Onkyo Car Stereo System CS 245BT User Manual

CD Receiver System  
CD Receiver (CR-245BT)  
Speakers (D-T05)  
Instruction Manual  
Playing Your  
Bluetooth .................................22  
Playing a  
Thank you for purchasing an Onkyo CD Receiver System.  
Please read this manual thoroughly before making any  
connections and plugging it in.  
Following the instructions in this manual will enable you to  
obtain optimum performance and listening enjoyment from  
your new CD Receiver System.  
Please retain this manual for future reference.  
1. Recording Copyright—Unless it’s for personal use  
only, recording copyrighted material is illegal  
without the permission of the copyright holder.  
• If you do not use this unit for a long time, it may  
not work properly the next time you turn it on, so  
be sure to use it occasionally.  
2. AC Fuse—The AC fuse inside the unit is not user-  
serviceable. If you cannot turn on the unit, contact  
your Onkyo dealer.  
• When you’ve finished using this unit, remove all  
discs and turn off the power.  
9. Installing this Unit  
3. Care—Occasionally you should dust the unit all over  
with a soft cloth. For stubborn stains, use a soft cloth  
dampened with a weak solution of mild detergent and  
water. Dry the unit immediately afterwards with a  
clean cloth. Don’t use abrasive cloths, thinners,  
alcohol, or other chemical solvents, because they  
may damage the finish or remove the panel lettering.  
• Install this unit in a well-ventilated location.  
• Ensure that there’s adequate ventilation all  
around this unit, especially if it’s installed in an  
audio rack. If the ventilation is inadequate, the  
unit may overheat, leading to malfunction.  
• Do not expose this unit to direct sunlight or heat  
sources, because its internal temperature may  
rise, shortening the life of the optical pickup.  
• Avoid damp and dusty places, and places subject  
to vibrations from loudspeakers. Never put the  
unit on top of, or directly above a loudspeaker.  
• Install this unit horizontally. Never use it on its  
side or on a sloping surface, because it may cause  
a malfunction.  
4. Power  
AC outlet voltages vary from country to country.  
Make sure that the voltage in your area meets the  
voltage requirements printed on the unit’s rear panel  
(e.g., AC 230 V, 50 Hz or AC 120 V, 60 Hz).  
• If you install this unit near a TV, radio, or VCR,  
the picture and sound quality may be affected. If  
this occurs, move this unit away from the TV,  
radio, or VCR.  
The power cord plug is used to disconnect this unit  
from the AC power source. Make sure that the plug  
is readily operable (easily accessible) at all times.  
10. Moisture Condensation  
For models with [POWER] button, or with both  
[POWER] and [ON/STANDBY] buttons:  
Pressing the [POWER] button to select OFF mode  
does not fully disconnect from the mains. If you do  
not intend to use the unit for an extended period,  
remove the power cord from the AC outlet.  
Moisture condensation may damage this unit.  
Read the following carefully:  
Moisture may condense on the lens of the optical  
pickup, one of the most important parts inside this  
• Moisture condensation can occur in the following  
– The unit is moved from a cold place to a warm  
– A heater is turned on, or cold air from an air  
conditioner is hitting the unit.  
For models with [ON/STANDBY] button only:  
Pressing the [ON/STANDBY] button to select  
Standby mode does not fully disconnect from the  
mains. If you do not intend to use the unit for an  
extended period, remove the power cord from the  
AC outlet.  
– In the summer, when this unit is moved from  
an air conditioned room to a hot and humid  
– The unit is used in a humid place.  
• Do not use this unit when there’s the possibility  
of moisture condensation occurring. Doing so  
may damage your discs and certain parts inside  
this unit.  
5. Preventing Hearing Loss  
Excessive sound pressure from earphones and  
headphones can cause hearing loss.  
6. Batteries and Heat Exposure  
Batteries (battery pack or batteries installed) shall  
not be exposed to excessive heat as sunshine, fire or  
the like.  
If condensation does occur, unplug the power cord  
and leave the unit for two to three hours in the room  
7. Never Touch this Unit with Wet Hands—Never  
handle this unit or its power cord while your hands  
are wet or damp. If water or any other liquid gets  
inside this unit, have it checked by your Onkyo  
This unit contains a semiconductor laser system and is  
classified as a “CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT”. So, to  
use this model properly, read this Instruction Manual  
carefully. In case of any trouble, please contact the store  
where you purchased the unit.  
To prevent being exposed to the laser beam, do not try to  
open the enclosure.  
8. Handling Notes  
• If you need to transport this unit, use the original  
packaging to pack it how it was when you  
originally bought it.  
• Do not leave rubber or plastic items on this unit  
for a long time, because they may leave marks on  
the case.  
• This unit’s top and rear panels may get warm  
after prolonged use. This is normal.  
Hereby, Onkyo Corporation, declares that this  
CR-245BT is in compliance with the essential  
requirements and other relevant provisions of  
Directive 1999/5/EC.  
С настоящето, Onkyo Corporation, декларира, че  
CR-245BT е в съответствие със съществените  
изисквания и другитеприложими разпоредби на  
Директива 1999/5/EC.  
The label on the right is  
applied on the rear panel.  
1. This unit is a CLASS 1  
Onkyo Corporation tímto prohlašuje, že CR-245BT  
splňuje základní požadavky a všechna příslušná  
ustanoveni Směrnice 1999/5/ES.  
employs a laser inside the cabinet.  
2. To prevent the laser from being exposed, do not  
remove the cover. Refer servicing to qualified  
Undertegnede Onkyo Corporation erklærer herved,  
at følgende udstyr CR-245BT overholder de  
væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv  
For British models  
Replacement and mounting of an AC plug on the power  
supply cord of this unit should be performed only by  
qualified service personnel.  
Hiermit erklärt Onkyo Corporation, dass sich das  
Gerät CR-245BT in Übereinstimmung mit den  
grundlegenden Anforderungen und den übrigen  
einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/  
5/EG befindet.  
The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance  
with the following code:  
Käesolevaga kinnitab Onkyo Corporation seadme  
CR-245BT vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ  
põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele  
teistele asjakohastele sätetele.  
As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this  
apparatus may not correspond with the coloured  
markings identifying the terminals in your plug,  
proceed as follows:  
The wire which is coloured blue must be connected to  
the terminal which is marked with the letter N or  
coloured black.  
The wire which is coloured brown must be connected to  
the terminal which is marked with the letter L or  
coloured red.  
Corporation ∆ΗΛΩΝΕΙ ΟΤΙ CR-245BT  
Por la presente, Onkyo Corporation, declara que  
este CR-245BT cumple con los requisitos  
esenciales y otras exigencias relevantes de la  
Directiva 1999/5/EC.  
The plug is fitted with an appropriate fuse. If the fuse  
needs to be replaced, the replacement fuse must  
approved by ASTA or BSI to BS1362 and have the same  
ampere rating as that indicated on the plug. Check for  
the ASTA mark or the BSI mark on the body of the fuse.  
If the power cord’s plug is not suitable for your socket  
outlets, cut it off and fit a suitable plug. Fit a suitable  
fuse in the plug.  
Par la présente, Onkyo Corporation déclare que  
l’appareil CR-245BT est conforme aux exigences  
essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes  
de la directive 1999/5/CE.  
Con la presente Onkyo Corporation dichiara che  
questo CR-245BT è conforme ai requisiti essenziali  
ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla  
direttiva 1999/5/CE.  
For European Models  
Ar šo Onkyo Corporation deklarē, ka CR-245BT  
atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK būtiskajām prasībām un  
citiem ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem.  
Šiuo Onkyo Corporation deklaruoja, kad šis  
CR-245BT atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas  
1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas.  
A Onkyo Corporation ezzennel kijelenti, hogy a  
CR-245BT típusú beren-dezés teljesíti az alapvető  
követelményeket és más 1999/5/EK irányelvben  
meghatározott vonatkozó rendelkezéseket.  
Hierbij verklaart Onkyo Corporation dat het toestel l  
CR-245BT in overeenstemming is met de  
essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalin-  
gen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG.  
Before Using Your New Speakers  
• Place the speakers on sturdy, flat surfaces. Putting  
them on uneven or unstable surfaces where they may  
fall and cause damage will affect the sound quality.  
• Do not keep water or other liquids close to the  
speakers. If a liquid is spilled over them, the woofer  
and tweeter inside may be damaged.  
