Nortel Networks Network Router 142 User Manual

BayRS Version 14.20  
Part No. 308614-14.20 Rev 00  
January 2001  
600 Technology Park Drive  
Billerica, MA 01821-4130  
Configuring Remote Access  
for AN and Passport ARN  
Nortel Networks NA Inc. Software License Agreement  
NOTICE: Please carefully read this license agreement before copying or using the accompanying software or  
installing the hardware unit with pre-enabled software (each of which is referred to as Softwarein this Agreement).  
these terms and conditions, return the product, unused and in the original shipping container, within 30 days of  
purchase to obtain a credit for the full purchase price.  
1. License Grant. Nortel Networks NA Inc. (Nortel Networks) grants the end user of the Software (Licensee) a  
personal, nonexclusive, nontransferable license: a) to use the Software either on a single computer or, if applicable, on  
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2. Restrictions on use; reservation of rights. The Software and user manuals are protected under copyright laws.  
Nortel Networks and/or its licensors retain all title and ownership in both the Software and user manuals, including  
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3. Limited warranty. Nortel Networks warrants each item of Software, as delivered by Nortel Networks and properly  
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remedy Nortel Networks will at its discretion provide a suitable fix, patch, or workaround for the problem that may be  
included in a future Software release. Nortel Networks further warrants to Licensee that the media on which the  
Software is provided will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of 90 days  
from the date Software is first shipped to Licensee. Nortel Networks will replace defective media at no charge if it is  
returned to Nortel Networks during the warranty period along with proof of the date of shipment. This warranty does  
not apply if the media has been damaged as a result of accident, misuse, or abuse. The Licensee assumes all  
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308614-14.20 Rev 00  
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6. Use of Software in the European Community. This provision applies to all Software acquired for use within the  
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7. Term and termination. This license is effective until terminated; however, all of the restrictions with respect to  
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terminate if Licensee fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of the license. Upon termination for any  
reason, Licensee will immediately destroy or return to Nortel Networks the Software, user manuals, and all copies.  
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9. General. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent  
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will be governed by the laws of the state of California.  
Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, contact Nortel Networks, 4401 Great America Parkway,  
P.O. Box 58185, Santa Clara, California 95054-8185.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Before You Begin ............................................................................................................. xv  
Acronyms ........................................................................................................................xvii  
Understanding Tools and Options  
Netboot ...................................................................................................................1-16  
Directed Netboot ....................................................................................................1-17  
Local Boot ..............................................................................................................1-18  
Steps for Completing Startup Options ..........................................................................1-18  
EZ-Install ................................................................................................................1-19  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Netboot ...................................................................................................................1-20  
Setting Up a UNIX Boot Server  
Setting Up Static Routes to Next-Hop Routers ......................................................2-11  
Verifying the Routes .........................................................................................2-12  
Configuring Netboot Services with Site Manager  
Adding a Netboot or Directed Netboot Interface .............................................................3-8  
Configuring a Netboot or Directed Netboot Interface .....................................................3-9  
Setting Up Routing Paths for Netboot ...........................................................................3-10  
Enabling Router Interfaces .....................................................................................3-10  
Creating BootP Relay Agent Forwarding Tables ...................................................3-12  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Netboot Client Services  
Configuring an ARN Token Ring Interface for Network Booting ...............................4-8  
Examples of Using the ifconfig Command ...............................................................4-9  
Managing ANH Repeater Ports  
Site Manager Parameters  
Netboot and Directed Netboot Parameters .................................................................... A-2  
BootP Relay Agent Interface Parameters ...................................................................... A-7  
Troubleshooting Network Boot Problems  
Router Fails to Get IP Address ................................................................................ B-2  
Upstream Router Not Receiving BootP Requests ............................................ B-2  
Upstream Router Not Sending BootP Responses ............................................ B-2  
Router Fails to Netboot ........................................................................................... B-3  
Upstream Router Not Receiving BootP Requests ............................................ B-3  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Upgrading the Software Image ............................................................................. B-17  
Hints and Notes ........................................................................................................... B-19  
Using the Quick-Start Local Boot Procedure  
Using the Worksheets ................................................................................................... C-2  
Router Protocol Worksheets ................................................................................... C-6  
Wide Area Protocol Worksheets ............................................................................. C-9  
Running the Quick-Start Script .................................................................................... C-13  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Figure 2-1. Sample bootptab File (continued) ............................................................2-8  
Figure 3-1. Enabling BootP Relay in a Sample Network ..........................................3-11  
Figure 5-1. 8-Port ANH Port Status Window ..............................................................5-3  
Figure 5-2. 12-Port ANH Port Status Window ............................................................5-4  
Figure C-1. Quick-Start IP Configuration Test .......................................................... C-16  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Table 4-1.  
Table 4-2.  
Table 4-3.  
Table 4-4.  
Table B-1.  
Table C-1.  
ifconfig Command Options for a Serial Interface .....................................4-6  
ifconfig Command Options for an Ethernet Interface ...............................4-7  
ifconfig Command Options for an ARN Token Ring Interface ..................4-8  
BootP Messages ................................................................................... B-13  
Quick-Start Commands ........................................................................ C-15  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
This guide describes connecting a Nortel NetworksAccess Node (AN®), Access  
Node Hub (ANH ), or Passport Advanced Remote Node (ARN ) router to a  
managed network.  
Before You Begin  
Before using this guide, you (or the person responsible at the router site) must  
install the router hardware, as described in one of the following guides:  
Installing and Operating AN and ANH Systems  
Installing and Operating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC Systems  
Installing and Operating Passport ARN Routers  
Installing and Operating Passport ARN/DC Routers  
Make sure that you are running the latest version of Nortel Networks BayRSand  
Site Manager software. For information about upgrading BayRS and Site  
Manager, see the upgrading guide for your version of BayRS.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Text Conventions  
This guide uses the following text conventions:  
angle brackets (< >)  
Indicate that you choose the text to enter based on the  
description inside the brackets. Do not type the  
brackets when entering the command.  
Example: If the command syntax is:  
ping <ip_address>, you enter:  
bold text  
Indicates command names and options and text that  
you need to enter.  
Example: Enter show ip {alerts | routes}.  
Example: Use the dinfo command.  
braces ({})  
Indicate required elements in syntax descriptions  
where there is more than one option. You must choose  
only one of the options. Do not type the braces when  
entering the command.  
Example: If the command syntax is:  
show ip {alerts | routes}, you must enter either:  
show ip alerts or show ip routes, but not both.  
brackets ([ ])  
Indicate optional elements in syntax descriptions. Do  
not type the brackets when entering the command.  
Example: If the command syntax is:  
show ip interfaces [-alerts], you can enter either:  
show ip interfaces or show ip interfaces -alerts.  
ellipsis points (. . . )  
Indicate that you repeat the last element of the  
command as needed.  
Example: If the command syntax is:  
ethernet/2/1 [<parameter> <value>] . . . , you enter  
ethernet/2/1 and as many parameter-value pairs as  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
italic text  
Indicates file and directory names, new terms, book  
titles, and variables in command syntax descriptions.  
Where a variable is two or more words, the words are  
connected by an underscore.  
Example: If the command syntax is:  
show at <valid_route>  
valid_route is one variable and you substitute one value  
for it.  
screen text  
separator ( > )  
Indicates system output, for example, prompts and  
system messages.  
Example: Set Trap Monitor Filters  
Shows menu paths.  
Example: Protocols > IP identifies the IP option on the  
Protocols menu.  
vertical line ( | )  
Separates choices for command keywords and  
arguments. Enter only one of the choices. Do not type  
the vertical line when entering the command.  
Example: If the command syntax is:  
show ip {alerts | routes}, you enter either:  
show ip alerts or show ip routes, but not both.  
This guide uses the following acronyms:  
American National Standards Institute  
Address Resolution Protocol  
Attachment Unit Interface  
Breath of Life  
Bootstrap Protocol  
Bootstrap Protocol Daemon  
Basic Rate Interface  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative  
Committee (now ITU-T)  
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol  
carrier sense multiple access/collision detection  
data communications equipment  
data link connection identifier  
Data Link Control Management Interface  
data service unit/channel service unit  
data terminal equipment  
File Transfer Protocol  
high-level data link control  
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers  
Internet Protocol  
Internet Packet Exchange  
Integrated Services Digital Network  
International Organization for Standardization  
International Telecommunications  
UnionTelecommunications sector (formerly CCITT)  
local area network  
Local Management Interface  
Link Quality Reporting  
media access control  
media access unit  
Management Information Base  
nonbroadcast multi-access  
Open Systems Interconnection  
Open Shortest Path First (protocol)  
Password Authentication Protocol  
Personal Computer Memory Card International  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Point-to-Point Protocol  
permanent virtual circuit  
Reverse Address Resolution Protocol  
Request for Comments  
Routing Information Protocol  
remote monitoring  
System Administration Manager  
single in-line memory module  
switched multimegabit data service  
System Management Interface Tool  
Simple Network Management Protocol  
shielded twisted pair  
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol  
Telecommunication network  
Trivial File Transfer Protocol  
Trivial File Transfer Protocol Daemon  
User Datagram Protocol  
wide area network  
Hard-Copy Technical Manuals  
You can print selected technical manuals and release notes free, directly from the  
Internet. Go to the URL. Find the product  
for which you need documentation. Then locate the specific category and model  
or version for your hardware or software product. Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to  
open the manuals and release notes, search for the sections you need, and print  
them on most standard printers. Go to Adobe Systems at to  
download a free copy of Acrobat Reader.  
You can purchase selected documentation sets, CDs, and technical publications  
through the Internet at the URL.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
How to Get Help  
If you purchased a service contract for your Nortel Networks product from a  
distributor or authorized reseller, contact the technical support staff for that  
distributor or reseller for assistance.  
If you purchased a Nortel Networks service program, contact one of the following  
Nortel Networks Technical Solutions Centers:  
Technical Solutions Center  
(33) (4) 92-966-968  
North America  
Asia Pacific  
(800) 2LANWAN or (800) 252-6926  
(61) (2) 9927-8800  
(800) 810-5000  
An Express Routing Code (ERC) is available for many Nortel Networks products  
and services. When you use an ERC, your call is routed to a technical support  
person who specializes in supporting that product or service. To locate an ERC for  
your product or service, go to the URL and click  
ERC at the bottom of the page.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Chapter 1  
Understanding Tools and Options  
The AN/ANH and ARN families of routers connect multiprotocol workgroups to  
corporate backbone networks. This chapter provides an overview of the software  
and procedures for configuring and managing router remote access for AN, ANH,  
Network Configuration and Management Tools  
Router Startup Procedure  
Preparing for the Initial Startup  
Selecting the Routine Startup Option  
Steps for Completing Startup Options  
Network Configuration and Management Tools  
There are several tools available for configuring and managing the AN/ANH, and  
ARN routers:  
Graphical, SNMP-based network management tools within  
Optivity Internetwork, a component of the Nortel Networks  
Optivity Enterpriseapplication suite:  
-- Site Manager, a router management, configuration, and monitoring  
-- RouterMan, a real-time router performance and status reporting  
-- PathMan, a diagnostic application for determining the complete data  
path between two network devices  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Router configuration and management tools included with BayRS:  
-- Technician Interface, a command-line interface that operates in router  
memory. Technician Interface commands and scripts provide real-time  
SNMP-based Management Information Base (MIB) access from an  
attached or remote (modem or Telnet) management console.  
-- AN Monitor, a command-line interface to the router diagnostic firmware.  
You use the AN Monitor to configure AN, ANH, and ARN boot  
This guide describes how to connect AN/ANH, and ARN routers to a managed  
network using Site Manager, and how to set the startup configuration using the  
AN Monitor and Technician Interface.  
Router Startup Procedure  
The following sections describe the software files and configuration options  
involved in the startup procedure for AN/ANH, and ARN routers:  
Startup Files  
Startup Options  
Startup Files  
Before it can operate, a router must boot a software image. The software image  
contains an operating-system kernel file that supports the router platform, plus a  
group of executable files that support the major networking protocols and dial-up  
services that the network requires. Booting the router is the process of installing  
and using the applicable software image files.  
To bridge and route traffic, a router also needs a configuration file that is tailored  
to the network. A configuration file is a binary system file that contains hardware  
and software configuration data.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Understanding Tools and Options  
Nortel Networks ships the software image for AN/ANH and ARN routers on a  
PCMCIA flash memory card, along with a default configuration file named  
config. The ARN software image is named arn.exe. The AN/ANH software image  
is named an.exe. Table 1-1 describes the executable startup files contained in the  
AN/ANH and ARN software images.  
Table 1-1.  
Router Startup Files  
Startup File Name Description  
ARN operating-system kernel  
AN/ANH operating-system kernel  
Application files  
Executable files needed to perform the functions specified in the  
configuration file. All application files have .exe file-name  
extensions. (For example, the router needs an ipx.exe executable  
file to run IPX.)  
String files  
Compressed ASCII files needed when you use the Nortel Networks  
Technician Interface to display the event log or MIB object names.  
Groups of string files remain in compressed format until needed.  
Startup Options  
A router obtains the software image and configuration files that you want it to use  
during startup.  
Startup options allow AN/ANH and ARN routers to retrieve startup files either  
over the network or from the file system stored in local flash memory. Obtaining  
startup files from the router file system is called local booting. Obtaining one or  
more startup files over the network is called network booting, or netbooting.  
You use one of four boot options to complete a startup procedure. Table 1-2  
summarizes these startup options. The Boot Processon page 1-5 describes how  
local and network booting works.  
For initial startup, AN/ANH and ARN routers are configured for a default option,  
but you can change the default (see Preparing for the Initial Startupon  
page 1-13). To select the startup option for routine operation, see Selecting the  
Routine Startup Optionon page 1-16. To review the steps for configuring and  
completing a startup option, see Steps for Completing Startup Options”  
page 1-18.  
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Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Table 1-2.  
Summary of Startup Options for AN/ANH and ARN Routers  
Image File Configuration  
File Source  
EZ-Install Local  
The default option for initial  
Serial connection  
configured with the  
high-level data link  
control (HDLC) or frame  
relay protocol  
BootP server that  
contains the  
configuration file  
(serialinterface startup. The router boots the  
software image files in local flash  
memory, then obtains its  
configuration file from a remote  
workstation on a frame relay  
network that is configured as a  
Bootstrap Protocol (BootP) server.  
The router saves the configuration  
file to the flash memory card for  
future use.  
The router obtains at least one  
startup file from a remote  
workstation that is configured as a  
BootP server.  
Management console  
BootP server that  
contains at least one  
startup file  
Connection over a  
frame relay or HDLC  
(serial or DSU/CSU),  
Ethernet, or token ring  
(ARN only) interface  
The router obtains at least one  
startup file from a remote  
Management console  
TFTP server that  
workstation that is configured as a  
Trivial File Transfer Protocol  
(TFTP) server. You must specify  
the IP address of the TFTP server  
and the complete path to the  
startup file(s) before booting.  
contains at least one  
startup file  
Connection over a  
frame relay or HDLC  
(serial or DSU/CSU),  
Ethernet, or token ring  
(ARN only) interface  
Local Boot Local  
The router boots from the software  
image and generic startup  
configuration files stored in flash  
memory. You create a customized  
configuration file by running the  
Quick-Start script.  
Management console  
Installed flash memory  
card that contains the  
startup files  
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Understanding Tools and Options  
The Boot Process  
The following sections describe the boot process for the Local Boot and Netboot  
startup options:  
Netboot Process (EZ-Install, Netboot, or Directed Netboot)  
Local Boot Process  
Netboot Process  
When booting over the network using EZ-Install, Netboot, or Directed Netboot,  
AN/ANH and ARN routers complete the following tasks:  
1. Determines its IP address  
2. Obtains the operating-system kernel file and/or configuration file by  
communicating with a configured BootP server on the IP network  
3. Reboots, using the newly transferred kernel file  
The following sections describe in more detail the key steps in this process:  
Obtaining an IP Address Manually (Netboot or Directed Netboot)  
or Obtaining an IP Address Automatically (EZ-Install)  
Obtaining the Kernel and Configuration Files  
Obtaining an IP Address Manually (Netboot or Directed Netboot)  
For Netboot and Directed Netboot, you configure the IP address manually.  
Chapter 3 describes how to use Site Manager to configure netboot interfaces.  
Chapter 4 describes how to configure netboot using the Technician Interface.  
Obtaining an IP Address Automatically (EZ-Install)  
During the EZ-Install process, AN/ANH and ARN routers obtain its IP address as  
1. When you turn on the router, it runs a set of diagnostic tests.  
2. The router sends a BootP request to the upstream router for an IP address and  
subnet mask.  
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Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
The router sends the BootP request through all serial ports at approximately  
the same time, using the following protocols:  
Nortel Networks Standard Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) using high-level  
data link control (HDLC) encapsulation  
Frame Relay Annex D  
Frame Relay Local Management Interface (LMI)  
Frame Relay Annex A  
Note: The upstream router must have a circuit running Nortel Networks  
Standard PPP using HDLC or a frame relay permanent virtual circuit (PVC).  
If the AN/ANH and ARN router does not receive a response to the first BootP  
request, it issues a second request.  
If the AN/ANH or ARN router does not receive a response in approximately  
four minutes, it boots the image and configuration files in its local file system,  
as described in Local Boot Processon page 1-12.  
3. The first interface on the upstream router to receive the BootP request  
4. The upstream router obtains the IP address of the AN/ANH or ARN routers  
serial interface. The protocol configuration of the upstream router determines  
whether it calculates or requests the IP address, as follows:  
-- A frame relay PVC in direct access mode or a Nortel Networks Standard  
PPP interface calculates the IP address by adding 1 to the IP address of  
the interface that received the request.  
For example, in Figure 1-1, the upstream routers interface address is This means that the upstream router calculates as  
the AN/ANH or ARN routers IP address.  
