Nilfisk ALTO Pressure Washer C 1201 User Manual

Nilfisk-ALTO C 120.1  
User manual  
Safety precautions and warnings .............................................3  
Description ...............................................................................4  
Before you start using your pressure washer...........................5  
Operating your pressure washe ...............................................6  
Fields of Application  
and Working Methods...............................................................8  
After using your pressure washe............................................10  
Trouble Shooting ....................................................................13  
Further information.................................................................14  
10 EC Declaration of Conformity.................................................16  
1 Safety Precautions and Warnings  
Symbols used to mark in-  
Before starting up  
your high-pres-  
sure washer for  
the first time, this  
instruction manual  
This symbol is  
used to mark safety  
instructions that  
must be observed  
to prevent damage  
must be read through carefully.  
Save the instructions for later  
to the machine and its perform-  
This symbol  
indicates tips  
and instructions  
Safety instructions  
marked with this  
symbol must be  
observed to pre-  
to simplify work and to ensure a  
safe operation.  
vent danger to persons.  
z Never use the machine in  
an environment where there  
could be a danger of explo-  
sion. If any doubt arises,  
please contact the local  
z High pressure jets can be  
dangerous. Never direct the  
water jet at persons, pets,  
live electrical equipment or  
the machine itself.  
Do not let children or people  
who have not read the instruc-  
tion manual operate the ma-  
z Never try to clean clothes or  
footwear on yourself or other  
z Hold the spray lance firmly  
with both hands. The spray  
lance is affected by a thrust  
of up to 26.5 Nm during ope–  
z The operator and anyone in  
the immediate vicinity of the  
site of cleaning should take  
action to protect themselves  
from being struck by debris  
dislodged during operation.  
Wear goggles during opera-  
z It is not allowed to clean as-  
bestos-containing surfaces  
with high pressure.  
z This high pressure washer  
must not be used at tempera-  
tures below 0°C.  
z Never let any persons stay  
under the product when  
stored on the wall.  
Before starting up your machine  
please check it carefully for any  
defects. If you find any, do not  
start up your machine and con-  
tact your ALTO distributor.  
Especially check:  
z The insulation of the electric  
cable should be faultless  
and without any cracks. If the  
electric cable is damaged, an  
authorized Nilfisk-ALTO dis-  
tributor should replace it.  
Inadequate extension cables  
can be dangerous. Cables on  
drums should always be com-  
pletely unwinded to prevent the  
cable from overheating.  
Extension cables should be of  
a watertight construction and  
comply with the below-men-  
tioned requirements for length  
and cable dimensions.  
z Only connect the machine to  
an installation with earth con-  
z The electric installation shall  
be made by a certified elec-  
z It is strongly recommended  
that the electric supply to this  
machine should include a re-  
sidual current device (GFCI).  
Repair and maintenance  
Always remove the electric  
plug from the socket before car-  
rying out maintenance work on  
the machine.  
1.0 mm² max.  
1.5 mm² max.  
2.5 mm² max.  
12.5 m  
20 m  
30 m  
Safety devices  
Locking device on spray gun  
(7a) (see foldout at the end of  
this manual):  
z Cable connections should be  
kept dry and off the ground.  
The spray gun features a lock-  
ing device. When the pawl is  
activated, the spray gun cannot  
be operated.  
Water connection  
Connection to the public mains  
according to regulations.  
Mains power connection  
IMPORTANT! Only use wa-  
ter without any impurities. If  
there is a risk of running sands  
in the inlet water (i.e. from your  
own well), an additional filter  
should be mounted.  
Thermal sensor:  
A thermal sensor protects the  
motor against overloading. The  
machine will restart after a few  
minutes when the thermal sen-  
sor has cooled.  
The following should be ob-  
served when connecting the  
high pressure washer to the  
electric installation:  
2 Description  
2.1 Application  
This high-pressure washer has  
been developed for domestic  
use within:  
the high-pressure washer for  
vaious cleaning jobs.  
