To  
change the modem’s prompt messages to use even parity,  
typeAT#CBP2 and press ENTER. For odd parity, type AT#CBP1  
and press ENTER.  
4. To store the new parity value, type AT&W and press ENTER.  
To Assign Callback Passwords and Phone Numbers  
1. Open a data communications program such as HyperTerminal.  
2. In the terminal window, type AT#Sxxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx is  
your password, and press ENTER. The modem responds with OKif  
the setup password is correct, and ERROR if it is wrong.  
3. Enable callback security by typing AT#CBS1 or AT#CBS2 and  
pressing ENTER.  
4. To store a callback password for the first callback memory location,  
type AT#CBN0xxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx is the first password, and  
press ENTER. The password must be unique, must be six to eight  
characters, in length, and must not contain a + or - character.  
5. To store a callback password for the second callback memory loca-  
tion, type AT#CBN1xxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx is the second pass-  
word, and press ENTER. Note that the memory location number in  
the command is incremented by one.  
6. Repeat as many times as necessary, up to memory location 29,  
until all passwords have been entered.  
7. To store a callback phone number in the first memory location, type  
AT&Z0=[+][-]ATxxxxxxxx[,???], where xxxxxxxx is the dialing  
6 Callback Security  
string, and press ENTER. The phone number must be preceded by  
DT, for tone dialing, or DP, for pulse dialing. The dialing string can  
also include other AT commands. Example: AT&Z0=+-  
ATM0DT5551212. Up to 35 characters can be used. The +, -, and  
??? characters are optional:  
Number entry. Add if you want a mobile caller to be able to  
enter his current phone number for callback.  
Direct connection. Add if you want a caller to be able to  
choose to connect directly without being called back.  
,??? Extension entry. Must be used with the + command. Add if  
you want a caller to be able to enter an extension number for  
callback. The number of ? characters should equal the num-  
ber of digits in the extension.  
8. To store a callback phone number in the second memory location,  
type AT&Z1=[+][-]ATxxxxxxxx[,???], where xxxxxxxx is the dialing  
string, and press ENTER. Note that the memory location number in  
the command is incremented by one.  
9. Repeat as many times as necessary, through memory location 29,  
until all dialing strings have been entered.  
10. To review your entries, type AT&V and press ENTER.  
User Guide  
Calling Procedures  
Use the following procedures to call a modem that has callback security  
Note: Autoanswer must be enabled on the calling modem (S0=1).  
Password-Only Callback  
Use this procedure when calling from a fixed location.  
1. Using a data communications program such as HyperTerminal, dial  
the number of the callback modem.  
2. When the connection is established, the callback modem responds  
with the following message:  
3. Type the password corresponding to the phone number for your  
modem and press ENTER You have three attempts or one minute  
to enter a valid password.  
4. If the password is valid, the following message appears and the  
modems disconnect:  
OK Disconnecting  
5. After the delay specified by the #CBDn command, the callback mo-  
dem calls the number associated with the password. If the callback  
modem is unable to establish a connection, it tries again, up to the  
number of attempts specified by the #CBAn command.  
6. After the modems reconnect, the following message reappears:  
6 Callback Security  
7. Type the same password that you used to initiate the call. You have  
three attempts to enter the password or be disconnected.  
8. If the password is valid, the following message appears and the  
modems establish a working connection:  
OK Connecting  
Number-Entry Callback  
Mobile callers should use this procedure when calling from a phone  
number different from that stored with the password. The password that  
is used must be set up for optional number-entry callback.  
1. Using a data communications program such as HyperTerminal, dial  
the number of the callback modem..  
2. When the connection is established, the callback modem responds  
with the following message:  
3. Type a number-entry password, press the plus key (+), type ATDT  
and the number to call back to, and press ENTER You have three  
attempts or one minute to enter a valid password.  
Note: When you type your phone number, be sure to include the  
long distance and area codes, if needed.  
4. If the password is valid, the following message appears and the  
modems disconnect:  
OK Disconnecting  
5. After the delay specified by the #CBDn command, the callback mo-  
dem calls the number that you entered after the + character. If the  
User Guide  
callback modem is unable to establish a connection, it tries again,  
up to the number of attempts specified by the #CBAn command.  
6. After the modems reconnect, the following message reappears:  
7. Type the same password that you used to initiate the call. You have  
three attempts to enter the password or be disconnected.  
8. If the password is valid, the following message appears and the  
modems establish a working connection:  
OK Connecting  
Extension-Entry Callback  
Use this procedure when calling from an extension at the callback num-  
ber. The password that you use must be set up for an optional exten-  
sion-entry callback.  
1. Using a data communications program such as HyperTerminal, dial  
the number of the callback modem..  
2. When the connection is established, the callback modem responds  
with the following message:  
3. Type an extension-entry password, press the plus key (+), type the  
extension to call back to, and press ENTER You have three at-  
tempts or one minute to enter a valid password.  
4. If the password is valid, the following message appears and the  
modems disconnect:  
OK Disconnecting  
6 Callback Security  
5. After the delay specified by the #CBDn command, the callback mo-  
dem calls the extension that you entered after the + character. If the  
callback modem is unable to establish a connection, it tries again,  
up to the number of attempts specified by the #CBAn command.  
6. After the modems reconnect, the following message reappears:  
7. Type the same password that you used to initiate the call. You have  
three attempts to enter the password or be disconnected.  
8. If the password is valid, the following message appears and the  
modems establish a working connection:  
OK Connecting  
Direct Connection  
Use this procedure when you want to connect without first being called  
back. The password that you use must be set up for an optional direct  
1. Using a data communications program such as HyperTerminal, dial  
the number of the callback modem..  
2. When the connection is established, the callback modem responds  
with the following message:  
3. Type a direct connection password, press the - key, and press EN-  
TER You have three attempts or one minute to enter a valid pass-  
4. If the password is valid, the following message appears and the  
modems establish a working connection:  
OK Connecting  
User Guide  
Callback Security Commands  
The following AT commands are used with callback security. Most can  
be entered only after the setup password has been entered.  
Command: #CBAn Callback Attempts  
n = 1–255  
Sets the number of callback attempts that are  
allowed after passwords have been exchanged  
between modems.·This command can be entered  
after the setup password has been entered and  
callback security is enabled.  
Command: #CBDn Callback Delay  
n = 0–255  
Sets the length of time (in seconds) that the mo-  
dem waits before calling back the remote modem.  
This command can be entered after the setup  
password has been entered and callback security  
is enabled.  
Command: #CBF? Callback Failed Attempts Display  
Displays the number of failed callback passwords  
since reset or power-up. This number can be  
stored to nonvolatile memory using the &W com-  
mand. This command can be entered after the  
setup password has been entered and callback  
security is enabled.  
6 Callback Security  
Command: #CBFR Callback Failed Attempts Reset  
Resets the number of failed callback password  
attempts to 0. It does not reset the number  
stored in nonvolatile memory. This command can  
be entered after the setup password has been  
entered and callback security is enabled.  
Command: #CBIn Local Callback Inactivity Timer  
n = 1–255  
Sets the time (in minutes) that the modem waits  
for a command before forcing the user to enter  
the setup password again. This command can be  
entered after the setup password has been en-  
tered and callback security has been enabled for  
local/remote operation (#CBS1)  
Command: #CBNy=x Store Callback Password  
y = 0–29  
x = password (6–10 characters)  
Sets the callback security password for the y  
memory location. The password must be 6–10  
characters in length and cannot include the + or -  
characters. This command can be entered after  
the setup password has been entered and call-  
back security is enabled.  
User Guide  
Command: #CBPn Callback Parity  
n = 0, 1, or 2  
Sets parity for the callback security messages.  
The parity of the messages should match the  
parity of the computer the modem is attached to.  