Note: If the IP address plus 1 equals a broadcast address, the upstream router  
calculates the IP address by subtracting 1. For example, if the IP address of the  
upstream routers interface is, the IP address of the AN/ANH or  
ARN router is  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Understanding Tools and Options  
AN/ANH/ARN router  
BOOTP request  
BOOTP response with  
IP address  
Upstream router  
IP address  
Figure 1-1.  
Calculating an IP Address  
(Direct Access PVC or Standard PPP)  
-- A frame relay PVC in group access mode refers to its BootP client  
interface table to find an associated IP address for the AN/ANH or ARN  
Note: The BootP client interface table contains a data link connection  
identifier (DLCI) and IP address pair for each PVC. You use Site Manager to  
create this table when you follow the instructions for setting up routing paths  
in Chapter 3.  
For example, in Figure 1-2, the AN/ANH or ARN router sends BootP  
requests for its IP address. The upstream router receives the request on  
PVC 31. The upstream router determines the DLCI, refers to DLCI 31 in  
the BootP client interface table, finds the IP address, and sends a BootP  
response containing the IP address back to PVC 31.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Booting router 2  
Booting router 3  
PVC 32  
PVC 31  
PVC 33  
Frame Relay  
Circuit containing PVC 31, 32, 33 (for  
virtual connections to the three routers)  
BOOTP Client Interface Table:  
DLCI 31  
DLCI 32  
DLCI 33  
BOOTP request  
BOOTP response  
Upstream router  
Figure 1-2.  
Requesting an IP Address from the BootP Server (Group Access PVC)  
5. The upstream router sends the IP address and subnet mask to the AN/ANH or  
ARN router in a BootP response message.  
6. The AN/ANH or ARN router assigns the IP address and subnet mask to any  
serial interface that receives a BootP response.  
7. The AN/ANH or ARN router stores these IP addresses, along with the IP  
address of the next-hop router, in RAM.  
If more than one serial interface receives a BootP response, the AN/ANH or  
ARN router assigns an IP address to each interface.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Understanding Tools and Options  
Obtaining the Kernel and Configuration Files  
With a known IP address, an AN/ANH and ARN router can obtain its  
operating-system kernel and configuration files over the network. The procedure  
is the same for EZ-Install, Netboot, and Directed Netboot.  
1. The router sends a BootP request for the path names of the startup files.  
The router issues the request simultaneously through all serial (COM),  
Ethernet, and token ring (ARN only) interfaces that have IP addresses. The  
router issues this request periodically for approximately 3 minutes, regardless  
of whether a cable is connected.  
2. A BootP server responds to the routers request with the directory path names  
(Figure 1-3).  
Upstream router  
Corporate backbone  
BOOTP request  
BOOTP response  
Figure 1-3.  
Obtaining the Path Names of the Kernel and Configuration Files  
The first router interface that processes the BootP response acts as the TFTP  
client in the remaining steps.  
3. The router stops sending BootP requests.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
4. The router sends a TFTP request for the configuration file.  
5. The BootP server uses TFTP to transfer the configuration file (Figure 1-4).  
Configuration file  
Corporate backbone  
Upstream router  
BOOTP server  
BOOTP response  
TFTP request  
TFTP transfer  
Figure 1-4.  
Obtaining the Configuration File  
6. The router sends a TFTP request for the kernel file.  
7. The BootP server uses TFTP to transfer the kernel file (Figure 1-5).  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Understanding Tools and Options  
Corporate backbone  
Upstream router  
BOOTP server  
TFTP request  
TFTP transfer  
Figure 1-5.  
Obtaining the Kernel File  
8. The router boots the kernel.  
9. The router uses TFTP to obtain application and string files as it needs them.  
10. The router begins bridging and routing network traffic as specified in the  
configuration file.  
The AN/ANH, or ARN router can continue to request files, even after it begins  
bridging and routing traffic.  
If a failure occurs in steps 1 through 8, the AN/ANH or ARN router attempts to  
boot locally.  
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Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Local Boot Process  
When the AN/ANH and ARN routers boot locally, they read the kernel,  
application, and string files embedded in the an.exe or arn.exe software image file  
on the local PCMCIA flash memory card.  
When you use Local Boot as the initial boot option, you boot a default (generic)  
configuration file. You must then run the Quick-Start installation script to  
customize the default configuration file. Running the installation script establishes  
an IP network interface between the router and a Site Manager workstation  
(Figure 1-6).  
IP address =  
Corporate IP network  
Site Manager  
ASCII console or PC  
Ethernet port  
Console port  
IP address =  
Subnet mask =  
Figure 1-6.  
Establishing an IP Network Interface  
Appendix C briefly describes the procedure for customizing the default  
configuration file, provides worksheets for preparing to run the procedure, and  
explains how to begin the Quick-Start installation script.  
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Understanding Tools and Options  
Preparing for the Initial Startup  
The first time you turn on an AN/ANH or ARN router, it begins a startup  
procedure to obtain the files it needs to operate routinely over the network. For the  
procedure to be successful, you must first complete the following tasks:  
Select the initial startup option (see the next section,Selecting the Initial  
Startup Option)  
Set up the network to support the startup option (see Chapter 3)  
For options other than EZ-Install, configure the router for the startup option  
(see Chapter 4)  
Provide a tailored configuration file for the router (see Providing a Tailored  
Configuration Fileon page 1-15)  
Coordinate the initial startup with a person at the router site  
The person at the router site installs the hardware and cables, and then  
initiates the appropriate startup option. The router hardware installation guide  
explains these tasks in detail.  
Note: As an alternative to another person performing the initial startup at the  
AN/ANH or ARN router site, you can perform these tasks using a modem  
Selecting the Initial Startup Option  
By default, the EZ-Install procedure begins when you turn on an AN/ANH or  
ARN routers router. You can change the initial startup option to Local Boot or  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
This section reviews the options for initial startup and lists the requirements for  
each startup option. Selecting the Routine Startup Optionon page 1-16 provides  
similar information for routine operation. Steps for Completing Startup Options”  
on page 1-18 describes the procedure for configuring a startup option.  
Note: Even if you use the default option, EZ-Install, Nortel Networks strongly  
recommends that you connect a modem or a console to an AN/ANH or ARN  
router for initial startup. With a console connection, you can issue commands  
to the router and display messages. This is very useful if you have network  
problems after installation.  
EZ-Install is the easiest option for the person at the router site to perform, because  
AN/ANH and ARN routers automatically begin the procedure at startup, and the  
network automatically supplies the IP address and configuration file.  
The EZ-Install procedure requires the following at initial startup:  
A communications link between the AN/ANH or ARN router and an  
upstream router over an HDLC or frame relay interface  
A BootP server that contains a customized configuration file for the AN/ANH  
or ARN router  
If EZ-Install fails in an initial startup attempt, one of the following occurs:  
An AN or ANH router attempts to boot once using the Local Boot option. If  
both boot attempts fail, you must troubleshoot the problem and reboot the  
router as described in Appendix B.  
An ARN router first tries to local boot, and then tries to netboot. The ARN  
continuously attempts to local boot and netboot until it boots successfully, you  
turn off the ARN, or you interrupt the process in one of the following ways:  
-- Press the Reset button on the ARN back panel  
-- Type the [Control]-c break sequence at the management console  
Local Boot  
The Local Boot procedure requires the following at initial startup:  
An installed PCMCIA flash memory card that contains the software image  
file and a generic configuration file  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Understanding Tools and Options  
A local console or modem connection with the AN/ANH or ARN router  
When you use Local Boot as the initial boot option, the Site Manager connection  
is not yet in place. AN/ANH and ARN routers boot using the generic  
configuration file; then, you must run the Quick-Start installation script to  
customize the configuration file and save it locally (see Figure 1-6 on page 1-12).  
See the description of the Quick-Start installation procedure in Appendix C.  
The Netboot procedure requires the following at initial startup:  
A communications link between the AN/ANH or ARN router and an  
upstream router over an Ethernet, HDLC, frame relay, or token ring (ARN  
only) interface  
A local console or modem connection with the AN/ANH or ARN router  
A BootP server that contains the software image file (arn.exe for the ARN or  
an.exe for the AN/ANH) or a network configuration file (config) customized  
for the AN/ANH or ARN router  
An IP address assigned to the AN/ANH or ARN routers boot interface  
Providing a Tailored Configuration File  
Since AN/ANH and ARN routers ship with a generic configuration file on the  
PCMCIA flash memory card, you must tailor that file to your network before a  
router can bridge and route traffic.  
You can provide the AN/ANH and ARN routers with a tailored configuration file  
during the initial startup in one of the following ways:  
Place a tailored configuration file on the server for the router to download  
during EZ-Install or another netboot procedure.  
See Preparing Configuration and Image Filesin Chapter 3 for information  
about creating a tailored configuration file.  
Allow the router to start using the generic configuration file during a Local  
Boot procedure; then, use the Technician Interface Quick-Start installation  
script to configure one or more interfaces for IP so that the router can connect  
to Site Manager (or another network management tool).  
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Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
The Quick-Start procedure initially tailors the default configuration file; use  
Site Manager to complete the configuration. See Appendix C for more  
Selecting the Routine Startup Option  
This section provides information to help you select the boot configuration for  
routine startup operations.  
Nortel Networks recommends that you do the following:  
Maintain the complete software image file (an.exe or arn.exe) on the local file  
system at all times, in case the network connection to the BootP server goes  
down and the router needs to use Local Boot for startup.  
Set up the network to support Netboot even if you plan to use the Local Boot  
option. With the network set up to support Netboot, you can boot the router  
over the network for some procedures and boot it locally for others.  
Netboot takes longer than the other startup options, but has many benefits.  
Note: Over a low-speed WAN, or after configuring AN/ANH and ARN  
routers to run several protocols, netbooting can take up to 15 minutes. It takes  
less time to netboot only the kernel file or configuration file.  
Using Netboot for routine startups allows you to:  
Manage software image and configuration files from a remote location by  
storing them on the BootP server  
This option greatly simplifies the management of remote routers by allowing  
you to keep the startup files up-to-date in a single location -- the BootP server.  
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Understanding Tools and Options  
Minimize the need to maintain the routers local file system  
When the an AN/ANH or ARN router obtains files from a BootP server, it  
stores them in memory, not in its file system, reducing the need for frequent  
file-system compactions. (See Using Technician Interface Software or  
Configuring and Managing Routers Using Site Manager to learn about  
compacting a file system.)  
Restore a corrupted file system  
The routers file system resides on an installed flash memory card. With  
Netboot enabled, the AN/ANH or ARN router can still boot over the network  
if the local files become corrupted. (When the router reboots due to a reset or  
power loss, it automatically boots the configuration and image files over the  
network if it cannot find intact files locally.)  
Obtain application and string files from the BootP server as the router needs  
Obtaining these files individually, rather than obtaining the entire an.exe or  
arn.exe file, reduces line costs and the use of flash memory space.  
The Netboot procedure requires the following at initial startup:  
A communications link between the AN/ANH or ARN router and an  
upstream router over an Ethernet, HDLC, frame relay, or token ring (ARN  
only) interface  
A local console or modem connection with the AN/ANH or ARN router  
A BootP server that contains the operating-system kernel (krnl_arn.exe for the  
ARN or krnl_an.exe for the AN/ANH) or a network configuration file  
customized for the AN/ANH or ARN router  
An IP address assigned to the AN/ANH or ARN router boot interface  
Directed Netboot  
The Directed Netboot procedure requires the following at initial startup:  
A communications link between the AN/ANH or ARN router and an  
upstream router over an Ethernet, HDLC, frame relay, or token ring (ARN  
only) interface  
A local console or modem connection with the AN/ANH or ARN router  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
A TFTP server that contains the kernel file (krnl_arn.exe for the ARN or  
krnl_an.exe for the AN/ANH) or a network configuration file customized for  
the AN/ANH or ARN router  
Compared with Netboot, Directed Netboot offers the following advantages:  
Creates less network traffic  
Is generally faster  
Directed Netboot is usually reserved for starting AN/ANH and ARN routers after  
the initial startup because you need to know the exact location of the startup files.  
During Directed Netboot, AN/ANH and ARN routers transfer files from a TFTP  
server directly, bypassing negotiation with a BootP server for the IP address and  
path names of the startup files.  
Local Boot  
Local-booting the startup files for routine startups allows you to:  
Minimize the time it takes the router to boot  
In most configurations, however, the difference between the two options is  
only a few seconds. Typically, local-booting takes two to three minutes.  
Minimize line usage  
Obtaining files locally prevents an increase in network traffic during the  
startup process.  
When you choose the Local Boot option for routine startups, AN/ANH and ARN  
routers read the IP addresses from the local configuration file and assign them to  
the appropriate interfaces.  
Steps for Completing Startup Options  
This section summarizes the steps for completing these startup options:  
Directed Netboot  
Local Boot  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Understanding Tools and Options  
You can use Netboot for some procedures and Local Boot for others, provided you  
have set up the network to support Netboot.  
Note: To boot an AN/ANH or ARN router over the network, all routers in the  
path to the BootP server must be running BayRS Version 7.60 or later.  
Complete the following steps for the EZ-Install option:  
1. Use the Configuration Manager in local mode to create a complete  
configuration file for the router. (See Chapter 3 and Configuring and  
Managing Routers with Site Manager.)  
2. Set up a UNIX workstation on the network to support BootP. (See Chapter 2.)  
3. Create a BootP client on the upstream router to support automated addressing,  
and configure all routers between the BootP server and the AN/ANH or ARN  
router as BootP relay agents. (See Chapter 3.)  
4. Ensure that there is a network connection from a synchronous interface on the  
AN/ANH or ARN router to the upstream router.  
Note: If the AN/ANH or ARN router will connect to the upstream router over  
a frame relay circuit, ensure that the upstream router is running BayRS Version  
7.80 or later.  
5. A person at the AN/ANH or ARN router site installs and turns on the router.  
(See the model-specific hardware installation guide.)  
The AN/ANH or ARN router obtains a software image from its local file  
system, an IP address from the upstream router, and the customized  
configuration file from the BootP server. (The Boot Processon page 1-5  
describes this process; no action is required.)  
If the configuration file meets your network requirements, the AN/ANH or  
ARN router starts bridging and routing traffic.  
6. Use the Site Manager Statistics Manager and Events Manager tools to verify  
that the AN/ANH or ARN router is routing traffic as specified in the  
configuration file. (See Configuring and Managing Routers with Site  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Complete the following steps for the Netboot option:  
1. Use the Configuration Manager in local mode to create a complete  
configuration file for the AN/ANH or ARN router. (See Chapter 3 and  
Configuring and Managing Routers with Site Manager.)  
2. Set up a UNIX workstation on the network to support BootP. (See Chapter 2.)  
3. Use Site Manager to enable BootP on each router interface between the router  
and the BootP server. (See Chapter 3.)  
4. Ensure that there is a network connection from a synchronous, Ethernet, or  
token ring (ARN only) interface on the AN/ANH or ARN router to the  
upstream router.  
Note: If the AN/ANH or ARN router will connect to the upstream router over  
a frame relay circuit, ensure that the upstream router is running BayRS Version  
7.71 or later.  
5. Install the kernel and application files in the BootP servers file system, and  
make sure that they reside in the same directory. (See Chapter 2.)  
6. The person at the AN/ANH or ARN router site establishes a Technician  
Interface session, or you establish a session using a modem. (See the hardware  
installation guide.)  
7. The person at the AN/ANH or ARN router console uses the bconfig and  
ifconfig commands to configure a synchronous, Ethernet, or token ring (ARN  
only) interface. (See Chapter 4 and the hardware installation guide.)  
8. The person at the AN/ANH or ARN router site boots the router. (See the  
hardware installation guide.)  
After the AN/ANH or ARN router boots, it obtains at least one startup file  
from the BootP server. If the configuration file meets your network  
requirements, the router starts bridging and routing traffic.  
9. Use the Site Manager Statistics Manager and Events Manager tools to verify  
that the AN/ANH or ARN router is routing traffic as specified in the  
configuration file. (See Configuring and Managing Routers with Site  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Understanding Tools and Options  
Directed Netboot  
Complete the following steps for the Directed Netboot option:  
1. Use the Configuration Manager in local mode to create a complete  
configuration file for the AN/ANH or ARN router. (See Chapter 3 and  
Configuring and Managing Routers with Site Manager.)  
2. Set up a network server to support TFTP. (See Chapter 2.)  
3. Install the router image and/or configuration files in the TFTP servers file  
system. (See Chapter 2.)  
4. Ensure that there is a network connection from a synchronous, Ethernet, or  
token ring (ARN only) interface on the AN/ANH or ARN router to the  
upstream router.  
Note: If the AN/ANH or ARN router will connect to the upstream router over  
a frame relay circuit, ensure that the upstream router is running BayRS Version  
8.00 or later.  
5. The person at the AN/ANH or ARN router site establishes a Technician  
Interface session, or you establish a session using a modem. (See the hardware  
installation guide.)  
6. The person at the AN/ANH or ARN router console uses the bconfig and  
ifconfig commands to configure a synchronous, Ethernet, or token ring (ARN  
only) interface. (See Chapter 4 and the hardware installation guide.)  
7. The person at the AN/ANH or ARN router site boots the router. (See the  
hardware installation guide.)  
The AN/ANH or ARN router obtains one or more startup files from the TFTP  
server. If the configuration file meets your network requirements, the router  
starts bridging and routing traffic.  
8. Use the Site Manager Statistics Manager and Events Manager tools to verify  
that the AN/ANH or ARN router is routing traffic as specified in the  
configuration file. (See Configuring and Managing Routers with Site  
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Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Local Boot  
Complete the following steps for the Local Boot option:  
1. Complete the Quick-Start configuration worksheets. (See Appendix C.)  
2. The person at the AN/ANH or ARN router site establishes a Technician  
Interface session, or you establish a session using a modem. (See the hardware  
installation guide.)  