Niniejszym Onkyo Corporation deklaruje że  
CR-245BT jest zgodny z zasadniczymi  
wymaganiami i innymi właściwymi  
postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC.  
• Do not handle the speakers with wet or damp hands.  
Eu, Onkyo Corporation, declaro que o CR-245BT  
cumpre os requisitos essenciais e outras provisões  
relevantes da Directiva 1999/5/EC.  
Speaker Precautions  
The speakers can handle the specified input power when  
used for normal music reproduction. If they’re fed any  
of the following signals, even if the input power is  
within the specified rating, excessive current may flow  
in the speaker coils, causing burning or wire breakage:  
1. Interstation noise from an untuned FM radio.  
2. Audio from a cassette that’s being fast-forwarded.  
3. High-pitched sounds generated by an oscillator, elec-  
tronic musical instrument, and so on.  
Prin prezenta, Onkyo Corporation, declară că  
aparatul CR-245BT este în conformitate cu  
cerinţele esenţiale şi cu alte prevederi pertinente  
ale Directivei 1999/5/CE.  
Onkyo Corporation týmto vyhlasuje, že CR-245BT  
a spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné  
ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES.  
4. Amplifier oscillation.  
5. Special test tones from audio test CDs and so on.  
6. Thumps and clicks caused by connecting or discon-  
necting audio cables (always turn off your amplifier  
before connecting or disconnecting cables).  
Onkyo Corporation izjavlja, da je ta CR-245BT v  
skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in drugimi  
relevantnimi določili direktive 1999/5/ES.  
Onkyo Corporation vakuuttaa täten että CR-245BT  
tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten  
vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden  
ehtojen mukainen.  
7. Microphone feedback.  
The speakers contain powerful magnets. Do not put  
metal items, such as screwdrivers, close to the speakers,  
as they may be attracted toward the magnet, causing  
injury, or damage to the tweeter diaphragm.  
Härmed förklarar Onkyo Corporation att denna  
CR-245BT följer de väsentliga kraven och andra  
relevanta stadgar i Direktiv 1999/5/EC.  
Using Close to a TV or Computer  
Hér með lýsir Onkyo Corporation því yfir að varan  
CR-245BT er í samræmi við grunnkröfur og aðrar  
kröfur sem gerðar eru í tilskipun 1999/5/EC.  
TVs and computer monitors are magnetically sensitive  
devices and as such are likely to suffer from  
discoloration or picture distortion when conventional  
speakers are placed nearby. To prevent this, the speakers  
feature internal magnetic shielding. In some situations,  
however, discoloration may still be an issue. In this  
case, turn off your TV or monitor, wait 15 to 30  
minutes, and then turn it back on again. This normally  
activates the degaussing function, which neutralizes the  
magnetic field, thereby removing any discoloration  
effects. If discoloration problems persist, try moving the  
speakers away from your TV or monitor. Note that  
discoloration can also be caused by a magnet or  
demagnetizing tool that’s too close to your TV or  
Onkyo Corporation erklærer herved at denne  
CR-245BT er i overensstemmelse med vesentlige  
krav og andre relevante bestemmelser i direktiv  
• If the speakers are placed close to a TV or monitor,  
due to the electromagnetic waves radiated by the TV  
or monitor, you may hear noise from the speakers even  
after your amplifier has been turned off. To prevent  
this, position the speakers away from your TV or  
Package Contents  
Make sure you have the following items:  
When using the remote controller, point it toward the  
CD receiver’s remote control sensor, as shown below.  
CD Receiver (CR-245BT)  
Remote controller (RC-854C)  
Indoor FM antenna  
Remote control sensor  
Power cord  
(Connector type varies from country to country.)  
Speakers (D-T05)  
Speaker cables  
8 floor pads  
* In catalogs and on packaging, the letter at the end of  
the product name indicates the color. Specifications  
and operation are the same regardless of color.  
Using the Included Floor Pads for  
Replacing the Battery  
You can improve the sound quality by attaching the  
included floor pads to raise the speakers off the surface  
and reduce the contact area. The floor pads also make  
the speakers stable and prevent them from slipping.  
Use only a battery of the same type (CR2025).  
Firmly insert a thin stick or similar  
object into the hole, and pull out  
firmly in the direction of the arrow.  
Floor pads  
Back side  
Positive side  
Using the Remote Controller  
• If the remote controller doesn’t work reliably, try  
replacing the batteries.  
• If you intend not to use the remote controller for a long  
time, remove the batteries to prevent damage from  
leakage or corrosion.  
• Expired batteries should be removed as soon as  
possible to prevent damage from leakage or corrosion.  
Remove the plastic film before using the remote  
• Replacing the battery incorrectly may cause an  
explosion. Use only a battery of the same type or an  
• Super Bass (S.Bass) function for deeper bass sounds  
• Bass and treble tone controls  
• Line input for external audio source  
• Headphones jack  
iPad, iPhone, iPod, iPod classic, iPod nano, iPod shuffle, and  
iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S.  
and other countries.  
• Dimmable display  
“Made for iPod”, “Made for iPhone” and “Made for iPad”  
mean that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect  
specifically to iPod, iPhone, or iPad, respectively, and has been  
certified by the developer to meet Apple performance  
standards. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this  
device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards.  
Please note that the use of this accessory with iPod, iPhone or  
iPad may affect wireless performance.  
• Stylish cabinet  
• 2 Way Bass-reflex  
• iPod/iPhone/iPad direct digital connection  
*2. This functionality might not be available depending on the  
• Control your iPod/iPhone/iPad with the remote  
iPod/iPhone/iPad model or apps.  
• Made for iPod touch (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th  
generation), iPod nano (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th  
generation), iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS,  
iPhone 3G, iPhone, iPad (3rd generation), iPad 2 and  
*3. Onkyo does not guarantee Bluetooth compatibility between the  
CR-245BT system and all Bluetooth-enabled devices.  
For compatibility between the CR-245BT system and another  
device with Bluetooth technology, consult the device’s  
documentation and dealer. In some countries, there may be  
restrictions on using Bluetooth devices. Check with your local  
The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks  
• FM tuner  
• 30 FM presets  
• RDS (Radio Data System)  
• FM Auto Preset function  
owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc . and any use of such marks by  
Onkyo is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are  
those of their respective owners.  
Please read rating label at the bottom or rear panel of system  
for other safety information.  
CD Player  
• Play audio CDs, MP3 CDs (CD-R and CD-RW)  
• RANDOM playback mode  
• 2-mode repeat function (current track or all tracks)  
*4. aptX is a registered trademark of CSR plc.  
USB Flash Drive  
• MP3 playback from USB flash drives  
Timer and Clock  
• Programmable timer  
• Sleep timer  
• The alarm play function of the iPod/iPhone/iPad can  
power-on the CD receiver and switch the input to  
• Wireless Music Playback via Bluetooth  
• Profile: A2DP 1.2  
• Audio codec: SBC, AAC and aptX  
Getting Started  
Playing Your iPod/iPhone/iPad  
Disc (Audio CD and MP3)  
Navigating the iPod Menus  
Playing Back via Bluetooth  
Listening to the Radio  
Presetting FM Stations Automatically  
Playing a USB Flash Drive  
Basic Operations  
Clock and Timer  
Timer Playback using the Alarm Play Function  
Playing CDs  
Getting to Know the CD receiver  
Top and Front Panels  
Top Panel  
Front Panel  
For detailed information, see the pages in parentheses.  
a 8 ON/STANDBY button (16, 22, 26, 27, 28)  
h Headphones [=] jack (16)  
i USB port (25)  
Bluetooth PAIRING button (22)  
c INPUT button (16, 22)  
j Display  
d Previous [7]/PRESET [e] button  
k Disc tray (18)  
l Remote control sensor (6)  
m Open/Close [0] button (18)  
e Next [6]/PRESET [r] button (18, 21, 24)  
f Play/Pause [1/3] button (18, 19, 25)  
g VOLUME [–]/[+] buttons (16, 21)  
a b c  
k l  
a SLEEP indicator  
i TIMER indicators  
j Tuning indicators  
k RDS indicator  
l FILE indicator  
m TRACK indicator  
n Message area  
b Play 1 and Pause 3 indicators  
c USB indicator  
d Bluetooth indicators  
e FOLDER indicator  
f S.BASS indicator  
g MUTING indicator  
o DISC, TOTAL, and REMAIN indicators  
h Playback mode indicators  
Rear Panel  
a FM ANTENNA jack  
b LINE IN jack  
See pages 13 to 15 for connection information.  
