Newcon Optik Binoculars PHANTOM 20 User Manual

Read prior to activation  
Operation Manual  
You have just purchased a complicated electronic device. To  
operate it properly, please read this manual carefully. Here are  
some common precautions that must be noted.  
NEVER subject the unit to impact while operating or  
being transported  
NEVER aim the unit at the sun  
NEVER measure ranges to mirror reflecting surfaces  
NEVER touch optical surfaces with fingers  
NEVER operate the range finder unless optical surfaces  
LRB 20 000  
are free from dirt and condensed moisture  
NEVER transport the unit without the case  
NEVER disassemble the unit. This device contains high  
voltage components, which may be hazardous to you!  
NEVER reverse the polarity of a battery  
ALWAYS remove batteries when not in use for a long  
In USA: 3310 Prospect Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115  
In Canada: 1183 Finch Ave. W., Suite 302, Toronto, ON M3J 2G2 Canada  
ALWAYS store in a warm dry place when not in use  
The following abbreviations are used herein:  
- Inspect the range finder exterior for physical damage (no  
cracks, dents, deep rust are admitted);  
AC ckt – automatic control circuit,  
- Check the dehydrator for working condition.  
If the silica gel is pink in color, replace it with the new one  
taken from individual SPTA set (item 11.6.3);  
- Place the battery in operation as directed in Section 16 of  
Operating instructions.  
– Angular Mount,  
– charging device,  
DCC – direct current converter,  
ER "0" – zero elevation reference,  
F ckt – firing circuit,  
(The Rechargeable battery is supplied uncharged).  
To secure trouble-free operation of the range finder:  
- Be prompt in replacing the Rechargeable battery by freshly  
charged when the red LED in the left-hand eyepiece of the range finder  
starts to illuminate;  
- Keep the range finder dry at all times especially in the cold  
season of the year;  
- After exposure to subzero temperatures keep the range finder  
at room temperature for at least two hours before unpacking and then  
mop up the condensed moisture;  
- While operating the range finder at temperatures above 35˚ C  
and exposing to direct sunrays, attach cover AEP 42.63.021 taken from  
individual SPTA set to keep away sunlight. Moistening the cover with  
water is permitted to cool off the range finder.  
IDA – information display assembly,  
– observation post,  
– protective device,  
PhD – photodetector (assembly),  
SB – Rechargeable battery,  
SPTA – spare parts, tools and accessories,  
TSGC – time sensitivity gain control,  
– time-interval counter.  
After replacement of emitter and (or) control circuit board make entries  
in Section 4 of Operating instructions as to their new serial numbers  
and basic characteristics.  
2.1. Binoculars range finder LRB 20 000 AEP 36.28.001  
Rated and  
tolerable value  
Actual value  
is a device of industrial-technical purpose and designed for  
ground surveillance, observation of individual targets and  
1. Binocular magnification  
2. Binocular angle of vision  
3. Range measurement limits, m  
4. Measurement error, m, max  
5. Angle measurement range,  
mils, min  
100 to 20,000  
2.2. The range finder complete with the Angular Mount  
is designed for referencing ground location point by the  
predetermined landmark coordinates and is capable of:  
- measuring horizontal angles and magnetic azimuths:  
- measuring vertical angles and angles of elevation;  
- determination of target and landmark polar coordinates;  
- polar-to-rectangular landmark and target coordinate  
conversion and determination of the OP and target coordinates  
from the predetermined landmark coordinates.  
2.3. The range finder may find application in geological  
and engineering survey, repair works, maritime navigation,  
meteorology and tourism.  
2.4. The range finder is operable in the temperature  
range between –40 and +50˚ C, relative air humidity of up to  
98% (as taken at 35˚ C), air pressure of 61 kPa (460 mm Hg)  
minimum, and in the sea mist conditions.  
- in azimuth  
- in elevation  
± 5.00  
6. Supply voltage to generate  
“Low Battery”light warning  
circuit operation, V  
7. Time of preparation for range  
measurement upon depressure  
of MEASURE button, s, max  
8. Range information memory  
storage time, s  
9. Capacity of pumping capaci-  
tors, µF  
10. Compass correction, mils  
11. Mass, kg, max  
3 to 5  
18 to 22  
2.5. Power to the range finder is supplied from  
rechargeable battery 10 D-0b55С-1. It may also be powered  
from a vehicle electrical system providing (27±2.7) V, or non-  
12. Overall dimensions, mm, max  
13. In-service operating life,  
measurements, minimum  
rechargeable battery producing 12 to 14.5 or 22 to  
29 V.  
Table 4.1  
Ambient temperature  
1. Range finder  
2. Tripod (optional)  
3. Angular Mount  
4. Rechargeable  
AEP 41.46.712  
G 42.14.067  
–40˚ C  
50˚ C  
1. Minimum operating pumping  
voltage U , V, max  
2. Maximum operating pumping  
voltage U , V, max  
5. Fuse link VP1-1  
1,0 A 250 V  
6. Sealing ring  
7. Framed lens  
8. Membrane  
9. Eye shield  
3. Pumping voltage temperature  
coefficient ТКН , V/˚C  
G 68.79.193-02  
G 44.21.885  
AEP 75.48.092  
G 47.92.131  
4. Capacity of storage capaci-  
tors C of emitter test set, F  
11. Pencil TM, M, CT, T  
13. Synthesized fibre  
brush KXOOK No. 7  
14. Coordinate converter  
AEP 73.54.031  
AEP 87.61.505  
Ambient temperature, ˚ C  
Pumping voltage U  
, V  
Normal conditions  
G 42.41.211  
AEP 48.44.037  
AEP 48.44.038  
AEP 48.44.039 AEP  
Table 4.1, continued  
19. Cable  
20. Eraser  
21. Cloth  
22. Charging device  
23. Protection device  
5.1. As it is set up for operation, binoculars range finder LRB 20  
000 (see Fig.1) is essentially range finder 1 mounted on Angular Mount  
2 . The latter is mounted on tripod 3.  