If you are not at the router console, provide the person at the console with the  
information in the configuration worksheets. The hardware installation guide  
contains duplicate worksheets. (See Appendix C.)  
3. The person at the router console runs the installation script (install.bat for the  
AN/ANH and inst_arn.bat for the ARN), using the information provided in  
the worksheets you completed in step 1. (See Appendix C and your hardware  
installation guide.)  
4. The installation script records the responses in a configuration file.  
(See Appendix C and your hardware installation guide.)  
If the configuration file meets your network requirements, the router starts  
bridging and routing traffic.  
5. Use the Site Manager Statistics Manager and Events Manager tools to verify  
that the AN/ANH or ARN router is routing traffic as specified in the  
configuration file. (See Configuring and Managing Routers with Site  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Chapter 2  
Setting Up a UNIX Boot Server  
To support network booting, you need to set up a UNIX workstation on the  
network to run BootP and TFTP. This chapter describes what you need to do at a  
UNIX workstation to prepare AN/ANH and ARN routers for booting over the  
Setting Up a BootP Server  
Setting Up a TFTP Server  
What to Do Next  
When AN/ANH and ARN routers boot over the network, they obtain one or more  
of its startup files from a UNIX server. When AN/ANH and ARN routers use  
EZ-Install or Netboot, the server supplies startup file path names using BootP. The  
routers then retrieve the files using TFTP. When AN/ANH and ARN routers use  
Directed Netboot, they already know the path names of the files they need and  
retrieve the files directly from the server using TFTP.  
Complete the appropriate sections of this chapter for the startup option you are  
To Configure This Startup Option  
Setting Up a BootP Server  
Setting Up a TFTP Server  
Setting Up a BootP Server  
Setting Up a TFTP Server  
Directed Netboot  
Setting Up a TFTP Server  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Setting Up a BootP Server  
To support EZ-Install or Netboot, AN/ANH and ARN routers need a network  
connection to a BootP server. You configure a UNIX workstation as a BootP  
server by:  
Setting up BootP sockets  
Configuring the BootP Daemon (BootPD)  
Setting Up BootP Sockets  
A socket is a UNIX mechanism for creating virtual connections between  
operating-system and network processes. For each socket, the /etc/services file  
must include a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) descriptor that provides  
process-to-process addressing information.  
To set up the send and receive sockets for BootP:  
1. Log in to the UNIX workstation as root.  
2. Use a text editor to insert the following two lines in the /etc/services file:  
# bootp server  
# bootp client  
Configuring BootPD  
A daemon is an unattended process (that is, one that runs in the background). An  
application typically calls a daemon to perform a standard routine or service (in  
this case, BootP).  
Complete the following tasks to configure BootPD on a UNIX workstation:  
On Sun workstations, copy the BootPD program to the /etc directory.  
Set up BootPD to run.  
Set up BootPD to respond to AN/ANH and ARN routers.  
Copying BootPD on Sun Workstations  
Depending on the operating system you use, Nortel Networks may or may not  
ship BootPD with the Site Manager package.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Setting Up a UNIX Boot Server  
The AIX and HP-UX operating systems include BootPD. SunOS and Solaris do  
not include BootPD, so Site Manager automatically installs BootPD on Sun  
workstations running these operating systems.  
Copy the bootpd file to the /etc directory as follows:  
1. Log in to the UNIX workstation as root.  
2. Enter the following command:  
cp /usr/wf/bin/bootpd /etc  
Setting Up BootPD to Run  
To configure your workstation to run BootPD when it receives a BootP request  
1. As root, use a text editor to open the /etc/inetd.conf file.  
2. Make sure that no other line in the file begins with bootps.  
If there is such a line, your workstation is already configured as a BootP  
server. Comment out this line by typing a pound sign (#) at the beginning of  
the line so that the server will use the BootPD program that you specify in the  
next step.  
3. Insert the following line anywhere in the file to configure your  
workstation as a BootP server:  
bootps dgram udp wait root /etc/bootpd bootpd  
4. Save and exit the file.  
Setting Up BootPD to Respond to AN/ANH and ARN Routers  
When the operating system receives a BootP request packet, it starts BootPD.  
BootPD matches the source IP address of the packet to an IP address in its BootP  
table (bootptab file) to determine the path names of the requested startup files.  
Note: The bootptab file can include the same path name for all booting  
routers, or a different path name for each IP address.  
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Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Entries in bootptab also include optional parameter tags. Nortel Networks  
supplies a sample bootptab file that Site Manager installs automatically in the /  
usr/wf/config directory. Use a copy of this sample file if you do not already have a  
bootptab file.  
To set up BootPD to respond to booting routers:  
1. As root, view the contents of the /etc directory to determine if it already  
contains a bootptab file.  
If it does contain a bootptab file, skip steps 2 and 3 and proceed to step 4 to  
edit this file.  
2. Enter the following command to copy the bootptab file to the /etc  
cp /usr/wf/config/bootptab /etc  
3. Use a text editor to open the bootptab file in the /etc directory.  
4. In the bootptab file, type the information that pertains to the AN/ANH  
and ARN routers in your network.  
The section that follows explains how to format your entries. Use Tables 2-1  
and 2-2 to determine which tags and values you need. Figure 2-1 shows the  
sample bootptab file included with the Site Manager software. The comments  
in this file explain the sample definitions.  
5. Save the bootptab file changes.  
Note: The bootptab file must reside in the /etc directory. BootPD fails if it  
cannot find the bootptab file in /etc.  
Editing the bootptab File  
Specify a hostname definition in the bootptab file for each AN/ANH or ARN  
router in your network. The format of each definition in the bootptab file is as  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Setting Up a UNIX Boot Server  
hostname is a name you assign to a BootP client (each AN/ANH or ARN  
router is a client). Each hostname definition must:  
-- Contain a maximum of 79 characters  
-- Contain alphanumeric characters, and an alphabetic first character  
-- Not contain an underscore (_)  
You can use a dot (.) to separate characters, but the character immediately  
following the dot must be alphabetic.  
tg is a BootP parameter name (tag).  
Follow each tag with an equals sign (=) and a value.  
A pound sign (#) at the beginning of a line indicates a comment.  
A backslash (\) at the end of a line indicates continuation of the line.  
Note: Make sure you type a backslash (\), not a slash (/), at the end of each  
line that does not conclude a definition.  
Table 2-1 lists the BootPD tags for router host names. Table 2-2 lists the BootPD  
tags for kernel file names.  
Table 2-1.  
BootPD Tags for a Router Host Name  
Required or  
IP address -- the host IP address ip=  
of the router  
Subnet mask -- the host subnet  
mask of the router  
Path name of the router  
configuration file. The maximum  
length is 49 characters.  
Size of the router configuration file T130=0x0004  
in 512-byte blocks. This tag  
determines how much memory the  
router allocates for the file. Set this  
tag to 0x0004.  
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Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Table 2-1. BootPD Tags for a Router Host Name (continued)  
Required or  
Table continuation -- a pointer to  
another location in the same file  
for additional information. This tag  
points to information that is  
common to all routers that use  
BootPD. If the information  
contradicts information in a  
specific host-name definition,  
BootPD uses the information in  
that definition.  
Table 2-2.  
BootPD Tags for a Kernel File Name  
or Optional  
Home directory -- the directory on hd=/$HOME/.builder_dir/  
the workstation containing the  
kernel files. By default, the Image  
Builder writes its files to the  
directory specified in the example.  
The rel<number> directory  
contains the current BayRS  
release. If you change the default  
or move the files to another  
directory, specify that directory.  
Boot file -- the name of the kernel bf=krnl_an.exe  
Boot size -- the size of the kernel bs=auto  
file in 512-byte blocks. If you  
specify auto as the size, the BootP  
server calculates the size of the  
file for each BootP request.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Setting Up a UNIX Boot Server  
BootPD Tags for a Kernel File Name (continued)  
Table 2-2.  
or Optional  
Vendor magic cookie selector --  
the BootP server should always  
reply in a manner compliant with  
RFC 1048. You must specify  
rfc1048 for this tag in order for the  
router to understand the BootP  
responses it receives.  
The sample bootptab file shown in Figure 2-1 enables two ANs (named  
AN.Boston and AN.Chicago) to boot over the network. Use the basic format  
shown in Figure 2-1 to set up your own bootptab file.  
Verifying Consistent BootP Service  
You may want to configure a second workstation as a BootP server for backup  
purposes. If you do so, make sure that the two bootptab files are identical. Also,  
make sure that the kernel, application, and string files are from the same BayRS  
# This file contains the default specification for the boot  
# image file to be used by all ANs.  
# "general" contains information that is common to all ANs  
# that need to boot via BOOTP. You can use any word in place  
# of "general."  
# "hd" specifies that /$HOME/.builder_dir/rel900/an is the  
# directory on the workstation where the boot files are  
# located. By default, the Image Builder writes its files to  
# this directory. If you are using a router software version  
# later than 8.00, add the associated three digits to the end  
# of the "rel" directory name. If you moved the files to  
# another directory, specify that directory.  
# "bf" specifies that the name of the boot image kernel file  
# is krnl_an.exe.  
:bf=krnl_an.exe:\ (continued)  
Figure 2-1.  
Sample bootptab File  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
# "bs" indicates the size of the boot file. If you specify  
# "auto" as the size, the BOOTP server calculates the size of  
# the file for each BOOTP request.  
# "vm" indicates that the BOOTP server should always reply in  
# a manner compliant with RFC 1048. You must enter rfc1048  
# for this tag so that the AN can understand the BOOTP  
# responses it receives.  
# This line marks the beginning of the active definition for  
# the AN we are naming "AN.Boston."  
# "ip" indicates the IP address of the AN.  
# "T130" indicates the size of the AN’s configuration file in  
# 512-byte blocks. Always use 0x0004.  
# "T129" indicates the pathname of the configuration file  
# for the AN.  
# "tc" indicates that the "general" definition contains more  
# information that applies to BOOTP transmissions to  
# "AN.Boston."  
# This is the active definition for the AN we are naming  
# "AN.Chicago."  
Figure 2-1.  
Sample bootptab File (continued)  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Setting Up a UNIX Boot Server  
Setting Up a TFTP Server  
AN/ANH and ARN routers need a network connection to a TFTP server to  
complete EZ-Install, Netboot, or Directed Netboot. You configure a UNIX  
workstation as a TFTP server by:  
Setting up the TFTP daemon (TFTPD) to provide TFTP access  
Setting up static routes to AN/ANH and ARN routers (optional)  
Loading the changes into memory  
Setting Up TFTPD  
When you set up the TFTPD server on a UNIX workstation, you can allow TFTP  
access to the root directory and any subdirectory, or restrict TFTP access to a  
specified directory or path name.  
Allowing TFTP access to all directories is the simpler procedure. Specifying a  
directory provides security, but requires either keeping the startup files in the  
specified directory or creating a link to each path name.  
Providing TFTP Access to All Directories  
To provide TFTP access to files in the root (/) directory and all subdirectories,  
insert the appropriate line for your operating system in the /etc/inetd.conf file.  
Find the sample line for your operating system in Table 2-3.  
Table 2-3.  
Providing TFTP Access to All Directories  
Sample Line to Insert in /etc/inetd.conf File, or Other Instruction  
tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/in.tftpd in.tftpd -s /  
tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd in.tftpd -s /  
tftp dgram udp wait root /etc/tftp tftp  
Use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to configure TFTP. For  
instructions, see the IBM guides on TCP/IP daemons and TFTP.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Restricting TFTP Access to Specified Directories  
To restrict TFTP access to a specific directory:  
1. Log in to your UNIX workstation as root.  
2. Insert the appropriate line in the /etc/inetd.conf file.  
The examples in Table 2-4 restrict access to the /tftpboot directory. You can  
substitute any directory you want.  
Table 2-4.  
Restricting TFTP Access to Specified Directories  
Sample Line to Insert in /etc/inetd.conf File, or Other Instruction  
tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/in.tftpd in.tftpd -s  
tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd in.tftpd  
-s /tftpboot  
tftp dgram udp wait root /etc/tftp tftp -s /tftpboot  
Use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to configure TFTP.  
For instructions, see the IBM guides on TCP/IP daemons and TFTP.  
3. Create a symbolic link in the specified directory for every startup file  
path name.  
For example, to set up symbolic links in the /tftpboot directory:  
a. Enter the following command to move to the /tftpboot directory:  
cd tftpboot  
Note: Do not insert a slash (/) in the cd tftpboot command. A symbolic link  
cannot contain references to directories above the directory specified in the  
tftpd command line.  
b. Enter the following commands to create symbolic links:  
ln -s . usr  
ln -s . tftpboot  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Setting Up a UNIX Boot Server  
Adding a TFTP User for an HP 9000 Workstation  
Follow the instructions in this section only if you are running Site Manager on an  
HP 9000 workstation.  
To add a TFTP user for the HP 9000, insert the following line in your /etc/passwd  
file. Nortel Networks recommends that you use root (/) as the TFTP home  
For example:  
Note: Nortel Networks recommends that you not use the System  
Administration Manager (SAM) utility to add a TFTP user.  
Setting Up Static Routes to Next-Hop Routers  
If your workstation requires static routes, read this section to learn how to specify  
a path to the network by:  
Editing the /etc/inetd.conf file  
Verifying the routes  
Loading the changes into memory  
You must set up a static route for each path between the AN/ANH or ARN router  
and the BootP servers next-hop router.  
Note: You may want to specify a static route in a multihop environment or in  
an environment using routing protocols such as RIP, where minor routing  
update delays may extend the time it takes to Netboot.  
Editing the /etc/inetd.conf File  
Insert the following line in the /etc/inetd.conf file to set up a static route:  
route add <destination> <gateway> <hops>  
destination is the IP address of the router or its network.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
gateway is the IP address of the network destination to which packets will be  
hops is the number of hops to the network destination.  
Verifying the Routes  
After adding a static route for each path to an AN/ANH or ARN router, enter the  
following command to display the routing table and verify the routes you added:  
netstat -r  
Loading the Changes into Memory  
Once you modify the /etc/inetd.conf file, you must force the operating system to  
reread it by rebooting the workstation or by issuing a hang-up signal.  
In most cases, reboot the workstation. Issue a hang-up signal if the workstation is  
performing a task that you do not want to interrupt.  
Rebooting Your Workstation  
To reboot your workstation:  
1. Log in as root.  
2. Enter the following command (the -r flag reboots the workstation):  
/etc/shutdown now -r  
Issuing a Hang-Up Signal  
To issue a hang-up signal:  
1. Log in as root.  
2. Enter the following command to hang up on the inetd process:  
ps -aux | grep inetd  
The system displays a line similar to this one:  
root 148 0.0 0.0 48  
0 ? IW Sept 14 0:07 inetd  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Setting Up a UNIX Boot Server  
3. Enter the following command, using the first number in the line after the  
word root(in this case, 148):  
kill -1 148  
The inetd process rereads the /etc/inetd.conf file.  
What to Do Next  
Before you can netboot the AN/ANH or ARN router, complete the steps in  
Chapter 3.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Chapter 3  
Configuring Netboot Services with Site Manager  
This chapter describes how to use Site Manager to configure netboot services for  
Preparing Configuration and Image Files  
Enabling Netboot or Directed Netboot  
Adding a Netboot or Directed Netboot Interface  
Configuring a Netboot or Directed Netboot Interface  
Setting Up Routing Paths for Netboot  
Creating the BootP Client Interface Table  
Complete the appropriate sections of this chapter for the startup option you are  
To Configure This Startup  
EZ-Install (default)  
EZ-Install over Frame Relay  
PVC in group-access mode  
Adding a Netboot or Directed Netboot Interface  
Configuring a Netboot or Directed Netboot Interface  
Setting Up Routing Paths for Netboot  
Directed Netboot  
Enabling Netboot or Directed Netboot  
Adding a Netboot or Directed Netboot Interface  
Configuring a Netboot or Directed Netboot Interface  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Preparing Configuration and Image Files  
AN/ANH and ARN routers ship with a flash memory card that contains a default  
(generic) configuration file and the an.exe or arn.exe router software image. For  
the AN/ANH and ARN routers in your network, you must create:  
A unique configuration file for each netbooting router  
A uniform software image for all netbooting routers  
Creating Configuration Files  
To prepare network configuration files:  
1. Use the Configuration Manager in local mode to create a configuration  
file for each router.  
For instructions, see Configuring and Managing Routers with Site Manager.  
Also, see the following:  
Table 3-1 for the Site Manager module name to use when creating a  
configuration file for AN routers  
Tables 3-2 through 3-4 for the module names to use when creating a  
configuration file for ARN routers.  
Note: For ARN routers, you choose base, expansion, and adapter modules  
Site Manager identifies AN and ANH routers with module names that use  
mnemonic abbreviations for each of the routers connectors. For example, the  
module name E/T/2S identifies an AN with one Ethernet, one token ring, and two  
serial interfaces. The module name 8ptEHub/3S/N11 DCM identifies an 8-port  
ANH with a third serial interface and an RMON data collection module (DCM)  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Netboot Services with Site Manager  
Table 3-1 lists the mnemonics used in AN and ANH module names.  
Table 3-1. Configuration Manager Module Names for AN and ANH  
Module Name Mnemonic  
Connector Type  
Token ring  
Two serial  
Three serial  
N11 DCM  
ISDN BRI with S/T interface  
ISDN BRI with U interface  
ISDN BRI S/T interface, floating B-channel  
ISDN BRI U interface, floating B-channel  
RMON data collection module  
56/64K DSU/CSU  
T1/Fractional T1  
E1/Fractional E1  
8pt EHub  
12pt EHub  
8-port Ethernet hub  
12-port Ethernet hub  
For ARN routers, you choose base, expansion, and adapter modules separately.  