d SPEAKERS terminals  
Remote Controller  
For detailed information, see the pages in parentheses.  
a CLOCK CALL button (25)  
b MUTING button (16)  
j DIMMER button (17)  
k SHUFFLE button (20, 21)  
l PLAYLIST [q]/[w] buttons (21)  
m On/Standby [8] button (16, 26, 27)  
n SLEEP button (27)  
d Input Selector buttons (16, 21, 23, 24, 25)  
Play/Pause [1/3] (18, 19, 21, 25),  
[7]/[6], PRESET [e]/[r] (18, 21, 24),  
[5]/[4], TUNING [e]/[r] (18, 21, 23)  
o PRESET MEMORY button (23, 24)  
p TREBLE/BASS buttons (17)  
q S.BASS button (17)  
r CLEAR button (17, 20, 24)  
s REPEAT button (20, 21)  
f VOLUME [–]/[+] buttons (16, 21)  
g MENU button (21)  
t DISPLAY button (18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26)  
h Arrow [q]/[w]/[e]/[r] buttons and ENTER  
i MODE button (19, 23)  
Disc (Audio CD and MP3) and USB Flash Drive  
(MP3) Notes  
Precautions for Playback  
Playback from USB Flash Drives  
Compact discs (CDs) with the following logo on the  
label surface can be used.  
MP3 files recorded on a USB flash drive can be played  
with the CD receiver.  
Do not use discs designed for purposes other than audio,  
such as CD-ROMs for PC use. Abnormal noise could  
damage the CD receiver.  
• USB flash drives formatted in FAT16 or FAT32 are  
• Only MP3 files with the extension “.MP3” or “.mp3”  
are supported.  
• Files recorded using MPEG 1 audio layer 3 at  
sampling frequencies of 32/44.1/48 kHz and a  
constant bit rate (CBR) of 32–320 kbps are supported.  
• A maximum of 299 folders can be recognized on a  
single USB flash drive. A maximum of 648 files can  
be recognized in a single folder.  
The CD receiver supports CD-R and CD-RW discs.  
Note that some discs may not playback because of the disc  
characteristics, scratches, contamination or the recording state.  
A disc recorded with an audio CD record will not playback  
unless it is finalized.  
• A disc recorded with a recorder or personal computer  
may not play in some cases. (Cause: Disc’s  
characteristics, damaged or dirty disc, dirt on player’s  
lens, dew condensation, etc.)  
• A disc recorded on a personal computer may not play  
because of the application settings or environment.  
Record the disc with the proper format. (Contact the  
application maker for details.)  
Never use discs which have a special shape (such as  
hearts or octagons). These types of discs could jam and  
damage the CD receiver.  
• A disc with insufficient storage capacity may not  
playback properly.  
Handling Discs  
CD Playback with Copy-control Function  
Hold discs by the edge, or by the center hole and edge.  
Avoid touching the playback surface (surface with  
nothing printed on it).  
Some audio CDs with copy-control function do not  
comply with official CD standards. These are special  
discs and cannot be played with the CD receiver.  
Label surface  
(printed surface)  
Playback of MP3 Discs  
MP3 files recorded on a CD-R/CD-RW can be played  
with the CD receiver.  
• Use discs which have been recorded following the  
ISO 9660 Level 2 file system. (The supported  
directory depth is eight levels, the same as ISO 9660  
Level 1)  
• Discs recorded with the hierarchical file system (HFS)  
cannot be played.  
Playback surface  
Do not attach paper or stickers, or write on the playback  
or label surface of the disc. Take care not to scratch or  
damage the disc.  
Precautions for Rental Discs  
• Discs must be closed (finalized).  
• Only MP3 files with the extension “.MP3” or “. mp3”  
are supported.  
Do not use discs with residue from cellophane tape,  
rental discs with labels which are peeling off, or discs  
with decorative labels. This type of disc could get stuck  
in the CD receiver, or could damage the CD receiver.  
• Files recorded using MPEG 1 audio layer 3 at  
sampling frequencies of 32/44.1/48 kHz and a  
constant bit rate (CBR) of 32–320 kbps are supported.  
• A maximum of 299 folders can be recognized on a  
single CD. A maximum of 648 files can be recognized  
in a single folder.  
Precautions for Inkjet Printable Discs  
Caring for Discs  
Do not leave a CD-R/CR-RW having a label printed with  
an inkjet printer in the CD receiver for a long time. The  
disc could get stuck in the CD receiver, or could damage  
the CD receiver.  
If the disc is dirty, the CD receiver will have a hard time  
reading signals, and the audio quality may drop. If the  
disc is dirty, gently wipe off fingerprints and dust with a  
soft cloth. Lightly wipe from the center outwards.  
Remove the disc from the CD receiver when not being  
played, and store it in a case. A freshly printed disc will  
stick easily, and should not be played immediately.  
To remove stubborn dust or dirt,  
wipe the disc with a soft cloth  
dampened with water, and then dry  
it with a dry cloth. Do not use  
cleaning spray for analog records  
or antistatic agents, etc. Never use  
volatile chemicals such as benzine  
or paint thinner as they can impregnate the disc surface.  
Connecting FM Antenna  
This section explains how to connect the supplied indoor FM antenna.  
The CD receiver won’t pick up any radio signals if no antenna is connected, so you must connect the antenna to use the  
• Be careful not to injure yourself when using  
Insert the plug fully into  
Thumbtacks, etc.  
the jack.  
Indoor FM antenna (supplied)  
• Once your CD receiver is ready for use, you’ll need to tune into a radio station and position the antenna to achieve  
the best possible reception.  
• If you cannot achieve good reception with the supplied indoor FM antenna, try a commercially available outdoor FM  
antenna instead.  
Connecting an Outdoor FM Antenna  
If you cannot achieve good reception with the supplied  
indoor FM antenna, try a commercially available  
outdoor FM antenna instead.  
• For best results, install the outdoor FM antenna well  
away from tall buildings, preferably with a clear line  
of sight to your local FM transmitter.  
• Outdoor antenna should be located away from  
possible noise sources, such as neon signs, busy roads,  
• For safety reasons, outdoor antenna should be situated  
well away from power lines and other high-voltage  
• Outdoor antenna must be grounded in accordance  
with local regulations to prevent electrical shock  
• Outdoor FM antennas work best outside, but usable  
results can sometimes be obtained when installed in an  
attic or loft.  
Using a TV / FM Antenna Splitter  
It’s best not to use the same antenna for both FM and TV  
reception, as this can cause interference problems.  
If circumstances demand it, use a TV / FM antenna  
splitter, as shown.  
TV / FM antenna  
To CD receiver  
To TV (or VCR)  
Connecting Speakers  
• Pay close attention to speaker wiring polarity. Connect  
positive (+) terminals to only positive (+) terminals,  
and negative (–) terminals to only negative (–)  
terminals. If you get them the wrong way around, the  
sound will be out of phase and will sound unnatural.  
• Use the red line wires to connect the positive (+)  
Right speaker  
Left speaker  
• Do not connect anything other than the included  
speakers (D-T05). We cannot take responsibility for  
malfunctions or poor results if this CD receiver is used  
with any other speakers.  
• Do not connect both speaker cables to the same L or R  
terminals. Do not connect more than two speaker  
terminals to each speaker.  
Red line side  
CD receiver  
Remove the precut insulation from the ends of the  
speaker cables, and twist the bare wires tightly.  
Push the lever to open the hole, insert the bare wire into  
the hole, and then release the lever.  
Make sure that the speaker terminals are gripping the  
bare wires, not the insulation.  
• Be careful not to short the positive and  
negative wires.  
Doing so may damage the CD receiver  
and/or speakers.  
• Connect the right speaker to the CD receiver’s right  
(R) SPEAKERS terminals. Connect the left speaker to  
the left (L) SPEAKERS terminals.  
Connecting Other Components  
CD receiver  
Analog audio  
cable (RCA)  
To wall outlet  
(Connector type varies from  
country to country.)  
cassette tape deck  
About Connections  
Connecting an Audio Playback  
• Before making any connections, read the manuals  
supplied with your other components.  
• Don’t connect the power cord until you’ve completed  
and double-checked all connections.  
Using a suitable cable, connect the CD receiver’s LINE  
IN jacks to the OUTPUT (PLAY) jacks of your cassette  
tape deck, TV, or other audio playback device.  
Push plugs in all the way to make  
good connections (loose connections  
can cause noise or malfunctions).  