This command can be entered after the setup  
password has been entered and callback security  
is enabled.  
#CBP0 No parity.  
#CBP1 Odd parity.  
#CBP2 Even parity.  
Command: #CBRy Callback Security Reset  
y = 00–29  
Deletes the password and phone number from  
the yy memory location. This command can be  
entered after the setup password has been en-  
tered and callback security is enabled.  
Command: #CBSn Callback Enable/Disable  
n = 0, 1, 2, or 3  
Enables or disables callback security options.  
When callback security is enabled, phone num-  
ber memory locations 0–4, used for quick dialing  
and DTR dialing, become unavailable and are  
replaced by callback security memory locations  
0–29. The phone number memory locations and  
their contents are restored when callback security  
is disabled.  
6 Callback Security  
#CBS0 Disables callback security. With this command,  
the modem connects as if it did not have callback  
security. This command can be entered after the  
setup password has been entered.  
#CBS1 Enables local and remote callback security. Local  
callback security requires that the setup  
password be entered to use the AT command  
set. The only AT commands that are available  
without the setup password are AT, ATI, and  
AT#Sx. For the remote callback security  
description, see the #CBS2 description. This  
command can be entered after the setup  
password has been entered.  
#CBS2 Enables remote callback security only. When  
remote callback security is enabled, the modem  
waits for a call, challenges the remote modem,  
calls back the remote modem, and challenges  
the remote modem again. Local security is  
disabled, allowing calls to be made from the  
modem without entering the setup password.  
This command can be entered after the setup  
password has been entered.  
#CBS3 Temporarily disables callback security if either  
#CBS1 or #CBS2 is enabled. Callback security  
remains disabled until the hangup command  
(+++ATH) is executed locally or the modem is  
reset. This command can be entered after the  
setup password has been entered.  
User Guide  
Command: #Sx  
Enter Setup Password  
x= password (1–8 characters, case sensitive)  
Enters the password used for callback security  
and remote configuration setup. This command  
allows the use of all callback security commands.  
Command: #S=x  
Store Setup Password  
x= password (1–8 characters, case sensitive)  
Stores a new password for callback security and  
remote configuration setup.  
Command: &V  
Display Current Settings  
Displays the modem’s active settings, including  
the telephone numbers stored in nonvolatile  
memory and the security settings, if enabled. If  
the setup password has been entered, the pass-  
words are also displayed.  
Command: &Zy=[+][-]x[,???] Store Dialing Command  
y = 0–29 (callback security enabled)  
x = Dialing command string  
Stores dialing command x in memory location y.  
The command string must begin with AT and can  
have up to 35 characters. The telephone number  
in the command must be preceded by D, DT, or  
DP. Example: AT&Z0=+-ATM0D5551212,???.  
During a call, if the + or - character is not entered  
after the password, the modem will call back the  
stored number. This command can be entered  
6 Callback Security  
only after the setup password has been entered  
and callback security is enabled.  
Enables the caller to enter a new callback num-  
ber during password entry. The + character must  
be the first or second character in the command  
Enables the caller to choose a direct connection  
(no callback) during password entry. The -  
character must be the first or second character in  
the command string.  
Enables the caller to enter an extension number  
during password entry. The + character must be  
the first or second character in the command  
string. The ? characters must follow a comma at  
the end of the string, and there must be one for  
each digit in the extension. If the ? characters  
are included in the dialing command, it is not  
possible for the caller to enter a new callback  
number, only an extension for the programmed  
callback number.  
User Guide  
7 Solving Problems  
Your modem was thoroughly tested at the factory before it was shipped.  
If you are unable to make a successful connection, or if you experience  
data loss or garbled characters during your connection, it is possible that  
the modem is defective. However, it is more likely that the source of your  
problem lies elsewhere. The following symptoms are typical of problems  
you might encounter:  
• None of the LEDs light when the modem is on.  
• The modem does not respond to commands.  
• The modem dials but is unable to make a connection.  
• The modem disconnects while online.  
• The modem cannot connect when answering.  
• File transfer is slower than it should be.  
• Data is being lost.  
• There are garbage characters on the monitor.  
• The modem doesn’t work with Caller ID.  
• Fax and data software can’t run at the same time.  
If you experience problems, please check the following possibilities be-  
fore calling Technical Support (see Appendix D).  
None of the Indicators Light  
When you turn on the modem, the LED indicators on the front panel  
should flash briefly as the modem runs a self-test. If the LEDs remain off,  
the modem is probably not receiving power.  
Make sure the modem’s power switch is on, especially if you normally  
turn on the modem by turning on a power strip.  
User Guide  
If the power supply is plugged into a power strip, make sure the  
power strip is plugged in and its power switch is on.  
Make sure the power supply module is firmly connected to the mo-  
dem and to the wall outlet or power strip.  
If the power strip is on and the modem switch is on, try moving the  
modem power supply to another outlet on the power strip.  
Test that the outlet is live by plugging a lamp into it.  
The modem or power supply may be defective. If you have another  
Multi-Tech modem, try swapping modems. If the problem goes  
away, the first modem or power supply may be defective. Call Tech  
Support for assistance.  
CAUTION: Do not under any circumstances replace the power supply  
module with one designed for another product, as it can damage the  
modem and void your warranty.  
The Modem Does Not Respond to Commands  
Make sure the modem is plugged in and turned on. (See “None of  
the Indicators Light.”)  
Make sure you are issuing the modem commands from the data  
communications software, either manually in terminal mode or auto-  
matically by configuring the software. (You cannot send commands  
to the modem from the DOS prompt.)  
Make sure you are in terminal mode in your data communications  
program, then type AT and press ENTER. If you get an OK re-  
sponse, your connections are good and the problem likely is in the  
connection setup in your communications software.  
7 Solving Problems  
Try resetting your modem by turning it off and on. If you are using  
DOS or Windows 3.1 communications software, make sure the ini-  
tialization string includes &F as the first command, to cancel any  
“leftover’ command that could affect the modem’s operation.  
If you don’t get an OK, the problem may still be in the communica-  
tions software. Make sure you have done whatever is necessary in  
your software to make a port connection. Not all communications  
programs connect to the COM port automatically. Some connect  
when the software loads and remain connected until the program  
terminates. Others can disconnect without exiting the program. The  
modem’s TR indicator lights to show that the software has taken  
control of the modem through the COM port.  
Your communications software settings may not match the physical  
port the modem is connected to. The serial cable might be plugged  
into the wrong connector—check your computer documentation to  
make sure. Or you might have selected a COM port in your software  
other than the one the modem is physically connected to—compare  
the settings in your software to the physical connection.  
If the modem is on, the cable is plugged into the correct port, the  
communications software is configured correctly, and you still don’t  
get an OK, the fault might be in the serial cable. Make sure it is firmly  
connected at both ends.  
Is this the first time you have used the cable? If so, it may not be  
wired correctly. Check the cable description on the packaging to  
make sure the cable is the right one for your computer.  
Peripheral expansion cards, such as sound and game cards, might  
include a serial port preconfigured as COM1 or COM2. The extra seri-  
al port, or the card itself, may use the same COM port, memory  
address, or interrupt request (IRQ) as your communications port. Be  
sure to disable any unused ports.  
User Guide  
To look for address or IRQ conflicts if you use Windows 3.1x, select  
File | Run in Program Manager, type MSD, and press ENTER. Then  
select Mouse, COM Ports, and IRQ Status and note the addresses  
and IRQs that are in use. If you find an IRQ conflict, note which IRQs  
are not being used, then change one of the conflicting devices to use  
one of the unused IRQs. If you find an address conflict, change the  
address of one of the conflicting devices.  