Only use the high-pressure  
washer for purposes described  
in this manual.  
Car, Motorbike, boat, cara-  
van, trailer, patio/drive/flags-  
tones, woodwork, brickwork,  
barbecue, garden furniture,  
lawn mower  
The safety precautions must be  
observed to prevent damage  
to the machine, the surface to  
be cleaned or severe personal  
Section 5 describes the use of  
2.2 Operation elements  
and model survey  
See foldout at the end of this  
11 Nozzle cleaning tool  
12 Trolley Handle  
13 Hose reel (not standard)  
14 Hose hook  
1 Start/stop switch  
2 Water inlet (with filter)  
3 High pressure connection  
4 High pressure hose  
5 Electric cable  
15 Model tag  
Specifications: See model tag  
(15) of machine.  
6 Click & Clean spray lance  
7 Spray gun with lock  
8 Click & Clean Tornado PR  
Sound pressure level measured  
in accordance with ISO 3744,  
EEC Directive 2000/14/EEC: LpA  
= 71.3 dB(A), LWA = 86 dB(A).  
9 Click & Clean Powerspeed  
10 Click & Clean foam sprayer  
We reserve the right to alter the  
3 Before you start using your  
pressure washer  
3.1 Mounting of trolley  
handle (models with  
trolley handle)  
1. Remove the label on top of  
2. Push down the trolley handle  
(12) into the machine. Secure  
the handle by tightening the  
2 screws.  
3. Mount the hose hook (14)  
on the handle (3 screws).  
Note: the hose hook can be  
mounted on the front as well  
as on the back. Front position  
is to be used if the product is  
used together with a special  
wall hook for wall storage.  
3.2 Mounting of hose reel  
1. Click the hose reel handle  
on to the trolley handle (no  
3.3 Mounting of quick  
1. Screw the quick coupling  
tight on to the water inlet (2).  
Note: The inlet filter must al-  
ways be fitted in the water inlet  
pipe to filter out sand, limestone  
and other impurities as these  
will damage the pump valves.  
Caution: Failure  
to fit the filter will  
invalidate the  
3.4 Mounting of high pres-  
sure hose  
Attach the high pressure hose  
(4) to the spray gun (7).  
Detach the high pressure hose  
by pressing the pawl (A).  
4 Operating your pressure washer  
4.1 Connection of high pres-  
sure hose  
1. Mount the high pressure  
hose on the outlet (3).  
4.2 Mounting of spray  
lance and Click & Clean  
1. Push the spray lance (6) into  
the spray gun (7) and screw  
it on.  
Note: The  
spray lance (6)  
has a built-in low  
pressure nozzle that can be  
used for flushing away dirt.  
2. Attach the nozzle.  
Warning: When  
attaching the Click  
& Clean nozzles,  
the pawl on the  
side of the spray  
lance should come out again.  
Note: The Tor-  
nado PR noz-  
zle and the foam  
sprayer feature a swivel lock,  
which must be positioned in the  
hole in the Click & Clean spray  
Press the pawl to detach the  
Click & Clean nozzle.  
4.3 Water connection  
An ordinary 1/2" garden hose  
IMPORTANT! Only use wa-  
of min. 5 m and max. 25 m will ter without any impurities. If  
be suitable.  
there is a risk of running sands  
in the inlet water (i.e. from your  
own well), an additional filter  
should be mounted.  
1. Let the water run through the  
water hose before connecting  
it to the machine to prevent  
sand and dirt from penetrat-  
ing the machine.  
Note: Check that the filter is  
fitted in the water inlet pipe  
and that it is not clogged up.  
2. Connect the water hose to  
the water supply by means  
of the quick connector (inlet  
water, max. pressure: 10 bar,  
max. temperature: 50°C).  
3. Turn on the water.  
NOTE: Connection to the public  
mains according to regulations.  
4.4 Start and stop of the  
machine (when con-  
The machine must not be  
operated while hanging on  
the wall hook!  