Connecting the Power Cord  
Connect the CD receiver’s power cord to a suitable wall  
• Do not use any cord other than the included power  
Do not connect the included power cord to any other  
device. Doing so may cause malfunctions or  
• Do not unplug the power cord from the AC INLET  
while the other end of the cord is still connected to an  
AC outlet. You may receive an electric shock if you  
accidentally touch the internal terminals of the power  
• Do not put anything on top of the CD receiver, as it  
may interfere with proper ventilation.  
Connecting a Powered Subwoofer  
Using a suitable cable, connect the CD receiver’s  
AUDIO OUT: SUBWOOFER to the input on your  
powered subwoofer.  
If your subwoofer is unpowered and you’re using an  
external amplifier, connect the AUDIO OUT:  
SUBWOOFER to the amp’s input.  
• Before connecting the power cord, connect all of your  
speakers and AV components.  
• Turning on the CD receiver may cause a momentary  
power surge that might interfere with other electrical  
equipment on the same circuit. If this is a problem,  
plug the receiver into a different branch circuit.  
• Plug the power cord into an AC outlet that is easily  
accessible so that you can quickly unplug it if  
• Do not connect or disconnect the power cord while the  
subwoofer is powered-on. Doing so may damage the  
subwoofer. You must power-off the subwoofer before  
connecting or disconnecting the power cord.  
Basic Operations  
This section describes the procedure for using the  
remote controller, unless otherwise specified.  
Selecting the Input Source  
You can select CD, iPod (USB), FM, Bluetooth, or  
LINE, which can be an external component.  
Turning On the CD receiver  
To select the input source, use the remote controller’s  
Input Selector buttons. On the CD receiver, press the  
[INPUT] button repeatedly.  
Press the On/Standby [8] button.  
The CD receiver comes on, and the display lights up.  
The input sources are selected in the following order.  
Press the On/Standby [8] button again to set the CD  
receiver to Standby.  
iPod (USB)  
You can also use the [8 ON/STANDBY] button on the  
CD receiver.  
During the use of your iPod/iPhone/iPad connected to  
the CD receiver with a USB cable, if the connection  
mode of the CD receiver is set to iPod (see page 21),  
“Charging” appears on the display of the CD receiver  
and your iPod/iPhone/iPad will be charged even with the  
CD receiver on standby.  
Adjusting the Volume  
To adjust the volume, use the VOLUME [–]/[+]  
You can also use the CD receiver’s VOLUME [–]/[+]  
• For details on power management settings, see “Set-  
Muting the CD receiver  
You can temporarily mute the output of the CD receiver.  
Press the [MUTING] button.  
Setting Auto Standby (ASb)  
The CD receiver is muted.  
With Auto Standby, you can set the CD receiver so that  
it will be automatically turned off and enter the standby  
mode if there is no operation for 20 minutes with no  
audio input.  
“Muting” appears on the display for a few seconds. The  
MUTING indicator flashes continuously while the CD  
receiver is muted.  
The default setting is “On”.  
Make settings for this function while playback is  
• To unmute, press the [MUTING] button again or  
adjust the volume.  
• Muting is automatically cancelled when the CD  
receiver is set to standby.  
Press and hold down the remote  
controller’s [SLEEP] button (about 3  
Using Headphones  
If this setting is “On”, “AutoStby On” will appear  
You can connect a pair of stereo headphones (ø3.5 mm,  
1/8-inch phone plug) to the receiver’s headphones [=]  
jack for private listening.  
on the CD receiver’s display.  
• To switch between “On” and “Off”, repeat this  
• With Bluetooth Standby “On”, the CD receiver will  
enter the Bluetooth Standby mode if the Auto Standby  
function is enabled (see page 22).  
• Always turn down the volume before connecting your  
• While the headphones plug is inserted in the  
headphones [=] jack, the speakers are turned off.  
Adjusting the Bass and Treble  
Press the [BASS] or [TREBLE] button, and then  
use the [q]/[w] buttons to adjust the bass or  
treble, respectively.  
The default setting is “0”. You can adjust the bass and  
treble from –5 to +5.  
While adjusting the bass or treble, you can press the  
[CLEAR] button to return the setting to “0”.  
• If you press no buttons for about 5 seconds, the  
previous display will appear automatically.  
Using Super Bass  
To turn on Super Bass, press the [S.BASS]  
The setting will alternate between S.Bass Off, S.Bass 1,  
and S.Bass 2 each time you press the button.  
To turn off Super Bass, press the [S.BASS] button  
repeatedly until “S.Bass Off” appears.  
The default setting is “Off”.  
Changing the Display Brightness  
You can adjust the brightness of the display.  
Press the [DIMMER] button repeatedly to select:  
dim, or normal brightness.  
Playing CDs  
Selecting Tracks  
This section describes the procedure for using the  
remote controller, unless otherwise specified.  
To return to the beginning of the track currently playing,  
press the Previous [7] button.  
Playing CDs  
Press the Previous [7] button repeatedly to select  
earlier tracks.  
Press the CD receiver’s [0] button to open  
Press the Next [6] button repeatedly to select  
the disc tray.  
subsequent tracks.  
• Pressing the [0] button while the CD receiver is on  
Standby will turn on the CD receiver and open the disc  
Displaying CD Information  
During playback or while playback is paused, press the  
[DISPLAY] button repeatedly to display the following  
CD information.  
• Elapsed time  
• “REMAIN”  
Place CD on the tray with the label-side  
facing up.  
Place 8 cm CDs in the center of the tray.  
Lights up while the remaining track time is being  
Lights up while the remaining disc time is being  
• Type of CD  
To start playback, press the CD receiver’s  
[1/3] button.  
Alternatively, press the remote controller’s [CD]  
button followed by the [1/3] button.  
The disc tray closes and playback starts.  
Then the “1” indicator appears.  
To stop playback:  
Press the [2] button.  
Playback stops automatically when the last track has  
been played.  
To pause playback:  
Press the [1/3] button. The Pause “3” indicator  
appears. To resume playback, press the [1/3] button  
To Fast-Forward or Fast-Reverse:  
During playback, press and hold the Fast Forward [4]  
button to fast forward, or the Fast Reverse [5] button  
to fast reverse.  
To remove the CD:  
Press the CD receiver’s [0] button to open the disc tray.  
Information Displayed When Playback is  
• Audio CD  
“DISC TOTAL” lights up  
CD „„ „„19„† „„67„‡29  
Total number of tracks  
Total playing time  
Pausing Playback  
Selecting MP3 Files  
To pause playback, press the Play/Pause [1/3] button.  
The files on an MP3 CD can be located at the disc’s root  
level or within a folder.  
To resume playback, press it again.  
Selecting a higher or lower folder  
Press the [e] button to select a higher-level folder, or the  
[r] button to select a lower-level folder.  
A folder can contain additional folders, with other  
folders inside them in a hierarchical structure.  
A maximum of 648 files and folders (total) can be shown  
within a folder. Files and folders are listed alphabetically  
without distinction.  
To return to the root  
Press the [MODE] button, and then press the [MENU]  
If you don’t select a specific MP3 file or folder for  
playback, all of the MP3 files will be played in numerical  
order starting with file #1.  
Displaying MP3 Information  
If random playback is selected, the files will not be  
played in the numerical order. If you want the files to  
play in the numerical order, you must cancel random  
playback (see page 20).  
You can display various information about the MP3 file  
currently playing, such as title, artist, and album.  
During playback, press the [DISPLAY] button  
repeatedly to display the following MP3  
While playback is stopped, press the  
[MODE] button.  
The information is shown in the following order.  
“FOLDER” will light, and the name of the first  
folder will be shown.  
Elapsed time: The length of time that the current MP3  
file has been playing (default display).  
Use the arrow [q]/[w] buttons to select a  
Remain time: The length of remaining time for the  
current MP3 file.  
Press the [ENTER] button or the [r] button to  
File name: Name of the current MP3 file.  
enter the folder.  
Folder name: Name of the current folder.  
Repeat this operation to select the desired folder.  
When the “  
” message is shown, you can press  
Sampling rate and Bit rate: Sampling rate and Bit rate  
of the current MP3 file.  
the [ENTER] button to return to the upper-level  
Volume label: Title of the current disc.  
Use the arrow [q]/[w] buttons to select the  
MP3 files within the folder.  
• Only single-byte alphanumeric characters can be  
• A folder name, file name, or volume label that  
contains anything other than single-byte alphanumeric  
characters might be garbled.  