To change a port address or IRQ in Windows 3.1x, double-click the  
Control Panel icon, then the Ports icon. Click on the port you want to  
change, click Settings, click Advanced, and select the new port ad-  
dress and/or interrupt. If you wish to use COM3 or COM4, note that  
COM3 shares an IRQ with COM1, as does COM4 with COM2, so you  
should change their IRQs to unused ones, if possible.  
If you use Windows 95, right-click on My Computer, select Properties  
from the menu, click on the Device Manager tab, double-click on  
Ports, then double-click on the communications port your modem is  
connected to. In the port’s Properties sheet, click on the Resources  
tab to see the port’s input/output range and interrupt request. If anoth-  
er device is using the same address range or IRQ, it will appear in the  
Conflicting Device List. Uncheck Use automatic settings to  
change the port’s settings so they do not conflict with the other de-  
vice, or select the port the conflicting device is on and change it  
instead. If you need to open your computer to change switches or  
jumpers on the conflicting device; refer to the device’s documentation.  
The serial port might be defective. If you have another serial port,  
install the modem on it, change the COM port setting in your soft-  
ware, and try again.  
The modem might be defective. If you have another Multi-Tech mo-  
dem, try swapping modems. If the problem goes away, the first  
modem is possibly defective. Call Tech Support for assistance (see  
Appendix D).  
7 Solving Problems  
The Modem Dials But Cannot Connect  
There can be several reasons the ZBA fails to make a connection. Pos-  
sibilities include  
• lack of a physical connection to the telephone line.  
• a wrong dial tone.  
• a busy signal.  
• a wrong number.  
• no modem at the other end.  
• a faulty modem, computer, or software at the other end.  
• incompatibility between modems.  
You can narrow the list of possibilities by using extended result codes.  
Extended result codes are enabled by default. If they have been dis-  
abled, enter ATV1X4 and press ENTER while in terminal mode, or in-  
clude V1X4 in the modem’s initialization string. When you dial again, the  
modem will report the call’s progress.  
If the modem reports NO DIALTONE, check that the modem’s tele-  
phone line cable is connected to both the modem’s LINE jack (not the  
PHONE jack) and the telephone wall jack. If the cable looks secure,  
try replacing it. If that doesn’t work, the problem might be in your  
building’s telephone installation. To test the building installation, plug  
a telephone into your modem’s telephone wall jack and listen for a  
dial tone. If you hear a dial tone, your modem might be installed be-  
hind a company phone system (PBX) with an internal dial tone that  
sounds different from the normal dial tone. In that case, the modem  
might not recognize the dial tone and might treat it as an error. Check  
your PBX manual to see if you can change the internal dial tone; if  
you can’t, change your modem’s initialization string to replace X4 with  
X3, which will cause the modem to ignore dial tones (note, however,  
that X3 is not allowed in some countries, such as France and Spain).  
User Guide  
If the modem reports BUSY, the other number might be busy, in  
which case you should try again later, or it might indicate that you  
have failed to add a 9, prefix to the phone number if you must dial 9  
for an outside line.  
If you must dial 9 to get an outside line, the easiest way to dial it auto-  
matically is to include it in the modem’s dial prefix, e.g., ATDT9,. Note  
the comma, which inserts a pause before the number is dialed. By  
inserting 9, into the dial prefix, you do not have to include it in each  
directory entry.  
To change the dial prefix in Windows 95 HyperTerminal, select Con-  
nect from the Call menu, click Dialing Properties, and type 9 in the  
local and long distance boxes in How I dial from this location.  
If the modem reports NO ANSWER, the other system has failed to  
go off-hook, or you might have dialed a wrong number. Check the  
If the modem reports NO CARRIER, the phone was answered at the  
other end, but no connection was made. You might have dialed a  
wrong number, and a person answered instead of a computer, or you  
might have dialed the correct number but the other computer or soft-  
ware was turned off or faulty. Check the number and try again, or try  
calling another system to make sure your modem is working. Also, try  
calling the number on your telephone. If you hear harsh sounds, then  
another modem is answering the call, and the modems might be hav-  
ing problems negotiating because of modem incompatibilities or line  
noise. Try connecting at a lower speed.  
7 Solving Problems  
The Modem Disconnects While Online  
If you have Call Waiting on the same phone line as your modem, it  
can interrupt your connection when someone tries to call you. If you  
have Call Waiting, disable it before each call. In most telephone  
areas in North America, you can disable Call Waiting by preceding  
the telephone number with *70 (check with your local telephone  
You can automatically disable Call Waiting by including the disabling  
code in the modem’s dial prefix (e.g., ATDT*70,—note the comma,  
which inserts a pause before the number is dialed). To change the  
dial prefix in Windows Terminal, select Settings | Modem Com-  
mands. To change it in Windows 95 HyperTerminal, select Connect  
from the Call menu, click Dialing Properties, check This location  
has Call Waiting, and select the correct code for your phone service.  
If you have extension phones on the same line as your modem, you  
or someone else can interrupt the connection by picking up another  
phone. If this is a frequent problem, disconnect the extension phones  
before using the modem, or install another phone line especially for  
the modem.  
Check for loose connections between the modem and the computer,  
the telephone jack, and AC power.  
You might have had a poor connection because of line conditions or  
the problem might have originated on the other end of the line. Try  
If you were online with a BBS or an online service like CompuServe,  
it might have hung up on you because of lack of activity on your part  
or because you exceeded your time limit for the day. Try again.  
User Guide  
The Modem Cannot Connect When Answering  
Autoanswer might be disabled. Turn on autoanswer in your data-  
comm program or send the command ATS0=1 (ATS0=2 if you have  
Caller ID service) to your modem in terminal mode.  
File Transfer Is Slower Than It Should Be  
You might have an older UART. For best throughput, install a  
16550AFN UART or a Multi-Tech ISI serial port card. See the “Quick  
Start” chapter for information on how to identify your UART.  
If you are running under Windows 3.1 and have a 16550AFN UART,  
you must replace the Windows serial driver, COMM.DRV, to take full  
advantage of the UART’s speed.  
If you are using a slow transfer protocol, such as Xmodem or Kermit,  
try Zmodem or Ymodem/G instead.  
Is your line noisy? If there is static on your line, the modem has to  
resend many blocks of data to insure accuracy. You must have a  
clean line for maximum speed.  
Are you downloading a compressed file with MNP 5 hardware com-  
pression enabled? Since hardware data compression cannot  
compress a file already compressed by an archiving program, the  
transfer can be marginally slower with data compression enabled than  
with it disabled.  
Try entering the I11 ommand in online mode to display diagnostic  
information, making a screen print of the diagnostics listing, and  
checking for parameters that might be unacceptable (number of re-  
trains, round trip delay, etc.).  
7 Solving Problems  
Data Is Being Lost  
If you are using data compression and a high speed serial port, set  
the serial port baud rate to four times the data rate.  
Your UART might not be reliable at serial port speeds over 9600 bps  
or 19,200 bps. Turn off data compression, reset your serial port  
speed to a lower rate, or replace your serial port with a faster one.  
Make sure the flow control method you selected in software match-  
es the method selected in the modem. If you have a Macintosh, you  
might have the wrong cable for hardware flow control.  
If you are running under Windows 3.1 and have a 16550AFN UART,  
you might need to turn on the 16550’s data buffers and/or replace  
the Windows serial driver, COMM.DRV.  
Try entering the I11 ommand in online mode to display diagnostic  
information, making a screen print of the diagnostics listing, and  
checking for parameters that might be unacceptable (number of re-  
trains, round trip delay, etc.).  
There Are Garbage Characters on the Monitor  
Your computer and the remote computer might be set to different  
word lengths, stop bits, or parities. If you have connected at 8-N-1,  
try changing to 7-E-1, or vice-versa, using your communications  
You might be experiencing line noise. Enable error correction, if it is  
disabled, or hang up and call again; you might get a better connection  
the second time.  