Table 3-2 lists the base module (system board) options for ARN routers. An ARN  
can have only one base module.  
Table 3-2.  
ARN Base Module Configurations  
Base Module  
Site Manager Module Name  
Ethernet with DCM  
Token Ring  
Token Ring  
100 Base-T Ethernet  
10/100BASE-TX Ethernet  
100BASE-FX Ethernet  
100 Base-FX Ethernet  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Table 3-3 lists the optional expansion modules available for an ARN. An  
expansion module is a parallel daughterboard installed on the base module. The  
ARN base module supports only one expansion module.  
Table 3-3.  
ARN Expansion Module Configurations  
Expansion Module  
Site Manager Module Name  
Ethernet with DCM  
Token Ring  
Token Ring  
TRI Serial  
Ethernet/Tri-Serial with DCM  
Token Ring/Tri-Serial  
Ethernet/TRI Serial  
Ethernet/TRI Serial/DCM  
Token Ring/TRI Serial  
Table 3-4 lists the optional adapter modules for an ARN. An adapter module is a  
serial daughterboard installed in the front-panel card cage. The ARN base module  
supports one or two adapter modules.  
Table 3-4.  
ARN Adapter Module Configurations  
Site Manager Module Name  
Adapter Module  
56/64K DSU/CSU*  
V.34 Modem  
56/64K DSU/CSU  
V34 Modem  
X25 PAD  
X.25 PAD  
FE1/E1 G703  
Fractional T1  
Fractional E1  
* The ARN supports network booting over DSU/CSU interfaces only for the default  
configuration, 56 Kb/s DDS lines. You cannot netboot over a 64 Kb/s DSU/CSU  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Netboot Services with Site Manager  
2. Record the name of each configuration file and corresponding router for  
later reference when configuring network boot options.  
When you name configuration files, keep the following restrictions in mind:  
Nortel Networks recommends that the operational configuration file for  
each router be named config. If a router experiences a power failure, it  
boots from the file named config when power returns. However, the  
configuration files that you save on a BootP server for Directed Netboot  
do not have to be named config because you specify the configuration file  
path name (see the description of the Site Manager parameter Boot  
Config Pathname on page A-3.)  
Configuration file names must begin with an alphabetic character. The  
remaining characters must be alphanumeric and can include an  
underscore (_). You cannot use spaces.  
Configuration file names can consist of 1 to 15 characters, including a  
dot (.). Nortel Networks recommends that you limit file names to 8  
characters to ensure that all supported operating systems can recognize  
the names.  
Configuration file-name extensions are optional and must follow a file  
name and a dot. Nortel Networks recommends that you limit file-name  
extensions to three characters.  
BootP allows a maximum of 49 characters in a path name, including  
slashes, file name, optional dot, and file-name extension.  
3. If the BootP server and Site Manager do not reside on the same  
workstation, transfer the configuration files to the BootP server.  
Preparing an Image  
If you want the router to automatically boot a network-based image when starting  
up (using Netboot or Directed Netboot), use the Site Manager Image Builder tool.  
To create the kernel, application, and string files for storage on the BootP/TFTP  
1. On the Site Manager workstation, open the software image file using the  
Image Builder tool.  
For instructions on how to use the Image Builder, see Configuring and  
Managing Routers with Site Manager.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
After you open the image file, the Image Builder automatically extracts the  
kernel image file, application files, and string files.  
Keep the following in mind:  
Be sure to choose the correct image (an.exe for an AN/ANH, or arn.exe  
for an ARN). If you choose an image for another router type, you cannot  
generate the correct files.  
The kernel file and all of the application (.exe) files and string (.str) files  
must be from the same software image file. If these files are from different  
software versions, the router may fail to boot or may not operate properly.  
2. If you use a different workstation as a BootP server, transfer to that  
workstation all of the files in the directory that contains the kernel file.  
The router cannot netboot until the kernel file is available on the BootP server.  
Enabling Netboot or Directed Netboot  
By default, the router obtains the software image files from its local file system  
and its configuration file from a BootP server. You can use Site Manager to  
display and change these settings as follows:  
Site Manager Procedure  
You do this  
System responds  
1. In the Configuration Manager window,  
The Protocols menu opens.  
choose Protocols.  
2. Choose Global Protocols.  
3. Choose Net Boot.  
4. Choose Global.  
The Global Protocols menu opens.  
The Net Boot menu opens.  
The Edit Netboot Global Parameters  
window opens.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Netboot Services with Site Manager  
Site Manager Procedure (continued)  
You do this  
System responds  
5. Set the following parameters:  
Site Manager enables Netboot if you  
enable one or both of the first two  
Boot Image From Network  
Boot Config From Network  
Boot Server Address  
Boot Image Pathname*  
Boot Config Pathname  
Site Manager enables Directed Netboot if  
you enable one or both of the first two  
parameters, and then specify values for  
the remaining parameters.  
Click on Help or refer to the parameter  
descriptions beginning on page A-2.  
6. Click on OK.  
You return to the Configuration Manager  
* When you netboot a router, the value of Boot Image Pathname is the full path name of the active  
image on the remote server. When you boot a router locally, the name of the active image  
(wfHwEntry.wfHwActiveImageName) appears in the form <volume>:<image name>.  
Note: Instead of enabling the Boot Image From Network parameter, you can  
use the Router Files Manager tool to transfer an upgraded image file to the  
router. To do this, delete the old image file, compact the file system, and copy  
the upgraded image file to the router. To verify that the file transfer was  
successful, use the Router Files Manager to confirm that the new image file on  
the router is the same size as that on the Site Manager workstation. For more  
information about the Router Files Manager, see Configuring and Managing  
Routers with Site Manager.  
You can also use Technician Interface commands to configure network booting, as  
described in Chapter 4.  
Note: Before the router can obtain files over the network, you must set up a  
UNIX BootP server on the network, as described in Chapter 2.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Adding a Netboot or Directed Netboot Interface  
When you enable Netboot or Directed Netboot, you must add (and configure) at  
least one AN/ANH or ARN router circuit as a Netboot interface. If you are using  
EZ-Install, you do not need to configure Netboot interfaces. You can use Site  
Manager to add a Netboot interface.  
Site Manager Procedure  
You do this  
System responds  
1. In the Configuration Manager window,  
The Protocols menu opens.  
choose Protocols.  
2. Choose Global Protocols.  
3. Choose Net Boot.  
4. Choose Interfaces.  
5. Click on Add.  
The Global Protocols menu opens.  
The Net Boot menu opens.  
The Netboot Interfaces window opens.  
The Netboot Interface window opens.  
6. Set the Connector parameter.  
Click on Help or refer to the parameter  
description on page A-4.  
7. Click on OK.  
You return to the Netboot Interfaces  
window, which shows the interface you  
just added.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Netboot Services with Site Manager  
Configuring a Netboot or Directed Netboot Interface  
You can use Site Manager to configure a Netboot or Directed Netboot interface.  
Site Manager Procedure  
You do this  
System responds  
1. In the Configuration Manager window,  
The Protocols menu opens.  
choose Protocols.  
2. Choose Global Protocols.  
3. Choose Net Boot.  
The Global Protocols menu opens.  
The Net Boot menu opens.  
4. Choose Interfaces.  
The Netboot Interfaces window opens.  
5. In the scroll box, choose the interface you The window shows the parameter values  
want to configure.  
for that interface.  
6. Set the following parameters:  
Connector IP Address  
Connector Subnet Mask  
Connector Next Hop  
Connector Protocol Mask  
Connector State  
Click on Help or refer to the parameter  
descriptions beginning on page A-4.  
7. Click on Apply, then click on Done.  
You return to the Configuration Manager  
Note: If you configure more than one interface to Netboot, the first interface to  
receive a reply from the BootP server will complete the Netboot process.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Setting Up Routing Paths for Netboot  
You set up the routing paths between the BootP server and the AN/ANH or ARN  
router by:  
Enabling each router interface in the paths to the routers  
Creating a BootP relay agent forwarding table for each router in a path  
Creating a BootP client interface table for the upstream router when the router  
is on a Frame Relay PVC in group access mode  
You must enable BootP relay (also called BootP pass-through or gateway) on all  
interfaces in the paths between AN/ANH or ARN routers and the BootP server.  
For example, you would enable BootP relay on the interfaces indicated in  
Figure 3-1.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Netboot Services with Site Manager  
Booting routers  
Enable BOOTP on  
these interfaces  
BOOTP server  
Corporate backbone  
Figure 3-1.  
Enabling BootP Relay in a Sample Network  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
You can use Site Manager to enable BootP relay on an interface.  
Site Manager Procedure  
You do this  
System responds  
1. In the Configuration Manager window,  
click on the connector on which you want  
to enable BootP relay.  
The Edit Connector window opens.  
2. Choose Edit Circuit.  
3. Choose Protocols.  
4. Choose Add.  
The Circuit Definition window opens.  
The Protocols menu opens.  
The Select Protocols window opens.  
The BOOTP menu opens.  
5. Choose BOOTP.  
6. Choose File.  
The File menu opens.  
7. Choose Exit.  
You return to the Configuration Manager  
Creating BootP Relay Agent Forwarding Tables  
You must create a BootP relay agent forwarding table for every router that passes  
BootP traffic between the AN/ANH or ARN router and the BootP server.  
The BootP relay agent forwarding table allows you to specify the IP interface that  
receives the incoming BootP request packets, and the associated IP interface that  
forwards them. You can add multiple pairs of incoming and outgoing interfaces to  
support connections to multiple routers in your network.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Netboot Services with Site Manager  
You can use Site Manager to create the BootP relay agent forwarding table.  
Site Manager Procedure  
You do this  
System responds  
1. In the Configuration Manager window,  
The Protocols menu opens.  
choose Protocols.  
2. Choose IP.  
The IP menu opens.  
3. Choose BOOTP.  
The BOOTP menu opens.  
4. Choose Relay Agent Interface Table.  
The BOOTP Relay Agent Interface Table  
window opens.*  
5. Click on Forward I/F (interface).  
The BOOTP Relay Agent Forwarding  
Table window opens.  
6. Click on Add.  
The BOOTP Addresses window opens.  
7. Set the following parameters:  
Input IP Address  
Output IP Address  
Click on Help or refer to the parameter  
descriptions beginning on page A-7.  
8. Click on OK.  
The BOOTP Relay Agent Forwarding  
Table window lists the connector and  
input IP address on the left, and the  
connector and output IP address on the  
If you specify an IP address of an  
interface that is not configured, ???  
appears instead of the connector (for  
example, ??? If you  
configure the IP address, Site Manager  
displays the appropriate connector.  
9. Click on Done.  
You return to the BOOTP Relay Agent  
Interface Table window.  
* Click on Help or see Configuring SNMP, BootP, and DHCP Services for a description of the  
parameters in the BOOTP Relay Agent Interface Table window. Make sure that the Timeout Secs.  
parameter is set to the default, 0.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Creating the BootP Client Interface Table  
The upstream router is the booting routers next-hop router. By default, the  
booting routers synchronous interfaces automatically try to obtain IP addresses  
from the upstream router. This is the EZ-Install process.  
If the AN/ANH or ARN router using EZ-Install obtains its address from the  
upstream router, and the upstream routers interface to the AN/ANH or ARN  
router is a Frame Relay PVC in group access mode, you must use Site Manager to  
connect to the upstream router and create a BootP client interface table (in  
addition to a BootP relay agent forwarding table).  
Note: You do not need to create a BootP client interface table if the Frame  
Relay PVC is configured to operate in direct access mode, or if the circuit is  
configured to operate with Nortel Networks Standard PPP (HDLC  
The BootP client interface table allows you to specify and pair the IP address of  
the AN/ANH or ARN router with the DLCI of the Frame Relay group access  
Note: If you are using EZ-Install over Frame Relay, you can have up to 20  
PVCs for a single Frame Relay interface on the upstream router. If you have  
more than 20 PVCs on the Frame Relay interface, the EZ-Install process may  
fail. To ensure that the process does not fail, configure a maximum of 20 PVCs  
for a Frame Relay interface.  
For more information about the DLCI and Frame Relay, see Configuring Frame  
Relay Services.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Netboot Services with Site Manager  
You can use Site Manager to create the BootP client interface table.  
Site Manager Procedure  
You do this  
System responds  
1. In the Configuration Manager window,  
The Protocols menu opens.  
choose Protocols.  
2. Choose IP.  
The IP menu opens.  
3. Choose BOOTP.  
The BOOTP menu opens.  
4. Choose Relay Agent Interface Table.  
The BOOTP Relay Agent Interface Table  
window opens.*  
5. Click on Client I/F (interface).  
6. Click on Add.  
The BOOTP Client Interface Table  
window opens.  
The BOOTP Client Interface Address  
window opens.  
7. Set the following parameters:  
IP Address  
DLCI Number  
Click on Help or refer to the parameter  
descriptions beginning on page A-8.  
8. Click on OK.  
The BOOTP Client Interface Table  
window lists the client IP interface and the  
DLCI number you added.  
9. Click on Done.  
You return to the BOOTP Relay Agent  
Interface Table window.  
* Click on Help or see Configuring SNMP, BootP, and DHCP Services for a description of the  
parameters in the BOOTP Relay Agent Interface Table window. Make sure that the Timeout Secs.  
parameter is set to the default, 0.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Chapter 4  
Configuring Netboot Client Services  
This chapter describes how to enable AN/ANH or ARN routers for netboot startup  
options using commands at the Technician Interface or AN Monitor prompt.  
Using Netboot Configuration Commands  
Setting the Boot Configuration  
Setting the Netboot Interface Configuration  
Verifying Your Configuration  
What to Do Next  
First, read Using Netboot Configuration Commandson page 4-2 for  
information about working with someone at a remote AN/ANH or ARN router  
site or accessing a router command line. Then, complete the appropriate sections  
of this chapter for the AN/ANH or ARN routers startup configuration:  
For This Startup Configuration  
Netboot or Directed Netboot over a  
serial interface  
Netboot or Directed Netboot over an  
Ethernet interface  
Setting the Boot Configuration  
Configuring an Ethernet Interface for Network  
Netboot or Directed Netboot of an  
ARN over a token ring interface  
Setting the Boot Configuration  
Configuring an ARN Token Ring Interface for  
Network Booting  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Using Netboot Configuration Commands  
This chapter provides instructions for using the ifconfig, bconfig, and getcfg  
commands to configure Netboot and Directed Netboot.  
If you are not configuring the router yourself, you can determine the appropriate  
syntax for these commands and provide the person at the router site with the exact  
command lines to use.  
To access a router command line, you need a management console connection to  
the router. With a terminal or modem console connection, you can view router  
diagnostic messages and use the ifconfig and bconfig commands to configure  
Netboot and Directed Netboot. You use getcfg to verify a configuration.  
To display a command-line login prompt, you can do one of the following:  
Wait for the router to local-boot (that is, wait for EZ-Install to fail).  
Interrupt the startup process by issuing a break sequence. This automatically  
starts the AN Monitor, a firmware diagnostics monitor for routers.  
Note: Be sure to issue the break sequence before EZ-Install completes.  
The break sequence depends on the management console you are using. Some  
terminals have specific break keys; others require a specific key sequence to  
issue a break (for example, [Control]-c or ~ #). See the documentation for  
your terminal or PC terminal emulator for the correct break sequence.  
To log in to either the AN Monitor or the Technician Interface, enter Manager at  
the login prompt.  
The Technician Interface or AN Monitor command-line prompt appears. Proceed  
to the appropriate section:  
Setting the Boot Configuration  
Setting the Netboot Interface Configuration  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Netboot Client Services  
Setting the Boot Configuration  
This section describes how to use the bconfig command to configure a netboot  
option at the Technician Interface or AN Monitor command-line prompt.  
For Netboot, you use bconfig to specify the network location of a  
configuration file or boot image (software image or kernel file) for the  
AN/ANH or ARN router to use at startup.  
For Directed Netboot, you use bconfig to specify the IP address of the TFTP  
server and the full path name of the boot image and configuration files.  
Using the bconfig Command Format  
To configure an interface for Netboot, use the following bconfig command  
bconfig -d [image | config]  
To configure an interface for Directed Netboot, use the following bconfig  
command format:  
bconfig [image | config] [local | network [<TFTP_host> <TFTP_pathname>]]  
You must issue the bconfig command twice: once to specify the location of the  
boot image, and again to specify the location of the configuration file.  
See Table 4-1 for a description of the bconfig command options.  
Table 4-1.  
bconfig Command Options  
Specifies the routers boot image. The boot image can be the  
complete software image file (an.exe or arn.exe) or the kernel file  
(krnl_an.exe or krnl_arn.exe)  
Specifies the routers configuration file  
Indicates that the specified file (<image> or <config>) resides in the  
routers local file system  
Indicates that the specified file (<image> or <config>) resides on a  
remote file system  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Table 4-1.  
bconfig Command Options (continued)  
Specifies the IP address of the TFTP server. If both the <image> and  
<config> files are on the network, both files must reside on the same  
Specifies the complete path name of <image> or <config> on the  
remote server  
Reverts to the default values for <image> or <config> and nullifies  
any previously specified IP address and path name for the file, thus  
disabling Directed Netboot  
Examples of Using the bconfig Command  
1. Configure the default Netboot procedure. Boot from the software image file in  
local flash memory and use BootP to get the configuration file from the  
bconfig -d image (or bconfig image local)  
bconfig -d config (or bconfig config network)  
2. Use Netboot for both the boot image file and the configuration file.  
bconfig image network  
bconfig config network  
3. Use a local configuration file and Directed Netboot to boot the kernel file.  
bconfig image network /usr/mykernel.exe  
bconfig config local  
4. Boot from the local software image file and use Directed Netboot to get the  
configuration file from the network.  
bconfig image local  
bconfig config network /usr/anstartup/config  
5. Use Directed Netboot for both the boot image file and the configuration file.  
bconfig image network /usr/mykernel.exe  
bconfig config network /usr/anstartup/config  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Netboot Client Services  
Setting the Netboot Interface Configuration  
This section describes how to use the ifconfig command to configure an AN/ANH  
or ARN router interface to support netboot options.  