5.1.1. Range finder (Fig.2) is intended for terrain observation and  
measuring the distance to the closest or next-in range target caught in  
the beam.  
AEP 48.44.120  
AEP 43.79.608  
AEP 43.79.607  
The range finder works on the principle of measuring the light  
pulse round-trip time.  
The measurement result is displayed in meters on digital range  
indicator and also stored in the computer in binary code for further  
24. Silica gel, indicating  
GOST 8984-75  
50 g  
The schematic circuit diagram of range finder (Fig.3) shows  
Rechargeable battery designated (G1), controls designated (S1- S4),  
pumping and firing elements (ref. designations C1-C3, E1, L1, T1, V1-  
V2), control circuit board (A1), display circuit board (A2), counter  
circuit board (A3), and photodetector assembly (A4).  
Toggle switch S1 is operated to energize the range finder, and  
toggle switch S4 – to light up the light-emitting diode (LED) H1 which  
illuminates the reticule pattern.  
Button switches S2 and S3 labeled (MEASURE 1) and  
(MEASURE L) respectively are used to prepare the range finder for  
taking a measurement (by depressing one of those buttons), and to  
perform the measuring operation (for which the button is released).  
Button S2 is operated to range the closest target, whereas  
button S3 is used to engage the next-in-range target caught in the beam.  
25. Package  
26. Package  
27. Package  
28. Casing  
29. Casing  
30. Cover  
AEP 42.86.186  
AEP 42.83.368  
AEP 42.86.184  
G 42.62.345  
AEP 45.71.018  
AEP 42.63.021  
AEP 42.63.030  
G 42.63.332  
31. Cover  
32. Cover  
33. Operating  
AEP 36.28.001 РE  
Connector X1 couples the controls and the Rechargeable battery  
to control circuit board (A1).  
To lay the range finder accurately on the target, adjustment  
knobs 1 and 7 are rotated. To coarsely lay the range finder, it is turned  
through the desired angle. For the purpose, normally engaged clutches are  
provided in the elevation and azimuth drives.  
The angles are read on azimuth circle 14 and scale 5, with  
verniers provided to make it accurate to 1/10 of a division.  
Lenses 6 and 10 also contribute to the reading convenience and  
accuracy. Azimuth circle 14 may be set to zero with knob 11 locked in this  
position. The horizontal adjustments are made on the Angular Mount by  
using level 13, and the magnetic meridian orientation is achieved by the  
use of compass 8.  
The range finder is fitted on to the guides of bracket 3 of the AI,  
and secured thereon by means of lever 2. The clamping assembly allows  
adjustment of retainer 4 by rotation of nuts 9.  
C1 and C2 are energy storage capacitors placed in the pumping  
circuit. They are charged up to 700-1000 V through a special contact  
designated A on control circuit board A1. Capacitor C3 and diodes V1, V2  
are placed in the pumping circuit to prevent RF oscillations or reversal of  
the voltage polarity across capacitors C1, C2. E1 – is a pumping flashtube.  
Transformer T1 produces 10-15 kV firing voltage pulses to be fed to tube  
E1. For the purpose, the primary winding of the transformer is furnished  
with a negative voltage of 130 to 185 V fed from control circuit board A1.  
The flashtube is externally fired, that is, the firing voltage pulse is fed to  
the metal-clad envelope of the tube E1.  
On circuit board A1 are mounted the DCC, AC ckt, power  
supplies of the TIC and PhD assembly, and one circuit to analyze the  
battery charge.  
The AI is installed on the tripod through the use of ball mount 12.  
5.1.3. The tripod mount (Fig.5) is designed to adjust the height of the range  
finder and Angular Mount as required for the particular lay of the ground.  
The tripod consists of three telescoping legs 3 whose top sections are  
assembled with one common base 2. Each leg may be deflected through the  
angle desired relative to the base. Mounting head 1 is provided  
on the base to fasten the AI. Retracting or extending the moving section  
adjusts the length of each leg. For the purpose, collet nut 4 is first loosened.  
On counter circuit board (A3) are arranged the counting-logic  
circuit of the TIC and the TSGC of the PhD assembly.  
A2 is the information display assembly board. Arranged thereon  
is the indicating circuit of the TIC: digital range indicator, multiple target  
indicator, outgoing pulse absence indicator, ranging readiness indicator  
(green) and battery discharged condition indicator (red). Through display  
circuit board A2 control signals and supply voltages are fed from control  
circuit board A1 to circuit board A3 and to the PhD assembly.  
Circuit boards A1, A2 and A3 are connector-coupled with the  
PhD assembly.  
In the bottom portion of the head is a stay block designed to  
secure the AI on a log, a stump of a tree or any such piece of wood suitable  
for the job.  
Plug X2 couples the cable of the remote control set to receive  
range data in binary code.  
5.1.2. Angular Mount (Fig. 4) is intended for mounting range finder on a  
tripod, to lay the range finder on the target and to read the azimuth and  
elevation. The Angular Mount (AI) is essentially body 15, which incloses  
the elevation, and azimuth worm gear drives.  
- Direct radiation to diffuse-reflecting surfaces (walls, curtains,  
papers), which are nearer to range finder than 0.43 m;  
- Inspect the range finder optical components on the housing side  
with MEASURE 1 or MEASURE L button depressed.  
6.1. Range finder is an opto-electronic device emitting high-  
density pulses of dark light at wavelength of 1.06 µm, characterized by  
the following dangerous factors according to GOST 12.1. 040-83:  
- direct laser radiation;  
6.3. Persons who happen to be in a dangerous zone of laser  
radiation due to production necessary must put on goggles ZН22-72-  
СZС-22-6 GOST 12.4.013-75 or ОZP for eyes protection.  
- mirror-reflected laser radiation;  
- diffuse-reflected laser radiation.  