Always adjust the distance and  
thus the pressure of the nozzle  
to the surface, which is to be  
nected to a water supply)  
The spray lance is affected  
by a thrust during operation  
- therefore always hold it firmly  
with both hands. IMPORTANT:  
Point the nozzle at the  
Do not cover the machine  
during operation.  
Note: If the ma-  
chine is left or not  
used for 5 min-  
1. Check that the machine is in  
upright position.  
utes, it must be switched off on  
the start/stop switch "O" (1):  
NOTE: Do not place the  
machine in high grass!  
2. Release the trigger lock.  
3. Activate the trigger of the  
spray gun and let the water  
run until all air has escaped  
from the water hose.  
1. Press the start/stop switch  
2. Disconnect the electrical plug  
from the socket.  
3. Shut off the water supply and  
activate the trigger to relieve  
the machine of pressure.  
4. Lock the spray gun.  
4. Press the Start/stop switch  
"I" (1).  
5. Activate the trigger of the  
spray gun.  
When releasing the trigger of  
the spray gun, the machine au-  
tomatically stops. The machine  
will start again when you re-ac-  
tivate the spray gun.  
4.5 Start the machine (when  
connected to open con-  
tainers (suction mode))  
The washer can take in water  
from a rain water tank as an  
example. The hose for the wa-  
ter supply must not be too long,  
approx. 5 m.  
1. Place the other end of the  
water hose in the water tank.  
Use an external filter if the  
water contains impurities.  
2. Press the start/stop switch  
Make sure that the water tank  
is not placed on a lower level  
than the machine.  
3. Activate the trigger of the  
spray gun and let the water  
run, until the air has escaped  
from the water hose and the  
4. Mount spray lance and  
4.6 Pressure regulation on  
The pressure can be regulated  
on the TORNADO PR nozzle.  
High pressure  
Low pressure  
5 Fields of application and working  
5.1 General  
Efficient high presure cleaning is achieved by following a few guide-  
lines, combined with your own personal experience of specific  
cleaning tasks. Accessories and detergents, when correctly cho-  
sen, can increase the efficiency of your pressure washer. Here is  
some basic information about cleaning.  
5.1.1 Detergent and foam  
Foam or detergent should be applied onto dry surfaces so that the  
chemical product is in direct contact with the dirt. Detergents are  
applied from bottom to top, for example on a car bodywork, in order  
to avoid "super clean" areas, where the detergent collects in higher  
concentration and streams downwards. Let the detergent work for  
several minutes before rinsing but never let it dry on the surface be-  
ing cleaned. Note: It is important that the detergents do not dry up.  
Otherwise the surfac that has to be cleaned can be damaged.  
5.1.2 Mechanical effect  
In order to break down tough layers of dirt, additional mechanical  
effect may be required. Special wash brushes offer this supplemen-  
tary effect that cuts through dirt (especially by car washing).  
5.2 Typical fields of application  
Below you will find a description of a lot of cleaning tasks which can be solved by a pressure washer  
from Nilfisk-ALTO in association with accessories and detergents.  
Accessories ‘Click Cleaning method  
& Clean’  
Car nozzle,  
1. Apply Car Combi Cleaner with the foam sprayer. Always  
auto brush,  
Foam sprayer,  
Car Combi Cleaner  
start from the bottom and work upwards. Let Car Combi  
Cleaner act for at least 5 min.  
2. Wash the car with the car nozzle, which has been optimized for  
quick and gentle cleaning of enamelled surfaces (the jet is wider  
and not so sharp). Start at the front of the car and work back-  
wards to avoid water from penetrating by the door mouldings.  
3. Use the brush for removal of traffic film which is not removed by the  
nozzle. If the car is very dirty, apply Car Combi Cleaner again.  
4. Attach the undercarriage nozzle and clean undercarriage and  
wheel arches.  