At speeds above 2400 bps, the remote modem might not use the  
same transmission or error correction standards as your modem. Try  
User Guide  
connecting at a slower speed or disabling error correction. (With no  
error correction, however, line noise can cause garbage characters.)  
Try entering the I11 ommand in online mode to display diagnostic  
information, making a screen print of the diagnostics listing, and  
checking for parameters that might be unacceptable (number of re-  
trains, round trip delay, etc.).  
The Modem Doesn’t Work with Caller ID  
Caller ID information is transmitted between the first and second  
rings, so if autoanswer is turned off (S0=0) or if the modem is set to  
answer after only one ring (S0=1), the modem will not receive Caller  
ID information. Check your initialization string, and if necessary  
change it to set the modem to answer after the second ring (S0=2).  
Make sure that you have Caller ID service from your telephone com-  
Fax and Data Software Can’t Run at the Same Time  
Communications devices can be accessed by only one application at a  
time. Under DOS or Windows 3.1x, you can run either your fax software  
or your datacomm software, but not both at the same time, unless you  
have a special communications device management application. In  
Windows 95, you can have data and fax communication applications  
open at the same time, but they cannot use the same modem at the  
same time.  
A Regulatory Compliance  
Appendix A: Regulatory Compliance  
FCC Regulations for Telephone Line  
1. This equipment complies with Part 68 of the Federal Communications  
Commission (FCC) rules. On the outside surface of this equipment  
is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC registra-  
tion number and ringer equivalence number (REN). If requested,  
this information must be provided to the telephone company.  
2. The suitable USOC jack (Universal Service Order Code connecting  
arrangement) for this equipment is shown below. If applicable, the  
facility interface codes (FIC) and service order codes (SOC) are shown.  
An FCC-compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with  
this equipment. This equipment is designed to be connected to the  
telephone network or premises wiring using a compatible modular  
jack that is Part 68 compliant. See installation instructions for details.  
3. The ringer equivalence number (REN) is used to determine the  
quantity of devices that may be connected to the telephone line.  
Excessive RENs on the telephone line may result in the devices not  
ringing in response to an incoming call. In most, but not all areas,  
the sum of the RENs should not exceed five (5.0). To learn the number  
of devices that may be connected to the line, contact the telephone  
company to determine the maximum REN for the calling area.  
4. If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the tele-  
phone company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinu-  
ance of service may be required. But if advance notice isn’t  
practical, the telephone company will notify you as soon as possible.  
Also, you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the  
FCC if you believe it is necessary.  
User Guide  
5. The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equip-  
ment, operations, or procedures that could affect the operation of  
the equipment. If this happens, the telephone company will provide  
advance notice in order for you to make necessary modifications in  
order to maintain uninterrupted service.  
6. If trouble is experienced with this equipment (the model of which is  
indicated below) please contact Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. at the ad-  
dress shown below for details of how to have repairs made. If the  
trouble is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone  
company may request you remove the equipment from the network  
until the problem is resolved.  
7. No repairs are to be made by you. Repairs are to be made only by  
Multi-Tech Systems or its licensees. Unauthorized repairs void reg-  
istration and warranty.  
8. This equipment cannot be used on the public coin service provided  
by the telephone company. Connection to Party Line Service is sub-  
ject to state tariffs. (Contact the state public utility commission, pub-  
lic service commission or corporation commission for information.)  
9. If so required, this equipment is hearing-aid compatible.  
Model Number:  
FCC Registration No:  
Ringer Equivalence:  
Modular Jack (USOC):  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.  
MT5634ZBA or MT5634ZBAV  
RJ11C or RJ11W (single line)  
Service Center in USA: Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.  
2205 Woodale Drive  
Mounds View, MN 55112  
(800) 328-9717  
(612) 785-3500  
(612) 785-9874 FAX  
A Regulatory Compliance  
Canadian Limitations Notice  
Notice: The Industry Canada label identifies certificated equipment.  
This certification means that the equipment meets certain telecommuni-  
cations network protective, operational and safety requirements. The  
Industry Canada label does not guarantee the equipment will operate to  
the user’s satisfaction.  
Before installing this equipment, users should insure that it is permissi-  
ble to be connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications  
company. The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable  
method of connection. In some cases, the company’s inside wiring as-  
sociated with a single line individual service may be extended by means  
of a certified connector assembly (telephone extension cord). The cus-  
tomer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may  
not prevent degradation of service in some situations.  
Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an authorized Cana-  
dian maintenance facility designated by the supplier. Any repairs or  
alterations made by the user to this equipment; or equipment malfunc-  
tions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the  
user to disconnect the equipment.  
Users should insure for their own protection that the electrical ground  
connections of the power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic  
water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution  
may be particularly important in rural areas.  
Caution: Users should not attempt to make such connections them-  
selves, but should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority,  
or electrician, as appropriate.  
The ringer equivalence number (REN) assigned to each terminal device  
provides an indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed to  
be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface  
User Guide  
may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the require-  
ment that the sum of the ringer equivalence numbers of all the devices  
does not exceed 5.  
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise  
for digital apparatus set out in ICES-003 of Industry Canada.  
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques  
dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe  
B prescrites dans le Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté  
par le ministère des Communications du Canada.  
FCC Fax Update  
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 makes it unlawful for  
any person to use a computer or other electronic device to send any  
message via a telephone fax machine unless such message clearly  
contains in a margin at the top or bottom of each page or the first page  
of the transmission, the date and time it is sent and an identification of  
the business or other entity, or other individual sending the message  
and the telephone number of the sending machine or such business,  
other entity, or individual.  
See your fax software manual for setup details.  
A Regulatory Compliance  
Compliance with BABT Requirements  
Approved for connection to telecommunications system specified in the  
instructions for use subject to the conditions set out in them.  
Warning: Interconnection directly, or by way of other apparatus, of  
ports marked “SAFETY WARNING see instructions for use” with ports  
marked or not so marked may produce hazardous conditions on the  
network. Advice should be obtained from a competent engineer before  
such a connection is made.  
Telephones that connect to the external socket must be approved for  
direct connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).  
This apparatus has been approved for the use of the following facilities:  
Loop disconnect and MF dialing  
Phone number storage and retrieval by a predetermined code  
Operation in the absence of proceed indication  
Automatic storage of last number dialed  
Tone detection-busy  
Auto clear from the originating end  
DTR dialing  
PBX timed break register recall  
Any other usage will invalidate the approval of the apparatus if, as a  
result, it then ceases to comply with the standards against which ap-  
proval was granted.  
User Guide  
European Low Voltage Directive  
When correctly installed, the modem will present no hazard to the user.  
When correctly installed, the modem will be connected to the PSTN or  
a PW and to a Data Terminal Equipment (DTE), whose modem connec-  
tions comply with ITU-T recommendation V.28. The DTE connections  
are therefore taken to be safe voltages (less than ±30 volts).  
Ports that are capable of connecting to other apparatus are defined as  
SELV. To ensure conformity with EN60950, ensure that these ports are  
only connected to ports of the same type on other apparatus.  
The main power source shall be installed near to the equipment and  
shall be easily accessible. The plug that connects the apparatus to the  
mains power supply must be fitted with a 5A fuse that complies with  
EMC and Safety Compliance  
The CE mark is affixed to the enclosed MultiTech product to confirm  
compliance with the following European Community Directives:  
Council Directive 89/336/EEC of 3 May 1989 on the approximation of  
the laws of Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility;  
Council Directive 73/23/EEC of 19 February 1973 on the harmoniza-  
tion of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment  
designed for use within certain voltage limits;  
both amended by  
Council Directive 93/68/EEC of 22 July 1993 on the harmonization of  
CE marking requirements.  