The name of the MP3 file inside the folder is  
To select a different folder, press the [e]/[r]  
button, then use the [q]/[w] buttons to select the  
desired folder, and finally press the [ENTER]  
button. Use the [q]/[w] buttons to select the  
desired file.  
To start playback, press the [ENTER] button  
or Play/Pause [1/3] button.  
Playback will start with the specified file and  
continue until all of the MP3 files have been  
To select an MP3 file in another folder during  
playback, press the [MODE] button, select the  
folder by using the arrow [e]/[r]/[q]/[w] buttons,  
and then press the [ENTER] button. Now use the  
arrow [q]/[w] buttons to select the MP3 files  
within that folder.  
Random Playback  
Repeat Playback  
With random playback, all of the tracks on the disc are  
played in random order.  
With repeat playback, you can play an entire CD  
repeatedly or play one track repeatedly.  
Random playback can also be used in conjunction with  
repeat playback.  
Repeat playback can also be used in conjunction with  
random playback.  
Press the [REPEAT] button repeatedly until the  
REPEAT or REPEAT 1 indicator appears.  
• In the case of MP3 files, the same song might be  
“REPEAT” will repeatedly play all songs.  
Random playback can be set when the input source is set  
to CD or USB.  
“REPEAT 1” will repeatedly play the currently-playing  
song or the selected song.  
Press the [SHUFFLE] button until the  
RANDOM indicator appears.  
• If REPEAT 1 is selected, pressing the [SHUFFLE]  
button will cancel “REPEAT 1”; random playback  
will occur.  
To start random playback, press the Play/  
Pause [1/3] button.  
Cancelling Random Playback  
To cancel random playback, press the [SHUFFLE] or  
[CLEAR] button.  
Cancelling Repeat Playback  
To cancel repeat playback, press the [REPEAT] button  
repeatedly until both the REPEAT and REPEAT 1  
indicators disappear.  
When playing a CD, random playback will be cancelled  
automatically when the CD is removed.  
When playing a CD, repeat playback will be cancelled  
automatically when the CD is removed.  
Playing Your iPod/iPhone/iPad  
This section describes the procedure for using the  
• When connecting your iPod/iPhone/iPad with a USB  
cable, we recommend you use an official USB cable  
from Apple Inc.  
remote controller, unless otherwise specified.  
• Before using your iPod/iPhone/iPad with the CD  
receiver, be sure to update your iPod/iPhone/iPad with  
the latest software, available from the Apple Web site.  
• Depending on your iPod/iPhone/iPad, or the type of  
content being played, some functions may not work as  
Press the Play/Pause [1/3] button.  
Playback starts.  
Pausing Playback  
To pause playback, press the Play/Pause [1/3] button.  
Playing an iPod/iPhone/iPad via USB  
Press the Play/Pause [1/3] button again to resume  
playback. You can also pause playback by pressing the  
[2] button.  
Selecting Tracks  
To return to the beginning of the track that’s currently  
playing or paused, press the Previous [7] button.  
Press the Previous [7] button repeatedly to select  
earlier tracks.  
Press the Next [6] button repeatedly to select  
subsequent tracks.  
Fast-Forward or Fast-Reverse  
During playback, press and hold the Fast Forward [4]  
button to fast forward, or the Fast Reverse [5] button  
to fast reverse.  
Random Playback  
Press the [SHUFFLE] button repeatedly to switch the  
Compatible iPod/iPhone/iPad models  
Made for:  
random function of your iPod/iPhone/iPad.  
iPod touch (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation), iPod nano  
(2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th generation), iPhone 4S,  
iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPhone, iPad (3rd  
generation), iPad 2 and iPad  
Repeat Playback  
Press the [REPEAT] button repeatedly to switch the  
repeat function of your iPod/iPhone/iPad.  
Selecting Playlist  
Press the PLAYLIST [q]/[w] button to select the  
Press the [iPod] button.  
Alternatively, you can use the CD receiver’s  
[INPUT] button.  
Navigating the iPod Menus with the  
Remote Controller  
• If “USB” appears on the display of the CD  
receiver, the connection mode is set to USB.  
Press and hold the [MODE] button until “iPod”  
appears to switch the connection mode to iPod.  
And then reconnect your iPod/iPhone/iPad with a  
USB cable.  
Press the [MENU] button to display the iPod  
Use the Arrow [q]/[w]/[e]/[r] buttons to  
select an item on the menu, and then press  
the [ENTER] button.  
Connect the USB cable that comes with the  
iPod/iPhone/iPad to the USB port on the  
front of the CD receiver.  
• The volume level is adjusted by using the VOLUME  
[–]/[+] buttons on the CD receiver or its remote  
controller. Adjusting the volume on your iPod/iPhone/  
iPad has no effect.  
While reading the contents of your iPod/iPhone/  
iPad, the message “Connecting” appears on the CD  
receiver’s display.  
“iPod” appears on the display of the CD receiver. If  
your iPod/iPhone/iPad is not connected properly,  
“No Device” appears.  
Playing Back via Bluetooth  
Listening to an audio from Bluetooth  
Select the desired music and press “1/3”  
button on your device. The CD receiver  
automatically starts playing the audio.  
appears on the display of the CD receiver after 2  
minutes have elapsed after “Pairing...” appears, this  
means that the pairing is not done successfully.  
Perform the above procedure 1 to 4 again.  
If the “  
” indicator is not lit and “Bluetooth”  
• If your mobile phone supports A2DP protocol, its  
music will play through the CD receiver.  
You can build a Bluetooth connection with a mobile  
phone, an iPod or any other Bluetooth-enabled  
Press the [INPUT] button on the top panel  
• If there is no sound output even after the paring is done  
successfully, consult the user manual of the Bluetooth-  
enabled device, and then select the  
“Onkyo CR-245BT” as the audio output device.  
• The CD receiver can store the pairing information of  
up to 8 Bluetooth devices. If the pairing is done for the  
ninth Bluetooth device, the pairing information of  
device connected via Bluetooth in the most past times  
is erased.  
repeatedly to select the “Bluetooth” input.  
• Alternatively, you can use the remote controller’s  
[ /LINE] button.  
Press the [ Bluetooth PAIRING] button on  
the top panel. to put the CD receiver into the  
pairing mode.  
“Pairing...” appears on the CD receiver’s display.  
If you hold the [ Bluetooth PAIRING] button for  
more than 2 seconds during the process of pairing,  
the operation will be cancelled.  
• The multiple Bluetooth devices cannot be connected  
at the same time.  
Displaying Bluetooth Information  
If you press the [DISPLAY] button during the Bluetooth  
connection, the following Bluetooth information  
During this period, you can operate the  
mobile phone, iPod or Bluetooth-enabled  
device to pair with the CD receiver within a  
10m range.  
For details on the Bluetooth connection, refer to the  
user manual of the Bluetooth-enabled device.  
The CD receiver may not work as normal  
depending on the circumstance even though the CD  
receiver is placed within the 10 m range. In such  
cases, get the Bluetooth-enabled device closer to  
the CD receiver and retry the operation.  
The information is shown in the following order.  
• Audio CODEC  
• Sampling frequency  
Setting Bluetooth Standby  
With Bluetooth Standby, you can set the CD receiver so  
that it will be automatically turned on if the Bluetooth  
device is operated while the CD receiver is on standby.  
The default setting is “Off”.  
Once the CD receiver is detected and its  
name “Onkyo CR-245BT” appears on the  
display of your Bluetooth-enabled device,  
select the “Onkyo CR-245BT.If a prompt  
requests a password, key in the “0000”.  
When a Bluetooth connection is established  
Make settings for this function while CD receiver is in  
standby mode.  
Press and hold the [8 ON/STANDBY] button on  
the CD receiver while it is on standby (about 3  
successfully, the “  
” indicator will be solid on  
and “Bluetooth” appears on the display of the CD  
The SLEEP indicator will be dimly-lit.  
• To switch between “On” and “Off” , repeat this  
Listening to the Radio  
This section describes the procedure for using the  
remote controller, unless otherwise specified.  
Presetting FM Stations Automatically  
(Auto Preset)  
With the Auto Preset function, you can automatically  
preset all of the FM radio stations available in your area  
in one go. Presets make it easy to select your favorite  
stations and eliminate the need to tune the radio  
manually each time you want to change stations.  