An AN/ANH or ARN router netboots over one of its serial, Ethernet, or token ring  
(ARN only) interfaces. Because a router interface must have an IP address to  
communicate in an IP network, the netboot interface must have a valid IP address.  
You have two options for assigning an IP address to an interface:  
Configure the upstream router to support automated addressing for EZ-Install.  
Chapter 3 describes how to configure the upstream router to support  
EZ-Install by creating the BootP client interface table. The Boot Processon  
page 1-5 describes how the router automatically obtains an IP address during  
the EZ-Install process.  
Use the ifconfig command to configure a serial, Ethernet, or token ring  
interface for Netboot or Directed Netboot.  
The following sections describe the ifconfig command formats.  
Configuring a Serial Interface for Network Booting  
To configure a serial interface for network booting, enter the following command  
at the Technician Interface or AN Monitor prompt:  
Note: The serial interface must be configured with IP to support netboot  
ifconfig [<serial_options>] <interface> [<IP_address> <subnet_mask>  
Insert a space to separate each command option from the next.  
The serial_options variable represents some combination of the following options:  
[-d | -fr [-annexd | -lmi | -annexa] | -int_clk]  
Table 4-2 describes the ifconfig command options for configuring the routers  
serial interface.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Table 4-2.  
ifconfig Command Options for a Serial Interface  
Resets the routers IP interface options to the default values. This  
option tries four WAN configurations in the following order, until it finds  
the correct type for the routers connection to the network:  
1. Nortel Networks HDLC encapsulation (also called  
Nortel Networks Standard PPP) with external clocking  
2. Frame Relay Annex D  
3. Frame Relay LMI  
4. Frame Relay Annex A  
Configures the routers serial port as a frame relay connection. With  
this option, use one of the following options to specify a DLCMI  
option: -annexd, -annexa, or -lmi.  
When one of these options is used with the -fr option, it specifies a  
DLCMI option. Use the same option as the network to which the  
routers Frame Relay interface is connected. The default option for  
Frame Relay is -annexd.  
Sets the serial port to internal clocking at 1.25 MB/s. If you do not  
specify this option, the router defaults to external clocking.  
Specifies the IP connector you are configuring. Use the format  
Specifies the IP address of the interface you set with <interface>.  
Provide this address in dotted-decimal notation.  
Specifies the IP subnet mask of the interface you set with <interface>.  
Provide this address in dotted-decimal notation.  
Specifies the IP address of the next-hop router. Provide this address  
in dotted-decimal notation. Specify this address only if there are  
intermediate routers between the AN/ANH or ARN router and the  
BootP server.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Netboot Client Services  
Configuring an Ethernet Interface for Network Booting  
To configure an Ethernet interface for network booting, enter the following  
command at the Technician Interface or AN Monitor prompt:  
Note: The Ethernet interface must be configured with IP to support netboot  
ifconfig [-d] <interface> [<IP_address> <subnet_mask> [<next_hop_address>]]  
Table 4-3 describes the ifconfig command options for configuring the Ethernet  
interface on an AN/ANH or ARN router.  
Table 4-3.  
ifconfig Command Options for an Ethernet Interface  
Resets the routers IP interface options to the default values. Resetting  
an Ethernet interface makes it inactive in the network booting process.  
(The output of the getcfg command shows the default as None.)  
Specifies the IP connector you are configuring. Use the format  
Specifies the IP address of the interface you set with <interface>.  
Provide this address in dotted-decimal notation.  
<subnet_mask> Specifies the IP subnet mask of the interface you set with <interface>.  
Provide this address in dotted-decimal notation.  
Specifies the IP address of the next-hop router. Provide this address in  
dotted-decimal notation. Specify this address only if there are  
intermediate routers between the AN/ANH or ARN router and the  
BootP server.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Configuring an ARN Token Ring Interface for Network Booting  
To configure an ARN token ring interface for network booting, enter the following  
command at the Technician Interface or AN Monitor prompt:  
Note: The token ring interface must be configured with IP to support netboot  
ifconfig [-d] [ -r<speed>] <interface> [<IP_address> <subnet_mask>  
Table 4-4 describes the ifconfig command options for configuring the ARNs  
token ring interface.  
Table 4-4.  
ifconfig Command Options for an ARN Token Ring Interface  
Resets the ARNs IP interface options to the default values. Resetting  
a token ring interface makes it inactive in the network booting process.  
(The output of the getcfg command shows the default as None.)  
Specifies the speed of the token ring interface. Specify either 16 or 4  
(Mb/s). The default is 16 Mb/s.  
Specifies the IP connector you are configuring. Use the format  
Specifies the IP address of the interface you set with <interface>.  
Provide this address in dotted-decimal notation.  
<subnet_mask> Specifies the IP subnet mask of the interface you set with <interface>.  
Provide this address in dotted-decimal notation.  
Specifies the IP address of the next-hop router. Provide this address in  
dotted-decimal notation. Specify this address only if there are  
intermediate routers between the ARN and the BootP server.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Netboot Client Services  
Enabling and Disabling Interfaces with the ifconfig Command  
To enable or disable an AN/ANH or ARN router interface for network booting,  
enter the appropriate command at the Technician Interface or AN Monitor prompt:  
ifconfig -disable <interface>  
ifconfig -enable <interface>  
The <interface> variable specifies the IP connector you are enabling or disabling  
for network booting. Use one of the following formats:  
Examples of Using the ifconfig Command  
1. Configure the current interface for the default Netboot procedure.  
ifconfig -d  
2. Specify the IP address and subnet mask of the first Ethernet Netboot interface.  
ifconfig xcvr1  
3. Specify the IP address and subnet mask of the second Ethernet Netboot  
ifconfig xcvr2  
4. Configure the IP address and frame relay DLCMI of the third serial Netboot  
ifconfig com3 -fr -annexa  
5. Specify the IP address and subnet mask of the first token ring interface on an  
ifconfig mau1  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Verifying Your Configuration  
You can use the getcfg command to verify the following:  
Whether the router is set to boot using a local or remote boot image  
Whether the router is set to configure using a local or remote configuration  
The configuration of the serial, Ethernet, and token ring (ARN only)  
To display the configured startup options for an AN/ANH or ARN router, enter  
the following command at the Technician Interface or AN Monitor prompt:  
The following sample output shows the default configuration for an AN/ANH  
with one Ethernet interface and two serial interfaces:  
Boot Options  
boot image=local  
boot config=network  
Netboot Parameters:  
The following sample output shows the configuration for an ARN with one  
Ethernet interface, one token ring interface, and five serial interfaces:  
Boot Options  
boot image=local  
boot config=network  
Netboot Parameters:  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Netboot Client Services  
You can now boot the AN/ANH or ARN router over the network, assuming that  
you have done the following:  
Configured a UNIX workstation to support network booting, as described in  
Chapter 2  
Prepared configuration and boot image files and placed them in the  
appropriate locations for your boot configuration, as described in Chapter 3  
Whenever you boot the router, it should start routing traffic as specified in the  
configuration file it obtains from the BootP server.  
To determine whether the AN/ANH or ARN router is routing traffic, use the Site  
Manager Statistics Manager tool to view traffic statistics and the Events Manager  
tool to view the event log. For instructions on using these tools, see Configuring  
and Managing Routers with Site Manager.  
If the AN/ANH or ARN router does not start routing traffic after booting, see  
Appendix B, Troubleshooting Network Boot Problems.”  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Chapter 5  
Managing ANH Repeater Ports  
This chapter describes how you use Site Manager to manage ANH repeater ports.  
Enabling and Disabling ANH Repeater Ports  
Testing and Resetting ANH Repeater Ports  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Enabling and Disabling ANH Repeater Ports  
You can use Site Manager to enable or disable the ANH repeater ports.  
Site Manager Procedure  
You do this  
System responds  
1. In the Site Manager main window, choose The Tools menu opens.  
2. Choose Configuration Manager.  
The Configuration Manager menu opens.  
3. Choose Dynamic.  
The Configuration Manager window  
opens, displaying the real-time router  
hardware and software configuration.  
4. Choose Platform.  
The Platform menu opens.  
5. Choose Setup Repeater.  
6. Choose Port Status.  
The Setup Repeater menu opens.  
The Port Status window opens, allowing  
you to enable or disable the ports on the  
Figure 5-1 shows the Port Status window  
for the 8-port ANH. Figure 5-2 shows the  
Port Status window for the 12-port ANH.  
7. To change the status of a port, click on  
Enabled or Disabled to the right of the  
port number.  
8. Click on OK.  
Site Manager closes the Port Status  
window and saves your changes.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Managing ANH Repeater Ports  
Figure 5-1.  
8-Port ANH Port Status Window  
Note: Port 9 is the Ethernet AUI from the ANH baseboard to the repeater. To  
disable the Ethernet circuit, click on Disabled for port 9.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Figure 5-2.  
12-Port ANH Port Status Window  
Note: Port 13 is the Ethernet connection from the ANH baseboard to the  
repeater. To disable the Ethernet circuit, click on Disabled for port 13.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Managing ANH Repeater Ports  
Testing and Resetting ANH Repeater Ports  
You can use Site Manager to test and reset ANH repeater ports.  
Site Manager Procedure  
You do this  
System responds  
1. In the Site Manager main window, choose The Tools menu opens.  
2. Choose Configuration Manager.  
The Configuration Manager menu opens.  
3. Choose Dynamic.  
The Configuration Manager window  
opens, displaying the real-time router  
hardware and software configuration.  
4. Choose Platform.  
The Platform menu opens.  
5. Choose Setup Repeater.  
6. Choose Group Parameters.  
7. Set the following parameters:  
The Setup Repeater menu opens.  
The Group Parameters window opens.  
The Configuration Manager tests each  
repeater port and indicates in a log file  
whether the ports pass the diagnostics.  
Click on Help or refer to the parameter  
descriptions beginning on page A-9.  
8. Click on OK.  
Site Manager executes the action(s)  
specified in the Group Parameters  
window and then closes the window.  
Note: The repeater port self-test does not disrupt traffic flow. Resetting a  
repeater port does disrupt traffic flow; however, it does not affect the  
management counters defined in the RFC 1516 MIB specification.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Appendix A  
Site Manager Parameters  
This appendix contains reference information for the Site Manager remote access  
Netboot and Directed Netboot Parameters  
Netboot Interface Parameters  
BootP Relay Agent Interface Parameters  
BootP Client Interface Address Parameters  
Repeater Port Group Parameters  
For each parameter, this appendix provides the following information:  
Parameter name  
Configuration Manager menu path  
Default setting  
Valid parameter options  
Parameter function  
Instructions for setting the parameter  
MIB object ID  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Netboot and Directed Netboot Parameters  
Parameter: Boot Image From Network  
Path: Configuration Manager > Protocols > Global Protocols > Net Boot > Global  
Default: Disable  
Options: Enable | Disable  
Function: Enables or disables retrieval of the boot image from the BootP server the next  
time the router starts up.  
Instructions: Set to Disable if you want to boot using the image in the routers local file  
system. This setting reduces the time it takes to boot the router and eliminates  
using network resources to obtain the image.  
Set to Enable if:  
You want the router to obtain the image from a BootP server and you have  
already set up the network to support BootP.  
You are upgrading the image on several routers. The routers can then boot  
using a single image on the BootP server. Make sure that the directory name  
in the bootptab file matches the location of the upgraded image before you  
boot the routers.  
MIB Object ID:  
Parameter: Boot Config From Network  
Path: Configuration Manager > Protocols > Global Protocols > Net Boot > Global  
Default: Enable  
Options: Enable | Disable  
Function: Enables or disables retrieval of the configuration file from the BootP server the  
next time the router starts up.  
Instructions: Set to Disable if you have already saved the configuration file to the routers  
flash memory file system, and you want to boot using this configuration file.  
This setting reduces the time it takes to boot the router and eliminates using  
network resources to obtain the configuration file.  
Set to Enable if you want the router to obtain the configuration file from a BootP  
server and you have already set up the network to support BootP.  
MIB Object ID:  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Site Manager Parameters  
Parameter: Boot Server Address  
Path: Configuration Manager > Protocols > Global Protocols > Net Boot > Global  
Default: None  
Options: A valid IP address of a TFTP server  
Function: When the Boot Image From Network parameter and/or the Boot Config From  
Network parameter are set to Enable, this parameter specifies the TFTP server  
from which the router will obtain the boot image and configuration files.  
Instructions: Use this parameter only when configuring Directed Netboot. Specify the valid  
IP address of the TFTP server, in dotted-decimal notation.  
MIB Object ID:  
Parameter: Boot Image Pathname  
Path: Configuration Manager > Protocols > Global Protocols > Net Boot > Global  
Default: None  
Options: A valid path name for the boot image file  
Function: When the parameter Boot Image From Network is set to Enable, this parameter  
specifies the full path name of the boot image file on the TFTP server.  
Instructions: Use this parameter only when configuring Directed Netboot. Make sure that the  
file you specify is the valid boot image file on the TFTP server.  
MIB Object ID:  
Parameter: Boot Config Pathname  
Path: Configuration Manager > Protocols > Global Protocols > Net Boot > Global  
Default: None  
Options: A valid path name for the configuration file  
Function: When the parameter Boot Config From Network is set to Enable, this parameter  
specifies the full path name of the boot configuration file on the TFTP server.  
Instructions: Use this parameter only when configuring Directed Netboot. Make sure that the  
file you specify is the valid configuration file on the TFTP server.  
MIB Object ID:  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Netboot Interface Parameters  
Parameter: Slot  
Path: Configuration Manager > Protocols > Global Protocols > Net Boot >  
Interfaces > Add  
Default: None  
Options: 1  
Function: Specifies the physical slot in which the hardware module is installed.  
Instructions: Specify 1 as the slot. AN/ANH and ARN routers have only one slot.  
Parameter: Connector  
Path: Configuration Manager > Protocols > Global Protocols > Net Boot >  
Interfaces > Add  
Default: None  
Options: COM1 | COM2 | COM3 | COM4 | COM5 | XCVR1 | XCVR2 | TOKEN1 |  
Function: Specifies the name of the connector configured for the Netboot interface.  
Instructions: Specify COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, or COM5 to configure Netboot over a  
synchronous interface.  
Specify XCVR1 or XCVR2 to configure Netboot over an Ethernet interface.  
Specify TOKEN1 or TOKEN2 to configure Netboot over a token ring interface  
(ARN only).  
Note that the interfaces that are available depend on the interface options you  
purchased with your router.  
Parameter: Connector IP Address  
Path: Configuration Manager > Protocols > Global Protocols > Net Boot >  
Default: None  
Options: Any valid IP address  
Function: Specifies the IP address of this interface.  
Instructions: Specify the IP address of this interface in dotted-decimal notation.  
MIB Object ID:  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Site Manager Parameters  
Parameter: Connector Subnet Mask  
Path: Configuration Manager > Protocols > Global Protocols > Net Boot > Interfaces  
Default: None  
Options: Any valid IP subnet mask  
Function: Specifies the network and subnetwork portion of the 32-bit IP address of this  
interface. The Configuration Manager automatically calculates an appropriate  
subnet mask, depending on the class of the network to which the interface  
connects. However, you can change the subnet mask using this parameter.  
Instructions: Accept the assigned subnet mask, or specify one in dotted-decimal notation.  
MIB Object ID:  
Parameter: Connector Next Hop  
Path: Configuration Manager > Protocols > Global Protocols > Net Boot > Interfaces  
Default: None  
Options: Any valid IP address  
Function: Specifies the IP address of the next-hop router connected to this interface. When  
the router starts up, the next-hop router passes the BootP requests and responses  
that initiate the transfer of the image and/or configuration file between the router  
and the BootP server. If the router and BootP server are on the same IP subnet,  
you do not have to set this parameter.  
Instructions: Specify the IP address of the next-hop router connected to this interface in  
dotted-decimal notation.  
MIB Object ID:  
Parameter: Connector Protocol Mask  
Path: Configuration Manager > Protocols > Global Protocols > Net Boot > Interfaces  
Default: Point to Point  
Options: Point to Point | Point to Point Internal Clock | Fr Relay Annexd |  
Fr Relay Annexa | Fr Relay LMI  
Function: During the boot process, the router configures the synchronous interface for the  
specified protocol.  
Instructions: Specify the desired protocol option.  
MIB Object ID:  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Parameter: Connector State  
Path: Configuration Manager > Protocols > Global Protocols > Net Boot > Interfaces  
Default: Enable  
Options: Enable | Disable  
Function: Enables or disables Netboot on this interface. When set to Enable, any settings  
specified for the other four parameters in the Netboot Interfaces window appear.  
When set to Disable, Site Manager disregards the other parameters and the  
router cannot Netboot.  
Instructions: If you do not want Site Manager to use the other parameters on the Netboot  
Interfaces window, set this parameter to Disable. If you want Site Manager to  
use any of the other parameter settings in the Netboot Interfaces window, set  
this parameter to Enable.  
MIB Object ID:  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Site Manager Parameters  
BootP Relay Agent Interface Parameters  
Parameter: Input IP Address  
Path: Configuration Manager > Protocols > IP > BOOTP >  
Relay Agent Interface Table > Forward I/F > Add  
Default: None  
Options: Any valid IP address  
Function: Specifies the IP interface that receives BootP request packets from an external  
network. This interface must have BootP configured on it.  
Instructions: Specify the IP address of the interface through which the router will receive  
BootP requests.  