A Regulatory Compliance  
Australian Modem Warning Notice  
Modems connected to the Australian telecommunications network must  
have a valid AUSTEL permit. This modem has been specifically config-  
ured to ensure compliance with AUSTEL Standards. The following  
commands can affect compliance and must not be set outside the per-  
missible range.  
Modem Commands  
Command Default  
Permissible Range  
Do not use  
Do not change  
Do not change  
Do not change  
see table below —  
S-Register Default  
Permissible Range  
Call Attempts/Retries  
Applications software shall be configured so that no more than 3 at-  
tempts are made to establish a connection to a given number. (Note: if  
the modem can detect service tones, up to 10 attempts can be made).  
There must be at least 2 seconds between call attempts. If the call se-  
quence is unsuccessful, there shall be a delay of at least 30 minutes  
before attempting to call the number again.  
User Guide  
Warning: Failure to set the modem, and any communications software  
used with the modem, to the values shown above will result in the mo-  
dem being operated in a non-compliant manner. Consequently, there  
would be no permit in force for this equipment, and the Telecommuni-  
cations Act 1991 prescribes a penalty of $12,000 for the connection of  
non-permitted equipment.  
Use of Supplied Power Transformer  
The power transformer supplied with the modem is the only one that  
should be used. Use of any other transformer could cause damage to  
the modem.  
For Voice Modems  
Distortion may be generated because of low bit rate voice, and reduced  
voice quality may result.  
Warning: For safety reasons, only connect AUSTEL permitted or  
AUSTEL certified equipment.  
A Regulatory Compliance  
New Zealand Telecom Warning Notice  
Use of pulse dialing, when this equipment is connected to the same line  
as other equipment, may give rise to ‘bell tinkle’ or noise and may also  
cause a false answer condition. Should such problems occur, the user  
should NOT contact the Telecom Faults Service.  
The preferred method of dialing is to use DTMF tones, as this is faster  
than pulse (decadic) dialing and is readily available on almost all New  
Zealand telephone exchanges.  
Warning Notice: No '111' or other calls can be made from this device  
during a mains power failure.  
Use of Supplied Power Transformer  
The power transformer supplied with the modem is the only one that  
should be used. Use of any other transformer could cause damage to  
the modem.  
User Guide  
B Technical Specifications  
Appendix B: Technical Specifications  
Your MultiModemZBA or MultiModemZBAV fax modem meets the fol-  
lowing specifications:  
Trade Name  
MultiModemZBA™ or MultiModemZBAV™  
MT5634ZBA or MT5634ZBAV  
Model Number  
Data Rates  
K56flex speeds when accessing an ISP type  
K56flex server (actual speed depends on serv-  
er capabilities and line conditions) *  
Data Rates  
33,600, 31,200, 28,800, 26,400, 24,000,  
19,200, 16,800, 14,400, 12,000, 9600, 7200,  
4800, 2400, 1200, 0-300 bps  
Fax Data Rates  
Data Format  
14,400, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400, 300 bps  
Serial, binary, asynchronous  
Modem Compatibility K56flex; ITU-T V.34 enhanced, V.34,  
V.32terbo, V.32bis, V.32, V.22bis, V.22; Bell  
212A and 103/113; ITU-T V.29, V.42, V.42bis;  
ITU-T V.21 & V.23 in international versions  
Fax Compatibility  
ITU-T Group 3, Class 1 and 2, T.4, T.30, V.21,  
V.27ter, V.29, V.17, and TIA/EIA TR29.2  
Voice Compatiblity  
Video Compatiblity  
TIA/EIA IS-101 (MT5634ZBAV only)  
ITU-T V.80 for H.324 video conferencing  
*Though these modems are capable of 56K bps download performance, line  
impairments, public telephone infrastructure and other external technological  
factors currently prevent maximum 56K bps connections.  
User Guide  
Error Correction  
ITU-T V.42 (LAP-M or MNP 3–4)  
Data Compression  
ITU-T V.42bis (4:1 throughput), MNP 5 (2:1  
Speed Conversion  
Mode of Operation  
Serial port data rates adjustable to 300, 1200,  
2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200, 38,400, 57,600,  
115,200, and 230,400 bps  
Fax online modes; full duplex over dial-up  
lines; AT and AT+V command modes support-  
ing answering machine and voice mail func-  
tions (MT5634ZBAV only)  
Flow Control  
XON/XOFF (software), RTS/CTS (hardware)  
Intelligent Features  
Plug and play; fully AT command compatible;  
autodial, redial, repeat dial; pulse or tone dial;  
dial pauses; auto answer; caller ID; EIA ex-  
tended automode; adaptive line probing; auto-  
matic symbol and carrier frequency during  
start-up, retrain, and rate renrgotiation; DTMF  
detection; call status display, auto-parity and  
data rate selections; keyboard-controlled mo-  
dem options; non-volatile memory; on-screen  
displays for modem option parameters; com-  
mand lines of up to 40 characters each; help  
menus; remote configuration; DTR dialing;  
callback security; 11-bit support.  
Command Buffer  
Data Modulation  
40 characters  
FSK at 300 bps, PSK at 1200 bps, QAM at  
2400, 4800, and 9600 bps (non-trellis), QAM  
with trellis-coded modulation (TCM) at 9600,  
12,000, 14,400, 16,800, 19,200, 21,600,  
24,000, 26,400, 28,800, 31,200, 33,600, and  
56,000 bps  
B Technical Specifications  
Fax Modulation  
V.21 CH2 FSK at 300 bps (half duplex)  
V.27ter DPSK at 4800 and 2400 bps  
V.29 QAM at 9600 and 7200 bps  
V.17TCM at 14400, 12000, 9600, and 7200 bps  
Carrier Frequencies  
ITU-T V.34  
1600, 1646, 1680, 1800, 1829, 1867, 1920,  
1959, 2000 Hz  
Carrier Frequencies  
AT&T V.32 terbo/  
ITU-T V.32bis/V.32  
1800 Hz  
Carrier Frequencies  
V.22bis/V.22 or  
Bell 212A Standard Receive originate:  
Transmit originate:  
Transmit answer:  
1200 Hz  
2400 Hz  
2400 Hz  
1200 Hz  
(2400 & 1200 bps)  
Receive answer:  
Carrier Frequencies  
ITU-T V.23  
(1200 bps)  
Transmit originate:  
390 Hz mark  
450 Hz space  
1300 Hz mark  
2100 Hz space  
1300 Hz mark  
2100 Hz space  
390 Hz mark  
450 Hz space  
Receive originate:  
Transmit answer:  
Receive answer:  
Carrier Frequencies  
ITU-T V.21  
(0–300 bps)  
Transmit originate:  
Receive originate:  
Transmit answer:  
Receive answer:  
980 Hz mark  
1180 Hz space  
1650 Hz mark  
1850 Hz space  
1650 Hz mark  
1850 Hz space  
980 Hz mark  
1180 Hz space  
User Guide  
Carrier Frequencies  
Bell 103/113  
(0–300 bps)  
Transmit originate:  
Receive originate:  
Transmit answer:  
Receive answer:  
1270 Hz mark  
1070 Hz space  
2225 Hz mark  
2025 Hz space  
2225 Hz mark  
2025 Hz space  
1270 Hz mark  
1070 Hz space  
Fax Carrier  
V.21 Ch2 (half duplex):  
1650 Hz mark, 1850 HZ space for transmit  
1650 HZ mark, 1850 Hz space for transmit  
V.27ter: 1800 Hz originate/answer  
V.29 QAM: 1800 Hz originate/answer  
V.17 TCM: 1800 Hz originate/answer  
Voice Compression  
and Sampling Rate  
(MT5634ZBAV only)  
PCM 128, 8000 Hz, or IMA ADPCM, 8000 Hz,  
(selectable via +V commands). Note that your  
computer system should have a processing  
speed of at least 75 MHz to take full advan-  
tage of the telephony features of this product.  