Tuning into FM Radio Stations  
When tuned to a station, the Tuned (  
) indicator  
appears. When receiving a stereo FM signal, the FM ST  
indicator appears as well.  
The [MODE] button is used to select Auto mode or  
Mono mode. In Auto mode, the output will be stereo or  
mono depending on the station being received. In Mono  
mode, the output will be mono regardless of the station.  
As an alternative to this Auto Preset function, there’s  
also a Manual Preset function that lets you manually  
Auto Preset Caution!  
Press the [TUNER] button to select “FM”.  
Alternatively, you can use the CD receiver’s  
[INPUT] button.  
Any existing presets will be deleted when the Auto  
Preset function is run.  
Press the [TUNER] button to select “FM”.  
Alternatively, you can use the CD receiver’s  
[INPUT] button.  
Make sure the FM antenna is positioned to achieve  
the best possible reception.  
Use the TUNING [e]/[r] buttons to tune  
into a station.  
Each time you press a TUNING button, the  
frequency changes 0.05 MHz steps for FM.  
If you press and hold a TUNING button, the  
frequency will change continuously. Once you  
release the button, tuning will stop automatically  
when a frequency on which a radio station is  
broadcasting is found. If you want to interrupt this  
process, press the [CLEAR] button.  
Press the [PRESET MEMORY] button.  
“Auto Preset?” appears on the display.  
To start the Auto Preset function, press  
Up to 30 stations can be preset and presets are  
stored in frequency order.  
If you want to interrupt the Auto Preset process,  
press the [CLEAR] button.  
Tuning into weak stereo FM stations  
If the signal from a stereo FM station is weak, it may be  
impossible to get good reception. In this case, press the  
[MODE] button to switch to Mono mode and listen to  
the station in mono.  
• Depending on your location, a preset may be stored  
with no station, and you’ll hear only noise when you  
select it. In this case, delete the preset (see page 24).  
Presetting FM Stations Manually  
Receiving RDS  
With the Preset Write function, you can manually preset  
individual FM radio stations. Presets make it easy to  
select your favorite stations and eliminate the need to  
tune the radio manually each time you want to change  
Press the [DISPLAY] button repeatedly to  
display the following RDS information.  
FM stations can also be preset automatically (see  
Frequency and preset number  
Program Service Name  
Radio Text (if available)  
About Presets  
You can store up to 30 FM stations as presets.  
Tune into the station that you want to store  
as a preset (see page 23).  
Press and hold down the [PRESET  
MEMORY] button to the preset number  
RDS can be viewed on this unit only in areas where RDS  
broadcasts are available.  
When the preset has been stored, the preset number  
will change from blinking to steadily lit.  
Preset numbers are automatically stored starting  
with the lowest unused number.  
If all 30 presets have been set, the display will  
indicate “Preset FULL,” and no further presets can  
be stored. You’ll need to erase an existing preset  
before storing another one.  
What is RDS?  
RDS stands for Radio Data System and is a method of  
transmitting data in FM radio signals. It was developed  
within the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and  
many European FM radio stations use it these days.  
The unit supports and displays Program Service Name  
(PS) and Radio Text (RT) RDS data.  
The RDS indicator appears on the display when the unit  
is tuned to an FM station that supports RDS.  
Selecting Preset Stations  
You must store some presets before you can select them  
• If the signal from an RDS station is weak, RDS data  
may be displayed intermittently or not at all.  
• The message “Waiting” may appear while the RT data  
is being received.  
Press the [TUNER] button to select “FM”.  
Alternatively, you can use the CD receiver’s  
[INPUT] button.  
The preset you selected the last time you listened to  
the radio will be selected.  
Erasing Presets  
Select the preset you want to erase.  
Use the PRESET [e]/[r] buttons to select a  
Press and hold down the [CLEAR] button to  
erase the preset.  
When the preset has been erased, presets following  
the erased preset will be renumbered forward and  
Press the PRESET [e] button to select the  
previous preset. Press the PRESET [r] button to  
select the next preset.  
• If you press the remote controller’s [TUNER] button  
while the CD receiver is on Standby, it will turn on  
automatically and the station that you listened to last  
time will be heard.  
Playing a USB Flash  
Setting the Clock  
This section describes the procedure for using the  
remote controller, unless otherwise specified.  
This section describes the procedure for using the  
remote controller, unless otherwise specified.  
Setting the Clock  
Press the [iPod] button to select “iPod”.  
Alternatively, you can use the CD receiver’s  
[INPUT] button.  
Press the [TIMER] button repeatedly until  
“Clock” appears.  
Press [ENTER].  
Press and hold the [MODE] button until  
“USB” appears (about 3 seconds).  
Use the arrow [q]/[w] buttons to enter the  
current hour.  
Insert a USB flash drive in the USB port.  
When the CD receiver is shipped from the factory,  
the time display format is set to 24-hour time. Set  
the current hour as it would appear in 24-hour time.  
If you want to set the current hour as 12-hour time,  
press the [DISPLAY] button.  
Press [ENTER].  
Use the arrow [q]/[w] buttons to enter the  
current minute.  
USB flash drive  
Press [ENTER].  
The clock is set and the second dot starts flashing.  
To start playback, press the [1/3] button.  
Displaying the Time  
Selecting folders and files, and using the random  
play and repeat play functions, are the same as  
when playing back MP3 files from a CD (see  
To display the time, press the remote controller’s  
[CLOCK CALL] button. Press the button again or  
perform another operation to cancel the time display.  
If the CD receiver is on Standby, the time will be  
displayed for about 8 seconds.  
• Do not connect your USB flash drive via a USB hub.  
• When connecting or disconnecting a USB flash drive,  
use your hand to support the CD receiver so that it  
does not move.  
While the CD receiver is on, the time are displayed  
Change the time format  
To change the time format between 12-hour and 24-hour,  
press the [DISPLAY] button.  
• For details on the usable formats for a USB flash  
• If your iPod/iPhone/iPad is used, switch the  
connection mode to iPod (see page 21).  
• Do not connect the CD receiver’s USB port to a USB  
port on your computer. Music on your computer  
cannot be played through the CD receiver in this way.  
Using the Timer  
This section describes the procedure for using the  
remote controller, unless otherwise specified.  
Use the arrow [q]/[w] buttons to select the  
source, and then press [ENTER].  
You can select the following sources:  
FM, CD, iPod (USB), LINE.  
In the display, “TIMER” and a number indication  
will blink according to the input source you’ve  
The CD receiver has a programmable timer for  
automated playback, and a sleep timer for turning the  
CD receiver off after a specified period.  
You can also use the alarm playback function of your  
iPod to initiate timer playback on the CD receiver.  
The number will be “1” for FM, “2” for CD, “3”  
for iPod (USB), and “4” for LINE.  
The timer can be used to start FM, CD, iPod/USB, or  
LINE playback at a specified time. You could, for  
example, use a timer to turn on the CD receiver every  
morning, just like a radio alarm clock.  
Use the arrow [q]/[w] buttons to specify the  
hour at which you want the timer to play,  
and then press [ENTER].  
• If iPod is selected as the input source for the timer  
settings, USB will play if only a USB flash drive is  
connected, and iPod/iPhone/iPad will play if an iPod/  
iPhone/iPad is connected.  
Use the arrow [q]/[w] buttons to specify the  
minute at which you want to timer to play,  
and then press [ENTER].  
Programming the Timer  
Use the arrow [q]/[w] buttons to select  
“Timer On,and then press the [ENTER]  
You must set the clock before you can program the  
When a timer is turned on, its “TIMER” and  
number appears on the display.  
• If you don’t operate any buttons for about 5 seconds  
while programming a timer, the procedure will be  
cancelled and the previous display will reappear.  
• When the CD receiver is turned on by the timer,  
playback will begin with the most recently received  
station in the case of FM, the first song in the case of  
a CD or iPod (USB), and the current state of the  
connected device in the case of LINE.  
• Only one timer can be set.  
If there is no operation for several seconds, the  
setting will be made with the currently-shown  
The display will return to its previous state except  
for “TIMER” and the number of the selected input  
source; the timer is now set.  
Press the On/Standby [8] button to set the  
CD receiver to Standby.  
Prepare the source that you want the timer  
to play.  
If you want FM to play, tune to the station you  
• If you decide to cancel during this procedure without  
making timer settings, press the [TIMER] button.  
• By pressing the [DISPLAY] button when specifying  
the time, you can switch between 12-hour and 24-hour  
want to hear.  
If you want a CD to play, insert the disc.  