Direct and mirror-reflected laser radiation of range finder is  
dangerous for eyes at 1700 m distance from range finder when  
observing with the naked eye.  
Diffuse-reflected laser radiation is dangerous at 0.43 m  
distance from reflecting surface.  
When observing laser radiation through optical devices these  
distances increase according to optical device magnification ratio.  
Laser radiant energy density at the outlet of range finder  
exceeds permissible level for skin on 16% and when decreasing it  
reaches permissible level at 3.77 m distance from range finder.  
6.4. Admitted to work with the range finder are the following  
- Those who reached the age of 18 years old and have no  
medical contra-indications on operation with laser emission;  
- Instructed on and having studied safe methods of operation  
with the range finder according to safety rules;  
- Appointed responsible for safe operation of the range finder  
by order of the leader of organization where the range finder is used.  
6.5. Generated in assemblies and units of the range finder  
during its operation is life-hazardous high voltage.  
6.2. According to the degree of laser radiation danger the  
range finder pertains to third class laser by GOST 12.1.040-83.  
NEVER disassemble the range finder with the power cut in.  
Repair the range finder only in specialized shop.  
- Binocular switched-on range finder on the friendly personnel and  
- Measure distance through window and door glasses;  
- Measure distance to mirror-reflecting surfaces (mirrors, car and  
building windows, optical components, grinded and polished  
surfaces), which are nearer to range finder than 1700 m;  
6.6. Between operation periods, be sure to cover the range  
finder objective lens with special cap fastened to its housing.  
6.7. The persons operating the range finder should be  
instructed on methods of giving first medical aid when laser emission  
affects eyes and skin.  
7.4. To use AI and tripod for observation, proceed as follows:  
Arrange the tripod on selected site;  
7.1. Choose an observation post.  
7.2. Rotate the objective frame to bring the reticule in sharp focus.  
7.3. Check range finder for proper operation:  
Extend the telescoping legs at the desired length so that one of  
them aligns with the ranging direction. Level the base as far as  
- Battery voltage;  
- The range finder for proper functioning.  
In case you do not use the tripod proceed as follows:  
unscrew the ball-mount seat from the tripod base;  
fit the stay block on to the wooden object and tighten it up pressing  
7.3.1. To analyze the battery voltage, set the ON-OFF selector switch to  
the ON position and check if the Low Battery indicator glows red in the  
left-hand eyepiece. If it does, replace the battery.  
7.3.2. To check the range finder for proper functioning, proceed as  
The AI is installed and leveled through the use of ball-mount by  
turning AI in ball-mount seat and putting the level bubble into the  
center of ring marks.  
Secure AI by clamp.  
- Binocular the range finder on the target;  
- set the ON-OFF selector switch to ON;  
- depress the MEASURE 1 button;  
Sliding the range finder along the AI bracket guides, fit the AI  
clamp into the T-shaped opening in the range finder bracket, and  
turn the handle of the clamp to lock the range finder in position.  
- as the readiness indicator comes on, release the MEASURE 1  
button and read the measured range;  
- compare the range measurement result with the actual  
The range finder is in good working order if the range measurement is  
accurate to 5 m.  
7.5. Use the AI compass or the reference directional angle to align the  
range finder with the base line.  
7.5.1. To align the range finder with the base line, proceed as follows:  
find the base reference (BR) from the formula:  
BR = α base α ref ± 30.00’  
If no precise target range is available, the range finder is checked for  
proper functioning by measuring the range three times on the same  
target. The range finder is functioning properly if the measurements  
differ within a maximum of 5 m. In the absence of the returned signal,  
zeroes are displayed in all the digit positions of the range indicator  
(00000). In the absence of the outgoing pulse, zeroes are displayed in  
all the digit positions and the decimal point, in the third position.  
Where α base is the base line directional angle;  
α ref is the directional angle of the given reference line;  
Binocular the range finder on the reference point;  
rotate the azimuth dial to align the base reference value read  
thereon with the venire zero. Now, the range finder is aligned with the  
base line within 30.00 mils;  
turn the clamping handle to lock the azimuth dial in position.  
ER "0" is the setting of the elevation scale that corresponds to the  
horizontal position of the range finder Binocular axis.  
7.6.1. To check the zero elevation reference, proceed as follows:  
7.5.2. To orient the range finder by using the reference directional  
angle, proceed as follows:  
Binocular the range finder on the reference point whose  
directional angle has been known;  
Stick a stake 50 to 100 m away from the unit and mark it with the  
range finder objective height above the ground level;  
Binocular the reticule cross-hairs on the stake to read the tilt angle  
Swap the range finder and stake positions, and apply another mark  
to the stake in accordance with the new height of the range finder  
rotate the azimuth dial to set the reference directional angle;  
turn the clamping handle to lock the azimuth dial in position.  
With the range finder thus oriented, the measurements are taken from  
the location point relative to the directional angle of the object  
(reference object).  
7.5.3. For the magnetic orientation of the range finder, proceed as  
Binocular the cross-hairs on the new mark of the stake and read  
again the tilt angle (A2);  
Find the ER "0" from the formula:  
Unscrew the plunger knob all the way out to release the  
magnetic needle of the compass;  
Turn the AI about the vertical axis to obtain precise  
alignment of the index mark of the circle with the magnetic  
Operate the azimuth dial to set the magnetic azimuth index  
correction as specified in Section "Basic Specifications" 4 of  
the present Operating instructions.  
A1 + A2  
ER "0" = ————,  
The A1 and A2 values are reckoned in with their respective signs.  
If the ER "0" value is other than zero, the respective correction is to be  
taken into account while operating the range finder. The error value is  
subtracted from the elevation measurement if on the positive side, and  
added if negative.  
7.6.2. To check compass, set up the AI for operation. Then, check the  
sensitivity and balance of the needle.  