5. Remove water from the surface of the car with the scraper  
on the car brush. Make sure that all grains of sand etc. have  
been removed before using the scraper. Wipe with a wash lea-  
ther where the scraper cannot reach.  
Rims, alu- Rim brush,  
Apply Alu Cleaner with an automizer. Let it act for approx.  
5 min. and wash with the rim brush. For steel rims, use Car Com-  
bi Cleaner. Use the foam sprayer and wash with rim brush.  
Be careful! The high pressure jet may damage the tyres.  
auto nozzle,  
Alu Cleaner  
Flagstones, Powerspeed®  
concrete nozzle,  
floors and Stone & Wood  
other hard Cleaner,  
Wash towards outlets or the like. On surfaces with moss or  
algae you may start by applying Stone & Wood Cleaner with  
the foam sprayer. Wash before the soap dries. Another  
more effective and quicker method is to use the Patio  
Cleaner. Thus you will also avoid splashes.  
Patio Cleaner  
Wood Cleaner  
Garden brush  
Apply Wood Cleaner and wash before the soap dries.  
NOTE: Use the garden brush to clean off the dirt.  
Brickwork, Powerspeed®  
Wood work nozzle,  
Stone & Wood  
Same method as for flagstones, but be careful - bad joints and  
wood may be damaged by high pressure.You may choose only  
to use the Tornado® nozzle. Adjust the distance (pressure) to  
the quality of the joints and the wood. Patio Cleaner can also be  
used on vertical surfaces.  
Patio Cleaner  
Underchassis spray Wash the gutter with the nozzle. Always wash towards  
downpipes. Beware not to spray under the roofing.  
of drain  
pipes, out-  
lets, down  
pipes etc.  
Tube cleaner  
Push the tube cleaner approx. ½ m (to mark) into a tube or drain  
and activate the trigger of the spray handle. The nozzle opening  
turning backwards will pull the cleaner through the tube. The  
nozzle will break down the „plug“ and flush the dirt backwards.  
Rust, paint Water/sandblasting Mount the water/sand blasting equipment and rust and paint  
is efficiently and quickly removed. Beware not to damage the  
surface to be sandblasted.  
Tornado® PR nozzle Wash with high pressure and maybe a brush.You may use Stone  
brush, Stone &  
Wood Cleaner  
& Wood Cleaner to remove moss and algae.  
Tornado® PR noz-  
Rinse the worst dirt off with the nozzle. Apply Metal Cleaner with  
the foam sprayer and let it act for approx. 5 min. Wash with the  
nozzle.You may use the multiangle adaptor for hard to get at  
areas to avoid splashing.  
tools, lawn zle, Powerspeed®  
nozzle, multiangle  
adaptor, Metal  
6 After using your pressure washer  
6.1 Storing the washer  
The machine should be sto-  
red in a frost-free room!  
3. Stop the machine, unplug  
and wind up hose and cable.  
4. Place spray handle, nozzles  
and other accessories in the  
holders of the machine.  
Pump, hose and accessories  
should always be emptied of  
water prior to storing as follows:  
Should the machine by mistake  
be frozen, it will be necessary  
to check it for damage.  
1. Stop the machine (press the  
start/stop switch “O” (1) and  
detach water hose and ac-  
2. Restart the machine and  
activate the trigger. Let the  
machine run until no more  
water runs through the spray  
Frost damages are not  
covered by the guarantee!  
6.2 Winding up of electric  
cable and high pressure  
To avoid accidents, the electric  
cable and the high pressure  
hose should always be winded  
carefully up.  
1. Wind up the electric cable on  
the appropriate hooks.  
The high pressure washer  
comes in two models: A) with  
hook for storage of high pres-  
sure hose (14) - B) with a hose  
reel (13), where the hose is  
pushed into the reel and after-  
wards winded up.  
6.3 Storage of accessories  
The standard accessories  
(spray gun and spray lance (a),  
nozzles (b) foam sprayer (c))  
can be stored on the pressure  
The nozzle cleaning tool (d)  
and a Click & Clean brush  
(e) can also be stored on the  
6.4 Wall storage  
The pressure washer can be  
stored on a wall on a special  
wall hook (not standard).  