If your iPod/iPhone/iPad is used, switch the  
connection mode to iPod (see page 21). If your  
USB flash drive is used, switch the connection  
mode to USB (see page 25).  
If you want to play a device connected to LINE,  
make settings on the connected device so that it  
will start playing when the timer operates.  
• Be sure to set the CD receiver to Standby, otherwise  
the timed operation will not work.  
If the timer has been set, timed operation will work  
even if the SLEEP timer caused the CD receiver to  
enter Standby mode.  
Once the timer has been turned on, playback will start  
at the same time every day. Be sure to turn off the  
timer before leaving on vacation.  
• If the timer turns the power on, the “SLEEP”  
indication will light. If no operation is performed for  
one hour, the CD receiver will automatically enter  
Standby mode. If you perform any operation, the  
“SLEEP” indication will turn off, and the CD receiver  
will continue operating.  
Press the [TIMER] button repeatedly until  
“Timer XX” appears.  
“XX” indicates the source that was last selected for  
timer playback.  
Turning Timer On and Off  
• If the timer turns the power on, the “SLEEP”  
indication will light. If you perform any operation, the  
“SLEEP” indication will turn off. If you want to set  
the SLEEP timer, you’ll need to make the setting again  
after the “SLEEP” indication turns off.  
Once a timer has been programmed, you can turn it on or  
off as necessary. For example, while you’re on holiday,  
you may want to turn off the timer you use as an early  
morning alarm.  
Press the [TIMER] button repeatedly until  
“Timer On” or “Timer Off” appears.  
Timer Playback using the Alarm Play  
Function of your iPod  
When the alarm play function of the iPod connected to  
the CD receiver starts playing a song, the CD receiver  
will power-on and switch to the iPod input.  
Use the arrow [q]/[w] buttons to select  
If there is no operation for several seconds, the  
setting will be made with the currently-shown  
content, and the display will return to its previous  
either “Timer On” (set) or “Timer Off”  
(cancel), and then press the [ENTER]  
On your iPod, make settings for its alarm  
play function.  
Repeatedly press the [TIMER] button to  
make the iPod alarm mode “iPodAlarmOff”  
message appear.  
If you specify Timer On (set), the “TIMER”  
indication and the number of the selected input  
source will light.  
If you select Timer Off (i.e., turn off the timer), the  
“TIMER” indicator will disappear.  
Use the arrow [q]/[w] buttons to select  
“iPodAlarmOn”, and then press the  
[ENTER] button.  
If there is no operation for several seconds, the  
setting will be made with the currently-shown  
content, and the display will return to its previous  
Using the Sleep Timer  
With the sleep timer, you can set the CD receiver so that  
it automatically turns off after a specified period.  
Press the On/Standby [8] button to set the  
Press the [SLEEP] button repeatedly to select  
the required sleep time.  
CD receiver to Standby.  
When the alarm play function of the iPod begins,  
the CD receiver will power-on and the input will be  
switched to iPod.  
With the [SLEEP] button, you can set the sleep time  
from 90 to 10 minutes in 10 minute steps.  
When the sleep timer has been set, the SLEEP indicator  
appears on the display. The sleep time appears on the  
display for about 3 seconds, then the previous display  
• In order for the timer to work, the CD receiver must be  
in standby mode.  
• This function will not work if the iPod is not  
• This function won’t work when the sound set for the  
alarm is a built-in sound (Beep).  
• This function won’t work with models on which  
music files cannot be used to set the alarm sound.  
Checking the Remaining Sleep Time  
To check the remaining sleep time, press the [SLEEP]  
Note that if you press the [SLEEP] button while the sleep  
time is being displayed, you’ll shorten the sleep time by  
10 minutes.  
For example if you press the [SLEEP] button and the  
remaining time is shown as 55 minutes, pressing the  
[SLEEP] button once again will shorten this time to 50,  
and each subsequent press will shorten the time in 10  
minute increments.  
• This function will power-on the CD receiver and  
switch the input to iPod when it detects a song being  
played back by the iPod. If you play back a song on the  
iPod without using its alarm play function, the CD  
receiver will power-on and switch to the iPod input in  
the same way.  
Canceling the Sleep Timer  
To cancel the sleep timer, press the [SLEEP] button  
repeatedly until “Sleep Off” appears.  
If you have any trouble using the CD receiver, look for a solution in this section.  
If you can’t resolve the issue yourself, try resetting the CD receiver before  
contacting your Onkyo dealer.  
To reset the receiver to its factory defaults, turn it on and, while holding down  
the CD receiver’s Previous [7] button, press the [8 ON/STANDBY] button.  
When the display indicates “RESET”, release the buttons. After a while, the  
CD receiver will enter standby mode.  
Note that resetting the CD receiver will delete your radio presets and custom settings.  
Can’t turn on the CD receiver.  
• Make sure that the power cord is properly plugged into the wall outlet (see page 15).  
• Make sure that the power cord is properly plugged into the CD receiver’s AC INLET (see page 15).  
• Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, wait 30 minutes or more, then plug it in again.  
The CD receiver turns off unexpectedly.  
• If the sleep timer has been set and the SLEEP indicator is shown on the display, the CD receiver will turn off  
automatically after a specified period (see page 27).  
• The CD receiver will automatically enter standby mode when Auto Standby has been set and launches (see page 16).  
There’s no sound.  
• Make sure the CD receiver’s volume is not set too low (see page 16).  
• Make sure the correct input source is selected (see page 16).  
• Make sure the CD receiver is not muted (see page 16).  
• Check all connections and correct as necessary (see pages 13 to 15).  
• While headphones are connected, the speakers output no sound (see page 16).  
• If there’s no sound from an external device connected to LINE IN, check whether the external device’s audio output  
level (volume) might be too low.  
The sound quality is not good.  
• Make sure the speaker cables are connected with the correct polarity (see page 14).  
• Make sure all audio connecting plugs are pushed in all the way (see page 15).  
• The sound quality can be affected by strong magnetic fields, such as that from a TV. Try moving any such devices  
away from the CD receiver.  
• If you have any devices that emit high-intensity radio waves near the CD receiver, such as a cellular phone that’s being  
used to make a call, the CD receiver may output noise.  
• The CD receiver’s precision drive mechanism may emit a faint hissing sound while reading discs during playback or  
when searching for tracks. You may be able to hear this noise in extremely quiet environments.  
Audio output is intermittent when the CD receiver is subjected to vibration.  
• The CD receiver is not a portable device. Use it in a location that’s not subject to shock or vibration.  
• Make sure that the included cork floor pads are attached to the speakers (see page 6).  
Headphones output is intermittent or there’s no sound.  
• This may be due to dirty contacts. Clean the headphones plug. See your headphones’ instruction manual for cleaning  
information. Also, make sure that the headphones cable is not broken or damaged.  
Audio performance.  
• Audio performance will be at its best about 10 to 30 minutes after the CD receiver has been turned on and had time  
to warm up.  
• Using cable ties to bundle audio cables with speaker or power cables may degrade the sound quality, so don’t do it.  
CD Playback  
The disc will not play.  
• Make sure the disc has been loaded correctly, with the label-side facing up.  
• Check to see if the surface of the disc is dirty (see page 12).  
• If condensation is suspected, turn on the CD receiver and leave it for 2 to 3 hours before playing any discs.  
• Some CD-R/RW discs may not be playable (see page 12).  
It takes a long time for playback to start.  
• It may take the CD receiver a while to read CDs that contain many tracks or files.  
Playback jumps.  
• The CD receiver is being subjected to vibration or the disc is scratched or dirty (see page 13).  
• The volume may be too loud. Turn down the volume (see page 16).  
Can’t play MP3 Discs.  
• Use only ISO 9660 Level 1 or Level 2 format discs (see page 12).  
• The disc has not been finalized. Finalize the disc.  
• Check whether the file format is supported (see page 12).  
• MP3 files without a “.MP3” or “.mp3” filename extension are not recognized.  
There’s no sound.  
• Check if “iPod” appears on the display of the CD receiver. If “USB” appears, switch the connection mode to iPod  
• Make sure the CD receiver is turned on, the input source is set to iPod, and the volume is not set too low.  
• Make sure that your iPod/iPhone/iPad is compatible with the system (see page 7).  
The message “ERROR” is displayed.  
• Try reconnecting your iPod/iPhone/iPad.  
Can’t control your iPod/iPhone/iPad with the CD receiver’s remote controller.  