For the purpose proceed as follows:  
When using the compass to orient the range finder, bear it in mind that  
the nearby objects of iron or steel affect the indexing accuracy of the  
magnetic needle. See that motor vehicles, bulldozers and such like  
objects are at least 10 m away, medium-size objects (pick hammers,  
crows, etc.) are at least 0.5 m away, and small-size things (flash-light,  
knife, screwdriver, etc.) are 20 cm away from the instrument.  
7.6. To check the range finder for proper operation when using the AI  
and the tripod:  
Level the AI;  
Encage the needle;  
Unbalance the needle by using a knife, screwdriver and the like.  
Check the AI zero elevation reference (ER "0");  
Check the AI compass.  
To make sure that the needle is free from defects, check that:  
8.3. When ranging fixed targets, proceed as follows:  
The needle oscillates in a smooth and uniform manner to regain  
The position of the needle end is the same relative to the mark when  
the needle settles;  
set the ON-OFF selector switch to the ON position;  
lay the range finder on the target so that the latter, or its visible  
portion is observed in the central gap of the reticule as close as  
possible to its center, and the screening objects (that is, bushes,  
trees, terrain elevations, buildings and such like closer-range  
features located near the target or partially masking it) are beyond  
the gap.  
The needle ends are level with the marked plates within ± 0.5 mm.  
The compass needs triple checking. If even a single requirement is not  
satisfied, turn in the AI for repair.  
7.7. After the check set the controls to their initial positions, namely:  
- The ON-OFF and ILLUM. selector switches, to the OFF position.  
When aiming the range finder at open-ground targets, see the target in  
the lower portion of the gap, touching the bottom mark of the reticule;  
depress the MEASURE 1 button, wait until the readiness  
indicator comes on and release the button taking care not to upset  
the aiming;  
8.1. The range finder is designed to:  
read the measured range.  
- survey the ground;  
- range fixed targets;  
- range moving targets;  
The measured value is displayed in the range indicator for 3 to 5  
With several targets being on beam of the range finder (that is,  
observed in the reticule gap), the decimal point is displayed in the least  
significant digit position of the range indicator. In this event, the range  
finder may be used as aimed, to range the first or the last target by  
depressing the MEASURE 1 or MEASURE L button respectively.  
If practicable, repeat the target ranging once or twice. If the obtained  
range is correct, at least two results will not differ by more than 5 m.  
8.4. To range a moving target, proceed as follows:  
- take azimuth and magnetic azimuth measurements;  
- take elevation and vertical angle measurements;  
- find polar coordinates of targets and reference objects;  
- convert the polar coordinates of the target and reference  
object into rectangular coordinates, and find the target and observation  
post coordinates from the predetermined reference coordinates.  
8.2. To use the range finder for ground surveillance, proceed as  
Observing the target through the Binocular eyepiece, aim the  
range finder to track the target in elevation and azimuth;  
depress the MEASURE 1 button (or MEASURE L button, when  
engaging the last-in-range target);  
gripping the range finder with both hands, Binocular it coarsely in  
azimuth and elevation on the objects to be observed;  
mount the range finder on the AI and rotate the azimuth and  
elevation knobs to smoothly scan the ground or lay the range  
finder on the target (reference object).  
8.6. To measure vertical and elevation angles, proceed as follows:  
As the readiness indicator comes on, aim the range finder at an  
off-set point forward of the target;  
As the target aligns with he reticule gap, release the MEASURE 1  
(MEASURE L) button;  
Align the horizontal mark of the range finder Binocular reticule  
with the upper object;  
Read the vertical angle scale using the vernier and note down the  
Rotate the azimuth and elevation knobs to align the horizontal  
mark of the reticule with the lower object and read the scale  
Read the measured range.  
8.5. To take azimuth and magnetic azimuth measurements, proceed as  
Align the vertical mark of the Binocular objective reticule with  
the right-hand object;  
Read and note down the azimuth dial indication accurate to 1/10  
of a division on the vernier;  
Align the vertical mark of the reticule with the left-hand object  
and read the angle again;  
Determine the measured angle.  
Determine the vertical angle by subtracting the smaller value  
from the greater one if both have the same sign (are of the same  
color), or by adding them, if the signs are opposite.  
The elevation is measured with reference to the Binocular axis of the  
range finder. Hence, the range finder should be thoroughly leveled  
before taking the elevation measurements.  
Vertical angles up to 0.80 mils and elevation angles falling  
within ± 0.40 mils may be read off the reticule with a maximum  
accuracy of 0.05 mils.  
Measure the angle by subtracting the latter value from the former one.  
Add 60.00 mils to the former value if exceeded by the latter one.  
During the magnetic orientation of the range finder, the angles  
read off the azimuth dial are the magnetic azimuth values (bearings) of  
the target (or reference object).  
The magnetic azimuth correction is to be inserted (see under  
If the measurement has to be precise, take 3 or 4 angle  
measurements to calculate the mean value. After each measurement of  
the magnetic azimuth value (bearing), upset the range finder orientation  
and change the azimuth dial reading.  
8.7. To determine the polar coordinates, proceed as follows:  
Use the compass to orient the Angular Mount as directed under  
Binocular the range finder on the object;  
Read the azimuth of the object;  
Range the object as directed under 9.3.  
8.8. To convert the polar coordinates into rectangular coordinates,  
proceed as follows:  
Remove the coordinate converter from the case;  
Release the clamp and detach the rule from the reverse side of the  
plotting board;  
An azimuth or magnetic azimuth measuring under 0.80 mils  
may be read off the reticule with a maximum accuracy of 0.05 mils  
(small division value of the reticule is 0.05 mils, large division value is  
0.10 mils).  
Determine the polar coordinates of the reference point and the  
target as directed under 9.7 and note them down on the plotting  
board or a special card;  
- Calculate from the determined magnetic azimuth Am of the  
reference point and the target to find the directional angles, reckoning  
in the compass correction A obtained from the formula:  
Adjust the circular to read the directional angle as determined for  
the target from observation post;  
Pass a vertical line from bottom upward through the OP point in  
parallel with the grid lines on the circular scale;  
Use the rule to lay off the OP- to-target range on the drawn line.  