Transmit Level  
-11 dBm (dial-up)  
Frequency Stability  
Receiver Sensitivity  
-43 dBm under worst-case conditions  
AGC Dynamic Range 43 dB  
EIA RS-232C/ITU-T V.24/V.28  
DB25 RS-232C connector; two RJ-11 phone  
jacks (one RJ-11 jack on UK and international  
modems), power jack; 1/8-inch stereo speaker  
jack and microphone jack on ZBAV model.  
B Technical Specifications  
One 14-foot RJ-11 phone cable (USA); coun-  
try-specific cord for UK and International mod-  
els; external power transformer and cord  
Note: Any cables connected to the computer  
should be shielded to reduce interference.  
Power-on self test, local analog loop, local  
digital loop, remote digital loop.  
LEDs for Transmit Data, Receive Data, Carrier  
Detect, 56K bps, 33.6K bps, 14.4K bps, Off  
Hook, Terminal Ready, Error Correction, Fax.  
Command-controlled 2-inch speaker for call  
progress monitoring.  
Manual Control  
ON/OFF power switch  
Temperature range 0°–50°C (32°–120°F); hu-  
midity range 20–90% (non-condensing)  
Power Requirements 100–130VAC, 50/60 Hz, 5 W; two-prong out-  
let-mounted transformer (included); 230V/50  
Hz optional (international)  
Power Consumption 9 VDC, 300 mA maximum transformer output  
10.8 cm wide x 14.8 cm long x 2.9 cm high  
(4.25" x 5.8" x 1.15")  
224 g (8 oz)  
Limited Warranty  
10 years in the U.S.A., U.K., Canada, and  
Mexico; 5 years elsewhere  
User Guide  
C Loopback Tests  
Appendix C: Loopback Tests  
Each time you turn on your modem, it performs an automatic self-test  
to ensure proper operation. Your modem also has three diagnostic  
tests: local analog loopback, remote digital loopback, and local digital  
loopback. These ITU-T V.54 loopback tests isolate telephone circuit  
and transmission problems.  
In a loopback test, data from your computer loops through the circuits  
of your modem and/or a remote modem before it appears on your moni-  
tor. When the loop has been completed, the data on your PC’s monitor  
should match the original data.  
The local analog loopback test allows you to verify that the modem’s  
transmitter and receiver circuits are functioning properly.  
The local digital loopback allows you to verify that the local computer or  
terminal, the two modems, and the transmission line between them are  
functioning properly.  
The remote digital loopback test allows you to verify that the remote  
computer or terminal, the remote modem, the serial ports, the tele-  
phone line, and the local modem are functioning properly.  
Note: All loopback tests operate at all speeds except 300 bps.  
User Guide  
Local Analog Loopback Test (V.54 Loop 3)  
In this test, data from your computer or terminal is sent to your mo-  
dem’s transmitter, converted into analog form, looped back to the mo-  
dem’s receiver, converted into digital form, and then sent to your  
monitor for verification. No connection to the phone line is required.  
Digital Analog  
Computer or Terminal  
Local MultiModem  
Figure C-1. Local analog loopback test.  
Test procedure  
1. Connect the modem to your computer. Using your communication  
program, set the desired baud rate and go into terminal mode.  
2. Type AT&T1 and press ENTER. This places your modem in analog  
loopback mode in the originate mode. A CONNECT message should  
appear on your display. The modem is now out of command mode  
and in a pseudo-online mode.  
3. Note that the CD LED is on. If you are set for 14,400 bps or higher,  
a speed LED should be on. If the CD LED is not on, there is a defect  
in your modem.  
4. Enter characters from your keyboard. For this test, typing multiple  
uppercase U characters is a good way to send an alternating test  
pattern of binary ones and zeros. The characters entered should be  
C Loopback Tests  
displayed on your monitor. The TD and RD LEDs should flash when  
a character is entered.  
5. To exit the test, type the escape sequence +++AT and press EN-  
TER. This puts the modem in online command mode. Then type  
either AT&T or ATH to return to command mode.  
6. Your modem passes this test if the data received on your monitor  
are the same as the data entered from your keyboard. If different  
data appear on your monitor, your modem is probably causing the  
problem, though it could also be your computer. If your modem  
passes this test, but you are receiving errors while on line, the re-  
mote modem or the phone line could be at fault.  
Remote Digital Loopback Test (V.54 Loop 2)  
The remote digital loopback test tests the phone lines and the circuits  
of both your modem and a remote modem. In this test, your modem  
must be on line with another modem that is set up to respond to a re-  
quest for remote digital loopback. (Note that some modems might not  
support remote digital loopback or might have it disabled.) Data from  
your computer or terminal is transmitted through your modem and over  
the phone line to the remote modem, where it is then looped back to  
your modem.  
Digital Analog  
Analog Digital  
Computer or Terminal Local MultiModem  
Remote MultiModem Computer or Terminal  
Figure C-2. Remote digital loopback test.  
User Guide  
Test procedure  
1. Arrange to have &T6 set on the remote test modem.  
2. Open your communications software and go into terminal mode.  
Type AT and press ENTER; you should get an OK message. Type  
AT\N and press ENTER to disable error correction.  
3. Dial the remote modem and establish your online connection.  
4. Type the escape sequence +++AT and press ENTER to bring your  
modem into online command mode.  
5. Type AT&T6 and press ENTER. The local modem responds to this  
command by transmitting an unscrambled marking signal, which  
causes the remote modem to place itself in digital loopback mode.  
Then the local modem exits online command mode and enters data  
6. Enter data from your keyboard. For this test, typing multiple upper-  
case U characters is a good way to send an alternating test pattern  
of binary ones and zeroes. Data received by the remote modem  
enters its analog receiver, is converted to digital data, is reconverted  
into analog, and then is transmitted back to your modem. Your mo-  
dem passes this test if the data received on your monitor is the  
same as the data entered from your keyboard.  
7. To exit the test, type the escape sequence +++AT and press EN-  
TER. This puts the modem in online command mode. The modem  
should respond with an OK message. If you wish to stay on line with  
the remote modem for normal data transmission, type AT&T and  
press ENTER to exit the test, then type ATO and press ENTER to  
return on line. If you wish to terminate the call, type ATH and press  
ENTER to hang up.  
C Loopback Tests  
Local Digital Loopback Test (V.54 Loop 2)  
The local digital loopback test is identical to the remote digital loopback  
test with one exception. Instead of using your modem to signal a re-  
mote modem to place itself in digital loopback mode, your modem is  
placed in digital loopback mode while the remote modem is not. Data is  
entered and transmitted from the remote modem, sent across the  
phone line to your modem, and looped back to the remote modem.  
Digital Analog  
Analog Digital  
Computer or Terminal Local MultiModem  
Remote MultiModem Computer or Terminal  
Figure C-3. Local digital loopback test  
Test procedure  
1. Open your communications software and go into terminal mode.  
Type AT and press ENTER; you should get an OK message. Type  
AT\N and press ENTER to disable error correction.  
2. Dial the remote modem and establish your online connection.  
3. Type the escape sequence +++AT and press ENTER to bring your  
modem into online command mode.  
4. Type AT&T3 and press ENTER. Once you receive an OK message  
from your modem (if responses are enabled), your modem is placed  
in digital loopback mode.  
User Guide  
5. Have someone enter data from the remote keyboard. For this test,  
typing multiple uppercase U characters is a good way to send an  
alternating test pattern of binary ones and zeros. The data received  
by your modem enters its analog receiver, is converted to digital  
data, is reconverted into analog, and then is transmitted back to the  
remote modem. Your modem passes this test if the data received on  
the remote monitor is the same as the data entered from the remote  
6. To exit the test, type the escape sequence +++AT and press EN-  
TER. This puts the modem in online command mode. The modem  
should respond with an OK message. If you wish to stay on line with  
the remote modem for normal data transmission, type AT&T and  
press ENTER to exit the test, then type ATO and press ENTER to  
return on line. If you wish to terminate the call, type ATH and press  
ENTER to hang up.  