MIB Object ID:  
Parameter: Output IP Address  
Path: Configuration Manager > Protocols > IP > BOOTP >  
Relay Agent Interface Table > Forward I/F > Add  
Default: None  
Options: Any valid IP address  
Function: Specifies the IP interface that forwards BootP request packets to an external  
Instructions: Specify the IP address of the interface through which the router will forward  
BootP requests.  
MIB Object ID:  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
BootP Client Interface Address Parameters  
Parameter: IP Address  
Path: Configuration Manager > Protocols > IP > BOOTP >  
Relay Agent Interface Table > Client I/F > Add  
Default: None  
Options: Any valid IP address  
Function: Specifies the IP address of the router that is using EZ-Install. This parameter  
applies only to a Frame Relay PVC in group access mode.  
Instructions: Specify the IP address (in dotted-decimal notation) of the router interface.  
MIB Object ID:  
Parameter: DLCI Number  
Path: Configuration Manager > Protocols > IP > BOOTP >  
Relay Agent Interface Table > Client I/F > Add  
Default: None  
Options: 16 to 1007  
Function: Specifies the identification number of the upstream routers PVC. The Frame  
Relay network uses the DLCI number to direct data from the AN/ANH or ARN  
router to the upstream router.  
Instructions: Specify the number in decimal format. Use the DLCI number assigned by your  
Frame Relay service provider.  
MIB Object ID:  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Site Manager Parameters  
Repeater Port Group Parameters  
Parameter: Reset  
Path: Configuration Manager (Dynamic mode only) > Platform > Setup Repeater >  
Group Parameters  
Default: NO_RESET  
Options: NO_RESET | RESET  
Function: Resets the repeater. The Configuration Manager tests each repeater port and  
indicates in a log file whether the ports pass the diagnostics. The reset does not  
affect the management counters defined in the RFC 1516 MIB specification, nor  
does it affect the status of the ports. However, the reset does disrupt traffic flow.  
Instructions: Accept the default, NO_RESET, or select RESET.  
MIB Object ID:  
Parameter: Selftest  
Path: Configuration Manager (Dynamic mode only) > Platform > Setup Repeater >  
Group Parameters  
Default: NO_SELFTEST  
Function: Causes the router to perform an agent-specific test on itself. This test does not  
disrupt traffic flow.  
Instructions: Accept the default, NO_SELFTEST, or select SELFTEST.  
MIB Object ID:  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Appendix B  
Troubleshooting Network Boot Problems  
Use the information in this appendix to resolve problems directly related to startup  
Solving Startup Problems  
Identifying Remote Connectivity Problems  
Resolving Connectivity Problems  
Maintaining the Router Software  
Hints and Notes  
Note: For other troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Routers.  
Solving Startup Problems  
Router Fails to Get IP Address (page B-2)  
Router Fails to Netboot (page B-3)  
Router Fails to Perform Directed Netboot (page B-5)  
Router Netboots, but Fails to Load Applications (page B-5)  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Router Fails to Get IP Address  
If a message at the AN/ANH or ARN router console indicates that the router  
failed to get an IP address from the upstream router, or that the upstream router is  
ANH or ARN routers synchronous port and the upstream router is firmly  
connected. Then, refer to the instructions in one of the following sections to find  
and correct the problem:  
Upstream Router Not Receiving BootP Requests  
Upstream Router Not Sending BootP Responses  
If you follow the instructions in these sections and cannot find and correct the  
problem, contact the Nortel Networks Technical Solutions Center.  
Upstream Router Not Receiving BootP Requests  
If the upstream router is not receiving BootP requests, use the getcfg command to  
display the router parameters and the bconfig and ifconfig commands to correct  
them, if necessary. For instructions, see Displaying Parameter Settingson  
page B-10 and Debugging the BootP Serveron page B-12.  
Upstream Router Not Sending BootP Responses  
If the upstream router is receiving BootP requests but is failing to send BootP  
responses, use Site Manager to verify the following:  
The upstream routers interface to the AN/ANH or ARN router is enabled.  
BootP is enabled on the circuit connecting the AN/ANH or ARN router to the  
upstream router.  
The upstream routers link modules and drivers are loaded.  
IP is enabled on the upstream router.  
BootP is enabled on the upstream router.  
The BootP relay agent forwarding table associated with the upstream router  
shows an IP address that is configured on the IP router.  
The input IP address is correct.  
If you are using EZ-Install over a Frame Relay PVC in group access mode,  
the upstream routers BootP client interface table is configured properly.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Troubleshooting Network Boot Problems  
Router Fails to Netboot  
If the AN/ANH or ARN router fails to receive the configuration file or boot image  
using a netboot option, first do the following:  
Ensure that all cables between the router and the BootP server are firmly  
Then, refer to the instructions in the following sections to find and correct the  
Upstream Router Not Receiving BootP Requests  
Router Not Sending BootP Responses  
BootP Server Not Sending BootP Responses  
If you have not isolated the problem to a specific interface, retrieve the number of  
BootP packets forwarded and dropped from all routers between the AN/ANH or  
ARN router and the BootP server. See Displaying the Number of Packets  
Forwarded and Droppedon page B-16.  
If you perform the instructions in these sections and cannot find and correct the  
problem, contact the Nortel Networks Technical Solutions Center.  
Upstream Router Not Receiving BootP Requests  
If the upstream router is not receiving BootP requests, do the following:  
1. Issue the Technician Interface getcfg command to display the router  
parameters and the bconfig or ifconfig command to correct them, if  
For instructions, see Displaying Parameter Settingson page B-10 and  
Debugging the BootP Serveron page B-12.  
2. Ensure that the router’s netboot interface is cabled properly.  
For EZ-Install, ensure that the synchronous port is cabled to the upstream  
router. For Netboot or Directed Netboot, ensure that the configured  
synchronous, Ethernet, or ARN token ring interface is cabled to the IP  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Router Not Sending BootP Responses  
If a router between the AN/ANH or ARN router and the BootP server is receiving  
BootP requests but is failing to send BootP responses, do the following:  
1. Use Site Manager to ensure that the BootP relay agent forwarding table  
associated with the router shows an IP address that is configured on the  
IP router.  
2. Ensure that the input IP address is correct. If the Hops count is lower  
than the routers position in the path, increase the Hops count.  
For instructions, see Creating the BootP Client Interface Tableon  
page 3-14.  
3. Use the Configuration Manager to ensure that BootP and IP are enabled  
on the incoming and outgoing interfaces.  
4. Ensure that the link modules and drivers are enabled.  
For instructions, see Configuring and Managing Routers with Site Manager.  
If the BootP server is receiving BootP requests but is failing to respond to them,  
do the following:  
1. Follow the instructions in Displaying the BootP Server IP Routeson  
page B-15.  
2. Follow the instructions in Debugging the BootP Serveron page B-12.  
3. Ensure that the /etc/inetd.conf file contains no more than one bootps  
If there is more than one entry, comment out the invalid entry. The valid entry  
is as follows:  
4. Ensure that the tftp dgramentry in the /etc/inetd.conf file is correct for  
your system.  
For instructions, see Setting Up a TFTP Serveron page 2-9.  
5. See Verifying the BootP Server Setupon page B-14.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Troubleshooting Network Boot Problems  
Router Fails to Perform Directed Netboot  
If the AN/ANH or ARN router fails to perform Directed Netboot, verify the  
The interface that connects the router to the TFTP file server is configured  
with an IP address.  
All required files reside on the TFTP file server.  
The boot image file is krnl_an.exe for an AN/ANH or krnl_arn.exe for an  
Contact the Nortel Networks Technical Solutions Center if you cannot find and  
correct the problem.  
Router Netboots, but Fails to Load Applications  
If the AN/ANH or ARN router netboots a kernel file successfully, but displays an  
error message indicating that it cannot load specific applications, it is unable to  
retrieve files from the TFTP server that were provided on the software image.  
These files are required to perform functions such as running the protocols  
specified in the configuration file and displaying the log.  
To troubleshoot a failure to load applications, do the following:  
1. Ensure that, after booting, you have at least one interface configured  
through which the file server that supplied the kernel file can be reached.  
This is required for a router that has obtained its software image over the  
network to load application or string files.  
2. Ensure that all the application and string files (files with .exe and .str  
file-name extensions) reside in the same directory as the kernel file.  
3. Verify that you have TFTP configured on the router. To do this, display  
If tftp.exe is missing, load it on the router.  
4. Use Site Manager to ensure that IP is enabled and that TFTP is  
configured in the router configuration file.  
See Verifying the BootP Server Setupon page B-14.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
5. Use Technician Interface commands to verify or correct the status of the  
synchronous, Ethernet, or token ring connectors used for network  
For instructions, see Using Technician Interface Software. Examples of  
AN/ANH or ARN router commands and responses follow, as well as some  
connector and interface settings you should consider.  
Enter the following command to display the router driver:  
get wfLinkModules.15.0  
On an AN/ANH, the response is as follows:  
wfLinkModules.wfANLoad.0 = 2147483648  
On an ARN, the response is as follows:  
wfLinkModules.wfARNLoad.0 = 2147483648  
The response indicates that the AN/ANH or ARN router driver is  
configured to run in slot 1 (the only router slot).  
The decimal number 2147483648represents slot 1. If the setting is not  
2147483648, enter one of the following commands to correct it:  
set wfLinkModules.15.0 2147483648;commit (<--- for AN/ANH)  
set wfLinkModules.25.0 2147483648;commit (<---for ARN)  
To display the configured drivers, enter the following command:  
get wfDrivers.*.0  
A combination of the following settings should appear in the list of  
drivers, according to your AN/ANH or ARN router configuration:  
wfDrivers.wfQsccSyncLoad.0 = 2147483648  
COM ports  
wfDrivers.wfQsccEnetLoad.0 = 2147483648  
Ethernet ports  
wfDrivers.wfRptrLoad.0 = 2147483648  
Ethernet repeater  
ports (ANH only)  
wfDrivers.wfTMS380Load.0 = 2147483648  
Token ring ports  
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Troubleshooting Network Boot Problems  
Use the set command to correct settings, if necessary. For example, if the  
router has a token ring port and the wfDrivers.wfTMS380Load.0setting  
is not 2147483648, enter the following command to correct it:  
set wfDrivers.wfTMS380Load.0 2147483648;commit  
If the router is netbooting with a synchronous interface, enter the  
following command to display information about the interface, where  
connector is the interface connector number:  
get wfSyncEntry.*.1.<connector>  
Ensure that external clocking is set.  
If the router is netbooting with an Ethernet interface, enter the following  
command to display information about the interface, where connector is  
the interface connector number:  
get wfCSMACDEntry.*.1.<connector>  
If the router is netbooting with a token ring interface, enter the following  
command to display information about the interface, where connector is  
the interface connector number:  
get wfTokenRingEntry.*.1.<connector>  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Displaying Messages from the Router Console (page B-8)  
Displaying Statistics and Error Messages (page B-8)  
Guidelines for Using Packet Capture (page B-9)  
Guidelines for Using a LAN Protocol Analyzer (page B-9)  
Displaying Messages from the Router Console  
If you cannot connect to the AN/ANH or ARN router using Site Manager, Nortel  
Networks recommends that you use a modem or terminal console to connect to  
the router using the Technician Interface.  
If you cable a modem to the AN/ANH or ARN router, you can dial in and connect  
to the router remotely. This setup provides the same capabilities as an on-site  
console connection. Modem communications, however, are slower.  
Viewing an AN/ANH or ARN router error message and entering commands using  
a modem connection may simplify troubleshooting if you are not at the router site.  
As an alternative, you can ask the person at the router site to read the console  
messages to you and then you can tell that person which commands to enter.  
Displaying Statistics and Error Messages  
Use the Statistics Manager Quick Get tool or the Technician Interface get  
command to display the number of BootP and TFTP packets forwarded and  
dropped for each interface in the path between the AN/ANH or ARN router and  
the BootP server.  
Use the Events Manager or the Technician Interface log command to display the  
events associated with the interface and the BootP and TFTP protocols.  
For instructions on using the Quick Get tool and the Events Manager, see  
Configuring and Managing Routers with Site Manager. For a description of events  
that appear in the log, see Event Messages for Routers. For instructions on using  
the get and log commands, see Using Technician Interface Software.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Troubleshooting Network Boot Problems  
Guidelines for Using Packet Capture  
Use the Packet Capture utility to view incoming or outgoing BootP or TFTP  
packets and isolate errors to a specific router interface. This utility is available  
through the Technician Interface on routers running BayRS Version 7.80 or later.  
See Using Technician Interface Software for instructions on how to use Packet  
Capture. See Configuring SNMP, BootP, DHCP, and RARP Services for a  
description of BootP packets.  
Note: The instructions that follow assume that BayRS Version 7.80 or later is  
running on all routers in the path between the AN/ANH or ARN router and the  
BootP server.  
Use Packet Capture as follows:  
1. Test the BootP servers next-hop router in the path to the AN/ANH or  
ARN router.  
2. Test the upstream routers interface to the AN/ANH or ARN router.  
3. Test the upstream routers interface to the next-hop router.  
4. Test the interfaces that receive and forward the BootP and TFTP packets  
of the routers between the AN/ANH or ARN router and the next-hop  
5. Continue testing each router in the path until you isolate the problem  
Guidelines for Using a LAN Protocol Analyzer  
See the following guidelines when you use a LAN protocol analyzer:  
If the netboot is failing, connect the analyzer to the BootP server interface to  
determine whether it is receiving and responding to BootP and TFTP requests.  
To read the ASCII translation, view the BootP reply packets for the  
configuration file path name in hexadecimal mode.  
Note: The LAN protocol analyzer does not decode all of the vendor tag fields.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
If the BootP server is not receiving requests, ensure that the upstream router is  
receiving and forwarding them. If the upstream router is receiving, verify that  
each router interface between the upstream router and the BootP server is  
receiving and forwarding the requests.  
If the BootP server is receiving requests but is failing to respond, see  
Router Fails to Netbooton page B-3.  
Resolving Connectivity Problems  
This section describes how to:  
Display the AN/ANH or ARN routers netboot configuration  
Debug the BootP server  
Verify the BootP servers setup  
Display the BootP servers IP routes  
Display the number of BootP packets forwarded and dropped  
Displaying Parameter Settings  
Display the AN/ANH or ARN routers netboot parameter settings to determine the  
Whether the router is set to boot using a local boot image or a remote boot  
Whether the router is set to configure using a local configuration file or a  
remote configuration file  
The configuration of the synchronous, Ethernet, and token ring (ARN only)  
Enter the following Technician Interface command to display the AN/ANH or  
ARN routers startup options:  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Troubleshooting Network Boot Problems  
The following sample response shows the default settings for an AN/ANH with  
one Ethernet interface and two synchronous interfaces:  
Boot Options  
boot image=local  
boot config=network  
Netboot Parameters:  
The following sample response shows the settings for an ARN with one Ethernet  
interface, one token ring interface, and five synchronous interfaces:  
Boot Options  
boot image=local  
boot config=network  
Netboot Parameters:  
The possible settings for boot imageand boot configare networkand local. If  
the setting is network, the AN/ANH or ARN router requests the kernel file or  
configuration file from a BootP server when booting. If the setting is local, the  
router uses the kernel file or configuration file stored in flash memory.  
The XCVRparameter shows the current setting of the Ethernet connectors. The COM  
parameters show the current settings of the synchronous connectors. The MAU  
parameter shows the setting of the token ring connectors (ARN only).  
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Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
The possible settings for synchronous connectors are as follows:  
EZ-Install(the default setting)  
The IP address, next-hop IP address, subnet mask, and WAN protocol (Nortel  
Networks Standard PPP or Frame Relay)  
The possible settings for Ethernet connectors are as follows:  
None(the default setting)  
The IP address with subnet mask and next-hop IP address (if you configured  
The possible settings for token ring connectors are as follows:  
None(the default setting)  
The IP address with subnet mask, ring-speed option, and next-hop address (if  
you configured one)  
See Chapter 4 for instructions on using the ifconfig and bconfig commands to  
change the parameter settings.  
Debugging the BootP Server  
Debug the BootP server as follows:  
1. Enter the following command at the UNIX command line:  
bootpd -d -d&  
The bootpd debugger tool reads the /etc/bootptab file and generates the  
/etc/bootpd.dmp file. The /etc/bootpd.dmp file contains the portion of the  
/etc/bootptab file that the bootpd debugger could read successfully. The  
debugger displays messages such as the following:  
[1] 12914  
hostname:/etc> reading "/etc/bootptab"  
read 19 entries from "/etc/bootptab"  
dumped 19 entries to "/etc/bootpd.dump".  
2. Compare the bootptab file with the bootpd.dmp file.  
If the bootpd.dmp file is truncated or is otherwise different from the bootptab  
file, BootPD may have encountered a syntax error. Find the inconsistency in  
the two files.  
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Troubleshooting Network Boot Problems  
3. Compare the bootptab file with the sample bootptab file in Chapter 2  
(see Figure 2-1 on page 2-8) and correct any inconsistency.  
4. If you cannot find an inconsistency, boot the router and view the bootpd  
debugger messages to determine the cause of the error.  
Table B-1 provides an example of the sequence of messages when a BootP  
exchange is successful.  
Table B-1.  
BootP Messages  
hostname:/etc> request from IP  
The UNIX host name, the path (/etc) of the  
bootptab file, and the IP address of the  
found AN.Boston  
The IP address ( mapped to  
the host name, AN.Boston, in the bootptab  
bootfile2 /$HOME/.builder_dir/  
rel1200/an krnl_an.exe  
The path name of the kernel file, as  
specified in the bootptab file  
couldn't access /$HOME/  
Disregard this message. The BootP server  
tries to access the host by both its name  
and IP address. The couldnt access”  
message means that the server tried to  
access a host named AN.Boston, but failed  
because the AN is not named. The attempt  
to access the AN by its IP address  
succeeds, as you can infer from the last  
vendor magic field is  
Disregard this message.  
sending RFC1048-style reply  
The BootP server is sending a BootP  
response in compliance with RFC 1048.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Verifying the BootP Server Setup  
This section describes what to do if the BootP server is receiving BootP requests  
but is failing to respond, or is failing to forward the kernel, configuration,  
application, or string files.  