Mark the target location with a dot and symbol;  
Setting the circular scale to zero, read the target and OP  
rectangular coordinates off the board. Note down the coordinates  
on the board or card;  
α = Am Am  
Read the compass correction Am of the map;  
Note down the reference point target directional angles on the  
plotting board of card;  
Mark numbers of the plotting board with respect to the selected  
scale (1:25, 000 or 1:50,000) and the reference point, observation  
post and target location;  
Plot the target on the map using the obtained rectangular  
8.9. When using the range finder under the conditions of insufficient  
light set the ILLUM. Selector switches to ON the range finder.  
Read the rectangular coordinates of the reference point from the  
map and note them down on the plotting board or card;  
Align the circular scale zero of the plotting board with vernier  
Use the reference grid of the plotting board to plot the reference  
point on the circular scale in accordance with the map  
8.10. A necessity may arise to range a target located against an intense  
background (bright sky, sunlit snow or sand, etc.) In this case, the left-  
hand eyepiece may indicate as if more than one target is caught in the  
beam, and the range indications may differ every time that MEASURE  
L button is depressed. To eliminate the adverse back ground effects, the  
frame of the Binocular objective should be fitted with the diaphragm 22  
(Fig. 6) secured by means of a pin and rubber clamp on the case over.  
The diaphragm is not to be used at critical subzero  
temperature, in mist and limited visibility conditions.  
Set the circular scale of the board to read the directional angle as  
determined for the reference point from the observation post;  
Draw a vertical line from top downwards through the reference  
point marked on the circular scale. See that the line is parallel  
with the grid lines;  
Use the rule to lay off the OP-to-reference point range on the  
drawn line. Mark the obtained OP location point on the circular  
The principal tests to be performed on the range finder are listed below.  
Table 9.1  
Table 9.1, continued  
Technical requirement  
What is checked, tools, instruments,  
equipment. Test procedure  
What is checked, tools, instruments,  
Technical requirement  
equipment. Test procedure  
9. Sensitivity, indexing uniformity Turn in unit for repair if even a  
and balance of magnetic needle. single requirement of 8.6.2. is  
1. Range finder completeness  
2. Range finder exterior  
Range finder is complete with all  
components listed in Section 5  
Proceed as under 8.6.2.  
not satisfied  
Exterior surfaces are clean and free  
from cracks, dents and rust  
10. AI azimuth and elevation If necessary, tighten bushings on  
3.Exterior of range finder optical Optical surfaces are free from  
parts (to be checked visually). Make cracks, scratches, chips, dirt, grease  
adjustment knobs for play  
knob end faces to eliminate play  
sure the unit is off!  
stains (on exterior) and condensed  
moisture (inside)  
4. Dehydrator case of range finder ( to Silica gel is bluish in colour  
be checked visually)  
5.Battery voltage. Proceed as directed Red glow not observed in left  
10.1. Maintenance Organization and Procedure. General  
under 8.3.1.  
eyepiece of range finder  
10.1.1. This Section deals with the maintenance services  
prescribed for the range finder, excepting the battery servicing  
procedure. For the latter procedure, refer to Section 16.  
10.1.2. The range finder is serviced to ensure its operability  
and readiness for operation.  
The range finder is subject to timely full-scope servicing,  
unless premature wear should occur resulting in shorter periods  
between repairs.  
6. Illumination of range finder Binocular Binocular reticule is illuminated  
reticule. Check that front cover is  
closed on range finder and set ILLUM.  
selector switch to ON  
7.Functioning of range finder. Proceed Measurement results are within 5 m  
as directed under 8.3.2.  
of predetermined range or on  
another ER “O” error determined for  
vertical angle scale is to be  
reckoned in while measuring target  
8. Setting of zero elevation reference  
(ER “0”). Proceed as under 8.6.1.  
10.1.3. While preparing for and caring out the maintenance  
services, observe the safety precautions as outlined in Section 6.  
10.2. Maintenance Service Types and Intervals.  
10.2.1. While in use, the range finder is subject to the  
following types of maintenance services:  
Table 10.1  
Materials, tools and  
Lens Brush KXOOK No. 7  
(made from synthetic fibre)  
Absorbent optical cotton  
Procedure as  
- Check inspection;  
- Daily (routine) service;  
- In-service maintenance.  
1. Cleaning external  
10.2.2. The same servicing intervals are established for  
the component parts and the entire range finder.  
Check inspection is carried out before using the range  
Daily servicing is performed after use. If the range finder  
is out of operation the servicing within daily scope may be  
abridged to biweekly visual inspection of the dehydrator  
condition and, if need be, replacement of the silica gel and  
charging of the rechargeable battery.  
In-service maintenance is performed every six months  
and before placing the range finder in short-term storage.  
10.3. Check Inspection.  
10.3.1. During the check inspection is ascertained the  
serviceable condition of the range finder as directed in Steps 1  
through 7 in Table 10.1.  
(when so required)  
2.Charging of  
battery (when so  
Section 16  
10.4. Daily Servicing.  
10.4.1. During the daily servicing, the range finder is  
checked for serviceable condition in accordance with Steps 1  
through 10 of Table 10.1.  
10.4.2. For the daily servicing scope see Table 10.2.  
10.3.2. The check inspection scope is outlined in Table  
Table 10.2  
10.5. In-service Maintenance.  
Procedure as per Materials, tools and accessories  
10.5.1. During in-service maintenance, the range finger is  
checked for serviceable condition in accordance with Steps 1 through  
10 of Table 9.1.  
As in Table 11.1 As in Table 11.1  
1. Servicing within  
check inspection  
2. Cleaning range  
finder to remove  
Dust, dirt and  
10.5.2.The unit is not to be dismantled during in-service  
10.5.3. For the servicing scope, refer to Table 10.3.  
Table 10.3.  