D Warranty, Service, and Technical Support  
Appendix D: Warranty, Service, and  
Technical Support  
Limited Warranty  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. (MTS) warrants that this product will be free  
from defects in material or workmanship for a period of ten years from  
the date of purchase or, if date of purchase is not provided, ten years  
from the date of shipment (limited to customers in the U.S., Canada,  
Mexico, and United Kingdom). For customers in all other countries, due  
to certain legal restrictions, MTS warrants that this product will be free  
from defects in material or workmanship for a period of five years from  
the date of purchase or, if date of purchase is not provided, five years  
from the date of shipment, unless otherwise limited or prohibited by law.  
This warranty does not apply to any products that have been damaged  
by lightning storms, water, or power surges, or that have been neglect-  
ed, altered, abused, used for a purpose other than the one for which  
they were manufactured, repaired by the customer or any party without  
MTS’s written authorization, or used in any manner inconsistent with  
MTS’s instructions.  
MTS’s entire obligation under this warranty shall be limited (at MTS’s  
option) to repair or replacement of any products that prove to be defec-  
tive within the warranty period, or, at MTS’s option, issuance of a re-  
fund of the purchase price. Defective products must be returned by  
Customer to MTS’s factory with transportation prepaid.  
User Guide  
If you are outside the USA, your local distributor of Multi-Tech products  
usually offers the quickest and most economical repair option. If neces-  
sary, you may send your modem to our Mounds View factory in the  
USA. A modem that is shipped to us from outside the USA must have a  
Returned Materials Authorization (RMA) and shipping instructions. To  
return a modem for repair from inside the USA, no RMA is required;  
simply send it to us freight prepaid. Include a description of the prob-  
lem, a return shipping address, and a check or purchase order for out-  
of-warranty repairs.  
Please send modems that require repairs to the following address:  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.  
2205 Woodale Drive  
Mounds View, MN 55112  
Attn: Repair  
If you are shipping from outside the USA, please contact our Repair  
Department for an RMA prior to your shipment. You can contact us by  
telephone at +(612) 785-3500 or by fax at +(612) 785-9874.  
Technical Support  
Multi-Tech Systems has an excellent staff of technical support person-  
nel available to help you get the most out of your Multi-Tech product. If  
you have any questions about the operation of this unit, please call  
(800) 972-2439 (USA and Canada) or (612) 785-3500 (international and  
local). Please have modem information available. You can also contact  
Technical Support via the following URL:  
D Warranty, Service, and Technical Support  
Online Warranty Registration  
If you have access to the World Wide Web, you can register your Multi-  
Tech product online at the following URL:  
The Multi-Tech BBS  
For customers who do not have Internet access, Multi-Tech maintains a  
bulletin board system (BBS) that mirrors its FTP site. Information avail-  
able from the BBS includes new product information, product upgrade  
files, and problem-solving tips. The phone number for the Multi-Tech  
BBS is (800) 392-2432 (USA and Canada) or (612) 785-3702 (interna-  
tional and local).  
The BBS can be accessed by any asynchronous modem operating at  
1200 bps to 33,600 bps at a setting of 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit  
To Log on to the Multi-Tech BBS  
1. Set your communications program to 8-N-1.  
2. Dial our BBS at (800) 392-2432 (USA and Canada) or (612) 785-  
3702 (international and local).  
3. At the prompts, type your first name, last name, and password;  
then press ENTER. If you are a first time caller, the BBS asks if  
your name is spelled correctly. If you answer yes, a questionnaire  
appears. You must complete the questionnaire to use the BBS on  
your first call.  
4. Press ENTER until the Main Menu appears. From the Main Menu  
you have access to two areas: the Files Menu and News. For help  
on menu commands, type ?.  
User Guide  
To Download a File  
If you know the file name  
1. From the Main Menu, type F to access the Files Menu, then type D.  
2. Enter the name of the file you wish to download from the BBS.  
3. If a password is required, enter the password.  
4. Answer Y or N to the automatic logoff question.  
5. Select a file transfer protocol by typing the indicated letter, such as  
Z for Zmodem (the recommended protocol).  
6. If you select Zmodem, the transfer will begin automatically. If you  
select another protocol, you may have to initiate the transfer your-  
self. (In most datacomm programs, the PAGE DOWN key initiates  
the download.)  
7. When the download is complete, press ENTER to return to the File  
8. To exit the BBS, type G and press ENTER.  
If you don’t know the file name  
1. From the Main Menu, type F to access the Files Menu. For a list of  
file areas, type L, press ENTER, then type L and press ENTER  
again. (If you do not type the second L, you will list all of the files  
on the BBS.)  
2. Mark each file area you would like to examine by typing its list num-  
ber and pressing ENTER.  
3. Enter L to list all the files in the selected file areas. Enter C to go  
forward in the file list and P to go back.  
4. To mark one or more files for download, type M, press ENTER,  
type the list numbers of the files, and press ENTER again.  
D Warranty, Service, and Technical Support  
5. Enter D. You will see a list of the files you have marked. Enter E if  
you would like to edit the list; otherwise enter D again to start the  
download process.  
6. Select a file transfer protocol by typing the indicated letter, such as  
Z for Zmodem (the recommended protocol).  
7. If you select Zmodem, the file will transfer automatically. If you se-  
lect another protocol, you may have to initiate the transfer yourself.  
(In most data communications programs, the PAGE DOWN key  
initiates the download.)  
8. When the download is complete, press ENTER to return to the File  
9. To exit the BBS, type G and press ENTER.  
About the Internet  
Multi-Tech is a commercial provider on the Internet, and we retrieve  
e-mail messages from the following mailboxes on a periodic basis:  
Technical Support  
Marketing Dept.  
Sales Dept.  
i[email protected] International Marketing & Sales  
[email protected] Publications Dept.  
Multi-Tech's presence includes a Web site at  
and an ftp site at  
The ftp server mirrors the Multi-Tech BBS files.  
User Guide  
About CompuServe  
In addition to the BBS, Multi-Tech provides support through Com-  
puServe’s Modem Vendor Forum (GO MODEMVEN) under GO MULTI-  
TECH. Refer to your CompuServe documentation for special operating  
About the Multi-Tech Fax-Back Service  
Multi-Tech's fax-back system provides 24-hour access to sales, market-  
ing, and technical literature for customers in the U.S.A. Dial (612) 717-  
5888, follow the voice prompts, and enter the document number for  
either the Sales and Marketing catalog or the Technical Support catalog  
of documents. For convenience, write your fax number in the following  
space: __________________________________________.  
From the Sales and Marketing catalog, you can request to have news-  
letters, white papers, press releases, brochures, and other marketing  
literature faxed to you. From the the Technical Support catalog, you can  
request basic modem operation information and troubleshooting guides.  
With either catalog, simply enter the FB Doc. number of the literature  
you wish to receive.  
E Upgrade Procedures  
Appendix E: Upgrade Procedures  
Your modem is controlled by semi-permanent software, called firmware,  
that is stored in flash memory. Firmware is nonvolatile; that is, it re-  
mains stored in memory when the modem is turned off. However, it can  
be changed by either the manufacturer or the user as bugs are fixed or  
new features are added.  
Since the firmware in your modem is stored in flash memory, you can  
upgrade it yourself in a few minutes by using the following procedures.  
Upgrade Overview  
The upgrade procedure consists of the following steps, which are de-  
scribed in greater detail in the following sections.  
1. Identify the model number and firmware version of your modem.  
2. Identify the current version of the firmware at the Multi-Tech Web  
site or BBS. If your modem already has the current firmware, there  
is no need to update it.  