Verify the BootP server setup as follows:  
1. Ensure that the kernel file and all of the application (.exe) files are in the  
same directory.  
You can place these files in any directory you want. The Image Builder  
automatically generates the kernel file and application files when you open  
the software image file. By default, the Image Builder stores these files for the  
AN/ANH in the /$HOME/.builder_dir/rel<rel>/an directory, where <rel> is  
the current BayRS release for the AN/ANH. The default directory for the  
ARN is /$HOME/.builder_dir/rel<rel>/arn, where <rel> is the current BayRS  
release for the ARN.  
For example, Version 6.0 of the Image Builder stores the Version 12.00 files  
for an ARN in the /$HOME/.builder_dir/rel12.00/arn directory.  
2. Ensure that the router extracts the kernel file and all of the application  
and string files from the same software image file.  
If these files are from different software versions, the router may fail to boot  
or may not operate properly.  
3. Ensure that the bootptab file is in the /etc directory.  
4. Ensure that the bootptab file for an AN/ANH contains the following  
The bootptab file for an ARN should contain these entries:  
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Troubleshooting Network Boot Problems  
Note that /$HOME/.builder_dir/rel<rel>/an is the default location of the  
kernel file and all application and string files for the AN/ANH. The default  
location of the kernel file and all application and string files for the ARN is  
5. Ensure that the bootptab file contains a definition for the router that is  
failing to netboot.  
6. Ensure that the configuration file name and path are correct in the  
bootptab file.  
For example, the following bootptab entry indicates that the configuration file  
named AN_Bost.cfg is in the /rte3/cfg directory:  
7. Read the bootptab file carefully for misspellings or other errors.  
Compare it with the sample file shown in Chapter 2 (see Figure 2-1 on  
page 2-8).  
Displaying the BootP Server IP Routes  
To display the IP address of the next-hop router, enter the following command at  
the UNIX command line of the BootP server:  
netstat -rn | grep -i -n <IP_address>  
IP_address is the IP address of the netbooting routers network.  
For example, enter netstat -rn | grep -i -n 192.32.155 to display the IP address  
of the next hop to the network address 192.32.155.  
If the BootP server is receiving RIP advertisements of the netbooting routers  
network, a message such as the following appears:  
121: UG 0 0 le0  
The numbers in this message indicate the following: the IP address of the destination network. the address of the next-hop router.  
If the next-hop router is unavailable or incorrect, see Setting Up Static  
Routes to Next-Hop Routersin Chapter 2.  
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Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Displaying the Number of Packets Forwarded and Dropped  
This section describes how to display the number of BootP packets forwarded and  
dropped by a router. Perform this procedure for each router between the AN/ANH  
or ARN router and the BootP server.  
You can use either the Statistics Manager Quick Get tool or the Technician  
Interface get command to retrieve this information. For additional information  
about Quick Get, see Configuring and Managing Routers with Site Manager.  
Quick Get Instructions  
1. Select the following path:  
2. To display the number of packets forwarded, select the following:  
3. To display the number of packets dropped, select the following:  
Technician Interface Instructions  
Enter the following command to display information that may help you determine  
if and why a device is dropping packets, where IP_address is the address of the  
interface receiving the packets:  
get wfBootpRelayIntfEntry.*.<IP_address>  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Troubleshooting Network Boot Problems  
Maintaining the Router Software  
The AN/ANH or ARN router file system resides on the flash memory card, which  
is not user serviceable.  
You use Technician Interface commands to maintain the local file system on the  
AN/ANH or ARN router flash memory card. For more information, see Using  
Technician Interface Software and Using Technician Interface Scripts.  
Caution: Be very careful when you use the format command. This command  
erases all files on the local flash memory card, and the AN/ANH or ARN  
router will not be able to local-boot an image or configuration file until you  
replace the files. You can avoid this situation by partitioning the flash memory  
card. See Using Technician Interface Software or Configuring and Managing  
Routers with Site Manager.  
When Technician Interface commands require that you specify a volume, always  
specify volume 1 for an AN/ANH or ARN router.  
Upgrading the Software Image  
You can upgrade an AN/ANH or ARN routers kernel file (krnl_an.exe for the  
AN/ANH or krnl_arn.exe for the ARN) using one or both of the following  
Use Netboot to start the router.  
This option upgrades the image only in the routers RAM.  
Use TFTP to transfer the image to the routers flash memory card, then use  
Local Boot to start the router.  
This option upgrades the image in both the routers flash memory card and in  
Caution: If you use TFTP to transfer an upgraded image to an AN/ANH or  
ARN router flash memory card, and the file transfer is interrupted (for  
example, if the router resets, reboots, or loses power), the routers local file  
system on the flash memory card becomes corrupted and the router cannot  
boot locally until you restore the file system.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Restoring a Local File System  
If the AN/ANH or ARN routers local file system becomes corrupted, you must  
restore it by upgrading the software image.  
If the router resets, reboots, or loses power while restoring or compacting its flash  
memory card, it automatically netboots the configuration file and software image.  
(You must already have the network set up for Netboot or Directed Netboot to  
Note: If the AN/ANH or ARN router reboots while writing to or compacting  
partitioned flash memory, the file system becomes corrupted and the router  
will not start after rebooting.  
After the router netboots successfully, you can use TFTP to restore the software  
image and configuration file on the local file system.  
Caution: Compacting the file system on a flash memory card can take up to  
15 minutes. When you compact an AN/ANH or ARN routers file system,  
allow the compaction to complete before resetting the router.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Troubleshooting Network Boot Problems  
Hints and Notes  
This section contains the following important information:  
Setup Hints  
Implementation Notes  
Setup Hints  
This section contains hints for setting up an AN/ANH or ARN router.  
Nortel Networks recommends that you first install an AN/ANH or ARN  
router in the same site as your BootP server, Site Manager workstation, and  
other Nortel Networks routers to test the software image, configuration file,  
and routing path. This test provides you with the startup and troubleshooting  
experience you need to perform these tasks on routers at remote sites. After  
you perform the test, move the test router to the remote location, modify the  
configuration file for that router, and set up the new paths.  
After you build and test the remote router configuration file, make copies of it  
on the Site Manager workstation. Then, modify the copies for each AN/ANH  
or ARN router in your network, rather than starting over. To avoid mix-ups,  
ensure that the file name you assign to each configuration file is unique and  
meaningful for each router.  
Before you set up the routing paths, it may be easier to isolate BootP and  
TFTP configuration errors on the network if you upgrade all Nortel Networks  
routers between the AN/ANH or ARN routers and the BootP server to Version  
7.80 or later.  
If you are using EZ-Install over Frame Relay to boot an AN/ANH or ARN  
router, you can have up to 20 PVCs for a single Frame Relay interface on the  
upstream router. If you have more than 20 PVCs on the Frame Relay  
interface, the EZ-Install process may fail. To ensure that the process does not  
fail, configure a maximum of 20 PVCs for a Frame Relay interface.  
If the AN/ANH or ARN router or an upstream router will have small routing  
or forwarding tables, you can increase performance by reducing the local  
memory allocation and allocating more global memory.  
If the AN/ANH or ARN router or an upstream router will have large  
forwarding tables (for example, more than 500 servers), you might want to  
increase the local memory allocation.  
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Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Implementation Notes  
This section contains notes for operating an AN/ANH or ARN router at a remote  
If you use TFTP to upgrade or restore the routers file system, be sure to  
specify the software image file (an.exe for the AN/ANH or arn.exe for the  
Nortel Networks supports BootP service on UNIX workstations, but not PCs.  
If you want to netboot and you are using a PC as your Site Manager  
workstation, transfer the files you want to netboot from the PC to a UNIX  
workstation and configure the workstation as a BootP server.  
On an AN/ANH or ARN router, you cannot use EZ-Install or Netboot directly  
from a FDDI interface. On an AN/ANH router, you cannot use EZ-Install or  
If you have a LAN protocol analyzer available, you may want to use it to  
troubleshoot BootP server communication errors. (For information about  
using the Packet Capture utility or an analyzer to isolate these errors, see  
Guidelines for Using Packet Captureand Guidelines for Using a LAN  
Protocol Analyzeron page B-9.)  
BayRS Versions earlier than 7.80 do not include the Packet Capture utility.  
The 12-port ANH polls the internal repeater module for operational status; it  
does not poll individual Ethernet repeater ports for connection (link) status.  
Therefore, the 12-port ANH is aware of the connection between the baseboard  
and repeater module, but is not aware of any connection between the repeater  
module and the Ethernet network. If the repeater module interface state  
reports an operational status, the 12-port ANH may continue to transmit  
information through the repeater module even though a physical Ethernet  
connection does not exist.  
At the AN Monitor prompt, you cannot view the contents of the local file  
system on the flash memory card. Be sure to remember the name of the  
configuration file when performing a Directed Netboot from the AN Monitor  
You can issue a boot command from the AN Monitor prompt. Specify a local  
boot by entering 1: for the volume name.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Appendix C  
Using the Quick-Start Local Boot Procedure  
The Quick-Start procedure connects a new AN/ANH or ARN router to a managed  
network using the Local Boot option and a default configuration file.  
If you have read Chapter 1 and want to use Quick-Start to connect an AN/ANH or  
ARN router to Site Manager for the first time, use the worksheets in this appendix  
to gather the network information required to complete the procedure. Be sure to  
fill out the worksheets before you begin the Quick-Start procedure.  
What Is Quick-Start?  
Using the Worksheets  
Running the Quick-Start Script  
Note: The worksheets in this appendix apply only to AN, ANH, and ARN  
routers. See Quick-Starting Routers for all other Nortel Networks routers.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
What Is Quick-Start?  
The Quick-Start procedure is the initial startup configuration, which does the  
Enables IP so that the router can connect to Site Manager  
Starts a locally booted router running on the network  
You perform the Quick-Start procedure by running the install.bat script (for an  
AN/ANH) or the inst_arn.bat script (for an ARN), and entering information at the  
prompts. The router automatically selects options for some prompts, and you can  
accept default values for many of the other prompts.  
Note: The Quick-Start procedure for the ARN is nearly identical to the  
procedure for the AN/ANH. This appendix identifies any major differences;  
the hardware installation manuals include model-specific instructions for  
running the Quick-Start script.  
Using the Worksheets  
This appendix includes a series of worksheets to help you organize the network  
information you need for your configuration and to answer Quick-Start prompts.  
The worksheets contain the options for each prompt and provide space for you to  
record the options you select.  
Note: The install.bat and inst_arn.bat scripts allow for many possible  
configurations. Since typical remote access uses a serial interface over a wide  
area connection, the worksheets provide only the options for a serial  
configuration. When you configure a LAN interface, base your decisions on  
the information provided in each install.bat or inst_arn.bat prompt.  
If you are not configuring the router yourself, fill out the worksheets for a person  
at the router site and relay the worksheet information. Written for a person at the  
router site, the guides Installing and Operating AN and ANH Systems and  
Installing and Operating Passport ARN Routers include identical worksheets and  
instructions for completing the Quick-Start procedure.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Using the Quick-Start Local Boot Procedure  
Nortel Networks recommends that you fill out the worksheets as follows:  
1. Fill out the Global Information worksheet completely.  
This worksheet lists options common to all synchronous interface  
2. After you record your protocol selections on the Global Information  
worksheet, fill out one Router Protocol worksheet.  
This worksheet lists options for RIP, OSPF, and static route configurations.  
For example, if you select RIP as your routing protocol, you need only fill out  
the RIP worksheet.  
3. Fill out one Wide Area Protocol worksheet.  
This worksheet lists options for Nortel Networks Proprietary PPP, Frame  
Relay, Standard PPP, and SMDS configurations. For example, if you select  
Frame Relay as your wide area protocol, you need only fill out the Frame  
Relay worksheet.  
4. Run install.bat or inst_arn.bat as described in Running the Quick-Start  
Scripton page C-13.  
Alternatively, a person at the AN/ANH or ARN router remote site can run the  
Quick-Start script using a management console modem connection.  
5. Once the router has an initial connection to the network, see Configuring  
and Managing Routers with Site Manager to configure the router.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Global Information Worksheet  
This section contains the prompts and options for all AN/ANH or ARN router  
synchronous configurations.  
Global Information Worksheet  
Your Response  
Enter the module number AN/ANH only: Because the AN/ANH is not a Enter the number that  
link module, the router bypasses this step  
corresponds to the  
and automatically accepts a default slot of 1. module you want to use.  
ARN only: The script lists the modules that  
you can use to connect the routers IP  
network interface to Site Manager.  
For example, the script might offer the  
following options:  
1. Ethernet on Base Module  
2. Serial on Adapter Module 1  
3. Ethernet Tri-Serial on Expansion Module  
Driver Type:  
If there is only one interface on the module  
you chose, the script automatically selects  
the driver type for that interface and  
Enter the number that  
corresponds to the driver  
for the module you  
bypasses this prompt. Otherwise, the script selected.  
displays a menu of driver types. The actual  
menu depends on the modules you have  
For serial interfaces and  
all WAN adapter modules,  
choose the synchronous  
Enter connector number  
If there is only one connector on the module For information about the  
you chose, the script automatically assigns a module locations and  
connector number and bypasses this prompt. connector names, see  
Otherwise, the script lists the available  
connectors. For example, for an ARN with  
five serial connectors, the options are as  
Tables 3-1 to 3-4 in  
Chapter 3.  
1. COM1  
2. COM2  
3. COM3  
4. COM4  
5. COM5  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Using the Quick-Start Local Boot Procedure  
Your Response  
Global Information Worksheet (continued)  
Enter clock source  
number [2]:  
1. Internal  
2. External  
Enter clock speed number This prompt appears only if you chose an  
internal clock source.  
The script lists a range of values, with 64K as  
the default.  
Enter circuit name [S#]: The script displays a default circuit name for Press the [Return] key.  
the COM interface you selected (for example,  
S11 for COM1 and S12 for COM2).  
Enter IP address in  
Enter the IP address for the COM interface.  
dotted decimal notation:  
Enter IP subnetwork mask Enter the subnet mask for the COM interface  
in dotted decimal  
IP address.  
Is the router connected y(es)  
Press the [Return] key.  
to the same local area  
network as the Site  
Manager workstation?  
(y/n) [n]:  
Enter routing protocol  
number [1]:  
1. RIP  
2. OSPF  
Complete the worksheet  
for the protocol you select.  
3. Static Route to Site Manager  
Enter wide area protocol 1. Nortel Networks Point-to-Point Protocol  
Complete the worksheet  
for the protocol you select.  
number [1]:  
2. Frame Relay  
3. Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Standard  
4. Switched Multimegabit Data Service  
Do you wish to set  
SNMP community  
(y/n) [n]:  
Setting up SNMP community management is  
Enter (TFTP) volume  
number [1]:  
The script automatically selects 1 as the  
TFTP default volume.  
Do you want to enable  
FTP? (y/n) [n]:  
Enabling FTP is optional.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Global Information Worksheet (continued)  
Your Response  
Enter (FTP) volume  
number [1]:  
The script automatically selects 1 as the FTP  
default volume.  
Do you want to enable TI y(es)  
TELNET (y/n) [n]:  
Enabling Telnet is optional.  
Do you wish to save this y(es)  
configuration to a file? n(o)  
(y/n) [y]  
Press the [Return] key.  
Press the [Return] key.  
Enter filename  
Nortel Networks recommends using the  
default file name, startup.cfg.  
ARN only: Do you wish to  
set up another port/  
module? (y/n) [y]  
Type n and press the  
[Return] key.  
Router Protocol Worksheets  
routing protocol choices on the Global Information worksheet:  
RIP Worksheet (page C-6)  
OSPF Worksheet (page C-7)  
Static Route to Site Manager Worksheet (page C-9)  
RIP Worksheet  
Your Response  
Should RIP listen to the  
default route? (y/n) [n]:  
Note: RIP listens to the static route (a  
specific network or subnet route to the Site  
Manager location). Answering y(es) to this  
prompt forces RIP to also listen to the  
default route ( This is useful when  
the RIP updates that the router receives do  
not include the static route.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Using the Quick-Start Local Boot Procedure  
Your Response  
OSPF Worksheet  
Enter OSPF router ID in  
dotted decimal notation:  
Enter an IP address to uniquely identify  
the router in the OSPF domain. The script  
provides the IP address of the COM port  
as the default. Nortel Networks suggests  
using the default IP address.  
ARN only: When using the script to  
configure OSPF on more than one COM  
port, do not accept the default IP address.  
Enter the same address for each port.  
Enter the OSPF area ID in  
dotted decimal notation  
Enter the area ID. This ID must match the  
area ID of the routers neighbor.  
Note: The backbone area ID is always  
Enable Simple Password  
authentication? (y/n) [n]: n(o)  
Note: If you answer y(es), the router  
requests a password.  
Follow default paths for  
unknown subnets? (y/n)  
Enter OSPF MTU size  
selection [1]:  
1. Default  
2. Ethernet size (Nortel Networks Series  
5 compatible)  
3. User Defined MTU  
Enter OSPF interface type  
selection [1]:  
1. Broadcast  
2. NBMA  
3. Point-to-Point  
4. Point-to-Multipoint (Proprietary)  
5. Point-to-Multipoint (Per OSPF  
Note: When using a wide area protocol  
other than Nortel Networks Proprietary  
PPP, Nortel Networks suggests selecting  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
OSPF Worksheet (continued)  
Your Response  
Enter decimal value in  
seconds for Hello Interval  
The script suggests the following intervals:  
Broadcast -- 10 seconds  
Point-to-Point -- 15 seconds  
NBMA -- 20 seconds  
Point-to-Multipoint --10 seconds  
Note: This value must match all other  
interfaces in the OSPF area for the  
connection to occur.  