Your iPod/iPhone/iPad may not work soon after it is connected to the CD receiver with a USB cable. In this case, wait  
a few moments until your iPod/iPhone/iPad wakes up.  
• Depending on your iPod/iPhone/iPad model, its software version, or the content you’re playing, some functions may  
not work as expected (see page 21).  
• The iPod/iPhone/iPad might not be connected if its power is turned off, or if it is insufficiently charged. Check the  
state of your iPod/iPhone/iPad.  
The message “No Device” is displayed.  
• Try reconnecting your iPod/iPhone/iPad.  
Can’t recharge the iPod/iPhone/iPad.  
• Check if “iPod” appears on the display of the CD receiver. If “USB” appears, switch the connection mode to iPod  
• Check the iPod/iPhone/iPad connection.  
• Depending on the state of your iPod/iPhone/iPad, the CD receiver might not be able to charge it. Try using the  
dedicated charging method provided for the iPod/iPhone/iPad.  
Bluetooth connection cannot be built.  
• When building a Bluetooth connection between the CD receiver and your device for the first time, if the connection  
is fail, you need to power off your device and power on again to clear the device name, and build the connection again  
USB Flash Drive Playback  
Can’t access the music files on a USB flash drive.  
• Check if “USB” appears on the display of the CD receiver. If “iPod” appears, switch the connection mode to USB  
• The CD receiver supports USB flash drives only. Note, however, that playback may not be possible with some USB  
flash drives.  
• Make sure that the USB flash drive has been formatted as FAT16 or FAT32.  
• USB flash drives with built-in USB hub functionality are not supported.  
• This CD receiver cannot play files other than MP3 files.  
The message “No Device” is displayed.  
• Try reconnecting your USB flash drive.  
Can’t play MP3 files.  
• MP3 files without a .MP3 or .mp3 filename extension are not recognized.  
• Check whether the file format is supported (see page 12).  
• The MP3 file’s copyright option is on. Don’t use the copyright option.  
Reception is noisy, stereo FM reception suffers from hiss, the Auto Preset function doesn’t preset all stations, or  
the FM ST indicator doesn’t light up when tuned to a stereo FM station.  
• Check the antenna connections (see page 13).  
• Change the position of the antenna (see page 13).  
• Move the CD receiver away from a nearby TV or computer.  
• Cars or airplanes can cause noisy interference.  
• The radio signal will be weakened if it has to pass through a concrete wall before reaching the antenna.  
• Switch to Mono mode and listen in mono. The FM ST indicator will go off (see page 23).  
• If none of the above improves the reception, install an outdoor antenna (see page 13).  
If a power failure occurs or the power cable is disconnected.  
• A brief power outage will not cause the contents of memory to be lost. However if the power cable is left disconnected  
for an extended period of time, only the clock settings (including the timer) will be reset. Please make these settings  
again as necessary (see pages 23 and 24).  
Can’t adjust the frequency of the radio.  
• Use the remote controller’s TUNING [e]/[r] buttons to change the frequency of the radio (see page 23).  
RDS doesn’t work.  
• The FM station you are tuned to doesn’t support RDS.  
• The radio signal is weak. Change the position of the antenna. If that doesn’t work, install an outdoor FM antenna (see  
Remote Controller  
The remote controller doesn’t work properly.  
• Replace the battery with a new one.  
• The remote controller is too far away from the CD receiver, or there’s an obstacle between them (see page 6).  
• The CD receiver’s remote control sensor is being subjected to bright light (inverter-type fluorescent light or sunlight).  
• The CD receiver is located behind the tinted glass doors of an audio rack or cabinet.  
External Components  
No sound is heard from your turntable.  
• Make sure the turntable has a built-in phono equalizer. If the turntable doesn’t have a phono equalizer built-in, you  
must provide one.  
The timer doesn’t work.  
• Make sure the clock has been set correctly (see page 25).  
• Timed operation will fail if the CD receiver is on at the specified On time, so make sure it’s set to Standby (see  
• If you press the [TIMER] button while a timed operation is in progress, the timer will be cancelled.  
• The volume setting for timer playback will be the volume that was set before the CD receiver entered standby mode.  
Set the appropriate volume beforehand.  
• If a power failure occurs and the clock stops, the timer will also be reset. Reset the clock, and then make timer settings.  
The display indicates “- - : - -” when you press the [CLOCK CALL] button.  
• A power failure has occurred, and the clock has stopped. Set the clock again (see page 25).  
Standby power consumption.  
• Charging will begin when you connect an iPod/iPhone/iPad, causing the power consumption to increase. Charging  
will occur even if the CD receiver enters standby mode.  
Onkyo is not responsible for damages (such as CD rental fees) due to unsuccessful recordings caused by the unit’s  
malfunction. Before you record important data, make sure that the material will be recorded correctly.  
The CD receiver contains a microcomputer. In very rare situations, severe interference, noise from an external source,  
or static electricity may cause it to malfunction or lock up. In the unlikely event that this should happen, unplug the  
power cord, wait at least 30 minutes, and then plug it back in again. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, reset the CD  
receiver to its factory defaults (see page 28).  
Rated output power (IEC) 2ch  
15 W (6 , 1 kHz, 2ch driven)  
Power supply  
AC 220 - 240 V, 50/60 Hz  
30 W  
THD + N (total harmonic distortion + N )  
Power consumption  
10% (Power Rated)  
0.5% (1 kHz 1W)  
No-sound power consumption 7.9 W  
(when not charging iPod/iPhone)  
Damping factor  
60 (1 kHz, 8 )  
Standby power consumption 0.5 W  
(when not charging iPod/iPhone)  
Input sensitivity and impedance  
1000 mV/47 k(LINE)  
Frequency response  
Tone control  
Dimensions (W × H × D)  
215 × 100 × 270 mm  
(8-1/2" × 3-15/16" × 10-5/8")  
40 Hz - 20 kHz/+0 dB, –3 dB  
2.4 kg (5.3 lbs.)  
+10 dB, –10 dB, 100 Hz (BASS)  
+10 dB, –10 dB, 10 kHz (TREBLE)  
+4 dB/+8 dB, 80 Hz (S.BASS 1/2)  
Audio input  
Analog input  
Signal to noise ratio  
Speaker impedance  
84 dB (LINE, IHF-A)  
6 - 16 Ω  
Audio output  
Analog output  
Tuning frequency range  
Channel presets  
87.50 MHz - 108.00 MHz  
2.0 HS  
Playable media  
CD and CD-R/CD-RW (music CDs  
and MP3 CDs)  
Specifications and features are subject to change without  
Playable media  
USB Flash Drive (MP3)  
2.1 + EDR  
A2DP 1.2  
SBC, AAC, aptX  
Speakers D-T05  
2 way bass-reflex  
6 Ω  
Maximum input power  
Output sound pressure level  
Frequency response  
Crossover frequency  
Cabinet capacity  
30 W  
82 dB/W/m  
55 Hz - 50 kHz  
4.5 kHz  
3.4 liter (0.12 cubic feet)  
Dimensions (W × H × D)  
130 × 210 × 172 mm  
(5-1/8" × 8-1/4" × 6-3/4")  
(incl. grille and projection)  
1.6 kg (3.5 lbs.)  
Driver units  
10 cm (3-15/16") Cone Woofer  
2 cm (3/4") Balanced Dome  
Spring Type Color Coded  
Magnetic shielding  
2-1, Nisshin-cho, Neyagawa-shi, OSAKA 572-8540, JAPAN  
Tel: 072-831-8023 Fax: 072-831-8163  
18 Park Way, Upper Saddle River, N.J. 07458, U.S.A.  
Tel: 800-229-1687, 201-785-2600 Fax: 201-785-2650  
Liegnitzerstrasse 6, 82194 Groebenzell, GERMANY  
Tel: +49-8142-4401-0 Fax: +49-8142-4208-213  
The Coach House 81A High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL7 1AB, UK  
Tel: +44-(0)1628-473-350 Fax: +44-(0)1628-401-700  
Unit 1033, 10/F, Star House, No 3, Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon, Hong Kong.  
Tel: 852-2429-3118 Fax: 852-2428-9039  
1301, 555 Tower, No.555 West NanJin Road, Jin an, Shanghai,  
China 200041, Tel: 86-21-52131366 Fax: 86-21-52130396  
SN 29401308A  
(C) Copyright 2012 Onkyo Corporation Japan. All rights reserved.  
* 2 9 4 0 1 3 0 8 A *  

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