3. Touching up pain-  
ted exterior of  
range finder (when  
so required)  
4. Drying and repair  
of straps (when so  
5. Replacing silica  
gel (when so re-  
6. Replacing defective  
Components with  
spares to be taken  
from individual  
SPTA set  
Brush, painting Enamel, grade  
GF-1426, GOST 6745-79  
Procedure as per Materials, tools and accessories  
1. Servicing within As in Table As in Table 10.2.  
daily scope 10.2.  
2. Cleaning contacts Para 10.6.1.  
of charging  
Absorbent optical cotton,  
Para. 11.6.3  
Para. 12.3  
Silica gel, indicating GOST  
8984-75, metal vessel  
device, protection  
device, wires and  
battery section  
Individual SPTA set  
3. Repair of packing  
case (when so  
Equipment, appliances and  
tools available in repair shop  
7. Tightening sleeves  
on knob end faces  
10.5.4. During in-service maintenance, the cycle life of the  
range finder may not be spent by more than10 measurements.  
Table 10.1,  
10.6. Maintenance Servicing Procedure.  
10.6.1. To clean the contacts in the battery section, do the  
- remove the moist silica gel from the case and fill the case  
with the fresh one.  
Moist silica gel may be subjected to multiple recalculation at  
(120±3)˚ C without any deterioration of its properties. Using a  
microwave oven is allowed.  
- Wind some cotton wool around one end of a wooden stick;  
- Moisten the cotton wool with alcohol;  
- Wipe the contacts several times by means of cotton wool  
moistened with alcohol.  
To recalculate the silica gel, proceed as follows:  
- Place the silica gel in a clean metal vessel;  
10.6.2. To remove dust and dirt from the optical surfaces, use  
the brush 23 and clean cloth 7 supplied in the individual SPTA set (see  
Fig. 6).  
- Place the vessel on the heat source providing heating up to  
(120±3) ˚ C. Measure the temperature directly on the silica gel;  
- See the silica gel changing its colour.  
To remove greasy stains from the optical surfaces, do the  
The silica gel is dry and good for use when it turn bluish from  
pink. When heating up, keep the silica gel away from open flames.  
- Wind some cotton wool around one end a wooden stick;  
- Moisten the cotton wool with an alcohol and ether mixture  
(1:1) and gently shake the stick to remove excess mixture;  
- Wipe the glass surface several times with the cotton wool,  
avoiding contact with the frame;  
- Change the cotton wool and move the stick end spiral style  
from the center towards the periphery to wipe the surface clean;  
- While cleaning, see that the mixture does not stain the frame,  
for it may dissolve the sealing mastic, causing leakage or ungluing of  
the lenses.  
11.1. Observing malfunctioning of the range finder or its  
components, proceed to check that:  
- The range finder is properly set up;  
- The controls have been operated in the proper succession;  
- The optical parts are free from dust, dirt and oil stains on the  
10.6.3. The dehydrator case should be filled with fresh silica  
gel in a closed room. Under the field conditions, replace the silica gel  
when the weather is dry and calm. Never keep the case with fresh silica  
gel open for more than 1 or 2 minutes.  
- The battery is charged.  
To change the silica gel, proceed as follows:  
- Prepare fresh silica gel 13 (see Fig. 6);  
- Unscrew the cover of the dehydrator case by means of  
wrench 9 (Fig. 6);  
11.2. The problems likely to occur in the range finder are  
listed with their causes and remedies below in Table 11.1  
11.3. To correct problems by using the individual SPTA set  
proceed as follows (see Fig. 6).  
Table 11.1  
11.3.1. To replace the fuse link 2 in the protection device:  
- Unscrew the threaded cover from the housing of the  
protection device;  
Possible problems  
Probable cause  
- Remove the defective fuse link;  
- Insert the spare fuse link from the SPTA set;  
- Screw the cover on the housing of the protection device.  
11.3.2. To replace the rechargeable battery 1:  
- Open the cover of the battery section;  
1. Picture blurred  
in right-hand  
Condensed moisture, Clean exterior of optical  
external parts as directed under  
surfaces 11.6.2  
Condensed moisture Dry range finder as  
on internal optical directed under 11.6.3  
- Remove the used battery;  
- Fit the new battery in the section so that the "+" terminal of  
the battery is connected with the bottom contact of the section;  
- Close the cover of the battery section.  
2. Readiness indica-  
tor remains dark  
after depressure of  
in Clean  
battery section (when directed under 11.6.1  
standard battery is  
11.3.3. To replace the fuse link in the charging device:  
- Unscrew the outer threaded covers from the fuses;  
- Unscrew the bayonet of the fuse link holders;  
- Remove the fuse links;  
- Fit in good fuse links;  
- Close the holder covers;  
- Screw on the outer threaded covers.  
11.3.4. The individual SPTA set includes the following tools  
and accessories:  
in Replace fuse as directed  
device under 12.3.1  
electrical system is  
battery section when directed under 11.6.1  
vehicle electrical  
system is used  
3. Red glow is obser- Unallowably  
in Clean  
- Charging device 11, operated to charge Rechargeable battery  
10D-0, 55С-1 from a vehicle electrical system (27±2.7) V DC or 22-29  
V and from a commercial line 220 V 50 Hz;  
low Replace the battery with  
a newly charged one as  
directed under 12.3.2  
ved in indicator  
battery voltage  
- Protection device 12, used to supply the range finder with  
(27±2.7) V DC or 22-29 V from a vehicle electrical system, or with 22-  
29 V or 12-14.5 V from external batteries;  
- Cable 14, used to couple the protection device to the  
electrical system of a track-laying vehicle;  
- Cable 15, used to connect the protection device to external  
Rechargeable battery type 6CT70 (or analogous);  
- Cable 16, used to connect the protection device or charging  
device to the electrical system of a wheeled truck;  
- Cable 17, used to couple the charging device to a mains of  
220 V 50 Hz;  
To preserve the range finder, proceed as follows:  
Cap the range finder connectors by paper and tie a cord round;  
Coat the range finder bright work with grease GОI-54P GOST  
Pack up all range finder components in metallic package;  
Secure all locks and hinges of package and with grease GОI-  
Pack up the tripod in recess on package cover and fasten by belt;  
Insert range finder unit into polyethylene bag;  
Insert the sack with silica gel into the bag and weld it.  