Enter decimal value in  
seconds for Router Dead  
Interval [40]:  
The script suggests the following intervals:  
Broadcast -- 40 seconds  
Point-to-Point -- 60 seconds  
NBMA -- 80 seconds  
Point-to-Multipoint (STD) -- 40 seconds  
Note: This value must match all other  
interfaces in the OSPF area for the  
connection to occur.  
Enter decimal value for  
Router Priority [1]:  
Enter a router priority value. The lower the  
value (above zero), the higher the priority.  
(For Broadcast, NBMA, or  
Note: If you set the router priority to zero  
(0), the router is not eligible to become the  
designated router on this network.  
Enter decimal value in  
seconds for Poll Interval  
Enter the maximum number of seconds  
between the Hello packets that the router  
sends to an inactive NBMA neighbor.  
(For NBMA only)  
The script suggests a 20-second interval.  
Enter addresses for all NBMA neighbors  
Enter IP address of  
neighbor in dotted decimal you want the router to communicate with.  
notation or enter q to  
When you finish entering addresses, type  
q to quit.  
(For NBMA only)  
Enter IP address of  
Enter addresses for the PPP neighbors  
neighbor in dotted decimal you want the router to communicate with.  
(For PPP only)  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Using the Quick-Start Local Boot Procedure  
Static Route to Site Manager Worksheet  
Your Response  
Destination Network  
Enter the gateway address of the  
destination network. An address of  
specifies the default route.  
Destination Network Mask  
Enter the subnet mask of the destination  
network. A mask of specifies the  
default route.  
Next-Hop Address:  
Enter a next-hop address. All static routes  
require a next-hop address in the same  
subnet as the initial IP interface.  
Follow the default route  
for unknown subnets?  
(y/n) [n]:  
The default route does not apply for  
subnets unless you type y at this prompt.  
This section contains the following worksheets, with the prompts and options for  
wide area protocol choices on the Global Information worksheet:  
Nortel Networks Proprietary PPP Worksheet (page C-10)  
Frame Relay Worksheet (page C-11)  
PPP Worksheet (page C-11)  
SMDS Worksheet (page C-13)  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
Nortel Networks Proprietary PPP Worksheet  
Your Response  
Enter BofL (Breath of Life)  
timer value (1-60) [5]:  
Enter the maximum amount of time  
between the transmission of BofL  
Enter Local Address  
selection [3]:  
1. DCE  
2. DTE  
Note: Reverse the local and remote  
address values when configuring the  
device at the other end of the circuit.  
(Exception: When connecting to a  
Nortel Networks Series 5 router that  
uses DCE/DTE addressing, use the  
same local address value.)  
Enter Remote Address  
selection [3]:  
1. DCE  
2. DTE  
Note: Reverse the local and remote  
address values when configuring the  
device at the other end of the circuit.  
(Exception: When connecting to a  
Series 5 router that uses DCE/DTE  
addressing, use the same remote  
address value.)  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Using the Quick-Start Local Boot Procedure  
Your Response  
Frame Relay Worksheet  
Enter Management type [3]:  
1. DLCMI None  
2. Rev 1 LMI  
3. ANSI T1 617D  
4. CCITT Annex A  
5. LMI Switch  
6. Annex D Switch  
7. Annex A Switch  
Enter addressing type [4]:  
1. ADDR Q.921  
2. ADDR Q.922 (MARCH 90)  
3. ADDR Q.922 (NOVEMBER 90)  
4. ADDR Q.922  
Enter address field length  
2. Two Bytes  
3. Three Bytes  
4. Four Bytes  
Enter DLCI number [30]:  
Enter the permanent virtual circuit  
(PVC) number.  
(For DLCMI None, LMI Switch, Annex D  
Switch, and Annex A Switch only)  
Note: The valid range for the DLCI  
number is 16 to 1007.  
PPP Worksheet  
Your Response  
Enter Remote IP address in  
dotted decimal notation:  
Enter the IP address of the peer  
Do you wish to turn on the PPP y(es)  
echo function? (y/n) [n]:  
Enable PAP (Password  
Authentication Protocol)?  
(y/n) [n]:  
Note: If you answer y(es), the script  
requests a PAP ID and password for  
this interface. If you answer n(o), it  
prompts you to enable CHAP.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
PPP Worksheet (continued)  
Your Response  
Enable CHAP (Challenge  
Handshake Authentication  
Protocol)? (y/n) [n]:  
Note: If you answer y(es), the script  
requests a CHAP secret for this  
Does the Remote Peer have PAP y(es)  
authentication enabled?  
(y/n) [n]:  
Note: If you answer y(es), the script  
requests the PAP ID and password for  
the remote interface.  
Enable the LQR (Link Quality  
Reporting) Protocol?  
(y/n) [n]:  
See Configuring PPP Services for  
information about the Link Quality  
Reporting (LQR) protocol and LQR  
Enable use of the Remote Peer y(es)  
routers LQR Timer?  
(y/n) [y]:  
Type y if the remote peer router  
maintains its own LQR timer for this  
interface. Type n if the router is  
responsible for maintaining the timer  
for this interface.  
(For LQR only)  
Number of seconds (1-120)  
Enter the maximum number of  
seconds between the transmission of  
LQR packets.  
(For LQR only)  
Enter [inbound] success rate  
percentage (1-100) [90]:  
Enter the minimum acceptable  
success rate (percentage) of packets  
transmitted by the peer router and  
received on this interface over the last  
five LQR periods.  
Enter [outbound] success rate Enter the minimum acceptable  
percentage (1-100) [90]:  
success rate (percentage) of packets  
transmitted by this interface and  
received by the peer router over the  
last five LQR periods.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Using the Quick-Start Local Boot Procedure  
SMDS Worksheet  
Requested Information  
Your Response  
Enter 10-digit individual  
Enter the individual address  
assigned by your SMDS service  
Enter 10-digit group address: Enter the group address assigned  
by your SMDS service provider.  
Enter 10-digit arp address:  
Enter the Address Resolution  
Protocol (ARP) address assigned  
by your SMDS service provider.  
Running the Quick-Start Script  
To quick-start an AN/ANH or ARN router, you run the install.bat (AN/ANH) or  
inst_arn.bat (ARN) Technician Interface script, and respond to the prompts. The  
router automatically selects options for some prompts, and you can accept default  
values for many of the other prompts. You run the script as part of the Local Boot  
To perform the Quick-Start procedure:  
1. Make sure that you have the completed worksheets with you.  
2. Start the router.  
3. At the Technician Interface prompt, enter Manager to log in.  
Note: Manager is case-sensitive; use an uppercase M.  
The Technician Interface mounts the local file system and displays the  
command-line prompt.  
4. To ensure that the router is using the configuration file (config) on the  
local flash memory card, issue the getcfg command.  
Look for the following line in the getcfg command display:  
boot config = local  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
If the line appears in the command display, proceed to step 5; otherwise, do  
the following:  
a. Enter bconfig config local.  
For information about the bconfig command, see Setting the Boot  
Configurationin Chapter 4.  
b. Restart the router by entering boot.  
The Technician Interface login prompt appears.  
c. Enter Manager to log in.  
The Technician Interface command-line prompt appears.  
5. Enter dir to check the contents of the flash memory card.  
The software image file (an.exe or arn.exe), configuration file (config), and  
Quick-Start script file (install.bat or inst_arn.bat) should appear among the  
files listed.  
6. Enter one of the following commands to start the Quick-Start script:  
For the AN/ANH:  
run install.bat  
For the ARN:  
run inst_arn.bat  
7. Follow the script online.  
See the list of Quick-Start commands in Table C-1.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Using the Quick-Start Local Boot Procedure  
Table C-1.  
Quick-Start Commands  
Accept a default  
Press [Return]  
Your console displays default values in  
brackets; for example, [E11].  
Repeat a step (for  
Press [Control]-c; When you press [Control]-c, the script  
example, if you make then, type n  
a mistake)  
prompts Terminate script y/n?Type n  
to return to the beginning of the step so that  
you can reenter the information.  
Stop the Quick-Start Press [Control]-c; When you press [Control]-c, the script  
then, type y  
prompts Terminate script y/n?Type y  
to terminate the procedure and return to the  
Technician Interface prompt.  
To restart the Quick-Start procedure, reboot  
the router by entering boot.  
8. Using your completed Quick-Start worksheets, enter the appropriate  
network information in response to the prompts.  
The AN/ANH or ARN router uses this information to configure interfaces to  
the network.  
The script prompts you for information in this order:  
The initial Global Information worksheet information  
Specific protocol information  
Wide area protocol selection  
Specific protocol information  
The rest of the Global Information worksheet information  
After you enter all of the Global Information worksheet and protocol  
information, the script displays a configuration summary and prompts you to  
save the configuration to a file.  
9. Save the configuration file.  
Note: If the AN/ANH or ARN router will use a routine startup procedure  
other than Directed Netboot, be sure to name the configuration file config.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers  
The script begins to test the IP configuration (Figure C-1).  
Testing local IP interface  
ping -IP -r5  
IP ping: is alive (size - 16 bytes)  
IP ping: is alive (size - 16 bytes)  
IP ping: is alive (size - 16 bytes)  
IP ping: is alive (size - 16 bytes)  
IP ping: is alive (size - 16 bytes)  
This test attempts to ping the Site Manager workstation.  
NOTE: If routing has not yet converged, an attempt  
to ping the Site Manager workstation may fail. If  
this happens, you may either enter a new IP address or  
quit and wait a short period of time and try again from  
the TI command line.  
Type q<return> to cancel this test.  
Enter IP address of Site Manager workstation:  
Figure C-1.  
Quick-Start IP Configuration Test  
10. To continue with the IP configuration test, enter the IP address for the  
Site Manager workstation.  
To cancel the test, type q.  
11. For the ARN only, specify whether you want to configure another  
Type n to stop the Quick-Start script and return to the Technician Interface  
To configure another interface, type y to return to step 6.  
12. At the Technician Interface prompt, enter logout to exit the Technician  
After the router creates and tests the configuration, it starts using the information  
you entered to bridge and route traffic. To configure the router interfaces using  
Site Manager, see Configuring and Managing Routers with Site Manager.  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
/etc/inetd.conf file, 2-9, 2-10  
/etc/services file, 2-2  
bconfig command  
examples, 4-4  
format, 4-3  
/tftpboot directory, 2-10  
/usr/wf/config directory, 2-4  
file tag, 2-6  
acronyms, xv  
from AN Monitor, B-20  
getcfg command display, 4-10, B-11  
image, defined, 4-3  
options, 1-3  
process, 1-5  
size tag, 2-6  
address. See IP address  
AN monitor  
logging in to, 4-2  
using, 4-2, B-20  
Boot Config From Network parameter, 3-7, A-2  
an.exe file, B-20  
analyzing packets  
8-port, 5-3  
enabling, 5-2  
resetting and testing, 5-5, A-9  
analyzing packets on a router, B-9  
client interface table, 1-7, 3-14  
failure of, B-2  
pass-through, enabling, 3-10  
relay agent forwarding table, 3-12  
Site Manager support, B-20  
socket, 2-2  
application files, generating, 3-6  
applications, troubleshooting, B-5  
arn.exe file, 1-3, B-20  
testing, B-19  
automated addressing. See IP address  
BootP server  
analyzing packets, B-9  
BayRS version, B-19  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
debugging, B-12  
displaying IP routes, B-15  
configuration file  
corrupted, B-17  
creating, 3-2  
customized, 1-12, 1-15  
default boot location, 1-4  
defined, 1-3  
copying, 2-2  
linking to TFTPD, 2-10  
using the local, C-14  
interfaces, 4-1  
bootptab file  
symbols in, 2-5  
syntax, 2-4  
troubleshooting, B-14  
broadcast address, 1-6  
Connector State parameter, 3-9, A-6  
Connector Subnet Mask parameter, 3-9, A-5  
conventions, text, xiv  
cost of line usage, 1-17  
BootP, 2-2  
TFTP, 2-9  
correcting router parameters with, B-2  
examples, 4-4  
debugging the BootP server, B-12  
format, 4-3  
boot, C-14  
dir, C-14  
default IP interface settings  
get, B-8  
getcfg, 4-10, B-2, B-10  
log, B-8  
run inst_arn.bat  
See Quick-Start procedure  
run install.bat  
deleting files, B-17  
dial-up access, B-8  
dir command, C-14  
direct access. See Frame Relay  
See Quick-Start procedure  
Directed Netboot  
compacting files, B-18  
bconfig command, 4-4  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
boot client, 4-1  
Frame Relay  
interfaces for, 3-1  
requirements, 1-4  
group access PVC  
example, 1-7  
setting up, 3-14  
DLCI and IP address pair  
creating in client interface table, 3-14  
example, 1-7  
gateway, 3-10  
driver, displaying MIB entry for, B-6  
getcfg command, 4-7, 4-8, 4-10, B-2, B-10  
group access PVC. See Frame Relay  
erasing files, B-17  
HDLC encapsulation, 4-6  
Ethernet interfaces  
configuring, 4-7  
HP 9000. See HP-UX  
adding a TFTP user, 2-11  
providing TFTPD access, 2-9  
EZ-Install, 1-5 to 1-11  
configuring, 2-1, 3-1  
description, 1-4  
initial startup option, 1-19  
image, software  
corrupted, B-17  
preparing, 3-6  
failure, BootP, B-2, B-3  
file system, local, C-14  
incoming interface, specifying, 3-12  
inetd.conf file  
corrupted, B-17  
naming restrictions, 3-5  
transferring. See TFTP  
editing, 2-3  
loading changes into memory, 2-12  
setting up static routes, 2-11  
format command, B-17  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
LAN protocol analyzer, B-9  
cost, 1-17  
IP address  
assigning manually, 1-20, 4-5  
DLCI, 3-14  
failure, B-2  
LMI, Frame Relay, 4-6  
input parameter, A-7  
obtaining automatically, 1-5  
EZ-Install, 1-5, 4-5  
Local Boot, 1-12  
Local Boot  
using, C-1  
tag, 2-5  
local file system  
mounting, C-13  
viewing, C-14  
log command, B-8  
IP interface  
login procedures, 4-2  
connector setting, 4-6, 4-7  
default settings, 4-6  
preventing saturation, 1-17  
IP routes  
displaying, B-15  
adding an interface for, 3-8 to 3-9, A-6  
description, 1-4  
kernel files, 1-3  
krnl_an.exe file  
network analyzer, B-9  
krnl_arn.exe file  
description, 1-3  
generating, 3-6  
specifying instead of arn.exe file, B-3  
upgrading, B-17  
verifying as boot image, B-3  
next-hop router  
configuring, 3-14  
not receiving BootP requests, B-2, B-3  
not sending BootP responses, B-2, B-4  
Nortel Networks Standard PPP  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
ifconfig options, 4-6  
defined, 1-15, C-2  
inst_arn.bat script, C-14  
install.bat script, C-14  
using, C-14  
operating systems, 2-3  
string files, 1-3  
remote dial-up, B-8  
EZ-Install, 1-5  
enabling, 5-2  
Netboot, 1-5  
testing, A-9  
Optivity software, 1-1  
outgoing interface, specifying, 3-12  
resetting the router while writing to a file, B-18  
RFC 1048, 2-7  
RouterMan, 1-1  
Packet Capture utility, B-9, B-20  
analyzing, B-9  
displaying forwarded and dropped, B-16  
PathMan, 1-1  
path-name restrictions, 3-5  
pound sign in bootptab file, 2-5  
Site Manager, 1-16  
Nortel Networks Proprietary, C-9  
Standard, C-11  
Slot parameter, A-4  
sockets, BootP, 2-2  
product support, xviii  
hard copy, xvii  
software image  
an.exe file, 1-3  
arn.exe file, 1-3  
default boot location, 1-4  
definition of, 1-2  
preparing, 3-2  
Quick Get tool, B-8  
Quick-Start procedure  
commands, C-14  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
upgrading, B-17  
T129 size tag, in bootptab file, 2-5  
T130 size tag, in bootptab file, 2-5  
tags in bootptab file  
definition, 2-6  
format, 2-5  
Optivity, 1-1  
technical publications, xvii  
technical support, xviii  
startup options  
completing, 1-18  
displaying, 4-10, B-10  
BootP, B-19  
coordinating with remote site, 1-13  
EZ-Install, 1-19  
Local Boot, 1-22  
text conventions, xiv  
Netboot, 1-20, 1-21  
Directed Netboot, 1-17, 1-18  
transferring software image file, B-20  
See also Directed Netboot, EZ-Install, Local Boot,  
summary, 1-4  
Timeout Secs. parameter, 3-13, 3-15  
static routes to next-hop routers, setting up, 2-11  
token ring interfaces  
configuring, 4-8  
string files  
limitation, B-20  
definition, 1-3  
generating, 3-6  
Sun workstations, 2-2  
UDP, 2-2  
upgrading the software image, B-17  
synchronous interfaces  
configuring, 4-5  
upstream router  
displaying MIB entry, B-7  
ifconfig settings, 4-6  
definition, 3-14  
not receiving BootP requests, B-2, B-3  
not sending BootP responses, B-2, B-4  
receiving IP address from, 1-5  
syntax of bootptab file, 2-4  
System Administration Manager (SAM), 2-11  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  
vendor magic field, 2-7, B-13  
wfBootpRelayIntfEntry, B-16  
wfCSMACDEntry, B-7  
wfDrivers, B-6  
wfSyncEntry, B-7  
wfTokenRingEntry, B-7  
308614-14.20 Rev 00  

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