Only mount the wall hook on a  
sturdy wall. Adjust the length  
of the screws and size of rawl-  
plugs to the type of wall.  
On the wall hook garden/rim  
brush (a) foam sprayer (b),  
Click & Clean brush (c) and  
Click & Clean nozzles (d) can  
be stored.  
Note: For this  
product the wall  
hook can only be  
used as storage.  
Important: The  
bearing capacity  
of the wall hook  
is max. 30 kg.  
7 Maintenance  
WARNING! Always disconnect  
z Wash out water hose, high  
pressure hose, spray lance  
and accessories before  
the electrical plug from the  
socket prior to maintenance or  
z Clean the connectors of dust  
and sand.  
To ensure a long and problem  
free working life, please take  
the following advice:  
z Make sure that no sand or  
dirt is blocking the movement  
of the pawl on the Click &  
Clean spray lance. Rinse ac-  
cording to requirement.  
z Rinse the detergent spraying  
attachment after use.  
z Clean the nozzles.  
Any repair should always be  
made in an authorized work-  
shop with original spare parts.  
7.1 Cleaning of water inlet  
fi lter  
Clean the water inlet filter  
regularly once a month or more  
frequently according to use.  
Carefully loosen the filter with a  
screwdriver and clean it. Check  
that it is intact before re-mount-  
ing it.  
The inlet filter must always be  
fitted inside the water inlet pipe  
to filter out sand, limestone and  
other impurities, as they will  
damage the pump valves.  
CAUTION: Failure to fit the filter  
will invalidate the guarantee.  
7.2 Cleaning of nozzle  
A clogging up in the nozzle  
causes a pump pressure which  
is too high. This is why cleaning  
is required immediately.  
1. Stop the machine and dis-  
connect the nozzle.  
2. Clean the nozzle. IMPOR-  
TANT: The cleaning tool (11)  
should only be used when  
the nozzle is detached!  
3. Flush the nozzle backwards  
with water.  
7.3 Cleaning of machine  
The machine should be kept  
clean so as to let cooling air  
pass freely through the ma-  
chine vents.  
7.4 Greasing of couplings  
To ensure an easy connec-  
tion and that o-rings do not dry  
up, the couplings should be  
greased regularly.  
8 Trouble-shooting  
To avoid unnecessary disappointments, you should check the following before contacting the Nilfisk-  
ALTO service organization:  
Recommended action  
Machine refuses to start Machine not plugged in  
Defective socket  
Plug in machine.  
Try another socket.  
Replace fuse. Switch off other machines.  
Try without the extension cable.  
Fuse has blown  
Defective extension cable  
Fluctuating pressure  
Pump sucking air  
Check that hoses and connections are air-  
Valves dirty, worn out  
or stuck  
Pump seals worn out  
Clean and replace or refer to local Nilfisk  
ALTO distributor  
Clean and replace or refer to local Nilfisk-  
ALTO distributor.  
Motor busses  
Machine stops  
Low voltage or  
low temperature  
Activate the trigger of the spray gun.  
Fuse has blown  
Incorrect mains voltage  
Replace fuse. Switch off other machines.  
Check that the mains voltage corresponds  
to specification on the model tag.  
Leave the washer for 5 minutes to cool  
Thermal sensor activated  
Nozzle partially blocked  
Fuse too small  
Clean the nozzle (see section 7.2)  
Fuse blows  
Change to an installation higher than the  
amp. consumption of the machine.  
You may try without the extension cable.  
Machine pulsating  
Air in inlet hose/pump  
Allow machine to run with open trigger until  
regular working pressure resumes.  
Check that the water supply corresponds to  
specifications required (see model tag)  
NB! Avoid using long, thin hoses (min. 1/2")  
Clean the nozzle (see section 7.2)  
Clean the filter (see section 7.1)  
Inadequate supply of  
mains water  
Nozzle partially blocked  
Water filter blocked  
Hose kinked  
Straighten out hose.  