- Cable 18, used to couple the protection device to external  
battery type 21NКBN-3, 5;  
- Pencil 3 and eraser 8, used while working with the map and  
coordinate converter;  
- Coordinate converter 10, used for polar-to-rectangular  
coordinate conversion, reference location of the observation post and  
orientation of the range finder;  
13.1. The range finder is stored in closed rooms specially  
equipped to provide weather protection, i.e. , protection against  
atmospheric precipitation , solar effects, dust, sand, wind, sharp  
fluctuations of temperature and outside air humidity.  
- Sealing ring 4, used to seal battery section;  
- Eye shield 5, used to exclude incident light in the eyepiece;  
- Framed lens 6, used to contribute the angle reading  
convenience and accuracy when operating the AI;  
- Membrane 19, used to seal the MEASURE button assembly;  
- Cover 20, used to protect the range finder against direct sun  
- Cover 21, used to protect the Rechargeable battery against  
11.3.5. The individual SPTA set is stowed in packing case 4  
(Fig. 7).  
The storage room temperature is to be maintained between –  
40˚ C and +50˚ C and relative humidity of up to 98% taken at 35 ˚ C and  
below. Condensation of moisture is not to be tolerated.  
13.2. Each range finder unit in wooden package is kept on a  
wooden package is kept on a wooden rack or shelf with handle up.  
NEVER store the range finder on the floor near heaters.  
The range finders are arranged in the storage room so that  
steel and iron objects are at least 2 m away.  
To prevent demagnetizing of the needle, the latter should be  
aligned with the magnetic meridian.  
The spare Rechargeable battery, pencil, eraser, cloth and  
coordinate converter are stowed in the case.  
Arranging the packing case so that the arrow marked on  
top points North provides this.  
Charged batteries may be stored together with the range  
finder unit for up to three months.  
13.3. The range finder placed in short-term storage (up  
to 3 months) is subject to inspection as directed in Section 11.5  
and Long Term Storage as directed in Section 13.  
13.4. If the range finder is to be stored for over three  
months, discharge the batteries as directed in Section 16.  
15.1. The rechargeable battery is supplied in discharged  
15.2. While handling the battery, be certain to:  
- Avoid contact with any bare circuit components while  
charging the battery;  
- Strictly comply with the prescribed charging/discharging  
- Dismantle the battery;  
- Store the battery together with acids, or batteries using acids.  
15.3. The battery is subject to charging at an ambient  
temperature of (20±5) ˚ C.  
To charge the battery, do the following:  
- Unscrew the cover of the battery section on the charging  
- Place the battery in the section coupling the "+" terminal  
with the bottom contact of the section, and screw the cover on;  
- Couple the charging device to the power source using the  
appropriate cable (see in Section 11.3).  
15.3.1. The battery that has been stored in the discharged  
condition for a maximum of 28 days is to be charged for 15 hours. The  
toggle switches are placed in the CHARGE and MAIN positions on the  
charging device.  
14.1. The range finder unit is to be shipped in wooden  
package AEP 42.83.368. The range finder is shipped by any  
transport over distances unlimited in case it is protected from  
precipitation, spray and sun rays.  
14.2. Before transit, the range finder is closed down and  
all its components are secured in the metallic package AEP  
42.86.184 (Fig. 7). All locks and hinges of package and case are  
14.3. When carrying the range finder in a truck body,  
stow it in the front with the cover up and secure so as to prevent  
15.3.2. If the battery has been stored in the discharged  
condition for a time between 28 days and 3 months, it should be cycled  
as follows:  
- Charged as under 15.3.1;  
Discharged by setting the toggle switches to the  
15.3.4. The battery that has not been fully run down during the  
operation is to be discharged before recharging. To completely  
discharge the battery, set the toggle switches to the DISCHARGE and  
MAIN positions on the charging device and wait until the LED labeled  
DISCHARGED flashes on and off.  
DISCHARGE and MAIN positions until the DISCHARGED light  
emitting diode flashes on and off to indicate the discharged condition.  
Charge up the operating voltage for 15 hours as directed under 16.3.1.  
15.3.3. The battery that has been stored in the discharged  
condition for over 3 months is subject to two processing cycles before  
15.4. The in-service storage of the battery is permitted both in  
the charged and discharged conditions.  
Cycle 1  
The charged battery may be used without any preparatory  
processing if it has been stored for less than 28 days.  
If the battery has not been used on the expiry of 28 days, it  
should be discharged as directed under 15.3.4.  
Before use, the battery is to be charged as directed under  
15.3.1 through 15.3.3.  
Charging for 24 hours with the toggle switches set to the  
CHARGE and PREPARATORY positions on the charging device;  
Discharging with the toggle switches in the DISCHARGE and  
PREPARATORY positions, until the LED labeled DISCHARGED  
Cycle 2  
15.5. Before recharging the battery that has been used at  
subzero temperatures, keep it at (20±5) ˚ C for at least 12 hours. See the  
charging procedure under 15.3.4.  
Charging as directed under 15.3.1.;  
Discharging with the toggle switches set to the DISCHARGE  
and NAIN positions on the charging device, until flashing of the  
15.6. On charging the battery, do the following:  
- Deenergize the charging device;  
If the minimum discharging time is 5 hours, charge the battery  
up to the operating voltage as directed in 15.3.1.  