3. Download the upgrade file for your modem.  
4. Extract the firmware .HEX file and the appropriate flash upgrade  
program from the file you downloaded.  
5. Document and clear your stored parameters.  
6. Upgrade the modem’s firmware using the .HEX file and the flash  
upgrade program.  
7. Restore your parameters.  
User Guide  
Step 1: Identify the Modem Firmware  
You must know the model number and firmware version of your Multi-  
Tech modem to know whether you should update it.  
1. Run your favorite terminal program. If you are using Windows 95 or  
Windows NT, you can use HyperTerminal. If you are using Windows  
3.11, you can use Windows Terminal.  
2. In the program’s terminal window, type AT&F. Even if you cannot  
see the AT&F command on your screen, be sure to type it com-  
pletely and then press ENTER.  
3. Now type ATI and record your results. The model number and firm-  
ware version should appear as shown below.  
LT K56FLEX 1.1 MT5634ZBAV Serial Data/Fax/Voice  
Modem Version 4.07a  
Step 2: Identify the Current Firmware Version  
Identify the current version of the firmware at the Multi-Tech Web site  
or BBS. If your modem already has the current firmware, there is no  
need to update it.  
Multi-Tech Web Site  
1. Using your favorite Web browser, go to  
2. Scroll down to the table with your modem model number (non-USA  
firmware must be obtained directly from the ftp site or BBS at this  
3. Look at the Current Revision number for your modem.  
E Upgrade Procedures  
4. If the Current Revision number matches the firmware version num-  
ber found in “Step 1: Identify the Modem Firmware,” your modem  
has the current firmware version and does not need to be updated.  
5. If the Current Revision number is larger than the firmware version  
number found in “Step 1: Identify the Modem Firmware,” your mo-  
dem has an older firmware version. Continue with “Step 3: Down-  
load the Upgrade File.”  
Multi-Tech BBS  
1. Run your favorite terminal program and dial in to the Multi-Tech  
BBS at 800-392-2432 (North America) or 612-785-3702 (local and  
international). If you followed the download test in the “Quick Start”  
chapter, your terminal program should already be configured for the  
Multi-Tech BBS.  
2. When the BBS welcome screen appears, type your first name, last  
name, and password following the prompts. If you are a first-time  
caller, the BBS asks if your name is spelled correctly. If you answer  
Y, a questionnaire appears. You must complete the questionnaire to  
use the BBS on your first call.  
3. Press ENTER until the main menu appears. From the main menu  
you have access to two areas: the Files Menu and News. For help  
with menu commands, type ?.  
4. In the Main Menu, type F and press ENTER to access the Files Menu.  
5. In the Files Menu, type L and press ENTER, then type L and press  
ENTER again. A two-column list of file areas appears.  
6. Press ENTER until the modem firmware area for your country is  
User Guide  
7. Type the number of the modem firmware area for your country and  
press ENTER.  
8. Type L and press ENTER to list the files in the selected area.  
9. Press ENTER until your modem model number appears.  
10. Look at the version number for your modem.  
11. If the version number matches the firmware version number found  
in “Step 1: Identify the Modem Firmware,” your modem has the cur-  
rent firmware version and does not need to be updated.  
12. If the version number is larger than the firmware version number  
found in “Step 1: Identify the Modem Firmware,” your modem has  
an older firmware version. Continue with “Step 3: Download the  
Upgrade File.”  
Step 3: Download the Upgrade File  
Multi-Tech Web Site  
1. If you are not already at the Firmware page of the Multi-Tech Web  
site, follow the procedure in “Step 2: Identify the Current Firmware.”  
2. Click on the upgrade file name for your modem and save the file to  
a temporary location on your hard disk.  
Multi-Tech BBS  
1. If you have not already found the upgrade file for your modem on  
the Multi-Tech BBS, follow the procedure in “Step 2: Identify the  
Current Firmware.”  
E Upgrade Procedures  
2. Type the number of the upgrade file for your modem and press  
3. Type D and press ENTER to list the file to be downloaded.  
4. If the correct file is listed, press ENTER; otherwise use the Q com-  
mand to return to the previous menu.  
5. Type Z and press ENTER to select the Zmodem transfer protocol.  
6. The download begins automatically. As the file is copied to your  
hard disk, a dialog box reports on the progress of the download.  
7. To log off the BBS, press ENTER, type G for “good-bye,” and press  
ENTER twice more.  
Step 4: Extract the Upgrade Files  
1. Move the downloaded upgrade file to a temporary directory or folder  
on your hard disk.  
2. The file is a self-extracting archive. Extract the files by typing the  
upgrade file name in DOS or double-clicking it in Windows. The  
extracted files include a .HEX file, which contains the upgrade data,  
and one flash program each for DOS, Windows 3.1/95, and Win-  
dows NT.  
Step 5: Clear Your Stored Paramenters  
Before you flash your modem it is important that you issue the  
AT&W1Z command to it to clear out any stored parameters. You should  
also record the parameters that are currently stored in your modem so  
you can reprogram it after flashing.  
User Guide  
1. Run your favorite terminal program. If you are using Windows 95 or  
Windows NT, you can use HyperTerminal. If you are using Windows  
3.11, you can use Windows Terminal.  
2. In the program’s terminal window, type AT&V and press ENTER to  
list your modem’s current parameters.  
3. Record your parameters by saving the screens and sending them to  
your printer.  
4. Type AT&W1Z and press ENTER to clear your stored parameters  
and reset your modem to factory default.  
5. Close the terminal program.  
Step 6: Upgrade the Modem’s Firmware  
Use one of the flash programs that you extracted to upgrade your mo-  
dem. There are three flash programs: DOSFLASH.ZIP for DOS or Win-  
dows 3.1, FLASHWIN for Windows 3.1 or Windows 95, and FLASHNT  
for Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0.  
1. Copy DOSFLASH.ZIP and the downloaded .HEX file to a temporary  
2. Unzip DOSFLASH.ZIP.  
3. To upgrade the modem, run DOSFLASH by using the command  
dflash10 x y, in which x is the number of the port the modem is  
connected to and y is the IRQ number for the port. The IRQ number  
is optional if you are using the standard IRQ number for the port.  
For example, if your modem is connected to COM2, and COM2 has  
IRQ 3 assigned to it, which is standard for that port, type either  
dflash10 2 or dflash10 2 3.  
E Upgrade Procedures  
1. Copy FLASHWIN.ZIP and the downloaded .HEX file to a temporary  
2. Unzip FLASHWIN.ZIP.  
3. Run FLASHWIN by double-clicking on its icon or file name.  
4. Select the COM port your modem is on and the speed at which you  
want to program.  
5. Enter the name and path of the *.HEX file you want to load into the  
6. When you have verified your selections, click Perform Flash to load  
the firmware into the modem.  
7. When Loading Status reaches 100%, the modem has been up-  
graded and you may close FLASHWIN.  
1. Copy FLASHNT.ZIP and the downloaded .HEX file to a temporary  
2. Unzip FLASHNT.ZIP.  
3. Run FLASHNT.EXE by double-clicking on its icon or file name.  
4. Select the COM port your modem is on and the speed that you want  
to program at. The default is 57,600 bps.  
5. Verify that the selected firmware file (*.HEX) is the correct one. If  
necessary, use the Browse button to find the correct file.  
6. Click Finish to begin upgrading your modem.  
7. When the flash upgrade is complete, the message Flash Loader  
has completed appears.  
User Guide  
8. Close the program.  
Step 7: Restore Your Parameters  
Your modem is now updated. You can now open your terminal program  
to reprogram your modem parameters, if necessary, or to confirm the  
update by typing ATI in the terminal window.  
56K operation  
User Guide  
User Guide  
User Guide  

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