Machine often starts  
and stops by itself  
Pump/spray gun is  
Contact your nearest Nilfisk-ALTO Service  
Machine starts, but  
no water comes out  
Pump/hoses or accessory Wait for pump/hoses or accessory to thaw.  
No water supply  
Water filter blocked  
Nozzle blocked  
Connect inlet water.  
Clean the filter (see section 7.1)  
Clean the nozzle (see section 7.2)  
In case problems other than the above occur, please contact your local Nilfisk-ALTO distributor.  
9 Further information  
9.1 Recycling the washer  
Make the old cleaner unusable  
As specified in European Direc-  
tive 2002/96/EC on old electri-  
cal and electronic appliances,  
used electrical goods must  
be collected separately and  
recycled ecologically.  
1. Unplug the cleaner and cut  
the electric cable.  
Do not discard electrical appli-  
ances with household waste.  
Contact your local authorities or  
your nearest dealer for further  
9.2 Warranty conditions  
Nilfisk-ALTO guarantees high  
pressure washers for domestic  
use for 2 years. If your high  
Repairs under this guarantee  
include replacement of defec-  
tive parts, exclusive of packing  
pressure washer or accessories and postage/carriage. Besides,  
are handed in for repair, a copy we refer to your national law of  
of the receipt must be enclosed. sale.  
Guarantee repairs are being  
made on the following condi-  
The machine should be for-  
warded to one of the service  
centres of the Nilfisk-ALTO  
organisation with description/  
specifi cation of the fault.  
z that defects are attributable  
to flaws or defects in materi-  
als or workmanship. (wear  
and tear as well as misuse  
are not covered by the guar-  
Repairs not covered by the  
guarantee conditions will be  
invoiced. (I.e. malfunctions due  
z that the directions of this  
instruction manual have been to Causes mentioned in section  
thoroughly observed.  
z that repair has not been car-  
ried out or attempted by oth-  
er than Nilfisk-ALTO-trained  
service staff.  
Troubleshooting Chart of the  
instruction manual).  
In order that Nilfisk-ALTO  
can render you optimum  
service, you should register  
your product on our web site  
z that only original accessories  
have been applied.  
z that the product has not been under  
exposed to abuse such as  
knocks, bumps or frost.  
z that only water without any  
impurities has been used.  
z that the high pressure wash-  
er has not been used for  
rental nor used commercially  
in any other way.  
9.3 Accessories  
Only use original accessories.  
Click & Clean  
Car nozzle  
Special nozzle for enameled surfaces. Optimal distance: 30  
- 50 cm.  
Click & Clean  
90° angled special nozzle for undercarriage and wheel arches.  
Integrated guide shoes.  
Click & Clean  
Adjusted in angles from 0° - 90° for better working posture and  
cleaning of hard to get at places as for instance barrels or the  
underside of the lawn mower. Fits all nozzles.  
Click & Clean  
For cars and other surfaces. Available in more shapes.  
Extension hose  
7 m extension hose increasing the working range.  
Special spray lance for washing your car underneath.  
spray lance  
Drain & Tube  
15 m long tube cleaner for the cleaning of tubes and drains.  
blasting equip-  
For removal of paint and rust. Sand available from do-it-your-  
self shops.  
Patio Cleaner  
Equipment for quick cleaning of patio/drive/flagstones.  
Garden brush  
Rim brush  
Wall hook  
Rotary brush for cleaning of wooden surfaces.  
Rotary brush for cleaning of wheel rims.  
For suspension of your high pressure washer on the wall.  
Rotary brush  
For cleaning vehicles and other surfaces.  
Stone & Wood Cleaner  
Plastic Cleaner  
For flagstones, brick- and woodwork. Suitable for moss and algae.  
For plastic and synthetic materials such as garden furniture.  