If the discharging time is between 5 and 3.5 hours, subject the  
battery to another Cycle 2 as directed in 15.3.3, then charges it up to the  
operating voltage as directed in 15.3.1.  
- Unscrew the cover of the battery section of the charging  
- Remove the battery;  
- Screw the cover on.  
With the discharging time under 3.5 hours, the battery is not to  
be used.  
The data on measured range is output to a remote display or  
computer across connector X2.  
To output the data, it is necessary to apply the supply voltage  
of 3 to 8 V from the equipment to be connected to the range finder to  
pin 9 of connector X2. The amplitude of the output signals will depend  
on the value of the supplied voltage.  
The measured range information is output in cycles by a  
binary decimal code through four data and three address buses  
according to Table 16.1.  
Binoculars range finder LRB 20 000 AEP 36.28.001,  
No. _____________________, is found fit for service.  
The signal on the beginning of the data output is brought to  
pin 8 of connector X2 in form of a positive pulse edge.  
Table 16.1  
Date of manufacture ____________________  
X2/7 X2/6  
X2/1, X2/2, X2/3, X2/4  
Ones of meters (0000 or 0101)  
Tens of meters (from 0000 to 1001)  
Hundreds of meters (from 0000 to 1001)  
Thousands of meters (from 0000 to 1001)  
Tens of thousands of meters (from 0000 to  
Stamp here  
Inspection department ___________________  
In each cycle, the digits of the binary decimal data code are  
brought to the pins of connector X2 according to the schematic circuit  
diagram of the range finder given in Fig.3.  
Binoculars range finder LRB 20 000 AEP 36.28.001,  
Serial No. __________________________, has been packed.  
Binoculars range finder LRB 20 000 AEP 36.28.001,  
Serial No. ___________________________, has been preserved.  
Date of packing ______________________  
Packed by __________________________  
Date of Long Term Storage ____________________  
Accepted after  
Stamp here  
Name and grade  
Of preservative_________________________  
Packing by __________________________  
Long Term Storage period _____________________  
Preserved by ___________________________  
Accepted after  
Stamp here  
Long Term Storage by ___________________________  
NEWCON OPTIK warrants this product against defects in  
material and workmanship for one year from the date of the  
original date of consumer's purchase, but no more than 18  
months from the date of manufacturing. Should your Newcon  
product prove defective during this period, please bring the  
product securely packaged in its original container or an  
equivalent, along with proof of the date of original purchase, to  
your Newcon Dealer. Newcon will repair (or at its option  
replace), the product or part thereof, which, on inspection by  
Newcon, is found to be defective in materials or workmanship.  
Should you experience any difficulties with your Newcon  
OPTIK product, consult the enclosed manual. If the problem  
remains unresolved, contact our customer support department at  
(416) 663-6963 or Toll free at 1-877-398-6666. Our operating  
hours are 9am-5pm, Monday - Friday, Standard East Time.  
At no time should equipment be sent back to Newcon without  
following the instructions of our technical support  
Newcon accepts no responsibility for unauthorized returns.  
What This Warranty Does Not Cover:  
NEWCON is not responsible for warranty service should the  
product fail to be properly maintained or fail to function properly  
as a result of misuse, abuse, improper installation, neglect,  
damage caused by disasters such as fire, flood, lightning,  
improper electrical current, or service other than by a NEWCON  
Authorized Service. Postage, insurance, or shipping costs  
incurred in presenting your NEWCON product for warranty  
service are your responsibility. Please include a check or money  
order made out to NEWCON OPTIK for the amount of $15.00 to  
cover shipping and handling. This covers products shipped in  
USA or Canada only.  
To locate NEWCON Authorized Dealer call:  
Tel: (416) 663-6963 Fax: (416) 663-9065  
The defective products should be shipped to:  
In USA: 3310 Prospect Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115  
In Canada: 1183 Finch Ave. W., Suite 302, Toronto, ON M3J 2G2  
From international:  
1183 Finch Ave. W., Suite 302, Toronto, ON M3J 2G2, CANADA  
Range finder (viewed on the side of eyepiece)  
Laser range finder binoculars LRB 20 000  
1 - housing; 2 -MEASURE 1 and MEASURE L buttons; 3 - belt; 4 - panel; 5  
- ILLUMINATION toggle switch lever; 6 - Binocular eyepiece; 7- screw; 8 -  
indicator eyepiece; 9 -plug МР-1; 10 - battery section cover; 11 - ON-OFF  
toggle switch lever  
Fig. 2  
1 - range finder; 2 - Angular Mount; 3 - tripod  
Fig. 1  
Tripod mount  
Angular Mount  
1 - adjustment knob; 2 - lever; 3 - bracket; 4 - retainer; 5 - scale; 6 - framed  
lens; 7- adjustment knob; 8 - compass; 9 - nut M8; 10 - framed lens; 11 - knob;  
12 - support; 13 - level УК-10; 14 – azimuth circle; 15 – body  
Fig. 4  
1 - mounting head; 2 - base; 3 - leg; 4 - nut  
Fig. 5  
Individual SPTA set  
1 - Rechargeable battery 10D-0, 55С-1; 2 - fuse link VP1-1 1,0А 250 V; 3 -  
pencil; 4 - sealing ring; 5 - eye shield; 6 - framed lens; 7 - cloth; 8 - eraser; 9  
- wrench; 10 - coordinate converter; 11 - charging device; 12 – protection  
device; 13 - indicating silica gel; 14 through 18 - cable; 19 - membrane; 20,  
21 - cover; 22 - diaphragm; 23 - brush КХООК No. 7 (made from synthetic  
1 - Angular Mount; 2 - cover; 3- Rechargeable battery 10D-0,55С-1; 4 -SPTA  
package; 5 -cover; 6 -cable; 7 -protection device; 8 - charging device; 9 -  
Operating instructions; 10 - range finder in case  
Fig. 6  
Binoculars range finder unit LRB 20 000  
in packing case AEP 42.86.184  

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