For cleaning of metal such as garden tools.  
Metal Cleaner  
Car Combi Cleaner  
Alu Cleaner  
For cars etc. With rinsing wax.  
For surfaces of aluminium. Applied with an atomizer.  
Oil & Grease Cleaner  
For cleaning of grease and oil on motors for instance. Applied with  
an atomizer.  
Wood Cleaner  
For cleaning of wooden surfaces incl. of wooden garden furniture.  
10 EU Declaration of Conformity  
EU Declaration of Conformity  
High Pressure Washer  
Nilfisk-ALTO C 120.1-6 / C 120.1-10  
230 V 1~, 50 Hz - IP X5  
The design of the unit  
corresponds to the following  
pertinent regulations:  
EC Machine Directive  
EC Low-voltage Directive  
EC EMV Directive  
Applied harmonised standards: EN 60335-2-79  
Applied national standards and IEC 60335-2-79  
technical specifications:  
Division of Nilfisk-Advance A/S  
Industrivej 1  
DK-9560 Hadsund  
Anton Sørensen  
V.P. Technical Operations Europe Hadsund, 01.11.2004  
ALTO France SAS  
Aéroparc 1  
19 rue Icare  
67960 Entzheim  
Tel.: +33 3 88 28 84 00  
Fax: +33 3 88 30 05 00  
Division of Nilfisk-Advance Lda.  
Sintra Business Park  
Zona Industrial Da Abrunheira  
Edificio 1, 1° A  
P2710-089 Sintra  
Tel.: +35 808 200 537  
Fax: +35 121 911 2679  
Nilfisk-Advance LLC  
Vyatskaya str. 27, bld. 7  
127015 Moskow  
Division of Nilfisk-Advance AG  
Guido-Oberdorfer-Strasse 10  
89287 Bellenberg  
Tel.: +49 0180 5 37 37 37  
Fax: +49 0180 5 37 37 38  
Tel.: +7 495 783 96 02  
Fax: +7 495 783 96 03  
Nilfisk-Advance Group  
Sognevej 25  
DK-2605 Brøndby  
Nilfisk-Advance Pte. Ltd.  
Nilfisk-ALTO Division  
40 Loyang Drive  
Tel.: +45 4323 8100  
Fax: +45 4343 7700  
Nilfisk-Advance SA  
8, Thoukididou str.  
Singapore 508961  
164 52 Argiroupolis  
Tel.: +30 210 96 33443  
Fax: +30 210 96 52187  
E-mail: nilfi[email protected]  
Tel.: +65 6 759 9100  
Fax: +65 6 759 9133  
48 Egerton St.  
P.O. Box 6046  
Silverwater, N.S.W. 2128  
Tel.: +61 2 8748 5966  
Fax: +61 2 8748 5960  
Division of Nilfisk-Advance S.A.  
Torre D’Ara  
Division of Nilfisk-Advance BV  
Camerastraat 9  
Paseo del Rengle, 5 Pl. 10  
08302 Mataró  
3322 BB Almere  
Tel.: +31 36 546 07 60  
Fax: +31 36 546 07 61  
Tel.: +3 4 902 200 201  
Fax: +34 93 757 8020  
Nilfisk-Advance GmbH  
ALTO Sverige AB  
Metzgerstrasse 68  
5101 Bergheim/Salzburg  
Tel.: +43 662 456 400-0  
Fax: +43 662 456 400-34  
Nilfisk-Advance Ltd.  
2001 HK Worsted Mills Ind’l Bldg.  
31-39 Wo Tong Tsui St.  
Kwai Chung  
Member of Nilfisk-Advance Group  
Aminogatan 18, Box 4029  
431 04 Mölndal  
Tel.: +46 31 706 73 00  
Fax: +46 31 706  
Tel.: +852 2427 5951  
Fax: +852 2487 5828  
Nilfisk-Advance Kereskedelmi Kft.  
II. Rákóczi Ferenc út 10  
2310 Szigetszentmiklos-Lakihegy  
Tel: +36 2447 5550  
Nilfisk-Advance Taiwan Branch  
No. 5, Wan Fang Road  
Division of Nilfisk-Advance n.v-s.a.  
Dornveld/Sphere Business Park  
Industrie Asse 1 Zellik-Asse  
Tel.: +32 02 467 60 50  
Fax: +32 02 466 61 50  
Tel.: +886 227 002 268  
Fax: +886 227 840 843  
Fax: +36 2447 5551  
Nilfisk-Advance Co. Ltd.  
89 Soi Chokechai-Ruammitr  
Viphavadee-Rangsit Road  
Layao, Jatuchak, Bangkok 10900  
Tel.: +66 2 275 5630  
Clarke Canada  
Part of the Nilfisk-Advance Group  
4080 B Sladeview Crescent, Unit 1  
Mississauga, Ontario L5L 5Y5  
Tel.: +1 905 569 0266  
Divisione di Nilfisk-Advance A/S  
Località Novella Terza  
26862 Guardamiglio (LO)  
Fax: +66 2 691 4079  
Fax: +1 905 569 8586  
Nilfisk-Advance Profesional Temizlik  
Ekipmanlari Tic. A/S.  
Necla Cad. NI.: 48  
Nilfisk-Advance Inc.  
247 Nippa-cho, Kouhoku-ku  
Yokohama, 223-0057  
Tel.: +8145 548 2571  
Fax: +8145 548 2541  
Nilfisk-Advance (Shenzhen) Ltd.  
Blok 3, Unit 130 1001 Honghua Road  
Int. Commercial & Trade Ce nter  
Fuitian Free Trade Zone  
518038 Shenzhen  
Yenisahra / Kadiköy  
Tel.: +90 216 470 08 - 60  
Fax: +90 216 470 08 - 63  
Tel.: +86 755 8359 7937  
Fax: +86 755 8359 1063  
Nillfisk-Advance Sdn Bhd  
Sd 14, Jalan KIP 11  
Taman Perindustrian KIP  
Sri Damansara  
ALTO Ceská Republika s.r.o.  
Zateckých 9  
Division of Nilfisk-Advance Ltd.  
Bowerbank Way  
52200 Kuala Lumpur  
Tel.: +60 3 603 6275 3120  
Fax: +60 3 603 6274 6318  
14000 Praha 4  
Gilwilly Industrial Estate, Penrith  
Cumbria CA11 9BQ  
Tel.: +420 24 14 08 419  
Fax: +420 24 14 08 439  
Tel.: +44 1 768 86 89 95  
Fax: +44 1 768 86 47 13  
Nilfisk-Advance AS  
Bjørnerudveien 24  
1266 Oslo  
Division of Nilfisk-Advance A/S  
Industrivej 1  
Tel.: +47 22 75 17 70  
Fax: +47 22 75 17 71  
ALTO Cleaning Systems Inc.  
Part of the Nilfisk-Advance Group  
12249 Nations Ford Rd.  
Pineville, North Carolina 28134  
Tel.: +1 704 971 1240  
9560 Hadsund  
Tel.: +45 7218 2100  
Fax: +45 7218 2105  
Nilfisk-Advance Sp. Z.O.O.  
05-800 Pruszków  
Fax: +1 704 971 1241  
ul. 3-go MAJA 8  
Nilfisk-ALTO Food division  
Division of Nilfisk-Advance A/S  
Blytækkervej 2  
Tel.: +48 22 738 37 50  
Fax: +48 22 738 37 51  
Nilfisk-Advance Representative Office  
No. 46 Doc Ngu Str.  
Ba Dinh Dist.  
9000 Aalborg  
Tel.: +45 7218 2100  
Fax: +45 7218 2099  
Tel.: +84 4 761 5642  
Fax: +84 4 761 5643  
E-mail: nilfi[email protected]  
126486032 (01.2007)  

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